{ "common": { "download": "Download", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "GMSE01": "GMSE01 (NTSC-U)", "GMSJ01": "GMSJ01 (NTSC-J 1.0)", "GMSJ0A": "GMSJ01 (NTSC-J 1.1)", "GMSP01": "GMSP01 (PAL)" }, "headers": { "codelist": "Available Codes", "help": "Help", "stageloader": "Stage Loader" }, "codeinfo": { "author": "Author:", "authors": "Authors:", "version": "Version:" }, "generatorconfig": { "gameversion": { "label": "Game Version:", "placeholder": "Choose Version.." }, "usestageloader": "Use Stage Loader", "downloadformat": { "label": "Download Format:", "options": { "gct": "GCT", "dolphin": "Dolphin INI", "gcm": "CheatManager TXT" } } }, "landingpage": { "title": "Super Mario Sunshine Practice File Generator", "summary": "This is a cheatfile generator for Super Mario Sunshine speedrun practice. If this is your first time using the generator we highly recommend to check out the <a href='/guide.html' target='_blank'>guide</a> first. Visit the <a href='/guide.html#troubleshooting' target='_blank'>the troubleshooting section</a> if you encounter any issues.", "community": "The SMS Speedrunning Community", "links": { "discord": "Discord", "twitter": "Twitter: @SMSCommunity", "twitch": "Twitch: SunshineCommunity", "src": "Speedrun.com Leaderboards" } }, "stageloader": { "levelorder": { "label": "Level Order", "options": { "list": "As specified", "shuffle": "Random, no duplicates", "random": "Fully random" } }, "removedialogue": { "label": "Remove Dialogue:", "options": { "pv5": "Not in Pinna 5", "yes": "Always", "no": "Don't include" } }, "skippablefmvs": { "label": "Skippable FMVs:", "options": { "pp": "Not in Pinna", "yes": "Always", "no": "Don't include" } }, "postgame": { "label": "Post-Game:", "options": { "0F00": "Return to the title screen", "0109": "Load the flooded plaza", "0102": "Load post-Corona plaza", "3400": "Load Corona Montain", "3C00": "Load the Bowser fight" } }, "levelselectplaceholder": "Choose a level..", "loadpresetplaceholder": "Load a preset..", "route": "Route", "clear": "Clear List" }, "misc": { "defaulthelpmessage": "Select your codes from the list on the left." } }