{ "common": { "download": "Download", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "GMSE01": "GMSE01 (NTSC-U)", "GMSJ01": "GMSJ01 (NTSC-J 1.0)", "GMSJ0A": "GMSJ01 (NTSC-J 1.1)", "GMSP01": "GMSP01 (PAL)", "loadpresetplaceholder": "Load a preset..", "selectionreset": "This will reset your selection, continue?", "discard": "This will discard all your changes, continue?" }, "codeeditor": { "fields": { "title": { "label": "Title", "placeholder": "N/A" }, "value": { "label": "Gecko Code", "placeholder": "Your Gecko Code.." } }, "save": "Save" }, "headers": { "codelist": "Available Codes", "help": "Help", "stageloader": "Stage List Loader" }, "codeinfo": { "author": "Author:", "authors": "Authors:", "version": "Version:" }, "generatorconfig": { "gameversion": { "label": "Game Version:", "placeholder": "Choose Version.." }, "downloadformat": { "label": "Download Format:", "options": { "gct": "GCT", "dolphin": "Dolphin INI", "gcm": "CheatManager TXT", "gci": "GCI" } }, "alert": { "gct": "The generated GCT file size exceeds 5000 bytes ({size} bytes). All of the codes may not work when using this file on Nintendont.", "dolphin": "The total code size exceeds 3256 bytes ({size} bytes). All of the codes may not work when all of them are enabled on Dolphin. Try to disable some codes in that case." }, "categories": { "qol": "Quality of Life", "loader": "Loaders", "timer": "Timers", "misc": "Misc", "memcardpatch": "Memory Card Patches", "cosmetic": "Cosmetic", "custom": "Custom", "metadata": "Metadata Display" }, "presets": { "standard": "Standard", "recommended": "Recommended", "il": "IL Runs", "fap": "Fast Any%", "hfsetup": "Hacked File Setup" } }, "landingpage": { "title": "Super Mario Sunshine Practice File Generator", "summary": "This is a cheatfile generator for Super Mario Sunshine speedrun practice. If this is your first time using the generator we highly recommend to check out the guide first. Visit the the troubleshooting section if you encounter any issues. For an overview of all available codes check out the code reference.", "community": "The SMS Speedrunning Community", "links": { "discord": "Discord", "discordlink": "https://discord.gg/9dGJWEc", "twitter": "Twitter: @SMSCommunity", "twitch": "Twitch: SunshineCommunity", "src": "Speedrun.com Leaderboards" } }, "stageloader": { "help": "Loads levels in a customized order.", "levelorder": { "label": "Level Order", "options": { "list": "As specified", "shuffle": "Random, no duplicates", "random": "Fully random" } }, "removedialogue": { "label": "Remove Dialogue:", "options": { "pv5": "Not in Pianta 5", "yes": "Always", "no": "Don't include" } }, "skippablefmvs": { "label": "Skippable FMVs:", "options": { "pp": "Not in Pinna", "yes": "Always", "no": "Don't include" } }, "postgame": { "label": "Post-Game:", "options": { "0F00": "Return to the title screen", "0109": "Load the flooded plaza", "0102": "Load post-Corona plaza", "3400": "Load Corona Mountain", "3C00": "Load the Bowser fight" } }, "levels": { "delfinoplaza": { "header": "Delfino Plaza", "current": "Plaza - Current", "biancounlock": "Plaza - Bianco Unlock", "peachchase": "Plaza - Peach Chase", "riccounlock": "Plaza - Ricco / Gelato unlocks", "peaceful": "Plaza - Peaceful", "pinnaunlock": "Plaza - Pinna Unlock", "yoshiunlock": "Plaza - Yoshi / nozzles unlocks", "flooded": "Plaza - Flooded", "postcorona": "Plaza - Post-Corona" }, "delfinosublevels": { "header": "Delfino Plaza Sublevels", "airstrip": "Airstrip", "airstripreds": "Airstrip (red coins)", "slide": "Slide", "pachinko": "Pachinko", "grasspipe": "Grass pipe", "lilypad": "Lily Pad Ride", "jail": "Jail Secret" }, "secrets": { "header": "Secret Areas", "bianco3": "Bianco 3 Secret", "bianco6": "Bianco 6 Secret", "ricco4": "Ricco 4 Secret", "gelato1": "Gelato 1 Secret", "pinna2": "Pinna 2 Secret", "pinna6": "Pinna 6 Secret", "sirena2": "Sirena 2 Secret", "sirena4": "Sirena 4 Secret", "noki6": "Noki 6 Secret", "pianta5": "Pianta 5 Secret" }, "sublevels": { "header": "Sublevels", "petey": "Petey Piranha fight (Bianco 2)", "gooperblooper": "Gooper Blooper fight (Ricco 1)", "sewers": "Race course (Ricco 2)", "sandbird": "Sand bird (Gelato 4)", "mecha": "Mecha-Bowser fight (Pinna 1)", "rollercoaster": "Rollercoaster (Pinna 8)", "casino1": "Casino Delfino (Sirena 4)", "casino2": "Casino Delfino (Sirena 5)", "kingboo": "King Boo fight (Sirena 5)", "bottle": "Bottle (Noki 3)", "eel": "Deep Sea of Mare (Noki 4)", "nokireds": "Deep Sea of Mare (Noki 8)" }, "misc": { "header": "Miscellaneous", "biancoepisodeselect": "Bianco episode selection", "riccoepisodeselect": "Ricco episode selection", "gelatoepisodeselect": "Gelato episode selection", "pinnaepisodeselect": "Pinna episode selection", "sirenaepisodeselect": "Sirena episode selection", "nokiepisodeselect": "Noki episode selection", "piantaepisodeselect": "Pianta episode selection" }, "bianco": { "header": "Bianco Hills", "1": "Bianco 1", "2": "Bianco 2", "3": "Bianco 3", "4": "Bianco 4", "5": "Bianco 5", "6": "Bianco 6", "7": "Bianco 7", "8": "Bianco 8" }, "ricco": { "header": "Ricco Harbor", "1": "Ricco 1", "2": "Ricco 2", "3": "Ricco 3", "4": "Ricco 4", "5": "Ricco 5", "6": "Ricco 6", "7": "Ricco 7", "8": "Ricco 8" }, "gelato": { "header": "Gelato Beach", "1": "Gelato 1", "2": "Gelato 2", "3": "Gelato 3", "4": "Gelato 4", "5": "Gelato 5", "6": "Gelato 6", "7": "Gelato 7", "8": "Gelato 8" }, "pinna": { "header": "Pinna Park", "1": "Pinna 1", "2": "Pinna 2", "3": "Pinna 3", "4": "Pinna 4", "5": "Pinna 5", "6": "Pinna 6", "7": "Pinna 7", "8": "Pinna 8" }, "sirena": { "header": "Sirena Beach", "1": "Sirena 1", "2": "Sirena 2", "3": "Sirena 3", "4": "Sirena 4", "5": "Sirena 5", "6": "Sirena 6", "7": "Sirena 7", "8": "Sirena 8" }, "noki": { "header": "Noki Bay", "1": "Noki 1", "2": "Noki 2", "3": "Noki 3", "4": "Noki 4", "5": "Noki 5", "6": "Noki 6", "7": "Noki 7", "8": "Noki 8" }, "pianta": { "header": "Pianta Village", "1": "Pianta 1", "2": "Pianta 2", "3": "Pianta 3", "4": "Pianta 4", "5": "Pianta 5", "6": "Pianta 6", "7": "Pianta 7", "8": "Pianta 8" } }, "presets": { "fullgameminimalplaza": { "header": "Full-game categories, minimal plaza", "fapnormal": "Fast Any% usual route", "fapriccolate": "Fast Any% Ricco late", "fap49": "Fast Any% No Major Skips", "fap58": "Fast 58 Shines / All Episodes", "fap79": "Fast 79 Shines / All Level Shines", "fap96": "Fast 96 Shines / All Shines, No Blues" }, "fullgamecategories": { "header": "Full-game categories", "anyp": "Any% usual route", "49": "Any% No Major Skips", "58": "58 Shines / All Episodes", "79": "79 Shines / All Level Shines", "96": "96 Shines / All Shines, No Blues", "120": "120 Shines / All Shines, All Blues" }, "iw": { "header": "Individual Worlds", "bianco": "Bianco Hills", "ricco": "Ricco Harbor", "gelato": "Gelato Beach", "pinna": "Pinna Park", "sirena": "Sirena Beach", "noki": "Noki Bay", "pianta": "Pianta Village" }, "iwallshines": { "header": "Individual Worlds (all Shines)", "bianco": "Bianco Hills", "ricco": "Ricco Harbor", "gelato": "Gelato Beach", "pinna": "Pinna Park", "sirena": "Sirena Beach", "noki": "Noki Bay", "pianta": "Pianta Village" } }, "levelselectplaceholder": "Choose a level..", "route": "Route", "clear": "Clear List" }, "misc": { "defaulthelpmessage": "Select your codes from the list on the left." } }