# GCT Generator [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/bitpatty/gctGenerator?color=blue&label=License&style=plastic)](https://github.com/BitPatty/gctGenerator/blob/master/LICENSE) [![CD Pipeline](https://github.com/BitPatty/gctGenerator/workflows/CD%20Pipeline/badge.svg)](https://github.com/BitPatty/gctGenerator/actions?query=workflow%3A%22CD+Pipeline%22) This repository contains the code behind the Super Mario Sunshine Cheatfile Generator at https://gct.zint.ch/ --- ## Features - Custom cheat combination - Custom stage loader based on [QbeRoot's fastcodes](https://github.com/QbeRoot/fastcodes) - Creates cheatfiles ready for use with [Nintendont](https://github.com/FIX94/Nintendont), [Gecko Cheat Manager](https://wiibrew.org/wiki/CheatManager) and [Dolphin](https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin) --- ## Contributing ### Updating Practice Codes The codes are stored in the `Codes.xml` file. If you want to add or change codes edit the XML file. Note that GMSJ0A refers to the NTSC-J 1.1 release of Super Mario Sunshine. (It's not actually called version A but that's what we've been calling it for years due to a misconception on what the A on the back of the box means). When adding new codes keep in mind that the English title/description are mandatory. #### Codes with configuration Codes with configuration are usually defined as vue components, which is defined in [site/.vuepress/components/codes/](site/.vuepress/components/codes/). When creating/updating those codes, in addition to editing the `Codes.xml` file, you may also need to check the following files: - [site/.vuepress/components/codes/codegen.js](site/.vuepress/components/codes/codegen.js): Specify the Gecko code generator function of the code. The version string will be passed as the first argument. - [site/.vuepress/components/codes/ui.js](site/.vuepress/components/codes/ui.js): Specify the vue component for the configuration of the code. The version string will be passed as a property. #### Reserved Memory Some codes store some states in the games memory starting from address 0x817F0000. To avoid collisions use a memory range in the unallocated ranges: | Status | Start | End | Description | | --------------------------- | ------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x0` | `0x7` | Level Select: Stage Data | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x8` | `0x13` | DPad Functions: Stored Position (Mario) | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x14` | `0x15` | DPad Functions: Stored Angle (Mario) | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x16` | `0x1B` | DPad Functions: Stored Position (Camera) | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x20` | `0x23` | Coin Count Savestate: Coin Count | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x24` | `0x26` | Pattern Selector: Selected Pattern Numbers | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x27` | `0x27` | Pattern Selector: Cursor Position | | ![](./docs/unallocated.svg) | `0x28` | `0x93` | Not Allocated | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x94` | `0xA3` | QF Timer: Coordinates of the Text box (LTRB) | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0xA4` | `0xB0` | QF Timer: Timer Format String | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0xB0` | `0xB1` | QF Timer: (Unused) | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0xB2` | `0xB2` | QF Timer: Stop at QFT Offset | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0xB3` | `0xB3` | QF Timer: Restart Flag | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0xB4` | `0xB7` | QF Timer: Cumulative time of previous areas since last reset (QFT Offset) | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0xB8` | `0xBB` | QF Timer: Time to display if timer freeze > 0 | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0xBC` | `0xBF` | QF Timer: Duration of timer freeze (in frames) | | ![](./docs/buffer.svg) | `0xC0` | `0xFF` | Buffer (QF Timer) | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x100` | `0x100` | Ingame Timer: Reset Stopwatch Flag | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x101` | `0x101` | Ingame Timer: Disable Custom IG Timer Flag | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x102` | `0x10B` | Ingame Timer: Stopwatch Backup | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x10C` | `0x10C` | Ingame Timer: Stop Stopwatch Flag | | ![](./docs/buffer.svg) | `0x10D` | `0x10F` | Buffer (Ingame Timer) | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x110` | `0x237` | QF Timer: Timer Textbox | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x238` | `0x347` | General Function (`drawText`) | | ![](./docs/buffer.svg) | `0x348` | `0x39B` | Buffer (QF Timer) | | ![](./docs/unallocated.svg) | `0x39C` | `0x40F` | Not Allocated | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x410` | `0x41F` | Pattern Selector: Background Options | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x424` | `0x433` | Pattern Selector: Text Options | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x434` | `0x440` | Pattern Selector: Format String | | ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x441` | `0x475` | Pattern Selector: Pattern Data | | ![](./docs/unallocated.svg) | `0x476` | `0xFFF` | Not Allocated | ### Adding translations 1. Create a new file `.json` in `site/.vuepress/i18n`, where `` is the language code you want to add. Copy the contents of `en-US.json` into your file and translate each entry in the JSON file. 2. Create a new folder with your language code in `site` (such as `site/de` for German). Create a new markdown file for each existing page (`guide.md`, `index.md`, `ios58.md`, ...) and translate its contents from the English version. 3. Create a new entry in `site/.vuepress/i18n/locales.json` with the site metadata and navigation items for your language. 4. Add your locale to the `translations` in `site/.vuepress/i18n/localeHelper.js`. 5. Open `Codes.xml` and add a translation for each code (`` and `<description>`). ### Updating Guides You can find the guides in the [site](https://github.com/BitPatty/gctGenerator/tree/master/site) folder. Simply edit the corresponding markdown file (.md). Note that in the code reference files everything following the `<!-- injectionpoint -->` tag will be removed during the next build. ### Site Development You can either use dev containers or your own setup to develop new features. #### Using Dev-Containers If you have access to codespaces simply open the repository in codespaces. Else you can set it up locally as follows: 1. Install [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) and [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/). 2. Open the project in VSCode 3. Click the `Reopen in Container` button or run the command with the same name. #### Using your own environment Due to formatting rules you should use VSCode for development with the following features/extensions: - NodeJS 16.x (LTS) - npm 8.x - `octref.vetur` - `esbenp.prettier-vscode` #### Development commands ```sh # Install dependencies npm i # Inject codes from the Codes.xml file npm run codes:inject # Run project in watch mode # This will serve the page in development mode on http://localhost:8080 npm run dev # Remove injected codes npm run codes:clean # Build project for production npm run build # Serve the production build npm run serve ``` The XML codes will be written automatically to the json file and code reference during the following actions: - Starting the development server with `npm run dev` - Building the site with `npm run build` If you want to inject the codes at any given point you can use `npm run codes:inject`. **!!! Note that if npm was used, `npm run codes:clean` is ran automatically as a pre-commit hook, removing all injected codes and staging ALL changes.** If you want to commit changes without cleaning codes first you have to commit through `git commit --no-verify`. ### Build and preview the site (Docker) The project root provides a [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/) file, which creates a clean build (with the same configuration as the production build) and spins up a minimal Apache server on your local, serving the resulting build on port 8080. ```sh # Build and serve the site on http://localhost:8080 # Press CTRL+C to stop the container docker-compose up --build ```