if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") > -1) { HTMLElement.prototype.click = function() { var evt = this.ownerDocument.createEvent("MouseEvents"); evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, this.ownerDocument.defaultView, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); this.dispatchEvent(evt); } } document.getElementById("checklist").addEventListener("click", function(ev) { if (ev.target && ev.target.nodeName == "LI") { ev.target.classList.toggle("checked"); } }); function parseXML(name) { var xml = new XMLHttpRequest(); var file = "codes/" + name + ".xml"; xml.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.status == 200 && this.readyState == 4) { var xmlData = xml.responseXML; xmlData = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(xml.responseText, "text/xml"); xmlData = xmlData.getElementsByTagName("code"); var i = 0; for (; i < xmlData.length; i++) { var li = document.createElement("li"); var desc = xmlData[i].getElementsByTagName("title")[0].textContent; var t = document.createTextNode(desc); li.appendChild(t); li.setAttribute("data-codename", btoa(xmlData[i].getElementsByTagName("title")[0].textContent)); li.setAttribute("data-codeauthor", btoa(xmlData[i].getElementsByTagName("author")[0].textContent)); li.setAttribute("data-codedesc", btoa(xmlData[i].getElementsByTagName("description")[0].textContent)); li.setAttribute("data-codeversion", btoa(xmlData[i].getElementsByTagName("version")[0].textContent)); li.setAttribute("data-codedate", btoa(xmlData[i].getElementsByTagName("date")[0].textContent)); li.setAttribute("data-codesrc", btoa(xmlData[i].getElementsByTagName("source")[0].textContent.replace(/[\s\n\r\t]+/gm, ""))); li.setAttribute("onmouseover", "updateDescription(this)"); document.getElementById("checklist").appendChild(li); } var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName("button"); for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) buttons[i].disabled = false; document.getElementById("gameversion").disabled = false; } }; xml.open("GET", file); xml.send(); } function updateFastCode(name) { var xml = new XMLHttpRequest(); var file = "codes/fast/" + name + ".json"; xml.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.status == 200 && this.readyState == 4) { document.getElementById("route_levels").setAttribute("data-json", btoa(xml.responseText)); } } xml.open("GET",file); xml.send(); } function downloadFile(data, filename) { var file = new Blob([data], { type: "application/octet-stream" }); if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(file, filename.replace("GMSJ0A","GMSJ01")); else { var a = document.createElement("a"), url = window.URL.createObjectURL(file); a.href = url; a.download = filename.replace("GMSJ0A","GMSJ01"); a.click(); setTimeout(function() { window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 500); } } function generateGCT() { if (document.getElementById("gameversion").value === "Choose Version") { alert("Select the game version!"); return; } var data = "00D0C0DE00D0C0DE"; var codeList = document.getElementById("checklist").getElementsByTagName("li"); var valueSelected = false; for (var i = 0; i < codeList.length; i++) { if (codeList[i].className === "checked") { data += atob(codeList[i].getAttribute("data-codesrc")); valueSelected = true; } } var fastcode = getFastCode(); if(fastcode !== false) { data += fastcode; valueSelected = true; } if (valueSelected) { data += "FF00000000000000"; var rawData = new Uint8Array(data.length / 2); for (var x = 0; x < rawData.length; x++) { rawData[x] = parseInt(data.substr(x * 2, 2), 16); } downloadFile(rawData, document.getElementById("gameversion").value + ".gct"); } else { alert("No cheat(s) selected!"); } } function generateTXT() { var dolphin = (document.getElementById("downloadformat").value === "ini"); if (document.getElementById("gameversion").value === "Choose Version") { alert("Select the game version!"); return; } if (dolphin) var data = "Paste the following on top of your games .ini file:\r\n[Gecko]"; else var data = document.getElementById("gameversion").value.replace("GMSJ0A","GMSJ01") + "\r\nSuper Mario Sunshine"; var codeList = document.getElementById("checklist").getElementsByTagName("li"); var valueSelected = false; for (var i = 0; i < codeList.length; i++) { if (codeList[i].className === "checked") { data += "\r\n"; if (dolphin) data += "$"; else data += "\r\n"; data += atob(codeList[i].getAttribute("data-codename")) + " (" + atob(codeList[i].getAttribute("data-codedate")) + ") [" + atob(codeList[i].getAttribute("data-codeauthor")) + "]\r\n"; data += (atob(codeList[i].getAttribute("data-codesrc")).match(/.{8}/g).join(" ")).replace(/(.{17})./g, "$1\r\n"); valueSelected = true; } } var fastcode = getFastCode(); if(fastcode !== false) { data += "\r\n"; if (dolphin) data += "$"; else data += "\r\n"; data += "Stage list loader [Noki Doki]\r\n"; data += (fastcode.match(/.{8}/g).join(" ")).replace(/(.{17})./g, "$1\r\n"); valueSelected = true; } if (valueSelected) downloadFile(data, document.getElementById("gameversion").value + ".txt"); else alert("No cheat(s) selected!"); } function downloadCodes() { if (document.getElementById("downloadformat").value === "gct") generateGCT(); else generateTXT(); } function updateCodelist() { resetDescription(); document.getElementById("gameversion").disabled = true; var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName("button"); for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) buttons[i].disabled = true; document.getElementById("checklist").innerHTML = ""; var gameVersion = document.getElementById("gameversion").value; parseXML(gameVersion); updateFastCode(gameVersion); document.getElementById("left").style.visibility = "visible"; while (document.getElementsByClassName("initialhidden").length > 0) { document.getElementsByClassName("initialhidden")[0].classList.remove("initialhidden"); } } function updateDescription(s) { document.getElementById("descriptionbox").innerHTML = "

" + atob(s.getAttribute("data-codename")) + "

Author(s): " + atob(s.getAttribute("data-codeauthor")) + "

Version: " + atob(s.getAttribute("data-codeversion")) + " (" + atob(s.getAttribute("data-codedate")) + ")

" + "


" + atob(s.getAttribute("data-codedesc")) + "

"; } function updateUIDescription(s) { if (s.id === "route_notext") document.getElementById("descriptionbox").innerHTML = "

Remove Dialogue

Replaces all Dialogue with \"!!!\". 'Always' and 'Not in Pianta 5' will override the dialogue skip from the DPad Functions.

"; else if (s.id === "route_nofmvs") document.getElementById("descriptionbox").innerHTML = "

Skippable Cutscenes

Makes FMVs Skippable. 'Always' has the same effect as the 'FMV Skips' code. Also, having 'FMV Skips' enabled will override 'Not in Pinna 1' - so don't use both simultaneously.

"; else if (s.id === "route_order") document.getElementById("descriptionbox").innerHTML = "

Level Order

The order in which levels are loaded:

As specified

The code loads levels in the order of the list.

Random, no duplicates

The code picks levels at random, excluding levels that you’ve finished already.

Fully random

The code picks levels at random, even levels that you’ve finished already.

"; else if (s.id === "route_ending") document.getElementById("descriptionbox").innerHTML = "

Route Ending

What to do after you complete the final level on the list. This has no effect if the level order is set to Fully random.

"; else if (s.id === "downloadformat") document.getElementById("descriptionbox").innerHTML = "

File Format

You can choose between 3 file formats:


Download a GCT file for use with Nintendont

Dolphin INI

Download a textfile containing the formatted codes for use with Dolphin. Copy the contents of the file on top of your games .ini file.

You can open the .ini file by right clicking the game in Dolphin. In the context menu select 'Properties' and then 'Edit configuration'.

Cheat Manager TXT

Download the cheats in a textfile formatted for use with the Gecko Cheat Manager. Place the txt file in SD:/txtcodes/.

A zip archive containing pregenerated txt files with all available codes on this site can be downloaded here.

"; else if (s.id === "stageloader") document.getElementById("descriptionbox").innerHTML = "

Stage Loader

Select yes if you want to use a custom stage loader, which automatically loads the levels you choose, similiar to 'Fast Any%'.

"; } function resetDescription() { document.getElementById("descriptionbox").innerHTML = "

Choose your codes from the list...

"; } function updateChangelog() { document.getElementById("gameversion").style.visibility = "visible"; var xml = new XMLHttpRequest(); var file = "changelog.xml"; xml.onload = function() { if (this.status == 200 && this.responseXML != null) { var changelogData = xml.responseXML; changelogData = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(xml.responseText, "text/xml"); changelogData = changelogData.getElementsByTagName("update"); document.getElementById("lastupdate").innerHTML = "Last Updated: " + changelogData[0].getElementsByTagName("date")[0].textContent; for (var i = 0; i < changelogData.length && i < 5; i++) { document.getElementById("changelog").innerHTML += "

" + changelogData[i].getElementsByTagName("date")[0].textContent + ": " + changelogData[i].getElementsByTagName("change")[0].textContent + "

"; } document.getElementById("changelog").innerHTML += "more ..."; }; } xml.open("GET", file); xml.send(); } /**************************** * * Fastcode, https://github.com/QbeRoot/fastcodes/blob/master/script.js * ****************************/ const levels = document.querySelector("#route_levels"); const template = levels.lastElementChild; template.ondragstart = function() { return false; }; function appendLevel(code) { const clone = template.cloneNode(true); clone.draggable = true; selSetHandlers(clone); clone.querySelector("select").value = code; levels.insertBefore(clone, template); } function clearLevels() { while (levels.firstChild !== template) levels.removeChild(levels.firstChild); } template.addEventListener("change", function () { appendLevel(template.querySelector("select").value); template.querySelector("select").value = "0F00"; }) levels.addEventListener("change", function ({target: t}) { if (t.value === "0F00" && t.parentNode !== template) levels.removeChild(t.parentNode); }) levels.addEventListener("click", function ({target: t}) { if (t.tagName.toUpperCase() === "BUTTON") levels.removeChild(t.parentNode); }) document.querySelector("#route_ending").disabled = document.querySelector("#route_order").value === "random"; document.querySelector("#route_order").addEventListener("change", function ({currentTarget: t}) { document.querySelector("#route_ending").disabled = t.value === "random"; }) document.querySelector("#route_presets").addEventListener("change", function ({currentTarget: t}) { if (levels.childElementCount <= 1 || confirm("Loading a preset will erase your current list. Continue?")) { clearLevels(); const [preset, ending] = t.value.split(";"); for (let i = 0; i <= preset.length - 4; i += 4) appendLevel(preset.substr(i, 4)); if (ending) document.querySelector("#route_ending").value = ending } t.value = ""; }) document.querySelector("#route_clear").addEventListener("click", function () { confirm("Do you really want to clear the list?") && clearLevels(); }) { let selection; function selDragStart(e) { selection = this; e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "move"; e.dataTransfer.setData("text/html", this.querySelector("select").value); this.classList.add("dragelement"); } function selDragOver(e) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } this.classList.add("dragover"); e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "move"; return false; } function selDragLeave() { this.classList.remove("dragover"); } function selDragDrop(e) { if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } if (selection != this) { this.parentNode.removeChild(selection); this.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", template.outerHTML); this.nextSibling.querySelector("select").value = e.dataTransfer.getData('text/html'); this.nextSibling.draggable = true; selSetHandlers(this.nextSibling); } this.classList.remove("dragover"); return false; } function selDragEnd() { this.classList.remove("dragelement"); } function selSetHandlers(elem) { elem.addEventListener('dragstart', selDragStart, false); elem.addEventListener('dragover', selDragOver, false); elem.addEventListener('dragleave', selDragLeave, false); elem.addEventListener('drop', selDragDrop, false); elem.addEventListener('dragend', selDragEnd, false); } } //Interface function getFastCode() { const levelCodes = Array.prototype.map.call(levels.querySelectorAll("select"), s => s.value); levelCodes.pop(); if (!(document.getElementById("usefastcode").checked) || levelCodes.length <= 1) return false; let game = JSON.parse(atob(document.getElementById("route_levels").getAttribute("data-json"))); const order = document.getElementById("route_order").value; const ending = document.getElementById("route_ending").value; const branchBase = 0x1C + 0x24 * (order !== 'list'); const asm = []; asm.push("48" + ("00000" + (Math.ceil(levelCodes.length / 2) + 1 << 2 | 1).toString(16).toUpperCase()).slice(-6)); // bl to the code for (let i = levelCodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 2) { asm.push(levelCodes[i] + (levelCodes[i - 1] || "0000")); } //Timer compatibility asm.push("3C80817F"); // lis r4, 0x817F asm.push("38000000"); // li r0, 0 asm.push("9004010C"); // stw r0, 0x010C(r4) asm.push("38000001"); // li r0, 1 asm.push("98040101"); // stb r0, 0x0101(r4) asm.push("881F0012"); // lbz r0, 0x12(r31) asm.push("2C00000F"); // cmpwi r0, 15 asm.push("40820010"); // bne- 0x10 asm.push("3800" + ("000" + ((levelCodes.length - (order === 'random')) * 2).toString(16).toUpperCase()).slice(-4)); // li r0, length asm.push("90040000"); // stw r0, 0(r4) asm.push("4800" + ("000" + (branchBase + 0x38).toString(16).toUpperCase()).slice(-4)); // b done asm.push("2C000001"); // cmpwi r0, 1 asm.push("4181" + ("000" + (branchBase + 0x30).toString(16).toUpperCase()).slice(-4)); // bgt- done asm.push("80AD" + game.fmOffset); // lwz r5, TFlagManager::smInstance asm.push("7CC802A6"); // mflr r6 asm.push("80640000"); // lwz r3, 0(r4) asm.push("881F000E"); // lbz r0, 0x0E(r31) asm.push("2C00000F"); // cmpwi r0, 15 asm.push("41820010"); // beq- 0x10 asm.push("880500CC"); // lbz r0, 0xCC(r5) asm.push("54000673"); // rlwinm. r0, r0, 0, 25, 25 asm.push("4182" + ("000" + branchBase.toString(16).toUpperCase()).slice(-4)); // beq- loadStage if (order === "random") { asm.push("38630002"); // addi r3, r3, 2 } asm.push("2C030000"); // cmpwi r3, 0 asm.push("4081000C"); // ble- 0x0C asm.push("3860" + ending); // li r3, ending asm.push("4800" + ("000" + (branchBase - 8 + 4 * (order !== "random")).toString(16).toUpperCase()).slice(-4)); // b done if (order !== "list") { asm.push("7CEC42E6"); // mftbl r7 asm.push("7C071B96"); // divwu r0, r7, r3 asm.push("7C0019D6"); // mullw r0, r0, r3 asm.push("7CE03850"); // sub r7, r7, r0 asm.push("54E7003C"); // rlwinm r7, r7, 0, 0, 30 } asm.push("3863FFFE"); // subi r3, r3, 2 if (order !== "random") { asm.push("90640000"); // stw r3, 0(r4) } if (order !== "list") { asm.push("7C061A2E"); // lhzx r0, r6, r3 asm.push("7C863A2E"); // lhzx r4, r6, r7 asm.push("7C063B2E"); // sthx r0, r6, r7 asm.push("7C861B2E"); // sthx r4, r6, r3 } // loadStage: asm.push("7C661A2E"); // lhzx r3, r6, r3 asm.push("B07F0012"); // sth r3, 0x12(r31) asm.push("986500DF"); // stb r3, 0xDF(r5) // done: asm.push("807F0020"); // lwz r3, 0x20(r31) if (asm.length % 2 === 0) { asm.push("60000000"); // nop } asm.push("00000000"); const geckoLines = asm.length / 2; let gecko = "C2" + game.injectAddr + " " + ("0000000" + geckoLines.toString(16).toUpperCase()).slice(-8) + "\r\n"; for (let i = 0; i < geckoLines; ++i) { gecko += asm[2 * i] + " " + asm[2 * i + 1] + "\r\n"; } let codes = gecko + game.notext[document.getElementById("route_notext").value] + game.nofmvs[document.getElementById("route_nofmvs").value]; return codes.replace(/[^0-9A-F]/g, ''); }