qol standard,recommended,il DPad Functions DPad Funktionen Fonctions de la croix directionnelle 十字ボタン(Dパッド)機能 Psychonauter, Noki Doki, Dan Salvato, Link Master, James0x57 2.5 Allows various game modifications through a set of button combinations: | Combination | Result | | --------------- | ------------------------------------------- | | D-Pad Left | Save Mario's current position | | D-Pad Right | Load Mario's position | | D-Pad Up | Replace all dialog with a single "!!!" line | | D-Pad Down | Restore Dialog Boxes | | X + D-Pad Left | No FLUDD/red coin buttons in secrets | | X + D-Pad Right | FLUDD in all secrets | | X + D-Pad Down | FLUDD in completed secrets (default) | | X + D-Pad Up | Regrab last held object | Erlaubt verschiedene Spiel-Modifikationen über das Drücken einer Tastenkombination: | Kombination | Effekt | | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------- | | D-Pad Links | Speichere Mario's aktuelle Position | | D-Pad Rechts | Lade Mario's Position | | D-Pad Rauf | Ersetze alle Dialoge mit einer "!!!" Linie | | D-Pad Runter | Stelle alle Dialoge wieder her | | X + D-Pad Links | Kein Dreckweg in geheimen Leveln | | X + D-Pad Rechts | Dreckweg in allen geheimen Leveln | | X + D-Pad Rauf | Dreckweg in komplettierten geheimen Leveln | | X + D-Pad Runter | Hole das zuletzt gefasste Objekt zurück | Permet diverses modifications du jeu à travers un ensemble de combinaisons de boutons : | Combinaison | Résultat | | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------- | | D-Pad gauche | Sauvegarder la position de Mario | | D-Pad droite | Restaurer la position de Mario | | D-Pad haut | Remplacer tous les dialogues par « !!! » | | D-Pad bas | Rétablir les dialogues | | X + D-Pad gauche | Pas de JET dans les secrets | | X + D-Pad droite | JET dans tous les secrets | | X + D-Pad bas | JET dans les secrets complétés (défaut) | | X + D-Pad haut | Récupérer le dernier objet tenu | ボタンの組合せでゲーム内の状態などを変更します: | 組合せ | 機能 | | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | | 十字ボタン左 | マリオの現在の位置をセーブします | | 十字ボタン右 | マリオの位置をロードします | | 十字ボタン上 | 会話が全て「!!!」に置き換わります | | 十字ボタン下 | 会話が「!!!」から元に戻ります | | X + 十字ボタン左 | ヒミツステージの赤スイッチが消えます | | X + 十字ボタン右 | 全ヒミツステージの赤スイッチが出現します | | X + 十字ボタン下 | ヒミツステージの赤スイッチが通常の状態に戻ります | | X + 十字ボタン上 | 最後に掴んだオブジェクト(フルーツ等)を再掴みします | Jun 10, 2021 2440E10C 80000000 82200000 8040E10C 80000001 817F0008 82200002 8040E114 82200003 8040D0A8 86000003 000000A6 28404455 00000001 8A000C01 00000000 8A000221 0000000C 8A000631 0000000E 28404455 00000002 8A000C10 00000000 8C000212 0000000C 8C000613 0000000E 28404455 00000004 04153DA0 801C0004 0415317C A81C0340 04291340 88030214 28404455 00000008 04153DA0 38000000 0415317C 38005000 04291340 60000000 28404455 00000401 041C0910 60000000 04298B88 60000000 28404455 00000402 C61C0910 801C0928 C6298B88 80298B9C 28404455 00000404 041C0910 40820018 04298B88 40820014 28404455 00000408 48000000 8040E108 1400007C 00000383 E0000000 00000000 048D3A3C 21000000 0423F9D4 60000000 2440A39C 80000000 82200000 8040A39C 80000001 817F0008 82200002 8040A3A4 82200003 8040B370 86000003 000000A6 28400D51 00000001 8A000C01 00000000 8A000221 0000000C 8A000631 0000000E 28400D51 00000002 8A000C10 00000000 8C000212 0000000C 8C000613 0000000E 28400D51 00000004 04215290 801C0004 04214610 A81C0340 040E4888 88030214 28400D51 00000008 04215290 38000000 04214610 38005000 040E4888 60000000 28400D51 00000401 04198784 60000000 040EC0F4 60000000 28400D51 00000402 C6198784 8019879C C60EC0F4 800EC108 28400D51 00000404 04198784 40820018 040EC0F4 40820014 28400D51 00000408 48000000 8040A398 1400007C 00000383 E0000000 00000000 028D8A7E 00028149 048D8A84 00000000 0411EB10 60000000 243FEFAC 80000000 82200000 803FEFAC 80000001 817F0008 82200002 803FEFB4 82200003 803FFA38 86000003 000000A6 283F5429 00000001 8A000C01 00000000 8A000221 0000000C 8A000631 0000000E 283F5429 00000002 8A000C10 00000000 8C000212 0000000C 8C000613 0000000E 283F5429 00000004 041351C4 801C0004 04134524 A81C0340 04271090 88030214 283F5429 00000008 041351C4 38000000 04134524 38005000 04271090 88030214 283F5429 00000401 041A0698 60000000 04278830 60000000 283F5429 00000402 C61A0698 801A06B0 C6278830 80278844 283F5429 00000404 041A0698 40820018 04278830 40820014 283F5429 00000408 48000000 803FEFA8 1400007C 00000383 E0000000 00000000 028CD55E 00028149 048CD564 00000000 0421F71C 60000000 244057D4 80000000 82200000 804057D4 80000001 817F0008 82200002 804057DC 82200003 80404808 86000003 000000A6 283FBBF5 00000001 8A000C01 00000000 8A000221 0000000C 8A000631 0000000E 283FBBF5 00000002 8A000C10 00000000 8C000212 0000000C 8C000613 0000000E 283FBBF5 00000004 04148D20 801C0004 04147F98 A81C0340 042890CC 88030214 283FBBF5 00000008 04148D20 38000000 04147F98 38005000 042890CC 60000000 283FBBF5 00000401 041B87C8 60000000 04290A20 60000000 283FBBF5 00000402 C61B87C8 801B87E0 C6290A20 80290A34 283FBBF5 00000404 041B87C8 40820018 04290A20 40820014 283FBBF5 00000408 48000000 804057D0 1400007C 00000383 E0000000 00000000 20570B7C 00000000 0474E87C 21000000 20570B7D 00000001 0474E9F4 21210000 20570B7D 00000002 0474ED38 00000000 20570B7D 00000003 0474EE04 A1000000 20570B7D 00000004 0474EBDC 21210000 E2000001 00000000 04237760 60000000 misc Nozzle Lock Düsen-Sperre Verrouillage de buses Psychonauter, Dan Salvato, Link Master, James0x57 1.0 Locks the nozzles by pressing a button combination: | Combination | Result | | --------------- | ------------------------------------------- | | B + D-Pad Left | Lock Rocket Nozzle | | B + D-Pad Right | Lock Turbo Nozzle | | B + D-Pad Up | Lock Hover Nozzle | | B + D-Pad Down | Release Nozzle Lock | ::: tip The underwater sections of Noki Bay (episodes 3, 4 and 8) use a different hover nozzle from the one you get with B + Up. If you find it's not working properly, simply release the nozzle lock. ::: Sperrt die Düsen nach drücken einer Tastenkombination: | Kombination | Effekt | | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------- | | B + D-Pad Links | Sperre Raketendüse | | B + D-Pad Rechts | Sperre Turbodüse | | B + D-Pad Rauf | Sperre Schwebedüse | | B + D-Pad Runter | Düsensperre freigeben | ::: tip Die Unterwasser-Sektionen in Noki (Episoden 3, 4 und 8) verwenden eine andere Schwebedüse als die normale (B + D-Pad Rauf). Falls die Schwebedüse nicht korrekt funktioniert löse die Sperre mit B + D-Pad Runter ::: | Combinaison | Résultat | | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------- | | B + D-Pad gauche | Verrouiller la catabuse | | B + D-Pad droite | Verrouiller la turbobuse | | B + D-Pad haut | Verrouiller l'aérobuse | | B + D-Pad bas | Annuler le verrouillage de buse | ::: tip Attention Les sections sous-marines de la Baie Noki (épisodes 3, 4 et 8) utilisent une autre aérobuse que celle obtenue avec B + Haut. Si elle ne fonctionne pas correctement, annulez le verrouillage. ::: | 組合せ | 機能 | | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | | B + 十字ボタン左 | ロケットノズルで固定します | | B + 十字ボタン右 | ターボノズルで固定します | | B + 十字ボタン上 | ホバーノズルで固定します | | B + 十字ボタン下 | ノズルが通常の状態に戻ります | Jun 10, 2021 28404454 00000208 04269F50 3BE00004 28404455 00000204 04269F50 8BFE1C85 28404455 00000201 04269F50 3BE00001 28404455 00000202 04269F50 3BE00005 E0000000 00000000 28400D50 00000208 041494D4 3BE00004 28400D51 00000204 041494D4 8BFE1C85 28400D51 00000201 041494D4 3BE00001 28400D51 00000202 041494D4 3BE00005 E0000000 00000000 283F5428 00000208 04249CA0 3BE00004 283F5429 00000204 04249CA0 8BFE1C85 283F5429 00000201 04249CA0 3BE00001 283F5429 00000202 04249CA0 3BE00005 E0000000 00000000 283FBBF4 00000208 04261CDC 3BE00004 283FBBF5 00000204 04261CDC 8BFE1C85 283FBBF5 00000201 04261CDC 3BE00001 283FBBF5 00000202 04261CDC 3BE00005 E0000000 00000000 misc Coin Count Savestate Münzenzahl Speicherstand Psychonauter 1.0 Allows you to save and restore your coin count. Uses the same D-Pad mappings as the position saves of `DPad-Functions`. | Combination | Result | | --------------- | ---------------------------- | | D-Pad Left | Save current coin count | | D-Pad Right | Load saved coin count | Ermöglicht das Speichern und Laden der Münzenanzahl. Verwendet die gleichen D-Pad Mappings wie die Position-Saves von "DPad-Funktionen". | Kombination | Result | | --------------- | ----------------------------------- | | D-Pad Links | Speichere aktuellen Münzenstand | | D-Pad Rechts | Lade gespeicherten Müneznstand | Jul 24, 2021 80000001 80578A60 80000002 817F0020 28404454 00000001 8A000412 00000000 28404455 00000002 8A000421 00000000 E0000000 00000000 80000001 80575280 80000002 817F0020 28400D50 00000001 8A000412 00000000 28400D51 00000002 8A000421 00000000 E0000000 00000000 80000001 80569780 80000002 817F0020 283F5428 00000001 8A000412 00000000 283F5429 00000002 8A000421 00000000 E0000000 00000000 80000001 805709C0 80000002 817F0020 283FBBF4 00000001 8A000412 00000000 283FBBF5 00000002 8A000421 00000000 E0000000 00000000 qol standard,recommended,il Infinite Lives Unendlich Leben Vies infinies 残機無限 Noki Doki 2.0 Feb 28, 2020 Prevents the life counter from decreasing when you die in a level. Verhindert, dass sich die Anzahl Leben verringert wenn man in einem Level stirbt. Empêche le compteur de vies de diminuer. 残機カウンターが減らなくなります。 04298814 60000000 040EBD80 60000000 042784BC 60000000 042906AC 60000000 qol standard,recommended,il Disable Blue Coin Flag Deaktiviere Blaue-Münzen-Kennung Désactiver la sauvegarde des pièces bleues 青コインのフラグの無効化 Psychonauter, Noki Doki 1.1 Sep 05, 2018 Prevents the game from setting the blue coin flag, which makes them respawn after reentering the level. Verhindert, dass das Spiel die Blaue-Münzen-Kennung setzt, wodurch sie beim Neueintritt in das Level wieder erscheinen. Empêche le jeu d'enregistrer les pièces bleues ramassées, ce qui les fait réapparaître à la prochaine visite du niveau. 青コインのフラグが立たないようにします。このコードを使うと、ステージ再入場後に青コインが再出現します。 04294564 60000000 C22A6728 00000003 7CA00039 80AD9FA0 38800000 908500D4 60000000 00000000 040E7B20 60000000 C20FA12C 00000003 7CA00039 80AD97D0 38800000 908500D4 60000000 00000000 04274220 60000000 C2286584 00000003 7CA00039 80AD9E60 38800000 908500D4 60000000 00000000 0428C37C 60000000 C229E680 00000003 7CA00039 80AD9EC8 38800000 908500D4 60000000 00000000 qol standard,recommended,il,hfsetup FMV Skips FMV Skips Passer les FMV FMVスキップ Psychonauter 1.0 Jan 20, 2017 Allows skipping FMVs without having to watch them once first. Erlaubt das Überspringen von FMVs ohne sie erst anschauen zu müssen. Permet de passer les FMV sans avoir à les regarder en entier d'abord. 初めて見るムービーをスキップできます。 042B5EF4 38600001 042B5E8C 38600001 0410AF5C 38600001 0410AFC0 38600001 04295AB4 38600001 04295B18 38600001 042ADE20 38600001 042ADE88 38600001 cosmetic Mute Background Music Hintergrundmusik stummschalten Supprimer la musique de fond BGMミュート Psychonauter 1.0 Jan 28, 2017 Mutes background music, but keeps SFX on. Stellt die Hintergrundmusik stumm, aber behält SFX an. Supprime la musique de fond, mais conserve les effets sonores. BGMをミュートにします。(効果音はオンのままです) 04016A34 FC210828 0417FF58 FC210828 04016A90 FC210828 04016A90 FC210828 qol recommended,il Unlock Yoshi Yoshi Freischalten Débloquer Yoshi ヨッシーの解放 Noki Doki 1.0 Feb 10, 2018 Unlocks Yoshi everywhere. Schaltet Yoshi überall frei. Débloque Yoshi dans tout le jeu. 全てのヨッシーを解放します。 C61BBF70 801BBFA4 C61BBFB4 801BBFD0 C6193F58 80193F8C C6193F9C 80193FB8 C619BCF8 8019BD2C C619BD3C 8019BD58 C61B3E28 801B3E5C C61B3E6C 801B3E88 qol recommended,il Unlock Nozzles Düsen freischalten Débloquer les buses ノズルボックスの解放 Noki Doki 1.0 Feb 12, 2018 Unlocks all nozzle boxes. Schaltet alle Düsen frei. Débloque toutes les buses. 全てのノズルボックスを解放します。 0429443C 38600001 04294440 4E800020 040E79F8 38600001 040E79FC 4E800020 042740F8 38600001 042740FC 4E800020 0428C254 38600001 0428C258 4E800020 qol standard,recommended,il Free Pause Freies Pausieren Pause libre 任意の箇所でポーズ Noki Doki 1.1 Nov 12, 2017 Allows you to pause mid-air and during cutscenes. Ermöglicht das Pausieren in der Luft und während Cutscenes. Permet de mettre le jeu en pause pendant les cutscenes et quand Mario est dans les airs. 空中やアニメーション中にポーズすることができるようになります。 C6297AB0 80297ABC C22979D4 00000007 887F007C 2803000F 41820028 807F0018 80630000 806300D4 546307FF 41820014 3C608029 60637A7C 7C6803A6 4E800020 881F0124 00000000 C60EB06C 800EB078 C20EAF90 00000007 887F007C 2803000F 41820028 807F0018 80630000 806300D4 546307FF 41820014 3C60800E 6063B038 7C6803A6 4E800020 881F0124 00000000 C6277758 80277764 C227767C 00000007 887F007C 2803000F 41820028 807F0018 80630000 806300D4 546307FF 41820014 3C608027 60637724 7C6803A6 4E800020 881F0124 00000000 C628F948 8028F954 C228F86C 00000007 887F007C 2803000F 41820028 807F0018 80630000 806300D4 546307FF 41820014 3C608028 6063F914 7C6803A6 4E800020 881F0124 00000000 qol standard,recommended,il,hfsetup Enable Exit Area Everywhere 'Level Verlassen' überall aktivieren Activer « Sortir de la zone » partout 任意の場所でコースから出られる Noki Doki 1.0 Oct 30, 2017 Gives you the "Exit Area" option when entering the pause menu in all levels instead of just the normal stages, such as Delfino Plaza and Airstrip. Aktiviert 'Level Verlassen' option im Pausenmenü in allen Leveln, d.h. auch in Delfino und auf dem Flugplatz. Active « Sortir de la zone » sur la place Delfino et à l'aéroport. ドルピックタウンやエアポートでも「コースから出る」を選択できるようになります。 C6156B78 80156B84 C6218054 80218060 C6137F98 80137FA4 C614BB94 8014BBA0 timer standard,recommended,il loader Shine Get Timer Shine Get Timer Chronomètre Shine Get シャインゲットタイマー Psychonauter, Noki Doki 2.2 Adds the ingame timer to every level, starting on the last black frame after the loading screen and ending as soon as the 'Shine Get' animation starts (similar to the x-cam timer of SM64). ::: warning Load Removal The timer removes load times during level transitions. For in-level transitions (such as when entering a secret) it removes the time from the second black frame of the transition to the second-to-last black frame. The timer visually freezes when entering loading zones, however it still runs in the background. ::: ::: danger Requires the Level Select code, Fast Any% or Stage Loader to be active. ::: Fügt den In-Game-Timer in jedem Level hinzu. Er startet nach dem letzten schwarzen Frame nach dem Ladebildschirm und endet sobald die 'Shine Get' Animation startet (ähnlich dem X-Cam-Tier aus Super Mario 64). ::: warning WARNUNG Der Timer pausiert während Ladebildschirmen. ::: ::: danger ACHTUNG Benötigt den Level Select Code, Fast Any% oder Stage Loader! ::: Ajoute un chronomètre à chaque niveau, démarrant à la dernière frame noire après le temps de chargement, et s'arrêtant dès que l'animation « Shine Get » commence (comme le chronomètre X-Cam de SM64). ::: warning Avertissement Le chronomètre se met en pause pendant les temps de chargement. ::: ::: danger Attention Nécessite l'activation du Sélecteur de niveau, de Fast Any% ou du Chargeur de liste. ::: 全ステージにゲーム内タイマーを追加します。ロード画面の後の最後の黒フレームから動き出し、 「シャインゲット」のアニメーションが開始するタイミングで止まります(マリオ64のカメラ×タイマーと同じ)。 ::: warning 注意 ロード時間中はタイマーが一時停止します。 ::: ::: danger 注意 このコードを使うには、「Level Select code」か「Fast Any%」か「ステージローダー」を有効にする必要があります。 ::: Jun 8, 2022 C2031F68 0000000F 3CC0817F 60C60100 88860000 2C040001 4182002C 88860001 2C040001 40A20050 3CA0803E 60A59710 88850002 2C040007 4182003C 2C040009 41810034 3C608034 606394D8 7C6803A6 4E800021 80AD9FB8 38A500E8 90650028 90660004 9085002C 90860008 38600000 98660000 80010024 60000000 00000000 C229A584 00000002 3C80817F 60A50001 90A4010C 00000000 C22979D8 0000000C 2C000003 40A20050 3C60817F 60630100 8083000C 2C040000 41A2003C 38800000 9083000C 7DE802A6 3C608056 6063DD00 7FB0EB78 3FA08028 63BDE604 7FA803A6 4E800021 7DE803A6 7E1D8378 39E00000 3A000000 3C60803A 60000000 00000000 C234802C 00000007 3DE0817F 61EF0100 8A0F0000 2C100001 4182000C 806F0004 808F0008 3A000000 9A0F0000 906F0004 908F0008 909F002C 39E00000 00000000 C2149148 00000013 7C6F1B78 7FB0EB78 3C60817F 60630100 88830001 2C040001 40A20064 38800000 98830001 3C60803E 60639710 A0630002 2C030805 41820048 2C030605 41820040 2C031E00 41820038 3C608056 6063DD00 3FA08028 63BDE998 7FA803A6 4E800021 3C608056 6063DD00 3FA08028 63BDE82C 39800000 7FA803A6 4E800021 7DE37B78 7E1D8378 39E00000 3A000000 800100CC 60000000 00000000 C228E90C 00000003 558C0001 4082000C 38800000 38600000 909E00CC 00000000 C2171B6C 00000003 3C60817F 60630100 38800101 B0830000 807F025C 00000000 C2031F6C 0000000A 3C60803E 60639710 A083FFFE 2C043C00 40A20038 A0830002 2C040FFF 40A2002C 7C1E0378 7FE802A6 3C608056 6063DD00 3C808028 6084E604 7C8803A6 4E800021 7FE803A6 7FC0F378 83E1001C 00000000 C229A354 00000006 3CA08034 60A594D8 7CA803A6 4E800021 901E0118 80BE0114 7C852010 80BE0110 7C651910 907E00F0 909E00F4 00000000 04348048 4E800020 0414A99C 60000000 0414D2E8 60000000 0428E9C8 60000000 0428E854 60000000 0428E624 60000000 0456DD00 00000000 0456DD04 00000000 0456DD18 00000003 0456DD1C 00000002 0456DD20 8056DD24 0456DD24 00000000 0456DD28 00000001 0456DD2C 00000000 0456DD30 000000B4 0414AC18 4800006C 077F00C0 00000040 38000000 60000001 7D0D42E6 7D2C42E6 7C6D42E6 7C081800 4082FFF0 3D40817F 806A0108 7C634810 906A0108 806A0104 7C634110 906A0104 3860001C 4E800020 04296E7C 4955924D 042998BC 49556805 042B5B94 4953A531 042B7070 49539051 C23617C4 0000000F 3CC0817F 60C60100 88860000 2C040001 4182002C 88860001 2C040001 40A20050 3CA0803E 60A56010 88850002 2C040007 4182003C 2C040009 41810034 3C608009 60633DF8 7C6803A6 4E800021 80AD97E8 38A500E8 90650028 90660004 9085002C 90860008 38600000 98660000 80010024 60000000 00000000 C20EDB08 00000002 3C80817F 60A50001 90A4010C 00000000 C20EAF94 0000000C 2C000003 40A20050 3C60817F 60630100 8083000C 2C040000 41A2003C 38800000 9083000C 7DE802A6 3C608074 60639F00 7FB0EB78 3FA0800E 63BD1B4C 7FA803A6 4E800021 7DE803A6 7E1D8378 39E00000 3A000000 3C608037 60000000 00000000 C209294C 00000007 3DE0817F 61EF0100 8A0F0000 2C100001 4182000C 806F0004 808F0008 3A000000 9A0F0000 906F0004 908F0008 909F002C 39E00000 00000000 C220A5A0 00000013 7C6F1B78 7FB0EB78 3C60817F 60630100 88830001 2C040001 40A20064 38800000 98830001 3C60803E 60636010 A0630002 2C030805 41820048 2C030605 41820040 2C031E00 41820038 3C608074 60639F00 3FA0800E 63BD1EE0 7FA803A6 4E800021 3C608074 60639F00 3FA0800E 63BD1D74 39800000 7FA803A6 4E800021 7DE37B78 7E1D8378 39E00000 3A000000 800100CC 60000000 00000000 C20E1E54 00000003 558C0001 4082000C 38800000 38600000 909E00CC 00000000 C2232024 00000003 3C60817F 60630100 38800101 B0830000 807F0268 00000000 C23617C8 0000000A 3C60803E 60636010 A083FFFE 2C043C00 40A20038 A0830002 2C040FFF 40A2002C 7C1E0378 7FE802A6 3C608056 60639F00 3C80800E 60841B4C 7C8803A6 4E800021 7FE803A6 7FC0F378 83E1001C 00000000 C20ED8D8 00000006 3CA08009 60A53DF8 7CA803A6 4E800021 901E0118 80BE0114 7C852010 80BE0110 7C651910 907E00F0 909E00F4 00000000 04092968 4E800020 0420BDF8 60000000 0420E8A4 60000000 040E1F10 60000000 040E1D9C 60000000 040E1B6C 60000000 04749F00 00000000 04749F04 00000000 04749F18 00000003 04749F1C 00000002 04749F20 80749F24 04749F24 00000000 04749F28 00000001 04749F2C 00000000 04749F30 000000B4 0420C074 4800006C 077F00C0 00000040 38000000 60000001 7D0D42E6 7D2C42E6 7C6D42E6 7C081800 4082FFF0 3D40817F 806A0108 7C634810 906A0108 806A0104 7C634110 906A0104 3860001C 4E800020 040EA438 49705C91 040ECE40 49703281 0410AD28 496E539D 0410BFCC 496E40F5 C2363E70 0000000F 3CC0817F 60C60100 88860000 2C040001 4182002C 88860001 2C040001 40A20050 3CA0803D 60A5A8F0 88850002 2C040007 4182003C 2C040009 41810034 3C608032 60638DD8 7C6803A6 4E800021 80AD9E78 38A500E8 90650028 90660004 9085002C 90860008 38600000 98660000 80010024 60000000 00000000 C227A238 00000002 3C80817F 60000001 9004010C 00000000 C2277680 0000000C 2C000003 40A20050 3C60817F 60630100 8083000C 2C040000 41A2003C 38800000 9083000C 7DE802A6 3C608056 6063DD00 7FB0EB78 3FA08026 63BDE354 7FA803A6 4E800021 7DE803A6 7E1D8378 39E00000 3A000000 3C608039 60000000 00000000 C232792C 00000007 3DE0817F 61EF0100 8A0F0000 2C100001 4182000C 806F0004 808F0008 3A000000 9A0F0000 906F0004 908F0008 909F002C 39E00000 00000000 C212A528 00000013 7C6F1B78 7FB0EB78 3C60817F 60630100 88830001 2C040001 40A20064 38800000 98830001 3C60803D 6063A8F0 A0630002 2C030805 41820048 2C030605 41820040 2C031E00 41820038 3C608056 6063DD00 3FA08026 63BDE6E8 7FA803A6 4E800021 3C608056 6063DD00 3FA08026 63BDE57C 39800000 7FA803A6 4E800021 7DE37B78 7E1D8378 39E00000 3A000000 800100CC 60000000 00000000 C226E65C 00000003 558C0001 4082000C 38800000 38600000 909E00CC 00000000 C21528FC 00000003 3C60817F 60630100 38800101 B0830000 807F0268 00000000 C2363E74 0000000A 3C60803D 6063A8F0 A083FFFE 2C043C00 40A20038 A0830002 2C040FFF 40A2002C 7C1E0378 7FE802A6 3C608056 6063DD00 3C808026 6084E354 7C8803A6 4E800021 7FE803A6 7FC0F378 83E1001C 00000000 C227A004 00000006 3CA08032 60A58DD8 7CA803A6 4E800021 901E0118 80BE0114 7C852010 80BE0110 7C651910 907E00F0 909E00F4 00000000 04327948 4E800020 0412BD90 60000000 0412E6F8 60000000 0426E718 60000000 0426E5A4 60000000 0426E374 60000000 0456DD00 00000000 0456DD04 00000000 0456DD18 00000003 0456DD1C 00000002 0456DD20 8056DD24 0456DD24 00000000 0456DD28 00000001 0456DD2C 00000000 0456DD30 000000B4 0412C00C 4800006C 077F00C0 00000040 38000000 60000001 7D0D42E6 7D2C42E6 7C6D42E6 7C081800 4082FFF0 3D40817F 806A0108 7C634810 906A0108 806A0104 7C634110 906A0104 3860001C 4E800020 04276B24 495795A5 0427956C 49576B55 04295880 4955A845 04296B24 4955959D C2032020 0000000F 3CC0817F 60C60100 88860000 2C040001 4182002C 88860001 2C040001 40A20050 3CA0803E 60A510D0 88850002 2C040007 4182003C 2C040009 41810034 3C608034 60631734 7C6803A6 4E800021 80AD9EE0 38A500E8 90650028 90660004 9085002C 90860008 38600000 98660000 80010024 60000000 00000000 C2292420 00000002 3C80817F 60000001 9004010C 00000000 C228F870 0000000C 2C000003 40A20050 3C60817F 60630100 8083000C 2C040000 41A2003C 38800000 9083000C 7DE802A6 3C608056 6063DF00 7FB0EB78 3FA08028 63BD6390 7FA803A6 4E800021 7DE803A6 7E1D8378 39E00000 3A000000 3C60803A 60000000 00000000 C2340288 00000007 3DE0817F 61EF0100 8A0F0000 2C100001 4182000C 806F0004 808F0008 3A000000 9A0F0000 906F0004 908F0008 909F002C 39E00000 00000000 C213DDD8 00000013 7C6F1B78 7FB0EB78 3C60817F 60630100 88830001 2C040001 40A20064 38800000 98830001 3C60803E 606310D0 A0630002 2C030805 41820048 2C030605 41820040 2C031E00 41820038 3C608056 6063DF00 3FA08028 63BD6724 7FA803A6 4E800021 3C608056 6063DF00 3FA08028 63BD65B8 39800000 7FA803A6 4E800021 7DE37B78 7E1D8378 39E00000 3A000000 800100CC 60000000 00000000 C2286698 00000003 558C0001 4082000C 38800000 38600000 909E00CC 00000000 C2167984 00000003 3C60817F 60630100 38800101 B0830000 807F084C 00000000 C2032024 0000000A 3C60803E 606310D0 A083FFFE 2C043C00 40A20038 A0830002 2C040FFF 40A2002C 7C1E0378 7FE802A6 3C608056 6063DF00 3C808028 60846390 7C8803A6 4E800021 7FE803A6 7FC0F378 83E1001C 00000000 C22921EC 00000006 3CA08034 60A51734 7CA803A6 4E800021 901E0118 80BE0114 7C852010 80BE0110 7C651910 907E00F0 909E00F4 00000000 043402A4 4E800020 0413F62C 60000000 04141F78 60000000 04286754 60000000 042865E0 60000000 042863B0 60000000 0456DF00 00000000 0456DF04 00000000 0456DF18 00000003 0456DF1C 00000002 0456DF20 8056DF24 0456DF24 00000000 0456DF28 00000001 0456DF2C 00000000 0456DF30 000000B4 0413F8A8 4800006C 077F00C0 00000040 38000000 60000001 7D0D42E6 7D2C42E6 7C6D42E6 7C081800 4082FFF0 3D40817F 806A0108 7C634810 906A0108 806A0104 7C634110 906A0104 3860001C 4E800020 0428ED14 495613B5 04291754 4955E96D 042ADB18 495425AD 042AF040 49541081 qft timer Quarterframe Timer (Experimental) QFタイマー Noki Doki, sup39(サポミク) 1.2 Oct 16, 2022 drawText drawText Adds an in-game timer to every level, starting on the last black frame after the loading screen and ending as soon as the 'Shine Get' animation starts (similar to the x-cam timer of SM64). ::: warning The timer pauses during loading times and FMVs. ::: C20ECE44 0000000B 981A0260 3CE0817F 880700B3 2C000000 38800000 908700BC 41820010 B08700B2 3800FFFC 900700B4 60E30110 60E50094 80CD97F8 80C60048 60E700A4 39000002 39200000 3D808001 618C9904 7D8803A6 4E800021 00000000 C2206738 0000001B 3C60817F 888300B2 810300B4 2C040000 40A20030 808300BC 2C040000 40A20010 810D97E8 8108005C 48000010 3884FFFF 908300BC 810300B8 800300B4 7D080214 3CE0000A 60E7F9B0 7C074000 40A00010 7CE83B78 98E300B2 90E300B4 1D0803E9 38000078 7D080396 380003E8 7CE80396 7C0701D6 7D004050 3800003C 7CC70396 7C0601D6 7CE03850 38A300A4 3880000F 80630210 4CC63182 3D808008 618C40C4 7D8803A6 4E800021 3C60817F 60630110 38800000 38A00000 38C10E90 38E00081 3D808001 618C8E64 7D8803A6 4E800021 881F0046 00000000 C20EFA30 00000005 3CA0817F A00500B2 2C000000 40820014 800500B4 80C3005C 7C003214 900500B4 7C0802A6 00000000 C20EDB30 00000005 3CA0817F 80C500B4 8003005C 7CC60214 38C60004 54C6003A 90C500B4 38C0FFFF B0C500B2 00000000 C21D1F38 00000005 3D00817F 80C800B4 8003005C 7CC60214 38C60004 54C6003A 90C800B4 38C0FFFF B0C800B2 00000000 C22257CC 00000002 2C030001 3C60817F 98A300B3 00000000 C20EBD78 00000002 389C0001 3CA0817F 988500B3 00000000 C20EC72C 00000005 3CA0817F 38600001 986500B3 807F005C 38630003 5463003A 906500B8 3860FFFF 906500BC 00000000 C20ED8F0 00000005 3CA0817F 980500B3 801E005C 30000004 5400003A 900500B8 3800FFFF 900500BC 60000000 00000000 C2196314 00000004 80AD97E8 8005005C 3CA0817F 900500B8 3800001E 900500BC 38A00000 00000000 C2196128 00000005 7C030378 80A3005C 38A50003 54A0003A 3CA0817F 900500B8 3800001E 900500BC 60000000 00000000 077F0094 0000001D 00000010 000001A0 00000280 000001E0 25753A25 3032752E 25303375 00000000 C22998C0 0000000B 981A0260 3CE0817F 880700B3 2C000000 38800000 908700BC 41820010 B08700B2 3800FFFC 900700B4 60E30110 60E50094 80CD9FC8 80C60048 60E700A4 39000002 39200000 3D80802D 618C0848 7D8803A6 4E800021 00000000 C2143F18 0000001B 3C60817F 888300B2 810300B4 2C040000 40A20030 808300BC 2C040000 40A20010 810D9FB8 8108005C 48000010 3884FFFF 908300BC 810300B8 800300B4 7D080214 3CE0000A 60E7F9B0 7C074000 40A00010 7CE83B78 98E300B2 90E300B4 1D0803E9 38000078 7D080396 380003E8 7CE80396 7C0701D6 7D004050 3800003C 7CC70396 7C0601D6 7CE03850 38A300A4 3880000F 80630210 4CC63182 3D808033 618C97A4 7D8803A6 4E800021 3C60817F 60630110 38800000 38A00000 38C10BD0 38E00081 3D80802C 618CFDA8 7D8803A6 4E800021 881F0046 00000000 C229C520 00000005 3CA0817F A00500B2 2C000000 40820014 800500B4 80C3005C 7C003214 900500B4 7C0802A6 00000000 C229A5AC 00000005 3CA0817F 80C500B4 8003005C 7CC60214 38C60004 54C6003A 90C500B4 38C0FFFF B0C500B2 00000000 C21FA380 00000005 3D00817F 80C800B4 8003005C 7CC60214 38C60004 54C6003A 90C800B4 38C0FFFF B0C800B2 00000000 C2164E24 00000002 2C030001 3C60817F 98A300B3 00000000 C229880C 00000002 389C0001 3CA0817F 988500B3 00000000 C22991A8 00000005 3CA0817F 38600001 986500B3 807F005C 38630003 5463003A 906500B8 3860FFFF 906500BC 00000000 C229A36C 00000005 3CA0817F 980500B3 801E005C 30000004 5400003A 900500B8 3800FFFF 900500BC 60000000 00000000 077F0094 0000001D 00000010 000001A0 00000280 000001E0 25753A25 3032752E 25303375 00000000 C21BE474 00000004 80AD9FB8 8005005C 3CA0817F 900500B8 3800001E 900500BC 38A00000 00000000 C21BE288 00000005 7C030378 80A3005C 38A50003 54A0003A 3CA0817F 900500B8 3800001E 900500BC 60000000 00000000 C2291758 0000000B 981A0260 3CE0817F 880700B3 2C000000 38800000 908700BC 41820010 B08700B2 3800FFFC 900700B4 60E30110 60E50094 80CD9EF0 80C60048 60E700A4 39000002 39200000 3D80802C 618C89F0 7D8803A6 4E800021 00000000 C2138B54 0000001B 3C60817F 888300B2 810300B4 2C040000 40A20030 808300BC 2C040000 40A20010 810D9EE0 8108005C 48000010 3884FFFF 908300BC 810300B8 800300B4 7D080214 3CE0000A 60E7F9B0 7C074000 40A00010 7CE83B78 98E300B2 90E300B4 1D0803E9 38000078 7D080396 380003E8 7CE80396 7C0701D6 7D004050 3800003C 7CC70396 7C0601D6 7CE03850 38A300A4 3880000F 80630210 4CC63182 3D808033 618C1924 7D8803A6 4E800021 3C60817F 60630110 38800000 38A00000 38C10BE4 38E00081 3D80802C 618C7F50 7D8803A6 4E800021 881F0046 00000000 C22943FC 00000005 3CA0817F A00500B2 2C000000 40820014 800500B4 80C3005C 7C003214 900500B4 7C0802A6 00000000 C2292480 00000005 3CA0817F 80C500B4 8003005C 7CC60214 38C60004 54C6003A 90C500B4 38C0FFFF B0C500B2 00000000 C21F2258 00000005 3D00817F 80C800B4 8003005C 7CC60214 38C60004 54C6003A 90C800B4 38C0FFFF B0C800B2 00000000 C2159E9C 00000002 2C030001 3C60817F 98A300B3 00000000 C22906A4 00000002 389C0001 3CA0817F 988500B3 00000000 C2291040 00000005 3CA0817F 38600001 986500B3 807F005C 38630003 5463003A 906500B8 3860FFFF 906500BC 00000000 C2292204 00000005 3CA0817F 980500B3 801E005C 30000004 5400003A 900500B8 3800FFFF 900500BC 60000000 00000000 077F0094 0000001D 00000010 000001A0 00000280 000001E0 25753A25 3032752E 25303375 00000000 C21B632C 00000004 80AD9EE0 8005005C 3CA0817F 900500B8 3800001E 900500BC 38A00000 00000000 C21B6140 00000005 7C030378 80A3005C 38A50003 54A0003A 3CA0817F 900500B8 3800001E 900500BC 60000000 00000000 C2279570 0000000B 981A0260 3CE0817F 880700B3 2C000000 38800000 908700BC 41820010 B08700B2 3800FFFC 900700B4 60E30110 60E50094 80CD9E88 80C60048 60E700A4 39000002 39200000 3D80802B 618C0058 7D8803A6 4E800021 00000000 C21252A4 0000001B 3C60817F 888300B2 810300B4 2C040000 40A20030 808300BC 2C040000 40A20010 810D9E78 8108005C 48000010 3884FFFF 908300BC 810300B8 800300B4 7D080214 3CE0000A 60E7F9B0 7C074000 40A00010 7CE83B78 98E300B2 90E300B4 1D0803E9 38000078 7D080396 380003E8 7CE80396 7C0701D6 7D004050 3800003C 7CC70396 7C0601D6 7CE03850 38A300A4 3880000F 80630210 4CC63182 3D808031 618C90A4 7D8803A6 4E800021 3C60817F 60630110 38800000 38A00000 38C10BEC 38E00081 3D80802A 618CF5B8 7D8803A6 4E800021 881F0046 00000000 C227C214 00000005 3CA0817F A00500B2 2C000000 40820014 800500B4 80C3005C 7C003214 900500B4 7C0802A6 00000000 C227A298 00000005 3CA0817F 80C500B4 8003005C 7CC60214 38C60004 54C6003A 90C500B4 38C0FFFF B0C500B2 00000000 C21DA0FC 00000005 3D00817F 80C800B4 8003005C 7CC60214 38C60004 54C6003A 90C800B4 38C0FFFF B0C800B2 00000000 C2145EBC 00000002 2C030001 3C60817F 98A300B3 00000000 C22784B4 00000002 389C0001 3CA0817F 988500B3 00000000 C2278E58 00000005 3CA0817F 38600001 986500B3 807F005C 38630003 5463003A 906500B8 3860FFFF 906500BC 00000000 C227A01C 00000005 3CA0817F 980500B3 801E005C 30000004 5400003A 900500B8 3800FFFF 900500BC 60000000 00000000 077F0094 0000001D 00000010 000001A0 00000280 000001E0 25753A25 3032752E 25303375 00000000 C219E1FC 00000004 80AD9E78 8005005C 3CA0817F 900500B8 3800001E 900500BC 38A00000 00000000 C219E010 00000005 7C030378 80A3005C 38A50003 54A0003A 3CA0817F 900500B8 3800001E 900500BC 60000000 00000000 loader standard,recommended,il Level Select Level Select Sélecteur de niveau レベルセレクト Psychonauter, Dan Salvato, Noki Doki 1.15 Jul 5, 2021 Allows warping to other levels when starting a file or when exiting a level by holding the combination until the screen turns black. ::: warning This code is not compatible with the Fast Any% or Stage Loader code. ::: Codes: ![Level Select Combinations](/img/levelselect.png) Erlaubt das Warpen in andere Level mittels einer Tastenkombination beim Starten des Spiels oder beim Verlassen eines Levels. Die Tastenkombination muss gedrückt gehalten werden bis der Bildschirm schwarz wird. ::: warning WARNUNG Dieser Code ist nicht Kompatibel mit dem Fast Any% oder Stage Loader code. ::: Tastenkombinationen: ![Level Select Combinations](/img/levelselect.png) Permet de charger d'autres niveaux en démarrant un fichier ou en quittant un niveau en maintenant la combinaison appropriée jusqu'à ce que l'écran devienne noir. ::: warning Attention Ce code n'est pas compatible avec Fast Any% ni Chargeur de liste. ::: Combinaisons : ![Combinaisons du sélecteur de niveau](/img/levelselect.png) 「ファイル開始時」もしくは「ステージ退場時(画面が黒くなるまで)に組合せ入力する」と、他のステージにワープできます。 ::: warning 注意 このコードは「Fast Any%」「ステージローダー」とは互換性がありません。 ::: コード: ![Level Select Combinations](/img/levelselect.png) C22A6710 00000073 3C60817F 3CA08040 60A54484 38E00000 90E3010C 38E00001 98E30101 A09F0012 2C040D05 41810318 2C040109 41810308 2C040001 41820308 38E00001 98E30100 A0E50002 54E6C6F6 7CC73B78 70E70C70 88C50001 2C860000 40860024 418202E0 2C070800 A1030000 418202BC 2C070010 408201D4 A1030002 480002B8 2C060009 418201C4 2C060008 4082000C 39000200 48000060 2C06000A 4082000C 39000300 48000050 2C060002 4082000C 39000400 48000040 2C060006 4082000C 39000500 48000030 2C060004 4082000C 39000600 48000020 2C060005 4082000C 39000800 48000010 2C060001 40820254 39000900 2C070000 41820230 2C070040 4082000C 39080001 48000220 2C070020 4082000C 39080002 48000210 2C070060 4082000C 39080003 48000200 2C070010 4082000C 39080004 480001F0 2C070050 4082000C 39080005 480001E0 2C070030 4082000C 39080006 480001D0 2C070070 4082000C 39080007 480001C0 2C070400 40820068 2C060004 4082000C 39000E00 480001B0 2C06000A 4082000C 39001E00 480001A0 2C060002 4082000C 39002100 48000190 2C060001 4082000C 39003900 48000180 2C060008 4082000C 39003700 48000170 2C060005 39003A00 40820164 39002C00 4800015C 2C070800 40820164 2C060008 4082000C 39000100 48000144 2C06000A 4082000C 39000101 48000134 2C060002 4082000C 39000105 48000124 2C060006 4082000C 39000107 48000114 2C060004 4082000C 39000108 48000104 2C060005 4082000C 39000109 480000F4 39000102 480000EC 2C070040 40820010 39001400 39202E00 480000C4 2C070020 40820010 39001500 39203000 480000B0 2C070060 40820010 39001600 39202000 4800009C 2C070050 40820010 39001700 39202900 48000088 2C070030 40820010 39001800 39203300 48000074 2C070070 40820010 39001D00 39202800 48000060 2C070400 40820010 39003400 39202A00 4800004C 2C070440 40820010 39000000 39201F00 48000038 2C070800 4082000C 39203A01 48000028 2C070840 40820010 39001000 39203C00 48000014 2C070010 39203200 41820008 39202F00 2C060009 40A20010 7D284B78 80AD9FA0 990500DF B1030000 B11F0012 A09F0012 B0830002 2C041E00 4182002C 2C040404 41820024 2C040801 4182001C 2C040904 41820014 2C040605 4182000C 2C040805 40A2000C 38800000 B0830100 807F0020 889F0012 2C040007 4182000C 2C04000E 40A2000C 3880003B B08300E4 00000000 062976B4 00000008 3C600003 38830005 C22B98E0 00000003 5460063F 41820010 881D000F 2C000007 60000000 00000000 C22B9A34 00000003 806D9FA0 880300CC 54000734 980300CC 4E800020 00000000 C20FA114 00000073 3C60817F 3CA08040 60A50D80 38E00000 90E3010C 38E00001 98E30101 A09F0012 2C040D05 41810318 2C040109 41810308 2C040001 41820308 38E00001 98E30100 A0E50002 54E6C6F6 7CC73B78 70E70C70 88C50001 2C860000 40860024 418202E0 2C070800 A1030000 418202BC 2C070010 408201D4 A1030002 480002B8 2C060009 418201C4 2C060008 4082000C 39000200 48000060 2C06000A 4082000C 39000300 48000050 2C060002 4082000C 39000400 48000040 2C060006 4082000C 39000500 48000030 2C060004 4082000C 39000600 48000020 2C060005 4082000C 39000800 48000010 2C060001 40820254 39000900 2C070000 41820230 2C070040 4082000C 39080001 48000220 2C070020 4082000C 39080002 48000210 2C070060 4082000C 39080003 48000200 2C070010 4082000C 39080004 480001F0 2C070050 4082000C 39080005 480001E0 2C070030 4082000C 39080006 480001D0 2C070070 4082000C 39080007 480001C0 2C070400 40820068 2C060004 4082000C 39000E00 480001B0 2C06000A 4082000C 39001E00 480001A0 2C060002 4082000C 39002100 48000190 2C060001 4082000C 39003900 48000180 2C060008 4082000C 39003700 48000170 2C060005 39003A00 40820164 39002C00 4800015C 2C070800 40820164 2C060008 4082000C 39000100 48000144 2C06000A 4082000C 39000101 48000134 2C060002 4082000C 39000105 48000124 2C060006 4082000C 39000107 48000114 2C060004 4082000C 39000108 48000104 2C060005 4082000C 39000109 480000F4 39000102 480000EC 2C070040 40820010 39001400 39202E00 480000C4 2C070020 40820010 39001500 39203000 480000B0 2C070060 40820010 39001600 39202000 4800009C 2C070050 40820010 39001700 39202900 48000088 2C070030 40820010 39001800 39203300 48000074 2C070070 40820010 39001D00 39202800 48000060 2C070400 40820010 39003400 39202A00 4800004C 2C070440 40820010 39000000 39201F00 48000038 2C070800 4082000C 39203A01 48000028 2C070840 40820010 39001000 39203C00 48000014 2C070010 39203200 41820008 39202F00 2C060009 40A20010 7D284B78 80AD97D0 990500DF B1030000 B11F0012 A09F0012 B0830002 2C041E00 4182002C 2C040404 41820024 2C040801 4182001C 2C040904 41820014 2C040605 4182000C 2C040805 40A2000C 38800000 B0830100 807F0020 889F0012 2C040007 4182000C 2C04000E 40A2000C 3880003B B08300E4 00000000 060EAC70 00000008 3C600003 38830005 C210E598 00000003 5460063F 41820010 881D000F 2C000007 60000000 00000000 C210E6EC 00000003 806D97D0 880300CC 54000734 980300CC 4E800020 00000000 C228656C 00000073 3C60817F 3CA0803F 60A55458 38E00000 90E3010C 38E00001 98E30101 A09F0012 2C040D05 41810318 2C040109 41810308 2C040001 41820308 38E00001 98E30100 A0E50002 54E6C6F6 7CC73B78 70E70C70 88C50001 2C860000 40860024 418202E0 2C070800 A1030000 418202BC 2C070010 408201D4 A1030002 480002B8 2C060009 418201C4 2C060008 4082000C 39000200 48000060 2C06000A 4082000C 39000300 48000050 2C060002 4082000C 39000400 48000040 2C060006 4082000C 39000500 48000030 2C060004 4082000C 39000600 48000020 2C060005 4082000C 39000800 48000010 2C060001 40820254 39000900 2C070000 41820230 2C070040 4082000C 39080001 48000220 2C070020 4082000C 39080002 48000210 2C070060 4082000C 39080003 48000200 2C070010 4082000C 39080004 480001F0 2C070050 4082000C 39080005 480001E0 2C070030 4082000C 39080006 480001D0 2C070070 4082000C 39080007 480001C0 2C070400 40820068 2C060004 4082000C 39000E00 480001B0 2C06000A 4082000C 39001E00 480001A0 2C060002 4082000C 39002100 48000190 2C060001 4082000C 39003900 48000180 2C060008 4082000C 39003700 48000170 2C060005 39003A00 40820164 39002C00 4800015C 2C070800 40820164 2C060008 4082000C 39000100 48000144 2C06000A 4082000C 39000101 48000134 2C060002 4082000C 39000105 48000124 2C060006 4082000C 39000107 48000114 2C060004 4082000C 39000108 48000104 2C060005 4082000C 39000109 480000F4 39000102 480000EC 2C070040 40820010 39001400 39202E00 480000C4 2C070020 40820010 39001500 39203000 480000B0 2C070060 40820010 39001600 39202000 4800009C 2C070050 40820010 39001700 39202900 48000088 2C070030 40820010 39001800 39203300 48000074 2C070070 40820010 39001D00 39202800 48000060 2C070400 40820010 39003400 39202A00 4800004C 2C070440 40820010 39000000 39201F00 48000038 2C070800 4082000C 39203A01 48000028 2C070840 40820010 39001000 39203C00 48000014 2C070010 39203200 41820008 39202F00 2C060009 40A20010 7D284B78 80AD9E60 990500DF B1030000 B11F0012 A09F0012 B0830002 2C041E00 4182002C 2C040404 41820024 2C040801 4182001C 2C040904 41820014 2C040605 4182000C 2C040805 40A2000C 38800000 B0830100 807F0020 889F0012 2C040007 4182000C 2C04000E 40A2000C 3880003B B08300E4 00000000 0627735C 00000008 3C600003 38830005 C22990F0 00000003 5460063F 41820010 881D000F 2C000007 60000000 00000000 C2299244 00000003 806D9E60 880300CC 54000734 980300CC 4E800020 00000000 C229E668 00000073 3C60817F 3CA0803F 60A5BC24 38E00000 90E3010C 38E00001 98E30101 A09F0012 2C040D05 41810318 2C040109 41810308 2C040001 41820308 38E00001 98E30100 A0E50002 54E6C6F6 7CC73B78 70E70C70 88C50001 2C860000 40860024 418202E0 2C070800 A1030000 418202BC 2C070010 408201D4 A1030002 480002B8 2C060009 418201C4 2C060008 4082000C 39000200 48000060 2C06000A 4082000C 39000300 48000050 2C060002 4082000C 39000400 48000040 2C060006 4082000C 39000500 48000030 2C060004 4082000C 39000600 48000020 2C060005 4082000C 39000800 48000010 2C060001 40820254 39000900 2C070000 41820230 2C070040 4082000C 39080001 48000220 2C070020 4082000C 39080002 48000210 2C070060 4082000C 39080003 48000200 2C070010 4082000C 39080004 480001F0 2C070050 4082000C 39080005 480001E0 2C070030 4082000C 39080006 480001D0 2C070070 4082000C 39080007 480001C0 2C070400 40820068 2C060004 4082000C 39000E00 480001B0 2C06000A 4082000C 39001E00 480001A0 2C060002 4082000C 39002100 48000190 2C060001 4082000C 39003900 48000180 2C060008 4082000C 39003700 48000170 2C060005 39003A00 40820164 39002C00 4800015C 2C070800 40820164 2C060008 4082000C 39000100 48000144 2C06000A 4082000C 39000101 48000134 2C060002 4082000C 39000105 48000124 2C060006 4082000C 39000107 48000114 2C060004 4082000C 39000108 48000104 2C060005 4082000C 39000109 480000F4 39000102 480000EC 2C070040 40820010 39001400 39202E00 480000C4 2C070020 40820010 39001500 39203000 480000B0 2C070060 40820010 39001600 39202000 4800009C 2C070050 40820010 39001700 39202900 48000088 2C070030 40820010 39001800 39203300 48000074 2C070070 40820010 39001D00 39202800 48000060 2C070400 40820010 39003400 39202A00 4800004C 2C070440 40820010 39000000 39201F00 48000038 2C070800 4082000C 39203A01 48000028 2C070840 40820010 39001000 39203C00 48000014 2C070010 39203200 41820008 39202F00 2C060009 40A20010 7D284B78 80AD9EC8 990500DF B1030000 B11F0012 A09F0012 B0830002 2C041E00 4182002C 2C040404 41820024 2C040801 4182001C 2C040904 41820014 2C040605 4182000C 2C040805 40A2000C 38800000 B0830100 807F0020 889F0012 2C040007 4182000C 2C04000E 40A2000C 3880003B B08300E4 00000000 0628F54C 00000008 3C600003 38830005 C22B18B0 00000003 5460063F 41820010 881D000F 2C000007 60000000 00000000 C22B1A04 00000003 806D9EC8 880300CC 54000734 980300CC 4E800020 00000000 loader fap Fast Any% Fast Any% Fast Any% Fast Any% Psychonauter, Noki Doki 1.4 Loads stages in the commonly used any% order, skips all save boxes, replaces all dialog with "!!!" (except for the Pianta 5 secret) and makes all FMVs skippable (except for the Pinna 1 cutscenes). ::: warning This code is not compatible with the Level Select or Stage Loader code. ::: Ladet die Level in derselben Reihenfolge wie Any%, überspringt alle Speicherschaltflächen, ersetzt alle Dialoge mit "!!!" (Abgesehen von Pianta 5) und ermöglicht das Überspringen aller FMVs (ausser in Pinna 1). ::: warning WARNUNG Dieser Code ist nicht kompatibel mit dem Level Select oder Stage Loader Code. ::: Charge les niveaux dans l'ordre any%, retire toutes les boîtes de sauvegarde, remplace tous les dialogues par « !!! » (sauf dans Pianta 5) et rend toutes les FMV passables (sauf celles de Pinna 1). ::: warning Attention Ce code n'est pas compatible avec le Sélecteur de niveau ni le Chargeur de liste. ::: 次の4つの機能を実現します: 「Any%順でステージを読み込む」「全てのセーブ画面をスキップ」「全ての会話を「!!!」に置き換え(モンテ5のシークレットを除く)」「全てのFMVをスキップ可能にする(ピンナ1のFMVを除く)」 ::: warning 注意 このコードは「Fast Any%」「ステージローダー」とは互換性がありません。 ::: Feb 16, 2018 C22A6710 00000064 3C60817F 60630100 38000000 9003000C 38000001 98030001 80AD9FA0 889F0012 2C040001 418102F4 98030000 88850007 70800001 41A2000C 38803400 480002D4 88850006 70800080 41A2000C 38800906 480002C0 70800040 41A2000C 38800905 480002B0 70800020 41A2000C 38800904 480002A0 70800010 41A2000C 38800903 48000290 70800008 41A2000C 38800902 48000280 70800004 41A2000C 38800901 48000270 88850005 70800040 41A2000C 38800900 4800025C 70800020 41A2000C 38800606 4800024C 70800010 41A2000C 38800605 4800023C 70800008 41A2000C 38800604 4800022C 70800004 41A2000C 38800603 4800021C 70800002 41A2000C 38800602 4800020C 70800001 41A2000C 38800601 480001FC 88850000 70800040 41A2000C 38800600 480001E8 70800020 41A2000C 38800206 480001D8 88850002 70800001 41A2000C 38800205 480001C4 88850001 70800080 41A2000C 38800306 480001B0 70800040 41A2000C 38800305 480001A0 70800020 41A2000C 38800304 48000190 70800010 41A2000C 38800303 48000180 70800008 41A2000C 38800302 48000170 70800004 41A2000C 38800301 48000160 88850004 70800010 41A2000C 38800300 4800014C 70800008 41A2000C 38800506 4800013C 70800002 41A2000C 38800502 4800012C 70800001 41A2000C 38800503 4800011C 88850003 70800080 41A2000C 38800502 48000108 70800040 41A2000C 38800501 480000F8 88850008 70800004 41A2000C 38800500 480000E4 88850007 70800080 41A2000C 38800806 480000D0 88850008 70800001 41A2000C 38800805 480000BC 88850007 70800020 41A2000C 38800804 480000A8 70800040 41A2000C 38800803 48000098 88850008 70800002 41A2000C 38800802 48000084 88850007 70800010 41A2000C 38800801 48000070 88850003 70800004 41A2000C 38800800 4800005C 70800008 41A2000C 38800406 4800004C 88850000 70800010 41A2000C 38800400 48000038 70800008 41A2000C 38800204 48000028 70800004 41A2000C 38800203 48000018 70800002 41A2000C 38800202 48000008 38800200 B09F0012 988500DF 807F0020 00000000 0416210C 4E800020 04157EF8 48000020 048D3A3C 21000000 283E9712 00002A00 04153DA0 801C0004 0415317C A81C0340 E2000001 00000000 2A3E9712 00002A00 04153DA0 38000000 0415317C 38005000 E2000001 00000000 C22B5EF0 00000004 38840391 5480043C 2C000398 4182000C 3C800001 6084039A 60000000 00000000 C22B5E88 00000004 38840391 5480043C 2C000398 4182000C 3C800001 6084039A 60000000 00000000 C20FA19C 00000064 3C60817F 60630100 38000000 9003000C 38000001 98030001 80AD97D0 889F0012 2C040001 418102F4 98030000 88850007 70800001 41A2000C 38803400 480002D4 88850006 70800080 41A2000C 38800906 480002C0 70800040 41A2000C 38800905 480002B0 70800020 41A2000C 38800904 480002A0 70800010 41A2000C 38800903 48000290 70800008 41A2000C 38800902 48000280 70800004 41A2000C 38800901 48000270 88850005 70800040 41A2000C 38800900 4800025C 70800020 41A2000C 38800606 4800024C 70800010 41A2000C 38800605 4800023C 70800008 41A2000C 38800604 4800022C 70800004 41A2000C 38800603 4800021C 70800002 41A2000C 38800602 4800020C 70800001 41A2000C 38800601 480001FC 88850000 70800040 41A2000C 38800600 480001E8 70800020 41A2000C 38800206 480001D8 88850002 70800001 41A2000C 38800205 480001C4 88850001 70800080 41A2000C 38800306 480001B0 70800040 41A2000C 38800305 480001A0 70800020 41A2000C 38800304 48000190 70800010 41A2000C 38800303 48000180 70800008 41A2000C 38800302 48000170 70800004 41A2000C 38800301 48000160 88850004 70800010 41A2000C 38800300 4800014C 70800008 41A2000C 38800506 4800013C 70800002 41A2000C 38800502 4800012C 70800001 41A2000C 38800503 4800011C 88850003 70800080 41A2000C 38800502 48000108 70800040 41A2000C 38800501 480000F8 88850008 70800004 41A2000C 38800500 480000E4 88850007 70800080 41A2000C 38800806 480000D0 88850008 70800001 41A2000C 38800805 480000BC 88850007 70800020 41A2000C 38800804 480000A8 70800040 41A2000C 38800803 48000098 88850008 70800002 41A2000C 38800802 48000084 88850007 70800010 41A2000C 38800801 48000070 88850003 70800004 41A2000C 38800800 4800005C 70800008 41A2000C 38800406 4800004C 88850000 70800010 41A2000C 38800400 48000038 70800008 41A2000C 38800204 48000028 70800004 41A2000C 38800203 48000018 70800002 41A2000C 38800202 48000008 38800200 B09F0012 988500DF 807F0020 00000000 042193D8 48000020 04223094 4E800020 048D8A7C D6008149 048D8A80 81498149 048D8A84 00000000 283E6012 00002A00 04215290 801C0004 04214610 A81C0340 E2000001 00000000 2A3E6012 00002A00 04215290 38000000 04214610 38005000 E2000001 00000000 C210AF58 00000004 38840391 5480043C 2C000398 4182000C 3C800001 6084039A 60000000 00000000 C210AFBC 00000004 38840391 5480043C 2C000398 4182000C 3C800001 6084039A 60000000 00000000 C22865F4 00000064 3C60817F 60630100 38000000 9003000C 38000001 98030001 80AD9E60 889F0012 2C040001 418102F4 98030000 88850007 70800001 41A2000C 38803400 480002D4 88850006 70800080 41A2000C 38800906 480002C0 70800040 41A2000C 38800905 480002B0 70800020 41A2000C 38800904 480002A0 70800010 41A2000C 38800903 48000290 70800008 41A2000C 38800902 48000280 70800004 41A2000C 38800901 48000270 88850005 70800040 41A2000C 38800900 4800025C 70800020 41A2000C 38800606 4800024C 70800010 41A2000C 38800605 4800023C 70800008 41A2000C 38800604 4800022C 70800004 41A2000C 38800603 4800021C 70800002 41A2000C 38800602 4800020C 70800001 41A2000C 38800601 480001FC 88850000 70800040 41A2000C 38800600 480001E8 70800020 41A2000C 38800206 480001D8 88850002 70800001 41A2000C 38800205 480001C4 88850001 70800080 41A2000C 38800306 480001B0 70800040 41A2000C 38800305 480001A0 70800020 41A2000C 38800304 48000190 70800010 41A2000C 38800303 48000180 70800008 41A2000C 38800302 48000170 70800004 41A2000C 38800301 48000160 88850004 70800010 41A2000C 38800300 4800014C 70800008 41A2000C 38800506 4800013C 70800002 41A2000C 38800502 4800012C 70800001 41A2000C 38800503 4800011C 88850003 70800080 41A2000C 38800502 48000108 70800040 41A2000C 38800501 480000F8 88850008 70800004 41A2000C 38800500 480000E4 88850007 70800080 41A2000C 38800806 480000D0 88850008 70800001 41A2000C 38800805 480000BC 88850007 70800020 41A2000C 38800804 480000A8 70800040 41A2000C 38800803 48000098 88850008 70800002 41A2000C 38800802 48000084 88850007 70800010 41A2000C 38800801 48000070 88850003 70800004 41A2000C 38800800 4800005C 70800008 41A2000C 38800406 4800004C 88850000 70800010 41A2000C 38800400 48000038 70800008 41A2000C 38800204 48000028 70800004 41A2000C 38800203 48000018 70800002 41A2000C 38800202 48000008 38800200 B09F0012 988500DF 807F0020 00000000 0413934C 48000020 04143178 4E800020 048CD55C D6008149 048CD560 81498149 048CD564 00000000 283DA8F2 00002A00 041351C4 801C0004 04134524 A81C0340 E2000001 00000000 2A3DA8F2 00002A00 041351C4 38000000 04134524 38005000 E2000001 00000000 C2295AB0 00000004 38840391 5480043C 2C000398 4182000C 3C800001 6084039A 60000000 00000000 C2295B14 00000004 38840391 5480043C 2C000398 4182000C 3C800001 6084039A 60000000 00000000 C229E668 00000064 3C60817F 60630100 38000000 9003000C 38000001 98030001 80AD9EC8 889F0012 2C040001 418102F4 98030000 88850007 70800001 41A2000C 38803400 480002D4 88850006 70800080 41A2000C 38800906 480002C0 70800040 41A2000C 38800905 480002B0 70800020 41A2000C 38800904 480002A0 70800010 41A2000C 38800903 48000290 70800008 41A2000C 38800902 48000280 70800004 41A2000C 38800901 48000270 88850005 70800040 41A2000C 38800900 4800025C 70800020 41A2000C 38800606 4800024C 70800010 41A2000C 38800605 4800023C 70800008 41A2000C 38800604 4800022C 70800004 41A2000C 38800603 4800021C 70800002 41A2000C 38800602 4800020C 70800001 41A2000C 38800601 480001FC 88850000 70800040 41A2000C 38800600 480001E8 70800020 41A2000C 38800206 480001D8 88850002 70800001 41A2000C 38800205 480001C4 88850001 70800080 41A2000C 38800306 480001B0 70800040 41A2000C 38800305 480001A0 70800020 41A2000C 38800304 48000190 70800010 41A2000C 38800303 48000180 70800008 41A2000C 38800302 48000170 70800004 41A2000C 38800301 48000160 88850004 70800010 41A2000C 38800300 4800014C 70800008 41A2000C 38800506 4800013C 70800002 41A2000C 38800502 4800012C 70800001 41A2000C 38800503 4800011C 88850003 70800080 41A2000C 38800502 48000108 70800040 41A2000C 38800501 480000F8 88850008 70800004 41A2000C 38800500 480000E4 88850007 70800080 41A2000C 38800806 480000D0 88850008 70800001 41A2000C 38800805 480000BC 88850007 70800020 41A2000C 38800804 480000A8 70800040 41A2000C 38800803 48000098 88850008 70800002 41A2000C 38800802 48000084 88850007 70800010 41A2000C 38800801 48000070 88850003 70800004 41A2000C 38800800 4800005C 70800008 41A2000C 38800406 4800004C 88850000 70800010 41A2000C 38800400 48000038 70800008 41A2000C 38800204 48000028 70800004 41A2000C 38800203 48000018 70800002 41A2000C 38800202 48000008 38800200 B09F0012 988500DF 807F0020 00000000 0414CF44 48000020 04157158 4E800020 283E10D2 00002A00 04148D20 801C0004 04147F98 A81C0340 E2000001 00000000 2A3E10D2 00002A00 04148D20 38000000 04147F98 38005000 E2000001 00000000 20570B7C 00000000 0474E87C 21000000 20570B7D 00000001 0474E9F4 21210000 20570B7D 00000002 0474ED38 00000000 20570B7D 00000003 0474EE04 A1000000 20570B7D 00000004 0474EBDC 21210000 E2000001 00000000 C22ADE1C 00000004 38840391 5480043C 2C000398 4182000C 3C800001 6084039A 60000000 00000000 C22ADE84 00000004 38840391 5480043C 2C000398 4182000C 3C800001 6084039A 60000000 00000000 qol recommended,il Any Fruit Opens Yoshi Eggs Jede Frucht öffnet Yoshi-Eier Tous les fruits ouvrent les œufs de Yoshi 任意のフルーツでヨッシーをタマゴから解放 Unknown, Noki Doki 1.0 Aug 19, 2018 Allows opening Yoshi eggs with a different fruit than the one depicted. Ermöglicht das öffnen von Yoshi-Eiern mit jeglicher Frucht. Permet de faire éclore les œufs de Yoshi avec un autre fruit que celui demandé. どのフルーツでもヨッシーをタマゴから解放できるようになります。 041BC900 60000000 041948E8 60000000 0419C688 60000000 041B47B8 60000000 qol recommended,il Infinite Juice Unendlich Saft Jus infini 無限ジュース Noki Doki 1.0 Apr 5, 2019 Prevents Yoshi from despawning due to running out of juice. Verhindert, dass Yoshi aufgrund von Saftmangel verschwindet. Empêche Yoshi de disparaître en n'ayant plus de jus. ジュースが切れてもヨッシーが消えなくなります。 0426E810 60000000 0414DB88 60000000 0424E560 60000000 0426659C 60000000 cosmetic Replace Episode names with their ID Ersetze Episodennamen mit ihrer ID Remplacer les noms d'épisodes par leur numéro ストーリー名をIDに置き換え Psychonauter, Noki Doki 1.1 Replaces the Episode names with the episode number in the demo screen. (Useful for the stage loader.) Ersetzt alle Episodennamen mit ihrer Nummer (in der Vorschauszene). Praktisch für den Stage Loader. Remplace les noms des épisodes par leurs numéros dans la séquence de démo. (Utile pour le Chargeur de liste.) デモ画面でストーリー名をストーリー番号に置き換えます。 (「ステージローダー」に役立ちます。) Feb 13, 2018 C21727B8 00000004 80AD9FA0 88A500DF 38A50031 54A5403E B0A60000 38800080 60000000 00000000 C2232C70 00000004 80AD97D0 88A500DF 38A50031 54A5403E B0A60000 38800080 60000000 00000000 C2153548 00000004 80AD9E60 88A500DF 38A50031 54A5403E B0A60000 38800080 60000000 00000000 C2168758 00000004 80AD9EC8 88A500DF 38A50031 54A5403E B0A60000 38800080 60000000 00000000 metadata PASDisplay Position/angle/speed display Position/Winkel/Geschw. Display Affichage de position/angle/vitesse 位置/角度/速度表示 Noki Doki, sup39(サポミク) 1.4 Mar 24, 2022 drawText drawText Shows Mario's position, angle and speed at any given time. ::: warning This code is not compatible with the Speed Display code. ::: Zeigt Mario's Position, Winkel und Geschwindigkeit jederzeit auf dem Bildschirm an. ::: warning Dieser Code ist nicht kompatibel mit dem Geschwindigkeits-Display Code ::: Affiche la position, l'angle et la vitesse de Mario à tout moment. 常に「マリオの位置」「マリオの角度」「マリオの速度」を表示します。 062A6160 00000010 49553F19 60000000 60000000 60000000 042998B8 49560749 04143F14 496B6209 077FA000 000001E8 9421FFE0 7C0802A6 90010024 93E1001C 4AABD6E5 38E00200 38C00320 38A0FFD8 3880000A 38610008 4AAD01B9 814D9FC8 3FE08180 3BFFA1EC 39200000 39000002 3CE08180 38E7A164 80CA0048 38A10008 38800000 7FE3FB78 4AAD67F1 39200001 913F01B0 80010024 7C0803A6 83E1001C 38210020 4E800020 9421FFE8 7C0802A6 9001001C 93A1000C 93C10010 93E10014 7C7F1B78 81230000 83A90064 3D208180 8129A39C 2F890000 409E002C 7FE3FB78 7FA903A6 4E800421 8001001C 7C0803A6 83A1000C 83C10010 83E10014 38210018 4E800020 3D208040 6129E0E8 83C90000 3C608180 3863A1EC 4AAD6B79 C0BE00A8 C09E00B0 A0DE0096 C07E0018 C05E0014 C03E0010 3CA08180 38A5A164 38800080 4CC63242 4AB3F691 4BFFFF94 9421FFF0 7C0802A6 90010014 93E1000C 7C7F1B78 4AAF158D 38E00081 7FE6FB78 38A00000 38800000 3C608180 3863A1EC 4AAD5C5D 80010014 7C0803A6 83E1000C 38210010 4E800020 5820506F 7320252E 30660A59 20506F73 20252E30 660A5A20 506F7320 252E3066 0A416E67 6C652025 68750A48 20537064 20252E32 660A5620 53706420 252E3266 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202000 00000000 C22A66F4 00000003 38600000 3D808180 906CA39C 807F0040 60000000 00000000 04206734 495F38CD 077FA000 000000B5 9421FFF0 7C0802A6 90010014 93E1000C 7C7F1B78 4A83B215 3D208041 8149A378 3D008180 38600010 3908A074 C0AA00A8 38E0FFFF C08A00B0 38C0FFFF A12A0096 38A00014 C06A0018 388000C8 C04A0014 C02A0010 4CC63242 4BFF61E1 80010014 7FE3FB78 83E1000C 7C0803A6 38210010 4A83B1B8 5820506F 7320252E 30660A59 20506F73 20252E30 660A5A20 506F7320 252E3066 0A416E67 6C652025 68750A48 20537064 20252E32 660A5620 53706420 252E3266 00000000 041252A0 496D4D61 077FA000 000000B5 9421FFF0 7C0802A6 90010014 93E1000C 7C7F1B78 4AAD0EB9 3D208040 8149EF88 3D008180 38600010 3908A074 C0AA00A8 38E0FFFF C08A00B0 38C0FFFF A12A0096 38A00014 C06A0018 388000C8 C04A0014 C02A0010 4CC63242 4BFF61E1 80010014 7FE3FB78 83E1000C 7C0803A6 38210010 4AAD0E5C 5820506F 7320252E 30660A59 20506F73 20252E30 660A5A20 506F7320 252E3066 0A416E67 6C652025 68750A48 20537064 20252E32 660A5620 53706420 252E326600000000 0629E070 00000010 4955C009 60000000 60000000 60000000 04291750 495688B1 04138B50 496C15CD 077FA000 000001E8 9421FFE0 7C0802A6 90010024 93E1001C 4AAB56B5 38E00200 38C00320 38A0FFD8 3880000A 38610008 4AAC824D 814D9EF0 3FE08180 3BFFA1EC 39200000 39000002 3CE08180 38E7A164 80CA0048 38A10008 38800000 7FE3FB78 4AACE999 39200001 913F01B0 80010024 7C0803A6 83E1001C 38210020 4E800020 9421FFE8 7C0802A6 9001001C 93A1000C 93C10010 93E10014 7C7F1B78 81230000 83A90064 3D208180 8129A39C 2F890000 409E002C 7FE3FB78 7FA903A6 4E800421 8001001C 7C0803A6 83A1000C 83C10010 83E10014 38210018 4E800020 3D208040 612957B0 83C90000 3C608180 3863A1EC 4AACED21 C0BE00A8 C09E00B0 A0DE0096 C07E0018 C05E0014 C03E0010 3CA08180 38A5A164 38800080 4CC63242 4AB37811 4BFFFF94 9421FFF0 7C0802A6 90010014 93E1000C 7C7F1B78 4AAE9735 38E00081 7FE6FB78 38A00000 38800000 3C608180 3863A1EC 4AACDE05 80010014 7C0803A6 83E1000C 38210010 4E800020 5820506F 7320252E 30660A59 20506F73 20252E30 660A5A20 506F7320 252E3066 0A416E67 6C652025 68750A48 20537064 20252E32 660A5620 53706420 252E3266 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202000 00000000 C229E64C 00000003 38600000 3D808180 906CA39C 807F0040 60000000 00000000 metadata SpeedDisplay Speed display Geschwindigkeits-Display Affichage de vitesse 速度表示 Noki Doki, sup39(サポミク) 1.5 Mar 24, 2022 drawText drawText Shows Mario's speed at any given time. ::: warning This code is not compatible with the Position/Angle/Speed Display code. ::: Zeigt Mario's Geschwindigkeit jederzeit auf dem Bildschirm an. ::: warning Dieser Code ist nicht kompatibel mit dem Position/Winkel/Gewschw. Display Code ::: Affiche la vitesse de Mario à tout moment. 常に「マリオの速度」を表示します。 062A6160 00000010 49553F19 60000000 60000000 60000000 042998B8 49560749 04143F14 496B61F9 077FA000 00000188 9421FFE0 7C0802A6 90010024 93E1001C 4AABD6E5 38E00200 38C00320 38A0FFD8 3880000A 38610008 4AAD01B9 814D9FC8 3FE08180 3BFFA214 39200000 39000002 3CE08180 38E7A154 80CA0048 38A10008 38800000 7FE3FB78 4AAD67F1 39200001 913F01B0 80010024 7C0803A6 83E1001C 38210020 4E800020 9421FFE8 7C0802A6 9001001C 93C10010 93E10014 7C7F1B78 81230000 83C90064 3D208180 8129A3C4 2C090000 40820028 7FE3FB78 7FC903A6 4E800421 8001001C 7C0803A6 83C10010 83E10014 38210018 4E800020 93A1000C 3D208040 6129E0E8 83A90000 3C608180 3863A214 4AAD6B7D C05D00A8 C03D00B0 3CA08180 38A5A154 38800030 4CC63242 4AB3F6A5 83A1000C 4BFFFFA0 9421FFF0 7C0802A6 90010014 93E1000C 7C7F1B78 4AAF159D 38E00081 7FE6FB78 38A00000 38800000 3C608180 3863A214 4AAD5C6D 80010014 7C0803A6 83E1000C 38210010 4E800020 48205370 6420252E 32660A56 20537064 20252E32 66202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202000 00000000 C22A66F4 00000003 38600000 3D808180 906CA3C4 807F0040 60000000 00000000 04206734 495F38CD 077FA000 0000007A 9421FFF0 7C0802A6 90010014 93E1000C 7C7F1B78 4A83B215 3D208041 8129A378 3D008180 38600010 3908A064 C04900A8 38E0FFFF C02900B0 38C0FFFF 38A00014 388000F0 4CC63242 4BFF61F1 80010014 7FE3FB78 83E1000C 7C0803A6 38210010 4A83B1C8 48205370 6420252E 32660A56 20537064 20252E32 66000000 00000000 041252A0 496D4D61 077FA000 0000007A 9421FFF0 7C0802A6 90010014 93E1000C 7C7F1B78 4AAD0EB9 3D208040 8129EF88 3D008180 38600010 3908A064 C04900A8 38E0FFFF C02900B0 38C0FFFF 38A00014 388000F0 4CC63242 4BFF61F1 80010014 7FE3FB78 83E1000C 7C0803A6 38210010 4AAD0E6C 48205370 6420252E 32660A56 20537064 20252E32 66000000 00000000 0629E070 00000010 4955C009 60000000 60000000 60000000 04291750 495688B1 04138B50 496C15BD 077FA000 00000188 9421FFE0 7C0802A6 90010024 93E1001C 4AAB56B5 38E00200 38C00320 38A0FFD8 3880000A 38610008 4AAC824D 814D9EF0 3FE08180 3BFFA214 39200000 39000002 3CE08180 38E7A154 80CA0048 38A10008 38800000 7FE3FB78 4AACE999 39200001 913F01B0 80010024 7C0803A6 83E1001C 38210020 4E800020 9421FFE8 7C0802A6 9001001C 93C10010 93E10014 7C7F1B78 81230000 83C90064 3D208180 8129A3C4 2C090000 40820028 7FE3FB78 7FC903A6 4E800421 8001001C 7C0803A6 83C10010 83E10014 38210018 4E800020 93A1000C 3D208040 612957B0 83A90000 3C608180 3863A214 4AACED25 C05D00A8 C03D00B0 3CA08180 38A5A154 38800030 4CC63242 4AB37825 83A1000C 4BFFFFA0 9421FFF0 7C0802A6 90010014 93E1000C 7C7F1B78 4AAE9745 38E00081 7FE6FB78 38A00000 38800000 3C608180 3863A214 4AACDE15 80010014 7C0803A6 83E1000C 38210010 4E800020 48205370 6420252E 32660A56 20537064 20252E32 66202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202000 00000000 C229E64C 00000003 38600000 3D808180 906CA3C4 807F0040 60000000 00000000 metadata CustomizedDisplay Customized display カスタマイズ表示 sup39(サポミク) 0.3 Oct 30, 2022 drawText Shows metadata at any given time. ::: warning This code is not compatible with other Display codes. ::: ::: warning The preview is based on NTSC-J's font data, and may be inaccurate for NTSC-U and PAL. In addition, some characters may not shown properly. ::: #### Format Use `< ID-of-the-data | format | value-shown-in-preview >` to display a metadata. Supported data: | ID |data|type| |----|----|----| |`x`|X coordinate of Mario|float| |`y`|Y coordinate of Mario|float| |`z`|Z coordinate of Mario|float| |`angle`|Angle of Mario|uint16| |`HSpd`|Horizontal speed of Mario|float| |`VSpd`|Vertical speed of Mario|float| |`QF`|QF offset|\{0,1,2,3}| For float data, you can set the *format* to `.{digit}` to specify how many digits to show. %details[ %summary[All printable characters (for NTSC-J)] ![Printable charaters](/img/preview/font-jp.png){style="background:black"} ] #### Preview 指定した情報を表示します。 #### フォーマット ゲーム内の情報を表示するために、`< 情報のID | 表示のフォーマット | プレビューで表示する値 >`を使います。 表示可能の情報一覧: |情報のID|情報|型| |----|----|----| |`x`|マリオのX座標|float| |`y`|マリオのY座標|float| |`z`|マリオのZ座標|float| |`angle`|マリオの角度|uint16| |`HSpd`|マリオの水平速度|float| |`VSpd`|マリオのY速度|float| |`QF`|ずれたQFの数|\{0,1,2,3}| float(小数)型に対して、「表示のフォーマット」を`.{桁数}`に設定して何桁まで表示するか指定できます。 また、全てのひらがなとカタカナ及び一部の漢字の表示も可能です。 %details[ %summary[表示可能な文字一覧:] ![表示可能な文字一覧](/img/preview/font-jp.png){style="background:black"} ] #### プレビュー C62069D4 817FA000 077FA000 00000088 38610E90 4A83B225 806D98B8 C0230010 C0430014 C0630018 A1230096 C08300B0 C0A300A8 806D97E8 81430058 554A07BE 48000035 5820252E 30660A59 20252E30 660A5A20 252E3066 0A412025 68750A48 20252E32 660A5620 252E3266 0A514620 25750000 7D0802A6 38600010 388000C0 38A00012 38C0FFFF 7CC73378 4CC63242 4BFF61B9 4AA0C954 C61252A0 817FA000 077FA000 00000084 4AAD0ECD 806D9DE8 C0230010 C0430014 C0630018 A1230096 C08300B0 C0A300A8 806D9E78 81430058 554A07BE 48000035 5820252E 30660A59 20252E30 660A5A20 252E3066 0A412025 68750A48 20252E32 660A5620 252E3266 0A514620 25750000 7D0802A6 38600010 388000C8 38A00012 38C0FFFF 7CC73378 4CC63242 4BFF61BD 4A92B224 00000000 C6143F14 817FA000 077FA000 00000084 4AAF16BD 806D9F28 C0230010 C0430014 C0630018 A1230096 C08300B0 C0A300A8 806D9FB8 81430058 554A07BE 48000035 5820252E 30660A59 20252E30 660A5A20 252E3066 0A412025 68750A48 20252E32 660A5620 252E3266 0A514620 25750000 7D0802A6 38600010 388000C8 38A00012 38C0FFFF 7CC73378 4CC63242 4BFF61BD 4A949E98 00000000 C6138B50 817FA000 077FA000 00000084 4AAE9865 806D9E50 C0230010 C0430014 C0630018 A1230096 C08300B0 C0A300A8 806D9EE0 81430058 554A07BE 48000035 5820252E 30660A59 20252E30 660A5A20 252E3066 0A412025 68750A48 20252E32 660A5620 252E3266 0A514620 25750000 7D0802A6 38600010 388000C8 38A00012 38C0FFFF 7CC73378 4CC63242 4BFF61BD 4A93EAD4 00000000 qol standard,recommended,il Intro Skip Überspringbare Intros Passer l'intro イントロスキップ Noki Doki 1.0 Jun 19, 2019 Removes the logos and cutscene that normally play before the title screen when loading or resetting the game. ::: warning This makes it impossible to toggle progressive or 60Hz mode, make sure to set these the way you want without the code. ::: Entfernt die Logos und Cutscenes welche beim Laden oder Zurücksetzen des Spiels abgespielt werden. Supprime les logos et la cutscene qui apparaissent normalement avant l'écran titre lors du démarrage ou redémarrage du jeu. ::: warning Attention Ce code ne permet pas d'activer ni de désactiver le mode progressif ou 60 Hz, vous devez démarrer le jeu sans ce code pour accéder à cette option. ::: (ゲームをロードした時・またはリセット時)タイトル画面の前に再生されるロゴとアニメーションを削除します。 042956AC 480002C4 04295B20 48000014 062A65E0 00000014 38600F00 38000000 B07F000E B01F0010 4BFFFEB0 00000000 040E8C68 480002C4 040E90DC 48000014 060F9FE4 00000014 38600F00 38000000 B07F000E B01F0010 4BFFFEB0 00000000 04275374 4800027C 042757C8 48000014 0628643C 00000014 38600F00 38000000 B07F000E B01F0010 4BFFFEB0 00000000 0428D4C4 48000264 0428D9B8 48000014 0629E51C 00000014 38600F00 38000000 B07F000E B01F0010 4BFFFE94 00000000 qol standard,recommended,il Respawn One-Time Shines Einmalige Shines Respawnen Restaurer les Shines uniques 一度しか出現しないシャインの再出現 Noki Doki 1.0 Aug 19, 2019 Allows Shines obtained by cleaning graffiti, the Shine Gate or the bells to respawn. Ermöglicht das mehrmalige Einsammeln von Shines welche beispielsweise durch Reinigen von Graffiti oder Glocken freigeschaltet werden. Permet la réapparition des Shines obtenus en nettoyant des graffiti, la Porte du Soleil ou les cloches. 落書き・シャインゲート・ベルを掃除した時に出現するシャインを再出現させます。 041E792C 48000050 021E7FFC 00004800 021FF85C 00004800 041BF378 48000050 021BFA48 00004800 021D72E8 00004800 041C76A4 48000050 021C7D74 00004800 021DF600 00004800 041DF804 48000050 021DFED4 00004800 021F7740 00004800 misc standard,recommended,il Force Plaza Events Erzwungene Plaza Events Forcer les événements de la place Delfino ドルピックタウンイベントの強制再生 Noki Doki 1.0 Mar 8, 2020 Forces the unlock events for Ricco, Gelato and Yoshi to happen any time the correct version of the plaza is loaded via the Level Select code. Nozzle unlock events take precedence over Yoshi's if their conditions are met. Erzwingt das Laden der korrekten Ricco-, Gelato- und Yoshi- Freischaltungen wenn die entsprechende Plaza über den "Level Select"-Code geladen wird. Düsenfreischaltungen haben gegenüber Yoshi's Freischaltung Vorrang. Force les événements pour débloquer Ricco, Gelato et Yoshi à se jouer dès que la bonne version de la place est chargée. Le débloquage des buses ont la priorité sur celui de Yoshi si leurs conditions sont remplies. 強制的に次のイベントを再生します: 「リコの解除イベント」「マンマの解除イベント」「正しいバージョンのドルピックタウンがロードされるたびに出現するヨッシー」 「ノズルロック解除イベント」は、条件が満たされている場合、ヨッシーのイベントよりも優先されます。 042B7810 48000018 042B785C 48000018 042B78C4 48000018 042B78F0 60000000 042B7940 60000000 0410C4C8 48000018 0410C514 48000018 0410C57C 48000018 0410C5A8 60000000 0410C5F8 60000000 04297020 48000018 0429706C 48000018 042970D4 48000018 04297100 60000000 04297150 60000000 042AF7E0 48000018 042AF82C 48000018 042AF894 48000018 042AF8C0 60000000 042AF910 60000000 memcardpatch Force SJIS Memory Card Encoding Forcer l'encodage SJIS pour la carte mémoire Noki Doki 2.0 Jun 25, 2020 Nintendont expects the save files on your memory card to use the encoding used in the game. Other loaders, such as Gecko OS, instead expect the saves to be in the encoding that matches the region of the console. This code directs Nintendont to use the encoding used for the NTSC-J region (SJIS) for writing to and reading from the memory card. If you load a NTSC-U or PAL version of the game in Nintendont and it asks you to format your memory card, you can bypass having to format your card by using this code. Nintendont erwartet, dass Speicherdateien dasselbe Encoding verwenden wie die Spielregion. Andere Loader, wie Gecko OS, erwarten stattdessen, dass die Speicherdateien dasselbe Encoding wie die Konfiguration der Konsole verwenden. Dieser Code weist Nintendont an, das Endcoding für die NTSC-J-Region (SJIS) zu verwenden um Daten von der Memory Card zu lesen und zu schreiben. Falls du das Spiel in Nintendont lädst und es dich fragt ob du die Memory Card formatieren möchtest oder du Gecko OS für das Laden der NTSC-U/PAL-Version des Spiels auf japanischen Konsolen verwendest kannst du mithilfe dieses Codes die Formatierung umgehen. Nintendont s'attend à ce que les fichiers de sauvegarde sur votre carte mémoire utilisent le même encodage que le jeu lui-même. D'autres applications comme Gecko OS s'attendent plutôt à l'encodage correspondant à la région de la console. Ce code indique à Nintendont d'utiliser l'encodage des régions NTSC-J (SJIS) pour lire et écrire les sauvegardes de la carte mémoire. Si vous chargez une version NTSC-U ou PAL du jeu dans Nintendont et qu'il vous demande de formater votre carte mémoire, vous pouvez utiliser ce code pour éviter d'avoir à supprimer vos autres sauvegardes. 0240CE58 00000001 024045B8 00000001 memcardpatch Force ANSI Memory Card Encoding Forcer l'encodage ANSI pour la carte mémoire Noki Doki 2.0 Jun 25, 2020 Nintendont expects the save files on your memory card to use the encoding used in the game. Other loaders, such as Gecko OS, instead expect the saves to be in the encoding that matches the region of the console. This code directs Nintendont to use the encoding used for the NTSC-U/PAL region (ANSI) for writing to and reading from the memory card. If you load a NTSC-J or NTSC-K version of the game in Nintendont and it asks you to format your memory card (see image below), you can bypass having to format your card by using this code. ![Japanese Formatting Text](/img/japanese_formatting_text.png) Nintendont erwartet, dass Speicherdateien dasselbe Encoding verwenden wie die Spielregion. Andere Loader, wie Gecko OS, erwarten stattdessen, dass die Speicherdateien dasselbe Encoding wie die Konfiguration der Konsole verwenden. Dieser Code weist Nintendont an, das Endcoding für die NTSC-J-Region (SJIS) zu verwenden um Daten von der Memory Card zu lesen und zu schreiben. Falls du das Spiel in Nintendont lädst und es dich fragt ob du die Memory Card formatieren möchtest (siehe Bild unten) oder du Gecko OS für das Laden von japanischen Spielen auf nicht-japanischen Konsolen verwendest kannst du mithilfe dieses Codes die Formatierung umgehen. ![Japanese Formatting Text](/img/japanese_formatting_text.png) Nintendont s'attend à ce que les fichiers de sauvegarde sur votre carte mémoire utilisent le même encodage que le jeu lui-même. D'autres applications comme Gecko OS s'attendent plutôt à l'encodage correspondant à la région de la console. Ce code indique à Nintendont d'utiliser l'encodage des régions NTSC-U/PAL (ANSI) pour lire et écrire les sauvegardes de la carte mémoire. Si vous chargez une version NTSC-J ou NTSC-K du jeu dans Nintendont et qu'il vous demande de formater votre carte mémoire (cf. image ci-dessous), vous pouvez utiliser ce code pour éviter d'avoir à supprimer vos autres sauvegardes. ![Boîte de formatage en japonais](/img/japanese_formatting_text.png) 0240CE58 00000000 02408D18 00000000 023FDDB0 00000000 misc standard,recommended,il,fap Fix Manta Splitting Fix Manta Splitting Corriger la séparation de la raie manta Fix Manta Splitting Noki Doki 1.2 Mar 17, 2021 Fixes the Nintendont-exclusive bug that changes the manta's behavior upon splitting and may cause it to die early. Fixt einen Nintendont Bug, bei welchem der Manta aufgrund von fehlerhafter Aufteilung zu früh stirbt. Corrige le bug exclusif à Nintendont qui change le comportement de la raie manta quand elle se sépare et peut la faire mourir instantanément. 04295A94 C342FFF8 C214EDAC 00000005 806D9FB8 A063007C 28030600 40820014 80780000 380000FF 9803013C 98030140 931F00C8 00000000 040E9050 C342FFE4 C22102BC 00000005 806D97E8 A063007C 28030600 40820014 80780000 380000FF 9803013C 98030140 931F00C8 00000000 0427573C C342FFEC C21301BC 00000005 806D9E78 A063007C 28030600 40820014 80780000 380000FF 9803013C 98030140 931F00C8 00000000 0428D92C C342FFF8 C2143A3C 00000005 806D9EE0 A063007C 28030600 40820014 80780000 380000FF 9803013C 98030140 931F00C8 00000000 cosmetic Shine Outfit Shine Outfit Tenue Shine アロハシャツ Ralf, Psychonauter 1.0 Oct 23, 2017 Always wear shine outfit and sunglasses. Mario trägt immer das Shine Outfit und die Sonnenbrille. Toujours porter la chemise Shine et les lunettes de soleil. アロハシャツとサングラスを着用します。 04241FD4 60000004 04241FD8 B01D0004 0424D4DC 60000000 04120D1C 60000004 04120D20 B01D0004 0412C9B0 60000000 04221924 60000004 04221928 B01D0004 0422D22C 60000000 04239C88 60000004 04239C8C B01D0004 04245268 60000000 cosmetic Shiny Shines Soleils Brillants Noki Doki 1.0 Oct 10, 2021 Makes all Shines appear yellow, whether they've been collected or not. Rend tous les Soleils jaunes, qu'ils aient été obtenus ou non. 041BCE3C 4800004C 04194E24 4800004C 0419CBC4 4800004C 041B4CF4 4800004C qol PatternSelector Pattern Selector パターン選択 sup39(サポミク) 0.3 Oct 30, 2022 drawText Ⓑ is the cursor to select the pattern, and the three digits are the numbers representing the pattern. See below for more information. | Combination | Result | |---------------|-------------------------------------------------| |L + D-Pad Left |Move cursor(Ⓑ) one digit to the left | |L + D-Pad Right|Move cursor(Ⓑ) one digit to the right | |L + D-Pad Up |Increase the number at the right of the cursor(Ⓑ)| |L + D-Pad Down |Decrease the number at the right of the cursor(Ⓑ)| When the cursor(Ⓑ) is not shown, you can press L+D-Pad Left/Right to make it appear. You can change the position and color of the text [here](#PatternSelector-config). ### Chain Chomp (PV4) Use the [1st digit]{.emph} to select the pattern. The 2nd and 3rd are ignored. |1st digit|Direction at the beginning| |:-------:|:------------------------:| | 1 | ← | | 2 | ↑ | | 3 | → | | o.w. | Random | ### Chain Chomplets (PV1) Each digit represents the pattern of each Chain Chomplet. Numbers not on the graph (e.g. 0) mean random. #### 1st digit %object[]{data="/img/PatternSelector/PV1-1.svg"} #### 2nd digit %object[]{data="/img/PatternSelector/PV1-2.svg"} #### 3rd digit %object[]{data="/img/PatternSelector/PV1-3.svg"} Ⓑはパターンを選択するためのカーソルであり、三つの数字はパターンの番号を表します。 各パターンの番号は下記を参照してください。 | ボタン | 動作 | |--------------|------------------------------| |L + 十字キー左|カーソル(Ⓑ)を左一桁に移動 | |L + 十字キー右|カーソル(Ⓑ)を右一桁に移動 | |L + 十字キー上|カーソル(Ⓑ)の右の数字を1増やす| |L + 十字キー下|カーソル(Ⓑ)の右の数字を1減らす| カーソル(Ⓑ)が表示されない時、L+十字キー左/右を押せば出てきます。 [ここ](#PatternSelector-config)で文字の位置や色を変えることができます。 ### ワンワン(PV4) [1桁目]{.emph}でパターンを選択します。2桁目と3桁目は無視されます。 | 1桁目 | 最初の向き | |:-------:|:----------:| | 1 | ← | | 2 | ↑ | | 3 | → | | その他 | ランダム | ### キャンキャン(PV1) 各桁は各キャンキャンのパターンを表します。図上にない数字(例えば0)はランダムを表します。 #### 1桁目 %object[]{data="/img/PatternSelector/PV1-1.svg"} #### 2桁目 %object[]{data="/img/PatternSelector/PV1-2.svg"} #### 3桁目 %object[]{data="/img/PatternSelector/PV1-3.svg"} 0424F32C 495A9CD5 042069DC 495F26B8 077F9000 000001AF 801F0000 3D00817F 61089167 3D40817F 614A0024 3D80803D 618CA9C0 7C006040 41820048 3D80803D 618C87C0 7C006040 40820034 819F0004 898C0013 508C442E 39280031 88080007 7CEA00AE A0080005 7C006040 41820024 39080007 7C084840 4180FFE4 4AA671C0 2C05FFFF 4082FFF8 88EA0000 39080031 7CE73B79 4182FFE8 7C0838AE 280000FF 4182FFDC 7C030378 4E800020 38610E90 4A83C191 3C808040 A4040D82 3C60817F 84A30024 70000040 41A20050 88840019 548007FE 7CA02850 5480FFFE 7CA50214 54A507BE 5480F7BF 41A20030 28050003 41A00008 38A00000 5480EFFE 5080077A 7D8328AE 7D8C0214 280C0005 41A00008 398CFFFB 7D8329AE 98A30003 3821FFF0 3D00817F 6108919D 3C002020 60002023 54AC183E 5C00603E 98080008 540CC63E 9988000B 540C863E 9988000E 89230000 89430001 89630002 91610008 38600010 38800140 38A00014 38C0FFFF 38E0FFFF 4CC63182 4BFF70DD 38210010 4AA0D87C 452020FF 213200FF 621CFF1D 32005025 25252630 01FF4520 20213001 FFFF621C 1D300151 0707FF08 3102FF36 01FF0231 021E6E20 FF506174 7465726E 203E2558 3E25583E 25580000 04027900 497D1701 04125548 496D3B4C 077F9000 000001AF 801F0000 3D00817F 61089167 3D40817F 614A0024 3D80803A 618C6D70 7C006040 41820048 3D80803A 618C4B80 7C006040 40820034 819F0004 898C0013 508C442E 39280031 88080007 7CEA00AE A0080005 7C006040 41820024 39080007 7C084840 4180FFE4 4A83F620 2C05FFFF 4082FFF8 88EA0000 39080031 7CE73B79 4182FFE8 7C0838AE 280000FF 4182FFDC 7C030378 4E800020 38610E90 4AAD1E35 3C80803F A404545A 3C60817F 84A30024 70000040 41A20050 88840019 548007FE 7CA02850 5480FFFE 7CA50214 54A507BE 5480F7BF 41A20030 28050003 41A00008 38A00000 5480EFFE 5080077A 7D8328AE 7D8C0214 280C0005 41A00008 398CFFFB 7D8329AE 98A30003 3821FFF0 3D00817F 6108919D 3C002020 60002023 54AC183E 5C00603E 98080008 540CC63E 9988000B 540C863E 9988000E 89230000 89430001 89630002 91610008 38600010 38800140 38A00014 38C0FFFF 38E0FFFF 4CC63182 4BFF70DD 38210010 4A92C3E8 452020FF 213200FF 621CFF1D 32005025 25252630 01FF4520 20213001 FFFF621C 1D300151 0707FF08 3102FF36 01FF0231 021E6E20 FF506174 7465726E 203E2558 3E25583E 25580000 misc Shadow Mario HP Meter Barre de vie d'Antimario miluaces 1.0 Feb 20, 2022 Shows a health bar above Shadow Mario whenever he gets hit with water. Affiche une barre de vie au-dessus d'Antimario quand il est touché par de l'eau. 04253748 60000000 0403FD94 60000000 0403FBE4 60000000 0402BF98 60000000 drawText lib drawText sup39(サポミク) 0.2.0 Mar 25, 2022 ```c void drawText(int x, int y, int fontSize, uint32_t colorTop, uint32_t colorBot, const char *fmt, ...); ``` 077F0238 00000110 9421FED8 7C0802A6 BF810118 7C7F1B78 9001012C 7C9E2378 90C100B8 7CBD2B78 90E100BC 7D1C4378 912100C0 914100C4 40860024 D82100C8 D84100D0 D86100D8 D88100E0 D8A100E8 D8C100F0 D8E100F8 D9010100 39200600 390100BC B12100A0 39210130 912100A4 392100A8 912100A8 808D97F8 38E100B8 7FA6EB78 38A00000 38610008 6FDE8000 4A826AF5 3D204330 91210108 3D40817F 93C1010C 6FFF8000 C00A0344 38610070 C9810108 91210110 3D20817F 93E10114 FC4C0028 C0690340 C9810110 93A10064 FC2C0028 93A10060 4A8A43E9 38800000 38610070 4A8BD419 38C100A0 7F85E378 388000FF 38610008 4A826951 BB810118 38210128 80010004 7C0803A6 4E800020 00000000 59800004 077F0238 00000110 9421FED8 7C0802A6 BF810118 7C7F1B78 9001012C 7C9E2378 90C100B8 7CBD2B78 90E100BC 7D1C4378 912100C0 914100C4 40860024 D82100C8 D84100D0 D86100D8 D88100E0 D8A100E8 D8C100F0 D8E100F8 D9010100 39200600 390100BC B12100A0 39210130 912100A4 392100A8 912100A8 808D9E88 38E100B8 7FA6EB78 38A00000 38610008 6FDE8000 4AABD249 3D204330 91210108 3D40817F 93C1010C 6FFF8000 C00A0344 38610070 C9810108 91210110 3D20817F 93E10114 FC4C0028 C0690340 C9810110 93A10064 FC2C0028 93A10060 4AB393C9 38800000 38610070 4AB523F9 38C100A0 7F85E378 388000FF 38610008 4AABD0A5 BB810118 38210128 80010004 7C0803A6 4E800020 00000000 59800004 077F0238 00000110 9421FED8 7C0802A6 BF810118 7C7F1B78 9001012C 7C9E2378 90C100B8 7CBD2B78 90E100BC 7D1C4378 912100C0 914100C4 40860024 D82100C8 D84100D0 D86100D8 D88100E0 D8A100E8 D8C100F0 D8E100F8 D9010100 39200600 390100BC B12100A0 39210130 912100A4 392100A8 912100A8 808D9FC8 38E100B8 7FA6EB78 38A00000 38610008 6FDE8000 4AADDA39 3D204330 91210108 3D40817F 93C1010C 6FFF8000 C00A0344 38610070 C9810108 91210110 3D20817F 93E10114 FC4C0028 C0690340 C9810110 93A10064 FC2C0028 93A10060 4AB59AC9 38800000 38610070 4AB72AF9 38C100A0 7F85E378 388000FF 38610008 4AADD895 BB810118 38210128 80010004 7C0803A6 4E800020 00000000 59800004 077F0238 00000110 9421FED8 7C0802A6 BF810118 7C7F1B78 9001012C 7C9E2378 90C100B8 7CBD2B78 90E100BC 7D1C4378 912100C0 914100C4 40860024 D82100C8 D84100D0 D86100D8 D88100E0 D8A100E8 D8C100F0 D8E100F8 D9010100 39200600 390100BC B12100A0 39210130 912100A4 392100A8 912100A8 808D9EF0 38E100B8 7FA6EB78 38A00000 38610008 6FDE8000 4AAD5ACD 3D204330 91210108 3D40817F 93C1010C 6FFF8000 C00A0344 38610070 C9810108 91210110 3D20817F 93E10114 FC4C0028 C0690340 C9810110 93A10064 FC2C0028 93A10060 4AB51D25 38800000 38610070 4AB6AD19 38C100A0 7F85E378 388000FF 38610008 4AAD5929 BB810118 38210128 80010004 7C0803A6 4E800020 00000000 59800004 InstantRestart qol Instant Restart ポーズせずにやり直し sup39(サポミク) 0.2.0 Apr 28, 2022 When you pressed the buttons configured in [#Button Config](#config) simultaneously, you can restart the current area without selecting "Exit Area" in pause menu. Note that the restart function behaves differently than pressing Y or Z with "Level Select". This code only supports restarting 1 area only. For example, you can restart outside a secret stage or inside a secret stage individually, but you can NOT restart a combination of outside+inside a secret stage. ::: warning You can NOT restart after destroying the last platform in Bowser fight at the moment. ::: [#ボタン設定](#config)で設定したボタンを同時に押すと、ポーズメニューから「コースから出る」を選択せずに所在のエリアをやり直すことができます。ただし、Level SelectのYとZのやり直し機能と異なり、エリアごとのやり直ししかできないので注意してください。例えば、ヒミツ外部のみ、ヒミツ内部のみといった一つのエリアのやり直しはできますが、ヒミツ外部+ヒミツ内部といった組み合わせのやり直しはできません。 ::: warning 現時点ではクッパ戦で最後の足場を破壊するとやり直しできません。 ::: C20EAFA0 0000000A 3C608040 A0A30D50 28050808 40A20038 3C60817F 38A00001 98A300B3 98A30100 3C60803E 84A3600E 90A30004 38A00040 90A30000 3C60800E 6063B3F8 7C6803A6 4E800020 2C000002 60000000 00000000 C227768C 0000000A 3C60803F A0A35428 28050808 40A20038 3C60817F 38A00001 98A300B3 98A30100 3C60803E 84A3A8EE 90A30004 38A00040 90A30000 3C608027 60637AE4 7C6803A6 4E800020 2C000002 60000000 00000000 C22979E4 0000000A 3C608040 A0A34454 28050808 40A20038 3C60817F 38A00001 98A300B3 98A30100 3C60803F 84A3970E 90A30004 38A00040 90A30000 3C608029 60637E3C 7C6803A6 4E800020 2C000002 60000000 00000000 qol Fast Piantissimo Piantissimo rapide Noki Doki 1.0 Nov 9, 2022 Forces Il Piantissimo to take his fastest route. Force Il Piantissimo à prendre son chemin le plus rapide. C2256A14 00000002 8BFA007C 23FF000C 57FFFFBE 00000000 C2043064 00000002 8BFA007C 23FF000C 57FFFFBE 00000000 C2042EDC 00000002 8BFA007C 23FF000C 57FFFFBE 00000000 C202F268 00000002 8BFA007C 23FF000C 57FFFFBE 00000000 misc Stage Intro Skip デモムービースキップ sup39(サポミク) 0.1 Jul 27, 2022 Fast forward the stage intro movie. ::: warning SGT will be inaccurate with this code. ::: - Press `R + D-Pad Up` to enable - Press `R + D-Pad Down` to disable ステージに入った時のデモムービーを早送りします。 ::: warning このコードを有効にするとシャインゲットタイマーのタイムがずれます。 ::: - `R + 十字キー上`でコードを有効にします - `R + 十字キー下`でコードを無効にします 28400D50 00000028 C20ECF14 0000000A 899A0064 2C0C0001 40A20040 819A0074 818C0094 816C02BC 2C0B0003 41A1002C 41A00018 3D80803E 818C6034 39600000 916C0018 48000014 3863000F 907A0054 3B800000 48000008 B01A004C 00000000 C20EC5D0 00000004 807F0074 80630094 806302BC 2C830000 70000061 4C423102 60000000 00000000 28400D51 00000024 040ECF14 b01a004c 040ec5d0 70000061 E0000000 00000000 283F5428 00000028 C2279640 00000005 899A0064 2C0C0001 4182000C B01A004C 48000010 3863000F 907A0054 3B800000 60000000 00000000 04278D00 60000000 283F5429 00000024 04279640 B01A004C 04278D00 418204EC E0000000 00000000 misc Spawn Yoshi どこでもヨッシー sup39(サポミク) 0.1 Oct 14, 2022 Spawn and ride on Yoshi | Combination | Yoshi's Color | |---------------|------| |Y + D-Pad Left |Orange| |Y + D-Pad Right|Purple| |Y + D-Pad Down |Pink | |Y + D-Pad Up |Green | 次のボタンでどこでもヨッシーに乗れます。 | ボタン | ヨッシーの色 | |--------------|------| |Y + 十字キー左|オレンジ| |Y + 十字キー右|紫| |Y + 十字キー下|ピンク| |Y + 十字キー上|緑| C21604C4 0000000A 807F03F0 3C808040 A0840D50 54800436 2C000800 40820034 54840EFD 4182002C 3C006300 5C0027BE 980300D0 80030008 9003000C 807F03F0 3D808016 618C0640 7D8803A6 4E800020 60000000 00000000 C21945AC 00000009 3C808040 A0840D50 54800436 2C000800 4082002C 54840EFD 41820024 806D98B8 806303F0 93E300F0 7FE3FB78 81830000 818C0104 7D8803A6 4E800021 A01F00FC 60000000 00000000 misc Fast Forward 早送り sup39(サポミク) 0.1 Apr 25, 2022 Fast forward the game when the following button combination is pressed. | Combination | Result | |---------------|------| |B + D-Pad Left | Fast forward 4x | |B + D-Pad Right| Fast forward 8x (may cause lag) | ::: warning SGT will be inaccurate with this code. ::: 次のボタンを押している間にゲームを早送りします。 | ボタン | 効果 | |--------------|------| |B + 十字キー左|4倍速| |B + 十字キー右|8倍速(ラグが発生する可能性がある)| ::: warning このコードを使うとシャインゲットタイマーのタイムがずれます。 ::: 020ecde2 00000258 28400D50 00000201 020ecde2 00000960 28400D51 00000202 020ecde2 000012C0 E0000000 00000000 0227950E 00000258 283F5428 00000201 0227950E 00000960 283F5429 00000202 0227950E 000012C0 E0000000 00000000 misc Instant Level Select レベル選択DX sup39(サポミク) 0.1 Oct 16, 2022 ::: warning Shine Get Timer does not restart with this code. ::: ::: warning Z menu will be disabled ::: #### Instant Restart - Press `B + D-Pad Up` to **restart the current area** - The **respawn position** will be the same. It can be used to practice Honey Skip or stage movement in Delfino Plaza #### Level Select Press `{the following button combination} + B + D-Pad Up` to warp to other area instantly. ![Level Select Combinations](/img/levelselect.png) - For `Z + B + D-Pad Up`, the current area will be restarted, but the **respawn position will be reset**. It is like B+Up, but the respawn position will be the default position instead of the previous one - For `Y + B + D-Pad Up`, it will restart from the **previous selected area**. For example, if you select SB4 with this code, and enter hotel/casino then press Y+B+Up, it will restart from SB4 beach (instead of hotel/casino if you use B+Up or Z+B+Up) #### Area Lock - Press `R + D-Pad Left/Right` to enable/disable **Area Lock** - With Area Lock, warps will restart the current area instead of sending Mario to other areas, which can be used to practice specific area (e.g. outside of BH2 wildmill, secret stage entering) - Restarting acts like B+Up, and therefore can be used to practice Honey Skip, etc. #### Example of Usage: Practising Honey Skip 1. Press `R + D-Pad Left` to enable Area Lock 2. Press `C-Stick LeftDown + B + D-Pad Up` to go to Pianta Village 3. Press `C-Stick RightDown + Y + B + D-Pad Up` to go to Pinna unlock plaza 4. Practice Honey Skip as much as you want! It will restart automatically when you are going to leave the area so you don't need to reset manually. You can also restart with `B + D-Pad Up` if you want. ::: warning シャインゲットタイマーには未対応です。 ::: ::: warning Zメニューは無効化されます。 ::: #### ポーズせずにやり直し - `B+十字キー上`で**現在のエリアをやり直す** - ドルピックタウンでは同じ開始位置からやり直すので、ハニスキといったステージ移動の練習も可能 #### レベル選択 `{次のボタン}+B+十字キー上`でレベル選択 ![レベル選択](/img/levelselect.png) - `Z+B+上`は**現在のエリアをやり直す**が、ドルピックタウンでの**開始位置がリセット**され、デフォルトの開始位置からとなる(B+上の場合はリセットされない) - `Y+B+上`は**前回選択したレベル**からやり直す(例えばSB4を選択し、ホテル・カジノに入ってY+B+上を押すと、ホテル外からやり直すことになる) #### エリアロック `R+十字キー左/右`でエリアロック/ロック解除 - エリアロックするとステージ移動がやり直しに置き換え、ヒミツINといった特定のエリアの練習が可能 - やり直しの動作はB+上と同じなので、ハニスキなどの練習にも使える #### 使用例:ハニスキの練習 1. `R + 十字キー左`でエリアロック 2. `Cスティック左下 + B + 十字キー上`でモンテの村に移動 3. `Cスティック右下 + Y + B + 十字キー上`でピンナ解放のドルピックタウンに移動 4. これで好きなだけハニスキを練習できます。他のエリアに入ろうとする時に自動的にやり直すので、手動でやり直す必要がありません。必要であれば`B + 十字キー上`でやり直すこともできます。 040ED64C 4970C435 0410B100 496EE990 040EC420 4970D600 04236600 495C34C4 0410B3CC 496EE6DC 040FBAD8 496FDF30 040F9D68 496FFD78 040EAB80 4970EEC0 077F9800 000002F4 3CA08040 80A50D80 70A00208 28800208 3C60817F 88030004 7C000379 4CC61202 4CA60020 7D8802A6 4800003D 00141516 0017181D 34000090 2F2E3020 32293328 2A1FBA3C 371E213A 0E2C3900 00010507 08090200 123457D0 24567000 12234070 23467001 7D2802A6 7D8803A6 3D40803E 394A6000 816D97D0 54A6CF38 50A6F77A 50A6E7BC 50A6D7FE 54A0C738 50A0B77C 7CC60378 54A4873F 41820054 2C040009 41820098 3C00C84A 6000C004 1C840003 5C04277E 5485103A 2C06000C 408000BC 2C06000A 408000D4 2C060008 40800090 3C005689 60000234 548C103A 5C0C652E 7CC76378 54C8077E 480000C4 A0EA000E 2C060000 41820028 2C060004 41820028 2C06000A 41820028 7C0930AE 540744AE 5408CFFE 1D080007 48000094 A00A000A B00A000E 890B00DF 4800008C A0E30000 89030002 48000078 3989000C 7C0C30AE 540744AE 5007CFFE 3C00AC1A 60005CA2 1D860003 5C08677E 48000054 39890018 7C0C20AE 540744AE 3C001373 60002301 5C082F7E 48000038 3989FFF8 54C016B8 7C0C006E 5C072F7E 5007252E 800C0004 5C082F7E 48000018 3C001578 60009200 5C072F3E 60E70100 39000000 B0E30000 99030002 38000001 980300B3 98030004 990B00DF 38000000 900B00D8 A00B00CC 60004000 54000524 B00B00CC B0EA0012 54E0C63E 818A0020 3880003B 2C000007 41820010 2C00000E 41820008 38800000 B08C00E4 4E800020 3D80817F 880C0004 7C000379 4C820020 3800003C 4A9020C0 4BFFFDE1 40A60014 7FE3FB78 4A8F1115 3B800009 4A8F30F4 881F0064 4A8F29E8 3C60817F A0030004 2C000001 40820028 A01F004C 5400062C B01F004C 816D97D0 7F8AE378 A0EA000E 4BFFFEB5 A0FC000A B0FC000E 380000FF 38810054 4A8F1108 3D80817F 888C0005 68840001 4A8EE414 4BFFFD71 40A6000C 38600002 9061012C 807F0020 4A911660 3C60817F 88030004 2C000001 40820008 4A911A7C 2805000E 4A911910 4BFFFD3D 40A60008 4AA3CB54 807E0020 38BFFFCC 8803013B 4AA3CB28 3C60817F 38000000 98030004 7FA3EB78 4A90027C 00000000 28400D50 00000021 017F0005 00000001 28400D51 00000022 017F0005 00000000 E0000000 00000000 040eb024 60000000