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* @template T extends {Record<string, any>|Record<string, any>[]}
* @param {string} lskey
* @param {T} defaultConfig
* @param {((config: T)=>string)|null} [makeText]
* @param {any} [hiddenConfig]
export function makeUpdateConfig(lskey, defaultConfig, makeText, hiddenConfig = {}) {
const configKeys = Object.keys(defaultConfig);
/** @type {(o: any)=>T} */
const makeConfig =
defaultConfig instanceof Array
? (o) => o.config
: (o) => Object.fromEntries(configKeys.map((k) => [k, o[k]]));
/** @this {any} */
return function updateConfig() {
// save config to localStorage
const config = makeConfig(this);
localStorage.setItem(lskey, JSON.stringify(config));
// emit `config` event to parent
const configEmit = { ...hiddenConfig, ...config };
this.$emit('config', makeText ? { ...configEmit, text: makeText(config) } : configEmit);
* @param {number} x -- number to convert
* @param {number} size -- byte count
export const int2hex = (x, size) =>
(x >>> 0)
.padStart(size << 1, '0')
.slice(-(size << 1));
* @param {number} x -- number to convert
export function float2hex(x) {
const dv = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(4));
dv.setFloat32(0, x);
return int2hex(dv.getUint32(0), 4);
/** @param {number} rgb */
export const rgbI2S = (rgb) => '#' + rgb.toString(16).padStart(6, '0');
/** @param {string} s */
export const rgbS2I = (s) => parseInt(s.slice(1), 16);
* @param {number} rgb
* @param {number} a
export const rgbaI2S = (rgb, a) =>
'#' + rgb.toString(16).padStart(6, '0') + a.toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
/** @param {number} rgba */
export const cI2S = (rgba) => '#' + (rgba >>> 0).toString(16).padStart(8, '0');
/** @type {(labels: Record<string, any>, locale: string, fallbackLocale?: string) => (key: string) => string} */
export const makeGetLabel =
(labels, locale, fallbackLocale = 'en-US') =>
(key) => {
const segs = key.split('.');
for (const localeTry of [locale, fallbackLocale]) {
let o = labels[localeTry];
for (const seg of segs) {
if (o == null) break;
o = o[seg];
if (o != null) return o;
return null;
* @template T
* @param {Iterable<T>} arr
* @param {(val: T) => boolean} tester
* @returns {[positive: T[], negative: T[]]}
export function splitArray(arr, tester) {
/** @type {T[]} */
const positive = [];
/** @type {T[]} */
const negative = [];
for (const val of arr) {
(tester(val) ? positive : negative).push(val);
return [positive, negative];