- Make PatternSelector shorter and make its appearance customizable (v0.3) - Render CustomizedDisplay later than water/juice (v0.3)
429 lines
11 KiB
429 lines
11 KiB
import { parseJSON } from '../codegen.js';
import { ASM, makeInst, liDX, str2inst, makeProgram, inst2gecko } from '../asm.js';
export const lskey = 'config/CustomizedDisplay';
export const defaultConfig = [
x: 16,
y: 192,
fontSize: 18,
fgRGB: 0xffffff,
fgA: 0xff,
fgRGB2: null,
fgA2: null,
fmt: `X <x|.0|39.39>
Y <y|.0|1207.39>
Z <z|.0|-4193.6>
A <angle||65535>
H <HSpd|.2|15.15>
V <VSpd|.2|-31.17>
QF <QF||0>`,
/** @param {GameVersion} version */
export function getConfig(version) {
/** @type {typeof defaultConfig} */
const config = typeof localStorage !== 'undefined' && parseJSON(localStorage.getItem(lskey));
return (config instanceof Array ? config : defaultConfig).map(({ fmt, ...o }) => ({
text: format2previewText(fmt, version),
* @typedef {number[]} Inst
* @typedef {8|16|32|'float'} DataType
* @typedef {(gpr: number)=>Inst} GPRHandler -- (src=gpr, dst=gpr)
* @typedef {{type: 'gpr'|'fpr'|'sp', index: number}} Dst
* @typedef {'GMSJ01'|'GMSJ0A'|'GMSE01'|'GMSP01'} GameVersion
* @typedef {{
* offset: number
* dtype: DataType
* post?: GPRHandler
* }} FieldInfo
* @typedef {{
* id: string
* pre: GPRHandler
* }} Base
* @typedef {{
* pre: GPRHandler
* fields: {info: FieldInfo, dst: Dst}[]
* }} Entry
/** @typedef {{[ver in GameVersion]: GPRHandler}} VBase */
const bases = {
gpMarioOriginal: /**@type{VBase}*/ ({
GMSJ01: (rT) => ASM.lwz(rT, 13, -0x6748),
GMSE01: (rT) => ASM.lwz(rT, 13, -0x60d8),
GMSP01: (rT) => ASM.lwz(rT, 13, -0x61b0),
GMSJ0A: (rT) => ASM.lwz(rT, 13, -0x6218),
gpMarDirector: /**@type{VBase}*/ ({
GMSJ01: (rT) => ASM.lwz(rT, 13, -0x6818),
GMSE01: (rT) => ASM.lwz(rT, 13, -0x6048),
GMSP01: (rT) => ASM.lwz(rT, 13, -0x6120),
GMSJ0A: (rT) => ASM.lwz(rT, 13, -0x6188),
/** @typedef {keyof typeof bases} BaseId */
/** @type {({id: string, base: BaseId, fmt: string, preview: number} & FieldInfo)[]} */
const fields = [
{ id: 'x', base: 'gpMarioOriginal', dtype: 'float', offset: 0x10, fmt: '%.0f', preview: 426.39 },
{ id: 'y', base: 'gpMarioOriginal', dtype: 'float', offset: 0x14, fmt: '%.0f', preview: -427.39 },
{ id: 'z', base: 'gpMarioOriginal', dtype: 'float', offset: 0x18, fmt: '%.0f', preview: 428.39 },
{ id: 'angle', base: 'gpMarioOriginal', dtype: 16, offset: 0x96, fmt: '%hu', preview: 1207 },
id: 'HSpd',
base: 'gpMarioOriginal',
dtype: 'float',
offset: 0xb0,
fmt: '%.2f',
preview: 15.15,
id: 'VSpd',
base: 'gpMarioOriginal',
dtype: 'float',
offset: 0xa8,
fmt: '%.2f',
preview: -31.17,
id: 'QF',
base: 'gpMarDirector',
dtype: 32,
offset: 0x58,
fmt: '%u',
preview: 0,
post: (rT) => ASM.rlwinm(rT, rT, 0, 30, 31, false),
const fieldDB = Object.fromEntries(
fields.map(({ id, base, fmt, preview, ...info }) => [
{ base, info, fmt, preview },
const store = {
8: ASM.stb,
16: ASM.sth,
32: ASM.stw,
float: ASM.stfs,
double: ASM.stfd,
const load = {
8: ASM.lbz,
16: ASM.lhz,
32: ASM.lwz,
float: ASM.lfs,
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} fontSize
* @param {number} colorTop
* @param {number} colorBot
export function prepareDrawText(x, y, fontSize, colorTop, colorBot) {
let gpr = 9;
let fpr = 1;
let sp = 8;
let fmt = '';
let hasFloat = false;
/** @type {{[id: string]: Entry}} */
const entries = {};
/** @returns {Dst} */
function allocInt() {
if (gpr <= 10) {
return { type: 'gpr', index: gpr++ };
} else {
/** @type {Dst} */
const dst = { type: 'sp', index: sp };
sp += 4;
return dst;
/** @returns {Dst} */
function allocFloat() {
hasFloat = true;
if (fpr <= 8) {
return { type: 'fpr', index: fpr++ };
} else {
sp += sp & 4; // align 8
/** @type {Dst} */
const dst = { type: 'sp', index: sp };
sp += 8;
return dst;
/** @param {Base} base */
const getEntry = (base) =>
entries[base.id] ??
(entries[base.id] = {
pre: base.pre,
fields: [],
return {
* @param {string} format
* @param {Base} base
* @param {FieldInfo} field
pushValue(format, base, field) {
fmt += format;
info: field,
dst: (field.dtype === 'float' ? allocFloat : allocInt)(),
* @param {string} text
pushText(text) {
fmt += text.replace(/%/g, '%%');
makeCode() {
/** @type {Inst[]} */
const insts = [];
// sp
const spAdd = sp === 8 ? 0 : ((sp >> 4) + (sp & 0xf ? 1 : 0)) << 4;
// params
for (const { pre, fields: params } of Object.values(entries)) {
// load base to gpr
const rBase = 3;
// load all params
const rField = 5;
const fField = 9;
for (const {
info: { offset: srcoff, dtype, post },
} of params) {
if (dst.type === 'sp') {
const dstoff = dst.index;
if (dtype === 'float') {
// lfs fField, offset(rBase)
load.float(fField, rBase, srcoff),
// post
post?.(fField) ?? [],
// stfd fField, dst.index(r1)
store.double(fField, 1, dstoff),
} else {
// load rField, offset(rBase)
load[dtype](rField, rBase, srcoff),
// post
post?.(rField) ?? [],
// stw rField, dst.index(r1)
store[32](rField, 1, dstoff),
} else {
// load to register
const { index: rDst } = dst;
// load rDst
load[dtype](rDst, rBase, srcoff),
// post
post?.(rDst) ?? [],
// r8 = fmt
const fmtbuf = str2inst(fmt);
// bl 4+len4(fmt)
ASM.b(4 + (fmtbuf.length << 2), true),
// .string fmt
// mflr r8
* r3 = x
* r4 = y
* r5 = fontSize
* r6 = colorTop
* r7 = colorBot
liDX(3, x),
liDX(4, y),
liDX(5, fontSize),
liDX(6, colorTop),
colorTop === colorBot ? ASM.mr(7, 6) : liDX(7, colorBot),
// cr{set|clr} 6
insts.push((hasFloat ? ASM.crset : ASM.crclr)(6));
return { code: insts.flatMap((e) => e), spNeed: spAdd };
const dtype2fmtinfo = {
8: { prefix: 'hh', mask: 0xff },
16: { prefix: 'h', mask: 0xffff },
32: { prefix: '', mask: 0xffffffff },
* @param {string} input
* @param {GameVersion} version
* @param {ReturnType<typeof prepareDrawText>|null} f
export function format2previewText(input, version, f = null) {
const regex = /<(.*?)>/g;
let preview = '';
/** @type {RegExpExecArray|null} */
let m = null;
let i0 = 0;
while ((m = regex.exec(input))) {
const { index: i } = m;
// text
const text = input.slice(i0, i);
preview += text;
// arg
const [fieldId, fmt0, pvw0] = m[1].split('|');
const field = fieldDB[fieldId.toLowerCase()];
if (field) {
const { base: baseId, info, fmt: fmt1, preview: pvw1 } = field;
const { dtype } = info;
const fmt2 = fmt0 || fmt1;
let ipvw = +pvw0;
if (!pvw0 || !isFinite(ipvw)) ipvw = pvw1;
let fmt;
let pvw;
let padfmt = '';
if (dtype === 'float') {
const m = fmt2.trim().match(/^(?:%?(\d*)\.)?(\d+)([eEf]?)$/);
padfmt = m?.[1] || '';
const digit = +(m?.[2] || 0);
const suffix = m?.[3] || 'f';
fmt = `%${padfmt}.${digit}${suffix}`;
pvw = ipvw[suffix === 'f' ? 'toFixed' : 'toExponential'](digit);
if (suffix === 'E') pvw = pvw.toUpperCase();
} else {
const { prefix, mask } = dtype2fmtinfo[dtype];
ipvw &= mask;
const m = fmt2.trim().match(/^%?(\d*)h{,2}([dioxXu])$/);
padfmt = m?.[1] || '';
const t = m?.[2] || 'u';
fmt = `%${padfmt}${prefix}${t}`;
if ('di'.includes(t)) {
if (ipvw > mask >>> 1) ipvw -= mask;
pvw = ipvw.toString(10);
} else if (t === 'o') {
pvw = (ipvw >>> 0).toString(8);
} else if ('xX'.includes(t)) {
pvw = (ipvw >>> 0).toString(16);
} else {
pvw = (ipvw >>> 0).toString(10);
pvw = pvw.padStart(+padfmt, padfmt[0] === '0' ? '0' : ' ');
f?.pushValue(fmt, { id: baseId, pre: bases[baseId][version] }, info);
preview += pvw;
} else {
// fail to parse
preview += m[0];
// next
i0 = i + m[0].length;
const text = input.slice(i0);
preview += text;
return preview;
const addrsOrig = {
GMSJ01: 0x80206a00 - 0x2c,
GMSJ0A: 0x8012556c - 0x2c,
GMSE01: 0x801441e0 - 0x2c,
GMSP01: 0x80138e1c - 0x2c,
const addrsSetup2D = {
GMSJ01: 0x80035228,
GMSJ0A: 0x802caecc,
GMSE01: 0x802eb6bc,
GMSP01: 0x802e3864,
const addrDrawText = 0x817f0238;
const addrDst = 0x817fa000;
* @param {GameVersion} version
export default function codegen(version) {
const config = getConfig(version);
let spOff = 0;
const fcodes = /** @type {Inst[]} */ ([]);
for (const { x, y, fontSize, fgRGB, fgA, fgRGB2, fgA2, fmt } of config) {
// color
const colorTop = (fgRGB << 8) | fgA;
const colorBot = fgRGB2 == null || fgA2 == null ? colorTop : (fgRGB2 << 8) | fgA;
// prepare drawText
const f = prepareDrawText(x, y, fontSize, colorTop, colorBot);
format2previewText(fmt, version, f);
// update code and sp
const { code, spNeed } = f.makeCode();
spOff = Math.max(spOff, spNeed);
const addrOrig = addrsOrig[version];
const addrSetup2D = addrsSetup2D[version];
// program
const program = makeProgram(addrDst);
// addi r3, r1, 0xE90
program.push(ASM.addi(3, 1, 0xe90));
// addi r1, r1, -spOff
if (spOff) program.push(ASM.addi(1, 1, -spOff));
// bl setup
// (drawText)
for (const code of fcodes) {
// addi r1, r1, spOff
if (spOff) program.push(ASM.addi(1, 1, spOff));
// b orig+4
program.b(addrOrig + 4);
// dump code
const pcode = program.dump();
const psize = pcode.length;
return [
makeInst((0xc6 << 24) | (addrOrig & 0x1ffffff)),
makeInst((0x06 << 24) | (addrDst & 0x1fffffff)),
makeInst(psize << 2),
psize & 1 ? [0] : [],
.flatMap((e) => e)