Fork 0
sup39 3fa416388d Improve PatternSelector and CustomizedDisplay
- Make PatternSelector shorter and make its appearance customizable (v0.3)
- Render CustomizedDisplay later than water/juice (v0.3)
2022-10-30 04:19:16 +09:00

109 lines
3 KiB

import { parseJSON } from '../codegen.js';
import { ASM, liDX, strlen, str2inst, inst2gecko } from '../asm.js';
export const lskey = 'config/PatternSelector';
import * as GMSJ01 from './code/GMSJ01.js';
import * as GMSJ0A from './code/GMSJ0A.js';
// import * as GMSE01 from './code/GMSE01.js';
// import * as GMSP01 from './code/GMSP01.js';
const codes = { GMSJ01, GMSJ0A };
export const defaultConfig = {
x: 16,
y: 320,
fontSize: 20,
fgRGB: 0xffffff,
fgA: 0xff,
fgRGB2: null,
fgA2: null,
label: 'Pattern ',
/** @returns {typeof defaultConfig} */
export function getConfig() {
const config =
(typeof localStorage !== 'undefined' && parseJSON(localStorage.getItem(lskey))) || {};
return { ...defaultConfig, ...config };
const addrDrawText = 0x817f0238;
const addrCodeBase = 0x817f9000;
const addrPV1Data1 = 0x817f9167;
const addrFmt0 = 0x817f919d;
/** @param {keyof typeof codes} version */
export default function codegen(version) {
const { x, y, fontSize, fgRGB, fgA, fgRGB2, fgA2, label } = getConfig();
const colorTop = (fgRGB << 8) | fgA;
const colorBot = fgRGB2 == null || fgA2 == null ? colorTop : (fgRGB2 << 8) | fgA;
const text = label + '>%X>%X>%X';
const fmtCS0 = strlen(label);
const fmtCSD = 3;
const { code04, addrDraw2D, codes: cs0 } = codes[version];
const cs = cs0.map((e) => e.replace(/\s+/g, ''));
const params = [
liDX(3, x),
liDX(4, y),
liDX(5, fontSize),
liDX(6, colorTop),
colorTop === colorBot ? ASM.mr(7, 6) : liDX(7, colorBot),
].flatMap((e) => e);
const extraOffset = (params.length - 5) << 2; // default: 5 inst
let pc;
// 07
let code07 = '801F0000';
/* li32 rEntry, .data.patterns.PV1-1 */
code07 += liDX(8, addrPV1Data1 + extraOffset)
code07 += cs[0];
/* li r8 */
code07 += liDX(8, addrFmt0 + extraOffset)
code07 += cs[1];
/* stb r0/12/12, fmtCS0+fmtCSD*i(r8) */
code07 += [
ASM.stb(0, 8, fmtCS0),
ASM.stb(12, 8, fmtCS0 + fmtCSD),
ASM.stb(12, 8, fmtCS0 + fmtCSD * 2),
.flatMap((e) => e)
/* (code) */
code07 += cs[2];
/* r3~r7 */
code07 += params.map(inst2gecko).join('');
code07 += '4CC63182'; // crclr 6
/* bl drawText */
pc = addrCodeBase + (code07.length >> 1);
code07 += ASM.b(addrDrawText - pc, true)
/* addi */
code07 += '38210010';
/* b 4+$b$.draw2d */
pc = addrCodeBase + (code07.length >> 1);
code07 += ASM.b(4 + addrDraw2D - pc, false)
/* (code) */
code07 += cs[3];
/* fmt */
// prepend 1 dummy char as 'FF' in code
code07 += str2inst('.' + text)
const head07 = [0x06000000 | (addrCodeBase & 0x1ffffff), code07.length >> 1]
// align code 07 (8 digit = 4 byte)
if (code07.length & 8) code07 += '00000000';
return (code04 + head07 + code07).replace(/\s+/g, '');