Fork 0
Matteias Collet 527ed6fbc5
Presets and categories ()
* add code categories

* add exclusives and dependencies

* add code selection presets

* remove standard category from some codes

* remove presets from nozzle lock

* reset preset selection on select & unselect stage loader

* update some translations

* remove stage loader from selection when changing versions

* add stage loader help text & warn when changing version if a code is selected

* prevent selecting disabled codes

* drop yarn in favor of npm

* Update Codes.xml

* reset code preset select on cancel

* minor style changes
2021-10-10 15:45:53 +02:00

286 lines
9.1 KiB

"common": {
"download": "Herunterladen",
"yes": "Ja",
"no": "Nein",
"GMSE01": "GMSE01 (NTSC-U)",
"GMSJ01": "GMSJ01 (NTSC-J 1.0)",
"GMSJ0A": "GMSJ01 (NTSC-J 1.1)",
"GMSP01": "GMSP01 (PAL)",
"loadpresetplaceholder": "Lade eine Vorlage..",
"selectionreset": "Deine Auswahl wird zurückgesetzt. Fortfahren?"
"headers": {
"help": "Hilfe",
"codelist": "Verfügbare Codes",
"stageloader": "Stage List Loader"
"codeinfo": {
"author": "Autor:",
"authors": "Autoren:",
"version": "Version:"
"generatorconfig": {
"gameversion": {
"label": "Spiel Version:",
"placeholder": "Wähle Version.."
"downloadformat": {
"label": "Download Format:",
"options": {
"gct": "GCT",
"dolphin": "Dolphin INI",
"gcm": "CheatManager TXT"
"categories": {
"qol": "Allgemein",
"loader": "Loader",
"timer": "Timer",
"misc": "Misc",
"memcardpatch": "Memory Card Patches",
"cosmetic": "Kosmetisch"
"presets": {
"standard": "Standard",
"recommended": "Empfohlen",
"il": "IL Runs",
"fap": "Fast Any%",
"hfsetup": "Hacked File Setup"
"landingpage": {
"title": "Super Mario Sunshine Practice File Generator",
"summary": "Ein Cheat-Datei-Generator für Super Mario Sunshine Speedruns. Falls du den Generator bisher nie verwendet hast, empfehlen wir dir erst den <a href='/de/guide.html' target='_blank'>Guide</a> durchzulesen. Falls etwas nicht funktioniert findest du im Abschnitt 'Problembehebung' einige Infos.",
"community": "Die SMS Speedrunning Community",
"links": {
"discord": "Discord",
"discordlink": "https://discord.gg/9dGJWEc",
"twitter": "Twitter: @SMSCommunity",
"twitch": "Twitch: SunshineCommunity",
"src": "Speedrun.com Ranglisten"
"stageloader": {
"help": "Ladet die Level in einer benutzerdefinierten Reihenfolge.",
"levelorder": {
"label": "Level Reihenfolge:",
"options": {
"list": "Wie angegeben",
"shuffle": "Mixen",
"random": "Zufällig"
"postgame": {
"label": "Nach der Route:",
"options": {
"0F00": "Zurück zum Titelbildschirm",
"0109": "Lade die geflutete Plaza",
"0102": "Lade Post-Korona Plaza",
"3400": "Lade Korona",
"3C00": "Lade den Bowserkampf"
"levels": {
"delfinoplaza": {
"header": "Isla Delfino",
"current": "Delfino - Aktuell",
"biancounlock": "Delfino - Bianco Freischaltung",
"peachchase": "Delfino - Peach Jagd",
"riccounlock": "Delfino - Porto d'Oro / Playa del Sol Freischaltung",
"peaceful": "Delfino - Friedlich",
"pinnaunlock": "Delfino - Isla Fortuna Unlock",
"yoshiunlock": "Delfino - Yoshi / Düsen Freischaltung",
"flooded": "Delfino - Geflutet",
"postcorona": "Delfino - Post-Korona"
"delfinosublevels": {
"header": "Delfino Unterlevel",
"airstrip": "Flugplatz",
"airstripreds": "Flugplatz (Rote Münzen)",
"slide": "Rutsche",
"pachinko": "Pachinko",
"grasspipe": "Gras-Röhre",
"lilypad": "Seerosen-Wildwasserfahrt",
"jail": "Gefängnis"
"secrets": {
"header": "Geheime Level",
"bianco3": "Monte Bianco 3 Geheimnis",
"bianco6": "Monte Bianco 6 Geheimnis",
"ricco4": "Porto d'Oro 4 Geheimnis",
"gelato1": "Playa del Sol 1 Geheimnis",
"pinna2": "Isla Fortuna 2 Geheimnis",
"pinna6": "Isla Fortuna 6 Geheimnis",
"sirena2": "Lido Sirena 2 Geheimnis",
"sirena4": "Lido Sirena 4 Geheimnis",
"noki6": "Baia Paradiso 6 Geheimnis",
"pianta5": "Baia Paradiso 5 Geheimnis"
"sublevels": {
"header": "Unterlevel",
"petey": "Mutant-Tyranha Kampf (Monte Bianco 2)",
"gooperblooper": "Riesen-Blooper Kampf (Porto d'Oro 1)",
"sewers": "Blooper-Rennen (Porto d'Oro 2)",
"sandbird": "Sandvogel (Playa del Sol 4)",
"mecha": "Mecha-Bowser Kampf (Isla Fortuna 1)",
"rollercoaster": "Achterbahn (Isla Fortuna 8)",
"casino1": "Casino Delfino (Lido Sirena 4)",
"casino2": "Casino Delfino (Lido Sirena 5)",
"kingboo": "König Buu Huu Kampf (Lido Sirena 5)",
"bottle": "Flasche (Baia Paradiso 3)",
"eel": "Riesen-Aal (Baia Paradiso 4)",
"nokireds": "Baia Paradiso Rote Münzen (Baia Paradiso 8)"
"misc": {
"header": "Verschiedenes",
"biancoepisodeselect": "Monte Bianco Episodenwahl",
"riccoepisodeselect": "Porto d'Oro Episodenwahl",
"gelatoepisodeselect": "Playa del Sol Episodenwahl",
"pinnaepisodeselect": "Isla Fortuna Episodenwahl",
"sirenaepisodeselect": "Lido Sirena Episodenwahl",
"nokiepisodeselect": "Baia Paradiso Episodenwahl",
"piantaepisodeselect": "Plaza della Palma Episodenwahl"
"bianco": {
"header": "Monte Bianco",
"1": "Monte Bianco 1",
"2": "Monte Bianco 2",
"3": "Monte Bianco 3",
"4": "Monte Bianco 4",
"5": "Monte Bianco 5",
"6": "Monte Bianco 6",
"7": "Monte Bianco 7",
"8": "Monte Bianco 8"
"ricco": {
"header": "Porto d'Oro",
"1": "Porto d'Oro 1",
"2": "Porto d'Oro 2",
"3": "Porto d'Oro 3",
"4": "Porto d'Oro 4",
"5": "Porto d'Oro 5",
"6": "Porto d'Oro 6",
"7": "Porto d'Oro 7",
"8": "Porto d'Oro 8"
"gelato": {
"header": "Playa del Sol",
"1": "Playa del Sol 1",
"2": "Playa del Sol 2",
"3": "Playa del Sol 3",
"4": "Playa del Sol 4",
"5": "Playa del Sol 5",
"6": "Playa del Sol 6",
"7": "Playa del Sol 7",
"8": "Playa del Sol 8"
"pinna": {
"header": "Isla Fortuna",
"1": "Isla Fortuna 1",
"2": "Isla Fortuna 2",
"3": "Isla Fortuna 3",
"4": "Isla Fortuna 4",
"5": "Isla Fortuna 5",
"6": "Isla Fortuna 6",
"7": "Isla Fortuna 7",
"8": "Isla Fortuna 8"
"sirena": {
"header": "Lido Sirena",
"1": "Lido Sirena 1",
"2": "Lido Sirena 2",
"3": "Lido Sirena 3",
"4": "Lido Sirena 4",
"5": "Lido Sirena 5",
"6": "Lido Sirena 6",
"7": "Lido Sirena 7",
"8": "Lido Sirena 8"
"noki": {
"header": "Baia Paradiso",
"1": "Baia Paradiso 1",
"2": "Baia Paradiso 2",
"3": "Baia Paradiso 3",
"4": "Baia Paradiso 4",
"5": "Baia Paradiso 5",
"6": "Baia Paradiso 6",
"7": "Baia Paradiso 7",
"8": "Baia Paradiso 8"
"pianta": {
"header": "Plaza della Palma",
"1": "Plaza della Palma 1",
"2": "Plaza della Palma 2",
"3": "Plaza della Palma 3",
"4": "Plaza della Palma 4",
"5": "Plaza della Palma 5",
"6": "Plaza della Palma 6",
"7": "Plaza della Palma 7",
"8": "Plaza della Palma 8"
"presets": {
"fullgameminimalplaza": {
"header": "Komplett-Spiel-Kategorien, ohne Delfino",
"fapnormal": "Fast Any% normale Route",
"fapriccolate": "Fast Any% Ricco spät",
"fap49": "Fast Any% No Major Skips",
"fap58": "Fast 58 Shines / All Episodes",
"fap79": "Fast 79 Shines / All Level Shines",
"fap96": "Fast 96 Shines / All Shines, No Blues"
"fullgamecategories": {
"header": "Komplett-Spiel-Kategorien",
"anyp": "Any% normale Route",
"49": "Any% No Major Skips",
"58": "58 Shines / All Episodes",
"79": "79 Shines / All Level Shines",
"96": "96 Shines / All Shines, No Blues",
"120": "120 Shines / All Shines, All Blues"
"iw": {
"header": "Individuelle Welten",
"bianco": "Monte Bianco",
"ricco": "Porto d'Oro",
"gelato": "Playa del Sol",
"pinna": "Isla Fortuna",
"sirena": "Lido Sirena",
"noki": "Baia Paradiso",
"pianta": "Plaza della Palma"
"iwallshines": {
"header": "Individuelle Welten (alle Insignien)",
"bianco": "Monte Bianco",
"ricco": "Porto d'Oro",
"gelato": "Playa del Sol",
"pinna": "Isla Fortuna",
"sirena": "Lido Sirena",
"noki": "Baia Paradiso",
"pianta": "Plaza della Palma"
"removedialogue": {
"label": "Dialoge entfernen:",
"options": {
"pv5": "Nicht in Pianta 5",
"yes": "Immer",
"no": "Nie"
"skippablefmvs": {
"label": "Überspringbare FMVs:",
"options": {
"pp": "Nicht in Pinna",
"yes": "Immer",
"no": "Nie"
"levelselectplaceholder": "Wähle ein Level..",
"route": "Route",
"clear": "Liste leeren"
"misc": {
"defaulthelpmessage": "Wähle deine Codes von der Liste auf der linken Seite."