Fork 0
2020-07-10 05:04:22 +02:00

102 lines
3.3 KiB

# Stop on errors
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop";
# Hide progress bars
$global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
# Move to script directory
$rootDirectory = (Get-Item $PSScriptRoot).Parent.FullName
Set-Location $rootDirectory;
# Start build
Write-Host "Packing archives...";
# Setup workspace
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "./tmp" > $null;
Copy-Item "Codes.xml" "./tmp/";
Set-Location "./tmp";
# Helper function to convert the XML files to the GCM txt format
function XmlToGcm($source, $destination, $versionname) {
[xml]$xml = Get-Content $source;
Add-Content $destination $versionname;
Add-Content $destination "Super Mario Sunshine" -NoNewline;
foreach ($code in $xml.codes.code) {
$codeTitle = ($code.title | Where-Object { $_.lang -eq 'en-US' }).'#text';
$codeSource = ($code.source | Where-Object { $_.version -eq $versionname }).'#text';
Write-Host "$versionname`: $codeTitle";
Write-Host $codeSource;
if (!$codeSource || [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($codeSource.'#text')) {
Write-Host "No source found, skipping";
Add-Content $destination "";
Add-Content $destination "";
Add-Content $destination "$codeTitle ($($code.date)) [$($code.author)]";
$codeSource = $codeSource -replace " +$", "" -replace "^? [^a-zA-Z0-9]", "";
Add-Content $destination $codeSource.Trim() -NoNewline;
# Helper function to convert the XML files to the Dolphin INI format
function XmlToIni($source, $destination, $versionname) {
[xml]$xml = Get-Content $source;
Add-Content $destination "Paste the following on top of your games .ini file:"
Add-Content $destination "[Gecko]" -NoNewline
foreach ($code in $xml.codes.code) {
$codeTitle = ($code.title | Where-Object { $_.lang -eq 'en-US' }).'#text';
$codeSource = ($code.source | Where-Object { $_.version -eq $versionname }).'#text';
Write-Host "$versionname`: $codeTitle";
Write-Host $codeSource;
if (!$codeSource || [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($codeSource.'#text')) {
Write-Host "No source found, skipping";
Add-Content $destination "";
Add-Content $destination "`$$codeTitle ($($code.date)) [$($code.author)]";
$codeSource = $codeSource -replace " +$", "" -replace "^? [^a-zA-Z0-9]", "";
Add-Content $destination $codeSource.Trim() -NoNewline;
# Convert files to GCM format
Write-Host "Converting XML files to GCM format..";
XmlToGcm "Codes.xml" "GMSE01.txt" "GMSE01";
XmlToGcm "Codes.xml" "GMSP01.txt" "GMSP01";
XmlToGcm "Codes.xml" "GMSJ01.txt" "GMSJ01";
XmlToGcm "Codes.xml" "GMSJ01 (A).txt" "GMSJ01";
# Replace zip file
Write-Host "Compressing GCM archive..";
Compress-Archive "./*.txt" "../site/.vuepress/public/files/GCMCodes.zip";
Write-Host "GCM Archive built";
# Convert files to Dolphin format
Remove-Item *.txt;
Write-Host "Converting XML files to Dolphin INI format..";
XmlToIni "Codes.xml" "GMSE01.txt" "GMSE01";
XmlToIni "Codes.xml" "GMSP01.txt" "GMSP01";
XmlToIni "Codes.xml" "GMSJ01.txt" "GMSJ01";
XmlToIni "Codes.xml" "GMSJ01 (A).txt" "GMSJ01";
Write-Host "Compressing Dolphin archive..";
Compress-Archive "./*.txt" "../site/.vuepress/public/files/DolphinCodes.zip";
Write-Host "Dolphin Archive built";
# Cleanup
Write-Host "Cleaning up..";
Set-Location ..;
Remove-Item "./tmp" -Recurse;
Write-Host "Done";