# ssc

## Summary

_ssc_ is a basic, work-in-progress compiler for SunScript. It supports all of the byte-code functionality of Super Mario Sunshine's SPC interpreter.
The compiler compiles to the SPC binary format (.sb files) used by Super Mario Sunshine.

This program utilizes the [Grammatica](http://grammatica.percederberg.net/) library to generate an LL(k) parser using a grammar syntax file.

## Usage

To use _ssc_, create an instance of the `sunCompiler` class.
Use the `sunCompiler.Compile` or any of its overloads to compile a script:

|`name`|The name of the main script to compile. This is passed to the import resolver.|
|`output`|The output stream into which the compiled binary file will be written.|
|`resolver`|An instance of the import resolver to use. If not specified, `sunImportResolver.Default` will be used.|

_ssc_ by default resolves imports by loading files on disk (see [language.md](language.md). for more information).
To use a custom import resolver, create a new class inheriting from `sunImportResolver` and pass an instance of it to the `sunCompiler.Compile` method.

The result of compilation will be returned in a `sunCompilerResults` instance.
Use the various properties on this type to gather the information of the compilation:

|`Success`|Whether the script was compiled successfully. If not, the `Error` property should be non-null.|
|`Error`|The fatal error which occured during compilation. If compilation was successful, this should be null.|
|`CompileTime`|The time it took to compile, measured as a `TimeSpan` instance.|
|`DataCount`|The total number of data-table entries created.|
|`SymbolCount`|The total number of symbols (builtins, functions, and variables) created.|
|`BuiltinCount`|The total number of builtin symbols created.|
|`FunctionCount`|The total number of function symbols created.|
|`VariableCount`|The total number of global-scope variable symbols created.|

If the error is of the type `sunScriptException`, you can cast and retrieve the script name, line, and column of the error.

## Language

For more information on the SunScript language and its syntax, see [language.md](language.md).