225 lines
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225 lines
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import {
} from "@/models/schema/user.js";
import { packedNoteSchema } from "@/models/schema/note.js";
import { packedUserListSchema } from "@/models/schema/user-list.js";
import { packedAppSchema } from "@/models/schema/app.js";
import { packedMessagingMessageSchema } from "@/models/schema/messaging-message.js";
import { packedNotificationSchema } from "@/models/schema/notification.js";
import { packedDriveFileSchema } from "@/models/schema/drive-file.js";
import { packedDriveFolderSchema } from "@/models/schema/drive-folder.js";
import { packedFollowingSchema } from "@/models/schema/following.js";
import { packedMutingSchema } from "@/models/schema/muting.js";
import { packedRenoteMutingSchema } from "@/models/schema/renote-muting.js";
import { packedBlockingSchema } from "@/models/schema/blocking.js";
import { packedNoteReactionSchema } from "@/models/schema/note-reaction.js";
import { packedHashtagSchema } from "@/models/schema/hashtag.js";
import { packedPageSchema } from "@/models/schema/page.js";
import { packedUserGroupSchema } from "@/models/schema/user-group.js";
import { packedNoteFavoriteSchema } from "@/models/schema/note-favorite.js";
import { packedChannelSchema } from "@/models/schema/channel.js";
import { packedAntennaSchema } from "@/models/schema/antenna.js";
import { packedClipSchema } from "@/models/schema/clip.js";
import { packedFederationInstanceSchema } from "@/models/schema/federation-instance.js";
import { packedQueueCountSchema } from "@/models/schema/queue.js";
import { packedGalleryPostSchema } from "@/models/schema/gallery-post.js";
import { packedEmojiSchema } from "@/models/schema/emoji.js";
import { packedNoteEdit } from "@/models/schema/note-edit.js";
export const refs = {
UserLite: packedUserLiteSchema,
UserDetailedNotMeOnly: packedUserDetailedNotMeOnlySchema,
MeDetailedOnly: packedMeDetailedOnlySchema,
UserDetailedNotMe: packedUserDetailedNotMeSchema,
MeDetailed: packedMeDetailedSchema,
UserDetailed: packedUserDetailedSchema,
User: packedUserSchema,
UserList: packedUserListSchema,
UserGroup: packedUserGroupSchema,
App: packedAppSchema,
MessagingMessage: packedMessagingMessageSchema,
Note: packedNoteSchema,
NoteEdit: packedNoteEdit,
NoteReaction: packedNoteReactionSchema,
NoteFavorite: packedNoteFavoriteSchema,
Notification: packedNotificationSchema,
DriveFile: packedDriveFileSchema,
DriveFolder: packedDriveFolderSchema,
Following: packedFollowingSchema,
Muting: packedMutingSchema,
RenoteMuting: packedRenoteMutingSchema,
Blocking: packedBlockingSchema,
Hashtag: packedHashtagSchema,
Page: packedPageSchema,
Channel: packedChannelSchema,
QueueCount: packedQueueCountSchema,
Antenna: packedAntennaSchema,
Clip: packedClipSchema,
FederationInstance: packedFederationInstanceSchema,
GalleryPost: packedGalleryPostSchema,
Emoji: packedEmojiSchema,
export type Packed<x extends keyof typeof refs> = SchemaType<typeof refs[x]>;
type TypeStringef =
| "null"
| "boolean"
| "integer"
| "number"
| "string"
| "array"
| "object"
| "any";
type StringDefToType<T extends TypeStringef> = T extends "null"
? null
: T extends "boolean"
? boolean
: T extends "integer"
? number
: T extends "number"
? number
: T extends "string"
? string | Date
: T extends "array"
? ReadonlyArray<any>
: T extends "object"
? Record<string, any>
: any;
// https://swagger.io/specification/?sbsearch=optional#schema-object
type OfSchema = {
readonly anyOf?: ReadonlyArray<Schema>;
readonly oneOf?: ReadonlyArray<Schema>;
readonly allOf?: ReadonlyArray<Schema>;
export interface Schema extends OfSchema {
readonly type?: TypeStringef;
readonly nullable?: boolean;
readonly optional?: boolean;
readonly items?: Schema;
readonly properties?: Obj;
readonly required?: ReadonlyArray<
Extract<keyof NonNullable<this["properties"]>, string>
readonly description?: string;
readonly example?: any;
readonly format?: string;
readonly ref?: keyof typeof refs;
readonly enum?: ReadonlyArray<string>;
readonly default?:
| (this["type"] extends TypeStringef ? StringDefToType<this["type"]> : any)
| null;
readonly maxLength?: number;
readonly minLength?: number;
readonly maximum?: number;
readonly minimum?: number;
readonly pattern?: string;
type RequiredPropertyNames<s extends Obj> = {
[K in keyof s]: // K is not optional
s[K]["optional"] extends false
? K
: // K has default value
s[K]["default"] extends
| null
| string
| number
| boolean
| Record<string, unknown>
? K
: never;
}[keyof s];
export type Obj = Record<string, Schema>;
// https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey/issues/8535
// To avoid excessive stack depth error,
// deceive TypeScript with UnionToIntersection (or more precisely, `infer` expression within it).
export type ObjType<
s extends Obj,
RequiredProps extends keyof s,
> = UnionToIntersection<
-readonly [R in RequiredPropertyNames<s>]-?: SchemaType<s[R]>;
} & {
-readonly [R in RequiredProps]-?: SchemaType<s[R]>;
} & {
-readonly [P in keyof s]?: SchemaType<s[P]>;
type NullOrUndefined<p extends Schema, T> =
| (p["nullable"] extends true ? null : never)
| (p["optional"] extends true ? undefined : never)
| T;
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54938141/typescript-convert-union-to-intersection
// Get intersection from union
type UnionToIntersection<U> = (U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends (
k: infer I,
) => void
? I
: never;
// https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey/pull/8144#discussion_r785287552
// To get union, we use `Foo extends any ? Hoge<Foo> : never`
type UnionSchemaType<
a extends readonly any[],
X extends Schema = a[number],
> = X extends any ? SchemaType<X> : never;
type ArrayUnion<T> = T extends any ? Array<T> : never;
export type SchemaTypeDef<p extends Schema> = p["type"] extends "null"
? null
: p["type"] extends "integer"
? number
: p["type"] extends "number"
? number
: p["type"] extends "string"
? p["enum"] extends readonly string[]
? p["enum"][number]
: p["format"] extends "date-time"
? string
: // Dateにする??
: p["type"] extends "boolean"
? boolean
: p["type"] extends "object"
? p["ref"] extends keyof typeof refs
? Packed<p["ref"]>
: p["properties"] extends NonNullable<Obj>
? ObjType<p["properties"], NonNullable<p["required"]>[number]>
: p["anyOf"] extends ReadonlyArray<Schema>
? UnionSchemaType<p["anyOf"]> &
: p["allOf"] extends ReadonlyArray<Schema>
? UnionToIntersection<UnionSchemaType<p["allOf"]>>
: any
: p["type"] extends "array"
? p["items"] extends OfSchema
? p["items"]["anyOf"] extends ReadonlyArray<Schema>
? UnionSchemaType<NonNullable<p["items"]["anyOf"]>>[]
: p["items"]["oneOf"] extends ReadonlyArray<Schema>
? ArrayUnion<UnionSchemaType<NonNullable<p["items"]["oneOf"]>>>
: p["items"]["allOf"] extends ReadonlyArray<Schema>
? UnionToIntersection<UnionSchemaType<NonNullable<p["items"]["allOf"]>>>[]
: never
: p["items"] extends NonNullable<Schema>
? SchemaTypeDef<p["items"]>[]
: any[]
: p["oneOf"] extends ReadonlyArray<Schema>
? UnionSchemaType<p["oneOf"]>
: any;
export type SchemaType<p extends Schema> = NullOrUndefined<p, SchemaTypeDef<p>>;