import config from "@/config/index.js"; import { DB_MAX_IMAGE_COMMENT_LENGTH, DB_MAX_NOTE_TEXT_LENGTH, } from "@/misc/hard-limits.js"; export const MAX_NOTE_TEXT_LENGTH = Math.min( config.maxNoteLength ?? 3000, DB_MAX_NOTE_TEXT_LENGTH, ); export const MAX_CAPTION_TEXT_LENGTH = Math.min( config.maxCaptionLength ?? 1500, DB_MAX_IMAGE_COMMENT_LENGTH, ); export const SECOND = 1000; export const MINUTE = 60 * SECOND; export const HOUR = 60 * MINUTE; export const DAY = 24 * HOUR; export const USER_ONLINE_THRESHOLD = 10 * MINUTE; export const USER_ACTIVE_THRESHOLD = 3 * DAY; // List of file types allowed to be viewed directly in the browser // Anything not included here will be responded as application/octet-stream // SVG is not allowed because it generates XSS <- we need to fix this and later allow it to be viewed directly export const FILE_TYPE_BROWSERSAFE = [ // Images "image/png", "image/gif", // TODO: deprecated, but still used by old notes, new gifs should be converted to webp in the future "image/jpeg", "image/webp", // TODO: make this the default image format "image/apng", "image/bmp", "image/tiff", "image/x-icon", "image/avif", // not as good supported now, but its good to introduce initial support for the future // OggS "audio/opus", "video/ogg", "audio/ogg", "application/ogg", // ISO/IEC base media file format "video/quicktime", "video/mp4", // TODO: we need to check for av1 later "video/vnd.avi", // also av1 "audio/mp4", "video/x-m4v", "audio/x-m4a", "video/3gpp", "video/3gpp2", "video/3gp2", "audio/3gpp", "audio/3gpp2", "audio/3gp2", "video/mpeg", "audio/mpeg", "video/webm", "audio/webm", "audio/aac", "audio/x-flac", "audio/flac", "audio/vnd.wave", "audio/mod", "audio/x-mod", "audio/s3m", "audio/x-s3m", "audio/xm", "audio/x-xm", "audio/it", "audio/x-it", ]; /* */