2016-02-23 17:28:25 +09:00
{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2016 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
2016-02-25 12:10:30 +09:00
module Vervis.Form.Project
2016-06-06 15:48:59 +09:00
( NewProject (..)
, newProjectForm
2016-06-01 17:52:14 +09:00
, NewProjectCollab (..)
, newProjectCollabForm
2016-06-05 19:43:28 +09:00
, editProjectForm
2016-02-23 17:28:25 +09:00
2016-06-01 17:52:14 +09:00
import Vervis.Import hiding (on, isNothing)
import Database.Esqueleto hiding ((==.))
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E ((==.))
2016-02-23 17:28:25 +09:00
2016-02-25 12:10:30 +09:00
import Vervis.Field.Project
2016-06-01 17:52:14 +09:00
import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Model.Ident
import Vervis.Model.Repo
2016-02-23 17:28:25 +09:00
2016-06-06 15:48:59 +09:00
data NewProject = NewProject
{ npIdent :: PrjIdent
, npName :: Maybe Text
, npDesc :: Maybe Text
, npRole :: ProjectRoleId
newProjectAForm :: PersonId -> SharerId -> AForm Handler NewProject
newProjectAForm pid sid = NewProject
<$> areq (newProjectIdentField sid) "Identifier*" Nothing
<*> aopt textField "Name" Nothing
<*> aopt textField "Description" Nothing
<*> areq selectRole "Your role*" Nothing
selectRole =
selectField $
optionsPersistKey [ProjectRolePerson ==. pid] [] $
rl2text . projectRoleIdent
2016-02-23 17:28:25 +09:00
2016-06-06 15:48:59 +09:00
newProjectForm :: PersonId -> SharerId -> Form NewProject
newProjectForm pid sid = renderDivs $ newProjectAForm pid sid
2016-06-01 17:52:14 +09:00
data NewProjectCollab = NewProjectCollab
{ ncPerson :: PersonId
, ncRole :: ProjectRoleId
:: PersonId -> ProjectId -> AForm Handler NewProjectCollab
newProjectCollabAForm pid rid = NewProjectCollab
<$> areq selectPerson "Person*" Nothing
<*> areq selectRole "Role*" Nothing
selectPerson = selectField $ do
l <- runDB $ select $
from $ \ (collab `RightOuterJoin` person `InnerJoin` sharer) -> do
on $ person ^. PersonIdent E.==. sharer ^. SharerId
on $
collab ?. ProjectCollabProject E.==. just (val rid) &&.
collab ?. ProjectCollabPerson E.==. just (person ^. PersonId)
where_ $ isNothing $ collab ?. ProjectCollabId
return (sharer ^. SharerIdent, person ^. PersonId)
optionsPairs $ map (shr2text . unValue *** unValue) l
selectRole =
selectField $
optionsPersistKey [ProjectRolePerson ==. pid] [] $
rl2text . projectRoleIdent
newProjectCollabForm :: PersonId -> ProjectId -> Form NewProjectCollab
newProjectCollabForm pid rid = renderDivs $ newProjectCollabAForm pid rid
2016-06-05 19:43:28 +09:00
editProjectAForm :: Entity Project -> AForm Handler Project
editProjectAForm (Entity jid project) = Project
<$> pure (projectIdent project)
<*> pure (projectSharer project)
2016-06-06 06:11:05 +09:00
<*> aopt textField "Name" (Just $ projectName project)
<*> aopt textField "Description" (Just $ projectDesc project)
2016-06-05 19:43:28 +09:00
<*> pure (projectNextTicket project)
2016-06-06 06:11:05 +09:00
<*> aopt selectWiki "Wiki" (Just $ projectWiki project)
2016-06-05 19:43:28 +09:00
selectWiki =
selectField $
optionsPersistKey [RepoProject ==. Just jid] [] $
rp2text . repoIdent
editProjectForm :: Entity Project -> Form Project
editProjectForm p = renderDivs $ editProjectAForm p