2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2019 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
module Vervis.Handler.Inbox
( getInboxR
, postInboxR
2019-03-22 14:17:54 +09:00
, getPublishR
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
, getOutboxR
2019-03-29 06:08:30 +09:00
, getOutboxItemR
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
, postOutboxR
2019-02-07 19:34:33 +09:00
, getActorKey1R
, getActorKey2R
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
import Prelude
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (readTVarIO, modifyTVar')
import Control.Exception (displayException)
2019-03-10 15:42:03 +09:00
import Control.Monad
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
2019-03-22 07:57:15 +09:00
import Control.Monad.Logger.CallStack
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
import Control.Monad.STM (atomically)
2019-03-10 15:42:03 +09:00
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
import Crypto.Error (CryptoFailable (..))
import Crypto.PubKey.Ed25519 (publicKey, signature, verify)
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
import Data.Aeson
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
import Data.Bifunctor (first, second)
2019-02-15 08:27:40 +09:00
import Data.Foldable (for_)
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
2019-02-07 19:34:33 +09:00
import Data.PEM (PEM (..))
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
import Data.Text (Text)
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Interval (TimeInterval, toTimeUnit)
import Data.Time.Units (Second)
2019-02-15 08:27:40 +09:00
import Database.Persist (Entity (..), getBy, insertBy, insert_)
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager, HttpException, requestFromURI)
2019-01-19 11:57:58 +09:00
import Network.HTTP.Simple (httpJSONEither, getResponseBody, setRequestManager, addRequestHeader)
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header (hDate, hHost)
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
import Text.Blaze.Html (Html)
2019-02-12 20:53:24 +09:00
import Text.Shakespeare.I18N (RenderMessage)
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
import UnliftIO.Exception (try)
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
import Yesod.Auth (requireAuth)
2019-02-12 20:53:24 +09:00
import Yesod.Core (ContentType, defaultLayout, whamlet, toHtml, HandlerSite)
2019-02-07 19:34:33 +09:00
import Yesod.Core.Content (TypedContent)
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
import Yesod.Core.Json (requireJsonBody)
import Yesod.Core.Handler
2019-02-12 20:53:24 +09:00
import Yesod.Form.Fields (Textarea (..), textField, textareaField)
import Yesod.Form.Functions
import Yesod.Form.Types
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
import Yesod.Persist.Core (runDB, get404)
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (unpack)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI (mk)
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M (lookup, insert, adjust, fromList)
2019-03-05 00:47:22 +09:00
import qualified Data.Text as T (pack, unpack, concat)
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL (toStrict)
2019-03-14 11:30:36 +09:00
import qualified Data.Vector as V
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
import qualified Network.Wai as W (requestMethod, rawPathInfo, requestHeaders)
import Network.HTTP.Signature hiding (Algorithm (..))
2019-01-19 13:21:56 +09:00
import Yesod.HttpSignature (verifyRequestSignature)
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
import qualified Network.HTTP.Signature as S (Algorithm (..))
2019-02-12 20:53:24 +09:00
import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty.ToEncoding
2019-03-22 07:57:15 +09:00
import Data.Aeson.Local
2019-03-10 02:12:43 +09:00
import Database.Persist.Local
2019-02-08 08:08:28 +09:00
import Network.FedURI
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
import Web.ActivityPub
2019-02-12 20:53:24 +09:00
import Yesod.Auth.Unverified
2019-03-23 11:05:30 +09:00
import Yesod.FedURI
2019-03-29 12:25:32 +09:00
import Yesod.Hashids
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
2019-02-07 19:34:33 +09:00
import Vervis.ActorKey
2019-03-22 07:57:15 +09:00
import Vervis.Federation
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model
2019-03-25 09:17:24 +09:00
import Vervis.Model.Ident
2019-03-10 02:12:43 +09:00
import Vervis.RemoteActorStore
2019-03-25 09:17:24 +09:00
import Vervis.Settings
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
getInboxR :: Handler Html
getInboxR = do
acts <- liftIO . readTVarIO =<< getsYesod appActivities
Welcome to the ActivityPub inbox test page! It's the beginning of
federation support in Vervis. Currently POSTing activities
doesn't do anything, they're just verified and the results are
2019-02-12 20:53:24 +09:00
displayed on this page. To test, go to another Vervis instance's
outbox page, submit an activity, and come back here to see
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
<p>Last 10 activities posted:
2019-03-22 07:57:15 +09:00
$forall (time, report) <- acts
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
<div>#{show time}
2019-03-22 07:57:15 +09:00
$case report
$of ActivityReportHandlerError e
<div>Handler error:
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
2019-03-22 07:57:15 +09:00
$of ActivityReportWorkerError ct o e
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
<div><code>#{BC.unpack ct}
<div><pre>#{decodeUtf8 o}
2019-03-22 07:57:15 +09:00
<div>#{displayException e}
$of ActivityReportUsed msg
$of ActivityReportUnused ct o msg
<div><code>#{BC.unpack ct}
<div><pre>#{decodeUtf8 o}
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
postInboxR :: Handler ()
postInboxR = do
2019-03-25 09:17:24 +09:00
federation <- getsYesod $ appFederation . appSettings
unless federation badMethod
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
r <- runExceptT $ getActivity now
case r of
2019-03-22 07:57:15 +09:00
Right (ct, (WithValue raw d@(Doc h a), (iid, rsid))) ->
forkHandler (handleWorkerError now ct d) $ do
2019-03-24 00:45:44 +09:00
(msg, stored) <- handleInboxActivity raw h iid rsid a
2019-03-22 07:57:15 +09:00
if stored
then recordUsed now msg
else recordUnused now ct d msg
Left e -> do
recordError now e
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
liftE = ExceptT . pure
2019-03-22 07:57:15 +09:00
handleWorkerError now ct d e = do
logError $ "postInboxR worker error: " <> T.pack (displayException e)
recordActivity now $ ActivityReportWorkerError ct (encodePretty d) e
recordActivity now item = do
acts <- getsYesod appActivities
liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' acts $ \ vec ->
let vec' = (now, item) `V.cons` vec
in if V.length vec' > 10
then V.init vec'
else vec'
recordUsed now msg = recordActivity now $ ActivityReportUsed msg
recordUnused now ct d msg = recordActivity now $ ActivityReportUnused ct (encodePretty d) msg
recordError now e = recordActivity now $ ActivityReportHandlerError e
2019-04-12 09:56:27 +09:00
getActivity :: UTCTime -> ExceptT String Handler (ContentType, (WithValue (Doc Activity), (InstanceId, RemoteActorId)))
2019-01-19 10:56:50 +09:00
getActivity now = do
contentType <- do
ctypes <- lookupHeaders "Content-Type"
liftE $ case ctypes of
[] -> Left "Content-Type not specified"
[x] -> case x of
"application/activity+json" -> Right x
"application/ld+json; profile=\"https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams\"" -> Right x
_ -> Left "Unknown Content-Type"
_ -> Left "More than one Content-Type given"
2019-01-19 13:21:56 +09:00
HttpSigVerResult result <- ExceptT . fmap (first displayException) $ verifyRequestSignature now
2019-03-22 06:38:59 +09:00
(h, luActor) <- f2l . actorDetailId <$> liftE result
2019-03-22 07:57:15 +09:00
ActorDetail uActor iid rsid <- liftE result
let (h, luActor) = f2l uActor
2019-03-24 00:29:50 +09:00
wv@(WithValue _ (Doc h' a)) <- requireJsonBody
2019-03-10 15:42:03 +09:00
unless (h == h') $
throwE "Activity host doesn't match signature key host"
2019-03-14 08:37:58 +09:00
unless (activityActor a == luActor) $
2019-03-10 15:42:03 +09:00
throwE "Activity's actor != Signature key's actor"
2019-03-22 07:57:15 +09:00
return (contentType, (wv, (iid, rsid)))
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
2019-02-12 20:53:24 +09:00
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
jsonField :: (FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => Field Handler a
jsonField = checkMMap fromTextarea toTextarea textareaField
toTextarea = Textarea . TL.toStrict . encodePrettyToLazyText
fromTextarea = return . first T.pack . eitherDecodeStrict' . encodeUtf8 . unTextarea
2019-02-12 20:53:24 +09:00
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
2019-02-12 20:53:24 +09:00
:: (Monad m, RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage) => Field m FedURI
fedUriField = Field
{ fieldParse = parseHelper $ \ t ->
case parseFedURI t of
Left e -> Left $ MsgInvalidUrl $ T.pack e <> ": " <> t
Right u -> Right u
, fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq ->
[whamlet|<input ##{theId} name=#{name} *{attrs} type=url :isReq:required value=#{either id renderFedURI val}>|]
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
2019-03-22 08:56:47 +09:00
activityForm :: Form (FedURI, Maybe FedURI, Maybe FedURI, Text)
activityForm = renderDivs $ (,,,)
<$> areq fedUriField "To" (Just defto)
<*> aopt fedUriField "Replying on" (Just $ Just defctx)
<*> aopt fedUriField "Context" (Just $ Just defctx)
<*> areq textField "Message" (Just defmsg)
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
2019-03-22 08:56:47 +09:00
defto = FedURI "forge.angeley.es" "/s/fr33/p/sandbox" ""
defctx = FedURI "forge.angeley.es" "/s/fr33/p/sandbox/t/1" ""
defmsg = "Hi! I'm testing federation. Can you see my message? :)"
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
2019-03-29 06:08:30 +09:00
activityWidget :: ShrIdent -> Widget -> Enctype -> Widget
activityWidget shr widget enctype =
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
2019-02-12 20:53:24 +09:00
This is a federation test page. Provide a recepient actor URI and
message text, and a Create activity creating a new Note will be sent
to the destination server.
2019-03-29 06:08:30 +09:00
<form method=POST action=@{OutboxR shr} enctype=#{enctype}>
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
<input type=submit>
2019-03-29 06:08:30 +09:00
getUserShrIdent :: Handler ShrIdent
getUserShrIdent = do
Entity _ p <- requireVerifiedAuth
s <- runDB $ get404 $ personIdent p
return $ sharerIdent s
2019-03-22 14:17:54 +09:00
getPublishR :: Handler Html
getPublishR = do
2019-03-29 06:08:30 +09:00
shr <- getUserShrIdent
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
((_result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost activityForm
2019-03-29 06:08:30 +09:00
defaultLayout $ activityWidget shr widget enctype
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
2019-03-29 06:08:30 +09:00
getOutboxR :: ShrIdent -> Handler TypedContent
2019-03-22 14:17:54 +09:00
getOutboxR = error "Not implemented yet"
2019-03-29 12:25:32 +09:00
getOutboxItemR :: ShrIdent -> KeyHashid OutboxItem -> Handler TypedContent
2019-03-29 06:08:30 +09:00
getOutboxItemR = error "Not implemented yet"
postOutboxR :: ShrIdent -> Handler Html
postOutboxR shr = do
2019-03-25 09:17:24 +09:00
federation <- getsYesod $ appFederation . appSettings
unless federation badMethod
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
((result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost activityForm
case result of
FormMissing -> setMessage "Field(s) missing"
FormFailure _l -> setMessage "Invalid input, see below"
2019-03-22 08:56:47 +09:00
FormSuccess (to, mparent, mcontext, msg) -> do
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
renderUrl <- getUrlRender
2019-03-23 11:05:30 +09:00
route2uri <- getEncodeRouteFed
2019-03-22 08:56:47 +09:00
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
2019-03-23 11:05:30 +09:00
let (h, actor) = f2l $ route2uri $ SharerR shr
2019-02-15 07:13:58 +09:00
actorID = renderUrl $ SharerR shr
2019-03-10 15:42:03 +09:00
appendPath u t = u { luriPath = luriPath u <> t }
2019-03-14 08:37:58 +09:00
activity = Activity
{ activityId = appendPath actor "/fake-activity"
, activityActor = actor
2019-03-23 11:57:34 +09:00
, activityAudience = deliverTo to
2019-03-14 08:37:58 +09:00
, activitySpecific = CreateActivity Create
2019-03-14 11:30:36 +09:00
{ createObject = Note
2019-03-23 11:05:30 +09:00
{ noteId = Just $ appendPath actor "/fake-note"
, noteAttrib = actor
2019-03-23 11:57:34 +09:00
, noteAudience = deliverTo to
2019-03-22 08:56:47 +09:00
, noteReplyTo = mparent
, noteContext = mcontext
, notePublished = Just now
, noteContent = msg
2019-03-14 08:37:58 +09:00
2019-02-12 20:53:24 +09:00
2019-01-22 00:54:57 +09:00
manager <- getsYesod appHttpManager
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
let (host, lto) = f2l to
minbox <- fetchInboxURI manager host lto
2019-02-15 08:27:40 +09:00
for_ minbox $ \ inbox -> do
(akey1, akey2, new1) <- liftIO . readTVarIO =<< getsYesod appActorKeys
let (keyID, akey) =
if new1
then (renderUrl ActorKey1R, akey1)
else (renderUrl ActorKey2R, akey2)
sign b = (KeyId $ encodeUtf8 keyID, actorKeySign akey b)
2019-03-10 15:42:03 +09:00
eres' <- httpPostAP manager (l2f host inbox) (hRequestTarget :| [hHost, hDate, hActivityPubActor]) sign actorID $ Doc h activity
2019-02-15 08:27:40 +09:00
case eres' of
Left e -> setMessage $ toHtml $ "Failed to POST to recipient's inbox: " <> T.pack (displayException e)
Right _ -> setMessage "Activity posted! You can go to the target server's /inbox to see the result."
2019-03-29 06:08:30 +09:00
defaultLayout $ activityWidget shr widget enctype
2019-02-15 08:27:40 +09:00
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
fetchInboxURI :: Manager -> Text -> LocalURI -> Handler (Maybe LocalURI)
fetchInboxURI manager h lto = do
2019-03-10 02:12:43 +09:00
mrs <- runDB $ do
mi <- getBy $ UniqueInstance h
case mi of
Nothing -> return $ Left Nothing
Just (Entity iid _) ->
maybe (Left $ Just iid) Right <$>
2019-04-12 09:56:27 +09:00
getBy (UniqueRemoteActor iid lto)
2019-02-15 08:27:40 +09:00
case mrs of
2019-03-10 02:12:43 +09:00
Left miid -> do
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
eres <- fetchAPID manager actorId h lto
2019-02-15 08:27:40 +09:00
case eres of
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
Left s -> do
2019-03-05 00:47:22 +09:00
setMessage $ toHtml $ T.concat
[ "Tried to fetch recipient actor <"
, renderFedURI $ l2f h lto
, "> and got an error: "
, T.pack s
2019-02-15 08:27:40 +09:00
return Nothing
2019-03-10 02:12:43 +09:00
Right actor -> withHostLock h $ do
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
let inbox = actorInbox actor
runDB $ do
2019-03-10 02:12:43 +09:00
(iid, inew) <-
case miid of
Just iid -> return (iid, False)
Nothing -> idAndNew <$> insertBy (Instance h)
2019-04-12 09:56:27 +09:00
let rs = RemoteActor lto iid inbox
2019-03-10 02:12:43 +09:00
if inew
then insert_ rs
else insertUnique_ rs
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
return $ Just inbox
2019-04-12 09:56:27 +09:00
Right (Entity _rsid rs) -> return $ Just $ remoteActorInbox rs
2019-02-07 19:34:33 +09:00
getActorKey :: ((ActorKey, ActorKey, Bool) -> ActorKey) -> Route App -> Handler TypedContent
2019-03-20 21:01:10 +09:00
getActorKey choose route = selectRep $ provideAP $ do
2019-02-07 19:34:33 +09:00
actorKey <-
liftIO . fmap (actorKeyPublicBin . choose) . readTVarIO =<<
getsYesod appActorKeys
2019-03-23 11:05:30 +09:00
route2uri <- getEncodeRouteFed
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
let (host, id_) = f2l $ route2uri route
2019-03-20 21:01:10 +09:00
return $ Doc host PublicKey
{ publicKeyId = id_
, publicKeyExpires = Nothing
, publicKeyOwner = OwnerInstance
, publicKeyMaterial = actorKey
--, publicKeyAlgo = Just AlgorithmEd25519
2019-02-07 19:34:33 +09:00
getActorKey1R :: Handler TypedContent
getActorKey1R = getActorKey (\ (k1, _, _) -> k1) ActorKey1R
getActorKey2R :: Handler TypedContent
2019-03-06 10:49:55 +09:00
getActorKey2R = getActorKey (\ (_, k2, _) -> k2) ActorKey2R