2016-05-20 01:58:23 +09:00
{- This file is part of Vervis.
2019-03-16 01:36:02 +09:00
- Written in 2016, 2019 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
2016-05-20 01:58:23 +09:00
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
module Vervis.Handler.Discussion
( getDiscussion
2019-03-16 01:36:02 +09:00
, getDiscussionMessage
2016-05-22 05:01:31 +09:00
, getTopReply
, postTopReply
2016-05-20 07:07:25 +09:00
, getReply
, postReply
2016-05-20 01:58:23 +09:00
import Prelude
2019-03-16 01:36:02 +09:00
import Control.Monad
2016-05-20 01:58:23 +09:00
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
import Data.Maybe
2016-05-20 01:58:23 +09:00
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
2016-05-20 07:07:25 +09:00
import Database.Persist
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
import Database.Persist.Sql
import Data.Traversable
2016-05-20 01:58:23 +09:00
import Text.Blaze.Html (Html)
2016-05-20 07:07:25 +09:00
import Yesod.Auth (requireAuthId)
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
import Yesod.Core
2019-03-16 01:36:02 +09:00
import Yesod.Core.Handler
2016-05-20 07:07:25 +09:00
import Yesod.Form.Functions (runFormPost)
import Yesod.Form.Types (FormResult (..))
2016-05-20 01:58:23 +09:00
import Yesod.Persist.Core (runDB, get404, getBy404)
2019-03-20 17:07:37 +09:00
import Network.FedURI
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
import Web.ActivityPub
import Yesod.FedURI
2019-03-29 12:25:32 +09:00
import Yesod.Hashids
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
import Database.Persist.Local
import Yesod.Persist.Local
2019-03-20 17:07:37 +09:00
import Vervis.Discussion
2016-05-20 07:07:25 +09:00
import Vervis.Form.Discussion
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
import Vervis.Foundation
2016-05-20 01:58:23 +09:00
import Vervis.Model
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
import Vervis.Model.Ident
import Vervis.Settings
2016-05-20 01:58:23 +09:00
import Vervis.Widget.Discussion
2016-05-22 06:27:12 +09:00
2019-03-16 01:36:02 +09:00
:: (MessageId -> Route App)
-> Route App
-> AppDB DiscussionId
-> Handler Html
2016-05-22 06:27:12 +09:00
getDiscussion reply topic getdid =
defaultLayout $ discussionW getdid topic reply
2016-05-20 01:58:23 +09:00
2019-03-20 17:07:37 +09:00
getNode :: AppDB DiscussionId -> MessageId -> AppDB MessageTreeNode
getNode getdid mid = do
did <- getdid
m <- get404 mid
unless (messageRoot m == did) notFound
mlocal <- getBy $ UniqueLocalMessage mid
mremote <- getBy $ UniqueRemoteMessage mid
author <- case (mlocal, mremote) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> fail "Message with no author"
(Just _, Just _) -> fail "Message used as both local and remote"
(Just (Entity lmid lm), Nothing) -> do
p <- getJust $ localMessageAuthor lm
s <- getJust $ personIdent p
return $ MessageTreeNodeLocal lmid s
(Nothing, Just (Entity _rmid rm)) -> do
rs <- getJust $ remoteMessageAuthor rm
2019-04-12 09:56:27 +09:00
i <- getJust $ remoteActorInstance rs
2019-03-20 17:07:37 +09:00
return $ MessageTreeNodeRemote $
2019-04-12 09:56:27 +09:00
l2f (instanceHost i) (remoteActorIdent rs)
2019-03-20 17:07:37 +09:00
return $ MessageTreeNode mid m author
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
2019-03-22 04:06:52 +09:00
getNodeL :: AppDB DiscussionId -> LocalMessageId -> AppDB MessageTreeNode
getNodeL getdid lmid = do
did <- getdid
lm <- get404 lmid
let mid = localMessageRest lm
m <- getJust mid
unless (messageRoot m == did) notFound
p <- getJust $ localMessageAuthor lm
s <- getJust $ personIdent p
return $ MessageTreeNode mid m $ MessageTreeNodeLocal lmid s
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
2019-03-22 04:06:52 +09:00
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
getDiscussionMessage :: ShrIdent -> LocalMessageId -> Handler TypedContent
getDiscussionMessage shr lmid = selectRep $ provideAP $ runDB $ do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shr
pid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniquePersonIdent sid
lm <- get404 lmid
unless (localMessageAuthor lm == pid) notFound
m <- getJust $ localMessageRest lm
route2fed <- getEncodeRouteFed
2019-04-11 22:26:57 +09:00
uContext <- do
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
let did = messageRoot m
mt <- getValBy $ UniqueTicketDiscussion did
mrd <- getValBy $ UniqueRemoteDiscussion did
case (mt, mrd) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> fail $ "DiscussionId #" ++ show did ++ " has no context"
(Just _, Just _) -> fail $ "DiscussionId #" ++ show did ++ " has both ticket and remote contexts"
(Just t, Nothing) -> do
j <- getJust $ ticketProject t
s <- getJust $ projectSharer j
2019-03-23 11:57:34 +09:00
let shr = sharerIdent s
prj = projectIdent j
2019-04-11 22:26:57 +09:00
return $ route2fed $ TicketR shr prj $ ticketNumber t
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
(Nothing, Just rd) -> do
2019-04-11 22:26:57 +09:00
i <- getJust $ remoteDiscussionInstance rd
return $ l2f (instanceHost i) (remoteDiscussionIdent rd)
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
muParent <- for (messageParent m) $ \ midParent -> do
mlocal <- getBy $ UniqueLocalMessage midParent
mremote <- getValBy $ UniqueRemoteMessage midParent
case (mlocal, mremote) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> fail "Message with no author"
(Just _, Just _) -> fail "Message used as both local and remote"
(Just (Entity lmidParent lmParent), Nothing) -> do
p <- getJust $ localMessageAuthor lmParent
s <- getJust $ personIdent p
2019-03-29 12:25:32 +09:00
lmhidParent <- encodeKeyHashid lmidParent
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
return $ route2fed $ MessageR (sharerIdent s) lmhidParent
(Nothing, Just rmParent) -> do
rs <- getJust $ remoteMessageAuthor rmParent
2019-04-12 09:56:27 +09:00
i <- getJust $ remoteActorInstance rs
return $ l2f (instanceHost i) (remoteActorIdent rs)
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
host <- getsYesod $ appInstanceHost . appSettings
route2local <- getEncodeRouteLocal
2019-03-29 12:25:32 +09:00
lmhid <- encodeKeyHashid lmid
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
return $ Doc host Note
2019-03-23 11:05:30 +09:00
{ noteId = Just $ route2local $ MessageR shr lmhid
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
, noteAttrib = route2local $ SharerR shr
2019-04-11 22:26:57 +09:00
, noteAudience = error "TODO noteAudience"
2019-03-23 05:46:42 +09:00
, noteReplyTo = Just $ fromMaybe uContext muParent
, noteContext = Just uContext
, notePublished = Just $ messageCreated m
, noteContent = messageContent m
2016-05-20 07:07:25 +09:00
2016-05-22 05:01:31 +09:00
getTopReply :: Route App -> Handler Html
getTopReply replyP = do
((_result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost newMessageForm
defaultLayout $(widgetFile "discussion/top-reply")
:: Route App
2019-03-20 17:07:37 +09:00
-> (LocalMessageId -> Route App)
2016-05-22 05:01:31 +09:00
-> AppDB DiscussionId
-> Handler Html
postTopReply replyP after getdid = do
((result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost newMessageForm
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
case result of
FormSuccess nm -> do
author <- requireAuthId
mnum <- runDB $ do
did <- getdid
2019-03-20 17:07:37 +09:00
mid <- insert Message
{ messageCreated = now
, messageContent = nmContent nm
, messageParent = Nothing
, messageRoot = did
lmid <- insert LocalMessage
2019-03-29 06:08:30 +09:00
{ localMessageAuthor = author
, localMessageRest = mid
, localMessageUnlinkedParent = Nothing
2019-03-20 17:07:37 +09:00
return lmid
2016-05-22 05:01:31 +09:00
setMessage "Message submitted."
redirect $ after mnum
FormMissing -> do
setMessage "Field(s) missing."
defaultLayout $(widgetFile "discussion/top-reply")
FormFailure _l -> do
setMessage "Message submission failed, see errors below."
defaultLayout $(widgetFile "discussion/top-reply")
2016-05-20 07:07:25 +09:00
2019-03-16 01:36:02 +09:00
:: (MessageId -> Route App)
-> (MessageId -> Route App)
2016-05-20 07:40:54 +09:00
-> AppDB DiscussionId
2019-03-16 01:36:02 +09:00
-> MessageId
2016-05-20 07:07:25 +09:00
-> Handler Html
2019-03-16 01:36:02 +09:00
getReply replyG replyP getdid mid = do
2019-03-20 17:07:37 +09:00
mtn <- runDB $ getNode getdid mid
2016-05-20 07:07:25 +09:00
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
((_result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost newMessageForm
defaultLayout $(widgetFile "discussion/reply")
2019-03-16 01:36:02 +09:00
:: (MessageId -> Route App)
-> (MessageId -> Route App)
2019-03-20 17:07:37 +09:00
-> (LocalMessageId -> Route App)
2016-05-20 07:40:54 +09:00
-> AppDB DiscussionId
2019-03-16 01:36:02 +09:00
-> MessageId
2016-05-20 07:07:25 +09:00
-> Handler Html
2019-03-16 01:36:02 +09:00
postReply replyG replyP after getdid mid = do
2016-05-20 07:07:25 +09:00
((result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost newMessageForm
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
case result of
FormSuccess nm -> do
author <- requireAuthId
2019-03-16 01:36:02 +09:00
msgid <- runDB $ do
2016-05-20 07:40:54 +09:00
did <- getdid
2019-03-16 01:36:02 +09:00
parent <- do
message <- get404 mid
unless (messageRoot message == did) notFound
return mid
2019-03-20 17:07:37 +09:00
mid <- insert Message
{ messageCreated = now
, messageContent = nmContent nm
, messageParent = Just parent
, messageRoot = did
lmid <- insert LocalMessage
2019-03-29 06:08:30 +09:00
{ localMessageAuthor = author
, localMessageRest = mid
, localMessageUnlinkedParent = Nothing
2019-03-20 17:07:37 +09:00
return lmid
2016-05-20 07:07:25 +09:00
setMessage "Message submitted."
2019-03-16 01:36:02 +09:00
redirect $ after msgid
2016-05-20 07:07:25 +09:00
FormMissing -> do
setMessage "Field(s) missing."
2019-03-20 17:07:37 +09:00
mtn <- runDB $ getNode getdid mid
2016-05-20 07:07:25 +09:00
defaultLayout $(widgetFile "discussion/reply")
FormFailure _l -> do
setMessage "Message submission failed, see errors below."
2019-03-20 17:07:37 +09:00
mtn <- runDB $ getNode getdid mid
2016-05-20 07:07:25 +09:00
defaultLayout $(widgetFile "discussion/reply")