2019-06-15 13:39:13 +09:00
{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2019 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
module Vervis.ActivityPub
( hostIsLocal
, verifyHostLocal
, parseContext
, parseParent
, runDBExcept
, getLocalParentMessageId
, concatRecipients
, getPersonOrGroupId
, getTicketTeam
, getFollowers
, mergeConcat
, mergeConcat3
, insertMany'
, isInstanceErrorP
, isInstanceErrorG
, deliverHttp
2019-06-18 04:55:03 +09:00
, deliverRemoteDB
, deliverRemoteHTTP
, checkForward
2019-06-15 13:39:13 +09:00
2019-06-18 04:55:03 +09:00
import Control.Exception hiding (Handler, try)
2019-06-15 13:39:13 +09:00
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift
2019-06-18 04:55:03 +09:00
import Control.Monad.Logger.CallStack
2019-06-15 13:39:13 +09:00
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Bifunctor
2019-06-18 04:55:03 +09:00
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Foldable
2019-06-15 13:39:13 +09:00
import Data.Function
2019-06-18 04:55:03 +09:00
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), nonEmpty)
import Data.Maybe
2019-06-15 13:39:13 +09:00
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Text (Text)
2019-06-18 04:55:03 +09:00
import Data.Text.Encoding
2019-06-15 13:39:13 +09:00
import Data.Time.Clock
2019-06-18 04:55:03 +09:00
import Data.Traversable
2019-06-15 13:39:13 +09:00
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sql
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.TLS -- hiding (SHA256)
import UnliftIO.Exception (try)
2019-06-18 04:55:03 +09:00
import Yesod.Core.Handler
import Yesod.Persist.Core
2019-06-15 13:39:13 +09:00
2019-06-18 04:55:03 +09:00
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
2019-06-15 13:39:13 +09:00
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.List.Ordered as LO
2019-06-18 04:55:03 +09:00
import qualified Data.Text as T
2019-06-15 13:39:13 +09:00
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
2019-06-18 04:55:03 +09:00
import Yesod.HttpSignature
2019-06-15 13:39:13 +09:00
import Network.FedURI
2019-06-18 04:55:03 +09:00
import Network.HTTP.Digest
2019-06-15 13:39:13 +09:00
import Web.ActivityPub
import Yesod.ActivityPub
import Yesod.MonadSite
import Yesod.FedURI
import Yesod.Hashids
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except.Local
import Data.Either.Local
import Data.List.NonEmpty.Local
2019-06-18 04:55:03 +09:00
import Data.Tuple.Local
2019-06-15 13:39:13 +09:00
import Database.Persist.Local
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Model.Ident
import Vervis.Settings
hostIsLocal :: (MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ App) => Text -> m Bool
hostIsLocal h = asksSite $ (== h) . appInstanceHost . appSettings
:: (MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ App)
=> Text -> Text -> ExceptT Text m ()
verifyHostLocal h t = do
local <- hostIsLocal h
unless local $ throwE t
:: (MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ App)
=> FedURI
-> ExceptT Text m (Either (ShrIdent, PrjIdent, Int) (Text, LocalURI))
parseContext uContext = do
let c@(hContext, luContext) = f2l uContext
local <- hostIsLocal hContext
if local
then Left <$> do
route <- case decodeRouteLocal luContext of
Nothing -> throwE "Local context isn't a valid route"
Just r -> return r
case route of
TicketR shr prj num -> return (shr, prj, num)
_ -> throwE "Local context isn't a ticket route"
else return $ Right c
:: (MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ App)
=> FedURI
-> ExceptT Text m (Either (ShrIdent, LocalMessageId) (Text, LocalURI))
parseParent uParent = do
let p@(hParent, luParent) = f2l uParent
local <- hostIsLocal hParent
if local
then Left <$> do
route <- case decodeRouteLocal luParent of
Nothing -> throwE "Local parent isn't a valid route"
Just r -> return r
case route of
MessageR shr lmkhid ->
(shr,) <$>
decodeKeyHashidE lmkhid
"Local parent has non-existent message \
_ -> throwE "Local parent isn't a message route"
else return $ Right p
newtype FedError = FedError Text deriving Show
instance Exception FedError
runDBExcept :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ App) => ExceptT Text (ReaderT SqlBackend m) a -> ExceptT Text m a
runDBExcept action = do
result <-
lift $ try $ runSiteDB $ either abort return =<< runExceptT action
case result of
Left (FedError t) -> throwE t
Right r -> return r
abort = liftIO . throwIO . FedError
getLocalParentMessageId :: DiscussionId -> ShrIdent -> LocalMessageId -> ExceptT Text AppDB MessageId
getLocalParentMessageId did shr lmid = do
mlm <- lift $ get lmid
lm <- fromMaybeE mlm "Local parent: no such lmid"
p <- lift $ getJust $ localMessageAuthor lm
s <- lift $ getJust $ personIdent p
unless (shr == sharerIdent s) $ throwE "Local parent: No such message, lmid mismatches sharer"
let mid = localMessageRest lm
m <- lift $ getJust mid
unless (messageRoot m == did) $
throwE "Local parent belongs to a different discussion"
return mid
concatRecipients :: Audience -> [FedURI]
concatRecipients (Audience to bto cc bcc gen _) = concat [to, bto, cc, bcc, gen]
getPersonOrGroupId :: SharerId -> AppDB (Either PersonId GroupId)
getPersonOrGroupId sid = do
mpid <- getKeyBy $ UniquePersonIdent sid
mgid <- getKeyBy $ UniqueGroup sid
requireEitherM mpid mgid
"Found sharer that is neither person nor group"
"Found sharer that is both person and group"
getTicketTeam :: SharerId -> AppDB ([PersonId], [((InstanceId, Text), NonEmpty (RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime))])
getTicketTeam sid = do
id_ <- getPersonOrGroupId sid
(,[]) <$> case id_ of
Left pid -> return [pid]
Right gid ->
map (groupMemberPerson . entityVal) <$>
selectList [GroupMemberGroup ==. gid] []
getFollowers :: FollowerSetId -> AppDB ([PersonId], [((InstanceId, Text), NonEmpty (RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime))])
getFollowers fsid = do
local <- selectList [FollowTarget ==. fsid] []
remote <- E.select $ E.from $ \ (rf `E.InnerJoin` rs `E.InnerJoin` i) -> do
E.on $ rs E.^. RemoteActorInstance E.==. i E.^. InstanceId
E.on $ rf E.^. RemoteFollowActor E.==. rs E.^. RemoteActorId
E.where_ $ rf E.^. RemoteFollowTarget E.==. E.val fsid
E.orderBy [E.asc $ i E.^. InstanceId]
( i E.^. InstanceId
, i E.^. InstanceHost
, rs E.^. RemoteActorId
, rs E.^. RemoteActorIdent
, rs E.^. RemoteActorInbox
, rs E.^. RemoteActorErrorSince
( map (followPerson . entityVal) local
, groupRemotes $
map (\ (E.Value iid, E.Value h, E.Value rsid, E.Value luActor, E.Value luInbox, E.Value msince) ->
(iid, h, rsid, luActor, luInbox, msince)
groupRemotes :: [(InstanceId, Text, RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime)] -> [((InstanceId, Text), NonEmpty (RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime))]
groupRemotes = groupWithExtractBy ((==) `on` fst) fst snd . map toTuples
toTuples (iid, h, rsid, luA, luI, ms) = ((iid, h), (rsid, luA, luI, ms))
-- | Merge 2 lists ordered on fst, concatenating snd values when
-- multiple identical fsts occur. The resulting list is ordered on fst,
-- and each fst value appears only once.
-- >>> mergeWith (+) [('a',3), ('a',1), ('b',5)] [('a',2), ('c',4)]
-- [('a',6), ('b',5), ('c',4)]
mergeConcat :: (Ord a, Semigroup b) => [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
mergeConcat xs ys = map (second sconcat) $ groupWithExtract fst snd $ LO.mergeBy (compare `on` fst) xs ys
mergeConcat3 :: (Ord a, Semigroup b) => [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
mergeConcat3 xs ys zs = mergeConcat xs $ LO.mergeBy (compare `on` fst) ys zs
insertMany' mk xs = zip' xs <$> insertMany (NE.toList $ mk <$> xs)
zip' x y =
case nonEmpty y of
Just y' | length x == length y' -> NE.zip x y'
_ -> error "insertMany' returned different length!"
isInstanceErrorHttp (InvalidUrlException _ _) = False
isInstanceErrorHttp (HttpExceptionRequest _ hec) =
case hec of
ResponseTimeout -> True
ConnectionTimeout -> True
InternalException se ->
case fromException se of
Just (HandshakeFailed _) -> True
_ -> False
_ -> False
isInstanceErrorP (APPostErrorSig _) = False
isInstanceErrorP (APPostErrorHTTP he) = isInstanceErrorHttp he
isInstanceErrorG Nothing = False
isInstanceErrorG (Just e) =
case e of
APGetErrorHTTP he -> isInstanceErrorHttp he
APGetErrorJSON _ -> False
APGetErrorContentType _ -> False
:: (MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ App)
=> Doc Activity
-> Maybe LocalURI
-> Text
-> LocalURI
-> m (Either APPostError (Response ()))
deliverHttp doc mfwd h luInbox =
deliverActivity (l2f h luInbox) (l2f h <$> mfwd) doc
2019-06-18 04:55:03 +09:00
:: BL.ByteString
-> RemoteActivityId
-> ProjectId
-> ByteString
-> [((InstanceId, Text), NonEmpty (RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime))]
-> AppDB
[((InstanceId, Text), NonEmpty (RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, ForwardingId))]
deliverRemoteDB body ractid jid sig recips = do
let body' = BL.toStrict body
deliv raid msince = Forwarding raid ractid body' jid sig $ isNothing msince
fetchedDeliv <- for recips $ \ (i, rs) ->
(i,) <$> insertMany' (\ (raid, _, _, msince) -> deliv raid msince) rs
return $ takeNoError4 fetchedDeliv
takeNoError noError = mapMaybe $ \ (i, rs) -> (i,) <$> nonEmpty (mapMaybe noError $ NE.toList rs)
takeNoError4 = takeNoError noError
noError ((ak, luA, luI, Nothing), dlk) = Just (ak, luA, luI, dlk)
noError ((_ , _ , _ , Just _ ), _ ) = Nothing
:: UTCTime
-> ShrIdent
-> PrjIdent
-> BL.ByteString
-> ByteString
-> [((InstanceId, Text), NonEmpty (RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, ForwardingId))]
-> Handler ()
deliverRemoteHTTP now shrRecip prjRecip body sig fetched = do
let deliver h inbox =
let sender = ProjectR shrRecip prjRecip
in forwardActivity (l2f h inbox) sig sender body
traverse_ (fork . deliverFetched deliver now) fetched
fork = forkHandler $ \ e -> logError $ "Project inbox handler: delivery failed! " <> T.pack (displayException e)
deliverFetched deliver now ((_, h), recips@(r :| rs)) = do
let (raid, _luActor, luInbox, fwid) = r
e <- deliver h luInbox
let e' = case e of
Left err ->
if isInstanceErrorP err
then Nothing
else Just False
Right _resp -> Just True
case e' of
Nothing -> runDB $ do
let recips' = NE.toList recips
updateWhere [RemoteActorId <-. map fst4 recips', RemoteActorErrorSince ==. Nothing] [RemoteActorErrorSince =. Just now]
updateWhere [ForwardingId <-. map fourth4 recips'] [ForwardingRunning =. False]
Just success -> do
runDB $
if success
then delete fwid
else do
updateWhere [RemoteActorId ==. raid, RemoteActorErrorSince ==. Nothing] [RemoteActorErrorSince =. Just now]
update fwid [ForwardingRunning =. False]
for_ rs $ \ (raid, _luActor, luInbox, fwid) ->
fork $ do
e <- deliver h luInbox
runDB $
case e of
Left _err -> do
updateWhere [RemoteActorId ==. raid, RemoteActorErrorSince ==. Nothing] [RemoteActorErrorSince =. Just now]
update fwid [ForwardingRunning =. False]
Right _resp -> delete fwid
checkForward shrRecip prjRecip = join <$> do
let hSig = hForwardingSignature
msig <- maybeHeader hSig
for msig $ \ sig -> do
_proof <- withExceptT (T.pack . displayException) $ ExceptT $
let requires = [hDigest, hActivityPubForwarder]
in prepareToVerifyHttpSigWith hSig False requires [] Nothing
forwarder <- requireHeader hActivityPubForwarder
renderUrl <- getUrlRender
let project = renderUrl $ ProjectR shrRecip prjRecip
return $
if forwarder == encodeUtf8 project
then Just sig
else Nothing
maybeHeader n = do
let n' = decodeUtf8 $ CI.original n
hs <- lookupHeaders n
case hs of
[] -> return Nothing
[h] -> return $ Just h
_ -> throwE $ n' <> " multiple headers found"
requireHeader n = do
let n' = decodeUtf8 $ CI.original n
mh <- maybeHeader n
case mh of
Nothing -> throwE $ n' <> " header not found"
Just h -> return h