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mirror of https://code.sup39.dev/repos/Wqawg synced 2025-03-20 04:46:22 +09:00

303 lines
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Raw Normal View History

-- This file is part of Vervis.
-- Written in 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022
-- by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
-- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
-- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
-- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
-- distributed without any warranty.
-- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
-- with this software. If not, see
-- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
2016-02-17 16:43:23 +00:00
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Yesod misc
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2016-02-13 03:35:30 +00:00
/highlight/#Text/style.css HighlightStyleR GET
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Internal
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Federation
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2016-02-17 16:43:23 +00:00
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2016-05-24 21:48:21 +00:00
-- Current user
2016-02-17 16:43:23 +00:00
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
-- /cr ClaimRequestsPersonR GET
2016-02-17 16:43:23 +00:00
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2016-05-24 21:48:21 +00:00
-- People
2016-02-17 16:43:23 +00:00
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
-- /g/!new GroupNewR GET
-- /g/#ShrIdent/m GroupMembersR GET POST
-- /g/#ShrIdent/m/!new GroupMemberNewR GET
-- /g/#ShrIdent/m/#ShrIdent GroupMemberR GET DELETE POST
-- /s/#ShrIdent/pr ProjectRolesR GET POST
-- /s/#ShrIdent/pr/!new ProjectRoleNewR GET
-- /s/#ShrIdent/pr/#RlIdent ProjectRoleR GET DELETE POST
-- /s/#ShrIdent/pr/#RlIdent/a ProjectRoleOpsR GET POST
-- /s/#ShrIdent/pr/#RlIdent/a/!new ProjectRoleOpNewR GET
2016-05-24 21:48:21 +00:00
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Projects
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
-- /s/#ShrIdent/r ReposR GET
-- /s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/tcr ClaimRequestsProjectR GET
-- /w GlobalWorkflowsR GET POST
-- /w/!new GlobalWorkflowNewR GET
-- /w/#WflIdent GlobalWorkflowR GET DELETE POST
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
-- /s/#ShrIdent/w WorkflowsR GET POST
-- /s/#ShrIdent/w/!new WorkflowNewR GET
-- /s/#ShrIdent/w/#WflIdent WorkflowR GET DELETE POST
-- /s/#ShrIdent/w/#WflIdent/f WorkflowFieldsR GET POST
-- /s/#ShrIdent/w/#WflIdent/f/!new WorkflowFieldNewR GET
-- /s/#ShrIdent/w/#WflIdent/f/#FldIdent WorkflowFieldR GET DELETE POST
-- /s/#ShrIdent/w/#WflIdent/e WorkflowEnumsR GET POST
-- /s/#ShrIdent/w/#WflIdent/e/!new WorkflowEnumNewR GET
-- /s/#ShrIdent/w/#WflIdent/e/#EnmIdent WorkflowEnumR GET DELETE POST
-- /s/#ShrIdent/w/#WflIdent/e/#EnmIdent/c WorkflowEnumCtorsR GET POST
-- /s/#ShrIdent/w/#WflIdent/e/#EnmIdent/c/!new WorkflowEnumCtorNewR GET
-- /s/#ShrIdent/w/#WflIdent/e/#EnmIdent/c/#Text WorkflowEnumCtorR PUT DELETE POST
-- /s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/w/+Texts WikiPageR GET
-- New route structure
---- Static Files ------------------------------------------------------------
/static StaticR Static appStatic
/favicon.svg FaviconSvgR GET
/favicon.png FaviconPngR GET
/robots.txt RobotsR GET
---- Authentication ----------------------------------------------------------
/auth/!resend ResendVerifyEmailR GET
/auth AuthR Auth getAuth
/oauth DvaraR Dvara getDvara
/akey1 ActorKey1R GET
/akey2 ActorKey2R GET
---- Client ------------------------------------------------------------------
/ HomeR GET
/browse BrowseR GET
/notifications NotificationsR GET POST
-- /publish PublishR GET POST
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
/inbox InboxDebugR GET
/ssh-keys KeysR GET POST
/ssh-keys/#SshKeyKeyHashid/delete KeyDeleteR POST
--/publish/comment PublishCommentR GET POST
/publish/offer-merge PublishOfferMergeR GET POST
/publish/merge PublishMergeR GET POST
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
---- Person ------------------------------------------------------------------
/people/#PersonKeyHashid PersonR GET
/people/#PersonKeyHashid/inbox PersonInboxR GET POST
/people/#PersonKeyHashid/outbox PersonOutboxR GET POST
/people/#PersonKeyHashid/outbox/#OutboxItemKeyHashid PersonOutboxItemR GET
/people/#PersonKeyHashid/followers PersonFollowersR GET
/people/#PersonKeyHashid/following PersonFollowingR GET
/people/#PersonKeyHashid/ssh-keys/#SshKeyKeyHashid SshKeyR GET
/people/#PersonKeyHashid/messages/#LocalMessageKeyHashid PersonMessageR GET
/people/#PersonKeyHashid/follow PersonFollowR POST
/people/#PersonKeyHashid/unfollow PersonUnfollowR POST
Improve the AP async HTTP delivery API and per-actor key support New iteration of the ActivityPub delivery implementation and interface. Advantages over previous interface: * When sending a ByteString body, the sender is explicitly passed as a parameter instead of JSON-parsing it out of the ByteString * Clear 3 operations provided: Send, Resend and Forward * Support for per-actor keys * Actor-type-specific functions (e.g. deliverRemoteDB_D) removed * Only the most high-level API is exposed to Activity handler code, making handler code more concise and clear Also added in this patch: * Foundation for per-actor key support * 1 key per actor allowed in DB * Disabled C2S and S2S handlers now un-exported for clarity * Audience and capability parsing automatically done for all C2S handlers * Audience and activity composition automatically done for Vervis.Client builder functions Caveats: * Actor documents still don't link to their per-actor keys; that should be the last piece to complete per-actor key support * No moderation and anti-spam tools yet * Delivery API doesn't yet have good integration of persistence layer, e.g. activity is separately encoded into bytestring for DB and for HTTP; this will be improved in the next iteration * Periodic delivery now done in 3 separate steps, running sequentially; it simplifies the code, but may be changed for efficiency/robustness in the next iterations * Periodic delivery collects per-actor keys in a 1-DB-transaction-for-each-delivery fashion, rather than grabbing them in the big Esqueleto query (or keeping the signed output in the DB; this isn't done currently to allow for smooth actor key renewal) * No support yet in the API for delivery where the actor key has already been fetched, rather than doing a DB transaction to grab it; such support would be just an optimization, so it's low-priority, but will be added in later iterations
2022-10-12 16:50:11 +00:00
/people/#PersonKeyHashid/stamps/#SigKeyKeyHashid PersonStampR GET
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
---- Group ------------------------------------------------------------------
/groups/#GroupKeyHashid GroupR GET
/groups/#GroupKeyHashid/inbox GroupInboxR GET POST
/groups/#GroupKeyHashid/outbox GroupOutboxR GET
/groups/#GroupKeyHashid/outbox/#OutboxItemKeyHashid GroupOutboxItemR GET
/groups/#GroupKeyHashid/followers GroupFollowersR GET
/groups/#GroupKeyHashid/messages/#LocalMessageKeyHashid GroupMessageR GET
Improve the AP async HTTP delivery API and per-actor key support New iteration of the ActivityPub delivery implementation and interface. Advantages over previous interface: * When sending a ByteString body, the sender is explicitly passed as a parameter instead of JSON-parsing it out of the ByteString * Clear 3 operations provided: Send, Resend and Forward * Support for per-actor keys * Actor-type-specific functions (e.g. deliverRemoteDB_D) removed * Only the most high-level API is exposed to Activity handler code, making handler code more concise and clear Also added in this patch: * Foundation for per-actor key support * 1 key per actor allowed in DB * Disabled C2S and S2S handlers now un-exported for clarity * Audience and capability parsing automatically done for all C2S handlers * Audience and activity composition automatically done for Vervis.Client builder functions Caveats: * Actor documents still don't link to their per-actor keys; that should be the last piece to complete per-actor key support * No moderation and anti-spam tools yet * Delivery API doesn't yet have good integration of persistence layer, e.g. activity is separately encoded into bytestring for DB and for HTTP; this will be improved in the next iteration * Periodic delivery now done in 3 separate steps, running sequentially; it simplifies the code, but may be changed for efficiency/robustness in the next iterations * Periodic delivery collects per-actor keys in a 1-DB-transaction-for-each-delivery fashion, rather than grabbing them in the big Esqueleto query (or keeping the signed output in the DB; this isn't done currently to allow for smooth actor key renewal) * No support yet in the API for delivery where the actor key has already been fetched, rather than doing a DB transaction to grab it; such support would be just an optimization, so it's low-priority, but will be added in later iterations
2022-10-12 16:50:11 +00:00
/groups/#GroupKeyHashid/stamps/#SigKeyKeyHashid GroupStampR GET
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
---- Repo --------------------------------------------------------------------
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid RepoR GET
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/inbox RepoInboxR GET POST
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/outbox RepoOutboxR GET
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/outbox/#OutboxItemKeyHashid RepoOutboxItemR GET
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/followers RepoFollowersR GET
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/_darcs/+Texts DarcsDownloadR GET
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/info/refs GitRefDiscoverR GET
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/git-upload-pack GitUploadRequestR POST
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/source/+Texts RepoSourceR GET
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/source-by/#Text/+Texts RepoBranchSourceR GET
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/commits RepoCommitsR GET
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/commits-by/#Text RepoBranchCommitsR GET
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/commits/#Text RepoCommitR GET
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/messages/#LocalMessageKeyHashid RepoMessageR GET
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
/new-repo RepoNewR GET POST
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/delete RepoDeleteR POST
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/edit RepoEditR GET POST
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/follow RepoFollowR POST
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/unfollow RepoUnfollowR POST
/post-receive PostReceiveR POST
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/enable-loom/#LoomKeyHashid RepoLinkR POST
Improve the AP async HTTP delivery API and per-actor key support New iteration of the ActivityPub delivery implementation and interface. Advantages over previous interface: * When sending a ByteString body, the sender is explicitly passed as a parameter instead of JSON-parsing it out of the ByteString * Clear 3 operations provided: Send, Resend and Forward * Support for per-actor keys * Actor-type-specific functions (e.g. deliverRemoteDB_D) removed * Only the most high-level API is exposed to Activity handler code, making handler code more concise and clear Also added in this patch: * Foundation for per-actor key support * 1 key per actor allowed in DB * Disabled C2S and S2S handlers now un-exported for clarity * Audience and capability parsing automatically done for all C2S handlers * Audience and activity composition automatically done for Vervis.Client builder functions Caveats: * Actor documents still don't link to their per-actor keys; that should be the last piece to complete per-actor key support * No moderation and anti-spam tools yet * Delivery API doesn't yet have good integration of persistence layer, e.g. activity is separately encoded into bytestring for DB and for HTTP; this will be improved in the next iteration * Periodic delivery now done in 3 separate steps, running sequentially; it simplifies the code, but may be changed for efficiency/robustness in the next iterations * Periodic delivery collects per-actor keys in a 1-DB-transaction-for-each-delivery fashion, rather than grabbing them in the big Esqueleto query (or keeping the signed output in the DB; this isn't done currently to allow for smooth actor key renewal) * No support yet in the API for delivery where the actor key has already been fetched, rather than doing a DB transaction to grab it; such support would be just an optimization, so it's low-priority, but will be added in later iterations
2022-10-12 16:50:11 +00:00
/repos/#RepoKeyHashid/stamps/#SigKeyKeyHashid RepoStampR GET
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
---- Deck --------------------------------------------------------------------
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid DeckR GET
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/inbox DeckInboxR GET POST
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/outbox DeckOutboxR GET
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/outbox/#OutboxItemKeyHashid DeckOutboxItemR GET
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/followers DeckFollowersR GET
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets DeckTicketsR GET
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tree DeckTreeR GET
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/messages/#LocalMessageKeyHashid DeckMessageR GET
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
/new-deck DeckNewR GET POST
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/delete DeckDeleteR POST
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/edit DeckEditR GET POST
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/follow DeckFollowR POST
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/unfollow DeckUnfollowR POST
Improve the AP async HTTP delivery API and per-actor key support New iteration of the ActivityPub delivery implementation and interface. Advantages over previous interface: * When sending a ByteString body, the sender is explicitly passed as a parameter instead of JSON-parsing it out of the ByteString * Clear 3 operations provided: Send, Resend and Forward * Support for per-actor keys * Actor-type-specific functions (e.g. deliverRemoteDB_D) removed * Only the most high-level API is exposed to Activity handler code, making handler code more concise and clear Also added in this patch: * Foundation for per-actor key support * 1 key per actor allowed in DB * Disabled C2S and S2S handlers now un-exported for clarity * Audience and capability parsing automatically done for all C2S handlers * Audience and activity composition automatically done for Vervis.Client builder functions Caveats: * Actor documents still don't link to their per-actor keys; that should be the last piece to complete per-actor key support * No moderation and anti-spam tools yet * Delivery API doesn't yet have good integration of persistence layer, e.g. activity is separately encoded into bytestring for DB and for HTTP; this will be improved in the next iteration * Periodic delivery now done in 3 separate steps, running sequentially; it simplifies the code, but may be changed for efficiency/robustness in the next iterations * Periodic delivery collects per-actor keys in a 1-DB-transaction-for-each-delivery fashion, rather than grabbing them in the big Esqueleto query (or keeping the signed output in the DB; this isn't done currently to allow for smooth actor key renewal) * No support yet in the API for delivery where the actor key has already been fetched, rather than doing a DB transaction to grab it; such support would be just an optimization, so it's low-priority, but will be added in later iterations
2022-10-12 16:50:11 +00:00
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/stamps/#SigKeyKeyHashid DeckStampR GET
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/collabs DeckCollabsR GET
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
---- Ticket ------------------------------------------------------------------
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid TicketR GET
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/discussion TicketDiscussionR GET
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/events TicketEventsR GET
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/followers TicketFollowersR GET
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/deps TicketDepsR GET
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/rdeps TicketReverseDepsR GET
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/new-ticket TicketNewR GET POST
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
-- /decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/edit TicketEditR GET POST
-- /decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/delete TicketDeleteR POST
-- /decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/close TicketCloseR POST
-- /decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/open TicketOpenR POST
-- /decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/claim TicketClaimR POST
-- /decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/unclaim TicketUnclaimR POST
-- /decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/assign TicketAssignR GET POST
-- /decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/unassign TicketUnassignR POST
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/follow TicketFollowR POST
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/unfollow TicketUnfollowR POST
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/reply TicketReplyR GET POST
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/reply/#MessageKeyHashid TicketReplyOnR GET POST
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
---- Ticket Dependency -------------------------------------------------------
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/deps/#TicketDepKeyHashid TicketDepR GET
-- /decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/new-dep TicketDepNewR GET POST
-- /decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/deps/#TicketDepKeyHashid/delete TicketDepDeleteR POST
---- Loom --------------------------------------------------------------------
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid LoomR GET
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/inbox LoomInboxR GET POST
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/outbox LoomOutboxR GET
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/outbox/#OutboxItemKeyHashid LoomOutboxItemR GET
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/followers LoomFollowersR GET
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths LoomClothsR GET
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/messages/#LocalMessageKeyHashid LoomMessageR GET
/new-loom LoomNewR GET POST
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
-- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/delete LoomDeleteR POST
-- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/edit LoomEditR GET POST
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/follow LoomFollowR POST
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/unfollow LoomUnfollowR POST
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
Improve the AP async HTTP delivery API and per-actor key support New iteration of the ActivityPub delivery implementation and interface. Advantages over previous interface: * When sending a ByteString body, the sender is explicitly passed as a parameter instead of JSON-parsing it out of the ByteString * Clear 3 operations provided: Send, Resend and Forward * Support for per-actor keys * Actor-type-specific functions (e.g. deliverRemoteDB_D) removed * Only the most high-level API is exposed to Activity handler code, making handler code more concise and clear Also added in this patch: * Foundation for per-actor key support * 1 key per actor allowed in DB * Disabled C2S and S2S handlers now un-exported for clarity * Audience and capability parsing automatically done for all C2S handlers * Audience and activity composition automatically done for Vervis.Client builder functions Caveats: * Actor documents still don't link to their per-actor keys; that should be the last piece to complete per-actor key support * No moderation and anti-spam tools yet * Delivery API doesn't yet have good integration of persistence layer, e.g. activity is separately encoded into bytestring for DB and for HTTP; this will be improved in the next iteration * Periodic delivery now done in 3 separate steps, running sequentially; it simplifies the code, but may be changed for efficiency/robustness in the next iterations * Periodic delivery collects per-actor keys in a 1-DB-transaction-for-each-delivery fashion, rather than grabbing them in the big Esqueleto query (or keeping the signed output in the DB; this isn't done currently to allow for smooth actor key renewal) * No support yet in the API for delivery where the actor key has already been fetched, rather than doing a DB transaction to grab it; such support would be just an optimization, so it's low-priority, but will be added in later iterations
2022-10-12 16:50:11 +00:00
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/stamps/#SigKeyKeyHashid LoomStampR GET
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
---- Cloth -------------------------------------------------------------------
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid ClothR GET
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/discussion ClothDiscussionR GET
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/events ClothEventsR GET
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/followers ClothFollowersR GET
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/deps ClothDepsR GET
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/rdeps ClothReverseDepsR GET
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/bundles/#BundleKeyHashid BundleR GET
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/bundles/#BundleKeyHashid/patches/#PatchKeyHashid PatchR GET
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/new-cloth ClothNewR GET POST
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
-- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/edit ClothEditR GET POST
-- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/delete ClothDeleteR POST
-- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/close ClothCloseR POST
-- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/open ClothOpenR POST
-- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/claim ClothClaimR POST
-- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/unclaim ClothUnclaimR POST
-- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/assign ClothAssignR GET POST
-- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/unassign ClothUnassignR POST
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/apply ClothApplyR POST
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/follow ClothFollowR POST
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/unfollow ClothUnfollowR POST
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/reply ClothReplyR GET POST
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/reply/#MessageKeyHashid ClothReplyOnR GET POST
Switch to new actor layout This is such a huge patch, it's probably impossible to tell what it does by looking at the code. One thing is clear: It changes *everything* :P so here's an overview: - There are now 5 types of actors, each having its own top-level route - So projects, repos, etc. are no longer "under" sharers - Actor routes are now based on their KeyHashid, there are no "idents" anymore, i.e. URLs look random and don't contain user or repo names - No sharers anymore; people and groups are distinct entities not sharing a common namespace or anything like that - Project has been renamed to Deck and it simply means a ticket tracker; repos are no longer "under" projects - In addition to Person, Group, Repo and Deck, there's a new actor type Loom, which is a patch tracker; i.e. Repo actors don't manage MRs anymore - All C2S and S2S is temporarily disabled, because huge changes to the whole code are required and I'll do them gradually in the next patches - Since form-based actions are implemented using C2S, they're disabled as well, so Vervis is now essentially read-only - Some views have been temporarily removed, e.g. repo history and commit view - A huge set of DB migrations has been added to adapt the DB to these changes; I haven't tested them yet on a read DB so there may be errors there; I'll fix them in the next patches if I find any (probably going to test on the main instance where Vervis itself is hosted...) - Some modules got tech upgrades, e.g. LocalActor became a higher-kinded type and a similar pattern is probably relevant for several other types - There's an 'Actor' entity in the DB schema now, and all 5 actor types use it for common things like inbox and outbox - Although inbox and outbox are used only by Actor, so essentially could be removed, I haven't removed them; that's because I wonder if at some point users can have a tree of inboxes much like in email; I don't have an excuse for Outbox, but anyway, leaving them as is for now - Workflows, roles and collaborators are partially removed/unused until I figure out a sane federated way to provide these features - Since repo routes don't contain a "sharer" anymore, SSH URIs are now simpler, they already look like user@host/repo regardless of who "controls" that repo
2022-08-15 13:57:42 +00:00
---- Cloth Dependency --------------------------------------------------------
/looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/deps/#TicketDepKeyHashid ClothDepR GET
-- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/new-dep ClothDepNewR GET POST
-- /looms/#LoomKeyHashid/cloths/#TicketLoomKeyHashid/deps/#TicketDepKeyHashid/delete ClothDepDeleteR POST