mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 04:46:22 +09:00
sharerOfferDepF: If parent is remote and child is mine, record TicketDepOffer
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 44 additions and 11 deletions
@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ sharerOfferDepF now shrRecip author body dep uTarget = do
return $ (,) "Ran initial checks, doing the rest asynchronously" $ Just $ do
manager <- asksSite appHttpManager
relevantParent <-
for (parentRelevance shrRecip parent) $ \ (talid, patch) -> do
for (ticketRelevance shrRecip parent) $ \ (talid, patch) -> do
(parentLtid, parentCtx) <- runSiteDBExcept $ do
let getTcr tcr = do
let getRoid roid = do
@ -844,10 +844,11 @@ sharerOfferDepF now shrRecip author body dep uTarget = do
(u', objUriAuthority u, objFollowers obj, objTeam obj)
return (talid, patch, parentLtid, parentCtx', childId, childCtx', childAuthor)
mhttp <- lift $ runSiteDB $ do
mractid <- insertToInbox now author body (personInbox personRecip) luOffer True
for mractid $ \ ractid -> do
mremotesHttpFwd <- for msig $ \ sig -> do
mhttp <- runSiteDBExcept $ do
mractid <- lift $ insertToInbox' now author body (personInbox personRecip) luOffer True
for mractid $ \ (ractid, ibiid) -> do
insertDepOffer ibiid parent child
mremotesHttpFwd <- lift $ for msig $ \ sig -> do
relevantFollowers <- askRelevantFollowers
let sieve =
makeRecipientSet [] $ catMaybes
@ -860,7 +861,7 @@ sharerOfferDepF now shrRecip author body dep uTarget = do
sieve False False localRecips
(sig,) <$> deliverRemoteDB_S (actbBL body) ractid (personIdent personRecip) sig remoteRecips
mremotesHttpAccept <- for relevantParent $ \ ticketData@(_, _, parentLtid, _, childId, _, _) -> do
mremotesHttpAccept <- lift $ for relevantParent $ \ ticketData@(_, _, parentLtid, _, childId, _, _) -> do
obiidAccept <- insertEmptyOutboxItem (personOutbox personRecip) now
tdid <- insertDep ractid parentLtid childId obiidAccept
(docAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept) <-
@ -947,9 +948,9 @@ sharerOfferDepF now shrRecip author body dep uTarget = do
checkParentAndTarget (Left _) (Right _) = throwE "Local parent but remote target"
checkParentAndTarget (Right _) (Left _) = throwE "Local target but remote parent"
checkParentAndTarget (Right _) (Right _) = return ()
parentRelevance shr (Left (WorkItemSharerTicket shr' talid patch))
ticketRelevance shr (Left (WorkItemSharerTicket shr' talid patch))
| shr == shr' = Just (talid, patch)
parentRelevance _ _ = Nothing
ticketRelevance _ _ = Nothing
:: MonadIO m
@ -1071,9 +1072,28 @@ sharerOfferDepF now shrRecip author body dep uTarget = do
SharerR shr -> return shr
_ -> throwE "Not a ticket author route"
else return $ Right u
insertDepOffer _ (Left _) _ = return ()
insertDepOffer ibiidOffer (Right _) child =
for_ (ticketRelevance shrRecip child) $ \ (talid, patch) -> do
ltid <-
if patch
then do
(_, Entity ltid _, _, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerPatch shrRecip talid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Child" <> ": No such sharer-patch"
return ltid
else do
(_, Entity ltid _, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerTicket shrRecip talid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Child" <> ": No such sharer-ticket"
return ltid
lift $ insert_ TicketDependencyOffer
{ ticketDependencyOfferOffer = ibiidOffer
, ticketDependencyOfferChild = ltid
askRelevantFollowers = do
hashTALID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
return $ \ shr wi -> followers hashTALID <$> parentRelevance shr wi
return $ \ shr wi -> followers hashTALID <$> ticketRelevance shr wi
followers hashTALID (talid, patch) =
let coll =
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
module Vervis.Federation.Util
( insertToInbox
, insertToInbox'
@ -45,7 +46,19 @@ insertToInbox
-> LocalURI
-> Bool
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m (Maybe RemoteActivityId)
insertToInbox now author body ibid luAct unread = do
insertToInbox now author body ibid luAct unread =
fmap fst <$> insertToInbox' now author body ibid luAct unread
:: MonadIO m
=> UTCTime
-> RemoteAuthor
-> ActivityBody
-> InboxId
-> LocalURI
-> Bool
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m (Maybe (RemoteActivityId, InboxItemId))
insertToInbox' now author body ibid luAct unread = do
let iidAuthor = remoteAuthorInstance author
roid <-
either entityKey id <$> insertBy' (RemoteObject iidAuthor luAct)
@ -60,4 +73,4 @@ insertToInbox now author body ibid luAct unread = do
Nothing -> do
delete ibiid
return Nothing
Just _ -> return $ Just ractid
Just _ -> return $ Just (ractid, ibiid)
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