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synced 2025-03-20 04:46:22 +09:00
Generelize DAG tree view node from Int to any Eq+Ord+Hashable
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1 changed files with 25 additions and 16 deletions
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import Prelude
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.List (groupBy, sortOn)
@ -32,17 +33,18 @@ import Data.Monoid (Endo (..))
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as S
type Graph a b = HashMap Int (a, [(Int, b)])
type Graph n a b = HashMap n (a, [(n, b)])
data DagViewTree a b = FullNode a [DagViewTree a b] | LinkNode b
-- | Update the map according to a choice of a full parent for a given child.
-- Also specifies whether the choice was sucessfully applied.
:: Int
-> Int
-> HashMap Int [(Int, Bool)]
-> Maybe (HashMap Int [(Int, Bool)])
:: (Eq n, Hashable n)
=> n
-> n
-> HashMap n [(n, Bool)]
-> Maybe (HashMap n [(n, Bool)])
chooseParent c p h =
case M.lookup c h of
Nothing -> Nothing
@ -70,28 +72,30 @@ markFst :: [a] -> [(a, Bool)]
markFst [] = []
markFst (x:xs) = (x, True) : map (, False) xs
labeledDeps :: HashMap Int [(Int, b)] -> [(Int, Int, b)]
labeledDeps :: Hashable n => HashMap n [(n, b)] -> [(n, n, b)]
labeledDeps =
let mk c (p, full) = (c, p, full)
in concatMap (\ (c, ps) -> map (mk c) ps) . M.toList
:: HashMap Int Int
:: (Eq n, Hashable n)
=> HashMap n n
-- ^ Full parent user choices
-> (Int, Int, Bool)
-> (n, n, Bool)
-- ^ Child, parent, and whether the parent is full
-> Maybe (HashMap Int Int)
-> Maybe (HashMap n n)
-- ^ New edge label. For a full edge, 'Nothing'. For a link edge, 'Just' an
-- updated choice map that chooses this edge as the new full edge for the
-- child.
edgeView _ (_, _, False) = Nothing
edgeView choices (child, parent, True) = Just $ M.insert child parent choices
reverseEdge :: (Int, Int, a) -> (Int, Int, a)
reverseEdge :: (n, n, a) -> (n, n, a)
reverseEdge (x, y, l) = (y, x, l)
-- | Given labeled nodes and labeled edges, prepare a hashmap.
mkGraph :: HashMap Int a -> [(Int, Int, b)] -> Graph a b
:: (Eq n, Ord n, Hashable n) => HashMap n a -> [(n, n, b)] -> Graph n a b
mkGraph nodeMap edges =
let pair23 (x, y, z) = (x, (y, z))
edgeMap = M.fromList $ groupSnd $ sortOn fst $ map pair23 edges
@ -102,7 +106,11 @@ mkGraph nodeMap edges =
keySet :: HashMap k v -> HashSet k
keySet = S.fromMap . M.map (const ())
buildTree :: [(Int, Maybe b)] -> Graph a (Maybe b) -> [DagViewTree a (a, b)]
:: (Eq n, Hashable n)
=> [(n, Maybe b)]
-> Graph n a (Maybe b)
-> [DagViewTree a (a, b)]
buildTree nodes graph = go nodes
go [] = []
@ -120,15 +128,16 @@ buildTree nodes graph = go nodes
in LinkNode (fst c, info) : ts
:: [(Int, a)]
:: (Eq n, Ord n, Hashable n)
=> [(n, a)]
-- ^ Nodes: Numbers and details
-> [(Int, Int)]
-> [(n, n)]
-- ^ Edges: Child-parent pairs
-> [(Int, Int)]
-> [(n, n)]
-- ^ Full parent choices as child-parent pairs. This is whatever user input
-- has been received, even if it includes duplicates or nonexistent node
-- numbers. So just pass the user input directly here.
-> [DagViewTree a (a, HashMap Int Int)]
-> [DagViewTree a (a, HashMap n n)]
dagViewTree nodes deps choices =
let choose ns@(c, p) acc@(h, l) =
case chooseParent c p h of
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