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mirror of https://code.sup39.dev/repos/Wqawg synced 2024-12-27 16:54:53 +09:00

Some cleanup and term updates in Web.ActivityPub to match the spec and plans

* No more full URIs, all terms are used as short non-prefixed names
* Some terms support parsing full URI form for compatibility with objects in DB
* No more @context checking when parsing
* Use the new ForgeFed context URI specified in the spec draft
* Use an extension context URI for all custom properties not specific to forges
* Rename "events" property to "history", thanks cjslep for suggesting this name
This commit is contained in:
fr33domlover 2019-06-12 00:11:24 +00:00
parent b29e197670
commit 5df8965488
2 changed files with 81 additions and 157 deletions

View file

@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ module Data.Aeson.Local
( Either' (..)
, toEither
, fromEither
, frg
, (.:|)
, (.:|?)
, (.=?)
, (.=%)
, WithValue (..)
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ where
import Prelude
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -52,8 +53,13 @@ fromEither :: Either a b -> Either' a b
fromEither (Left x) = Left' x
fromEither (Right y) = Right' y
frg :: Text
frg = "https://forgefed.angeley.es/ns#"
(.:|) :: FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser a
o .:| t = o .: t <|> o .: (frg <> t)
frg = "https://forgefed.angeley.es/ns#"
(.:|?) :: FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser (Maybe a)
o .:|? t = optional $ o .:| t
infixr 8 .=?
(.=?) :: ToJSON v => Text -> Maybe v -> Series

View file

@ -132,11 +132,17 @@ import Data.Aeson.Local
proxy :: a -> Proxy a
proxy _ = Proxy
as2context :: Text
as2context = "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"
as2Context :: FedURI
as2Context = FedURI "www.w3.org" "/ns/activitystreams" ""
secContext :: Text
secContext = "https://w3id.org/security/v1"
secContext :: FedURI
secContext = FedURI "w3id.org" "/security/v1" ""
forgeContext :: FedURI
forgeContext = FedURI "forgefed.peers.community" "/ns" ""
extContext :: FedURI
extContext = FedURI "angeley.es" "/as2-ext" ""
publicURI :: FedURI
publicURI = FedURI "www.w3.org" "/ns/activitystreams" "#Public"
@ -144,27 +150,8 @@ publicURI = FedURI "www.w3.org" "/ns/activitystreams" "#Public"
publicT :: Text
publicT = renderFedURI publicURI
actorContext :: [Text]
actorContext = [as2context, secContext]
data Context = ContextAS2 | ContextPKey | ContextActor deriving Eq
instance FromJSON Context where
parseJSON (String t)
| t == as2context = return ContextAS2
| t == secContext = return ContextPKey
parseJSON (Array v)
| V.toList v == map String actorContext = return ContextActor
parseJSON _ = fail "Unrecognized @context"
instance ToJSON Context where
toJSON = error "toJSON Context"
toEncoding ContextAS2 = toEncoding as2context
toEncoding ContextPKey = toEncoding secContext
toEncoding ContextActor = toEncoding actorContext
class ActivityPub a where
jsonldContext :: Proxy a -> Context
jsonldContext :: Proxy a -> [FedURI]
parseObject :: Object -> Parser (Text, a)
toSeries :: Text -> a -> Series
@ -174,19 +161,18 @@ data Doc a = Doc
instance ActivityPub a => FromJSON (Doc a) where
parseJSON = withObject "Doc" $ \ o -> do
(h, v) <- parseObject o
ctx <- o .: "@context"
if ctx == jsonldContext (proxy v)
then return $ Doc h v
else fail "@context doesn't match"
parseJSON = withObject "Doc" $ \ o -> uncurry Doc <$> parseObject o
instance ActivityPub a => ToJSON (Doc a) where
toJSON = error "toJSON Doc"
toEncoding (Doc h v) =
$ "@context" .= jsonldContext (proxy v)
$ context (jsonldContext $ proxy v)
<> toSeries h v
context [] = mempty
context [t] = "@context" .= t
context ts = "@context" .= ts
data ActorType = ActorTypePerson | ActorTypeProject | ActorTypeOther Text
deriving Eq
@ -195,36 +181,18 @@ instance FromJSON ActorType where
parseJSON = withText "ActorType" $ pure . parse
parse t
| t == "Person" = ActorTypePerson
| t == frg <> "Project" = ActorTypeProject
| otherwise = ActorTypeOther t
| t == "Person" = ActorTypePerson
| t == "Project" = ActorTypeProject
| otherwise = ActorTypeOther t
instance ToJSON ActorType where
toJSON = error "toJSON ActorType"
toEncoding at =
toEncoding $ case at of
ActorTypePerson -> "Person"
ActorTypeProject -> frg <> "Project"
ActorTypeProject -> "Project"
ActorTypeOther t -> t
data Algorithm = AlgorithmEd25519 | AlgorithmRsaSha256 | AlgorithmOther Text
instance FromJSON Algorithm where
parseJSON = withText "Algorithm" $ \ t -> pure
| t == frg <> "ed25519" = AlgorithmEd25519
| t == frg <> "rsa-sha256" = AlgorithmRsaSha256
| otherwise = AlgorithmOther t
instance ToJSON Algorithm where
toJSON = error "toJSON Algorithm"
toEncoding algo =
toEncoding $ case algo of
AlgorithmEd25519 -> frg <> "ed25519"
AlgorithmRsaSha256 -> frg <> "rsa-sha256"
AlgorithmOther t -> t
data Owner = OwnerInstance | OwnerActor LocalURI
ownerShared :: Owner -> Bool
@ -236,18 +204,17 @@ data PublicKey = PublicKey
, publicKeyExpires :: Maybe UTCTime
, publicKeyOwner :: Owner
, publicKeyMaterial :: PublicVerifKey
--, publicKeyAlgo :: Maybe Algorithm
instance ActivityPub PublicKey where
jsonldContext _ = ContextPKey
jsonldContext _ = [secContext, extContext]
parseObject o = do
mtyp <- optional $ o .: "@type" <|> o .: "type"
for_ mtyp $ \ t ->
when (t /= ("Key" :: Text)) $
fail "PublicKey @type isn't Key"
(host, id_) <- f2l <$> (o .: "@id" <|> o .: "id")
shared <- o .:? (frg <> "isShared") .!= False
shared <- o .:|? "isShared" .!= False
fmap (host,) $
PublicKey id_
<$> o .:? "expires"
@ -255,7 +222,6 @@ instance ActivityPub PublicKey where
<*> (either fail return . decodePublicVerifKeyPEM =<<
o .: "publicKeyPem"
-- <*> o .:? (frg <> "algorithm")
withHost h o t = do
(h', lu) <- f2l <$> o .: t
@ -266,12 +232,11 @@ instance ActivityPub PublicKey where
mkOwner True _ = fail "Shared key but owner isn't instance URI"
mkOwner False lu = return $ OwnerActor lu
toSeries host (PublicKey id_ mexpires owner mat)
= "@id" .= l2f host id_
<> "expires" .=? mexpires
<> "owner" .= mkOwner host owner
<> "publicKeyPem" .= encodePublicVerifKeyPEM mat
-- <> (frg <> "algorithm") .=? malgo
<> (frg <> "isShared") .= ownerShared owner
= "@id" .= l2f host id_
<> "expires" .=? mexpires
<> "owner" .= mkOwner host owner
<> "publicKeyPem" .= encodePublicVerifKeyPEM mat
<> "isShared" .= ownerShared owner
mkOwner h OwnerInstance = FedURI h "" ""
mkOwner h (OwnerActor lu) = l2f h lu
@ -291,11 +256,6 @@ parsePublicKeySet v =
parseKey (String t) = second Left . f2l <$> either fail return (parseFedURI t)
parseKey (Object o) = second Right <$> parseObject o
parseKey v = typeMismatch "PublicKeySet Item" v
withHost h a = do
(h', v) <- a
if h == h'
then return v
else fail "URI host mismatch"
encodePublicKeySet :: Text -> [Either LocalURI PublicKey] -> Encoding
encodePublicKeySet host es =
@ -319,7 +279,7 @@ data Actor = Actor
instance ActivityPub Actor where
jsonldContext _ = ContextActor
jsonldContext _ = [as2Context, secContext, extContext]
parseObject o = do
(host, id_) <- f2l <$> o .: "id"
fmap (host,) $
@ -332,12 +292,6 @@ instance ActivityPub Actor where
<*> withHostMaybe host (fmap f2l <$> o .:? "outbox")
<*> withHostMaybe host (fmap f2l <$> o .:? "followers")
<*> withHost host (parsePublicKeySet =<< o .: "publicKey")
withHost h a = do
(h', v) <- a
if h == h'
then return v
else fail "URI host mismatch"
toSeries host
(Actor id_ typ musername mname msummary inbox outbox followers pkeys)
= "id" .= l2f host id_
@ -356,17 +310,17 @@ data Project = Project
instance ActivityPub Project where
jsonldContext _ = ContextActor
jsonldContext _ = [as2Context, secContext, forgeContext, extContext]
parseObject o = do
(h, a) <- parseObject o
unless (actorType a == ActorTypeProject) $
fail "Actor type isn't Project"
fmap (h,) $
Project a
<$> withHost h (f2l <$> o .: (frg <> "team"))
<$> withHost h (f2l <$> o .:| "team")
toSeries host (Project actor team)
= toSeries host actor
<> (frg <> "team") .= l2f host team
<> "team" .= l2f host team
data CollectionType = CollectionTypeUnordered | CollectionTypeOrdered
@ -395,7 +349,7 @@ data Collection a = Collection
instance (FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => ActivityPub (Collection a) where
jsonldContext _ = ContextAS2
jsonldContext _ = [as2Context, forgeContext, extContext]
parseObject o = do
(host, id_) <- f2l <$> o .: "id"
fmap (host,) $
@ -448,7 +402,7 @@ data CollectionPage a = CollectionPage
instance (FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => ActivityPub (CollectionPage a) where
jsonldContext _ = ContextAS2
jsonldContext _ = [as2Context, forgeContext, extContext]
parseObject o = do
(host, id_) <- fp2lp <$> o .: "id"
fmap (host,) $
@ -479,7 +433,7 @@ instance (FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => ActivityPub (CollectionPage a) where
data Recipient = RecipientActor Actor | RecipientCollection (Collection FedURI)
instance ActivityPub Recipient where
jsonldContext _ = ContextAS2
jsonldContext _ = [as2Context, secContext, forgeContext, extContext]
parseObject o =
second RecipientActor <$> parseObject o <|>
second RecipientCollection <$> parseObject o
@ -517,20 +471,23 @@ parseAudience o =
<*> o .:& "cc"
<*> o .:& "bcc"
<*> o .:& "audience"
<*> o .:& (frg <> "nonActors")
<*> o .:|& "nonActors"
obj .:& key = do
l <- obj .:? key .!= []
return $ map unAdapt l
obj .:|& key = do
l <- obj .:|? key .!= []
return $ map unAdapt l
encodeAudience :: Audience -> Series
encodeAudience (Audience to bto cc bcc aud nons)
= "to" .=% to
<> "bto" .=% bto
<> "cc" .=% cc
<> "bcc" .=% bcc
<> "audience" .=% aud
<> (frg <> "nonActors") .=% nons
= "to" .=% to
<> "bto" .=% bto
<> "cc" .=% cc
<> "bcc" .=% bcc
<> "audience" .=% aud
<> "nonActors" .=% nons
data Note = Note
{ noteId :: Maybe LocalURI
@ -557,7 +514,7 @@ withHostMaybe h a = do
else fail "URI host mismatch"
instance ActivityPub Note where
jsonldContext _ = ContextAS2
jsonldContext _ = [as2Context, extContext]
parseObject o = do
typ <- o .: "type"
unless (typ == ("Note" :: Text)) $
@ -598,39 +555,6 @@ instance ActivityPub Note where
<> "content" .= content
<> "mediaType" .= ("text/html" :: Text)
parseNote :: Value -> Parser (Text, (Note, LocalURI))
parseNote = withObject "Note" $ \ o -> do
typ <- o .: "type"
unless (typ == ("Note" :: Text)) $ fail "type isn't Note"
(h, id_) <- f2l <$> o .: "id"
fmap (h,) $
(,) <$> (Note id_
<$> o .:? "inReplyTo"
<*> o .:? "context"
<*> o .:? "published"
<*> o .: "content"
<*> withHost h (f2l <$> o .: "attributedTo")
withHost h a = do
(h', v) <- a
if h == h'
then return v
else fail "URI host mismatch"
encodeNote :: Text -> Note -> LocalURI -> Encoding
encodeNote host (Note id_ mreply mcontext mpublished content) attrib =
$ "type" .= ("Note" :: Text)
<> "id" .= l2f host id_
<> "attributedTo" .= l2f host attrib
<> "inReplyTo" .=? mreply
<> "context" .=? mcontext
<> "published" .=? mpublished
<> "content" .= content
newtype TextHtml = TextHtml
{ unTextHtml :: Text
@ -657,9 +581,9 @@ parseTicketLocal o = do
Nothing -> do
verifyNothing "context"
verifyNothing "replies"
verifyNothing $ frg <> "participants"
verifyNothing $ frg <> "team"
verifyNothing $ frg <> "events"
verifyNothing "participants"
verifyNothing "team"
verifyNothing "history"
return Nothing
Just (h, id_) ->
fmap (Just . (h,)) $
@ -667,9 +591,9 @@ parseTicketLocal o = do
<$> pure id_
<*> withHost h (f2l <$> o .: "context")
<*> withHost h (f2l <$> o .: "replies")
<*> withHost h (f2l <$> o .: (frg <> "participants"))
<*> withHost h (f2l <$> o .: (frg <> "team"))
<*> withHost h (f2l <$> o .: (frg <> "events"))
<*> withHost h (f2l <$> o .: "participants")
<*> withHost h (f2l <$> o .: "team")
<*> withHost h (f2l <$> o .: "history")
verifyNothing t =
if t `M.member` o
@ -678,12 +602,12 @@ parseTicketLocal o = do
encodeTicketLocal :: Text -> TicketLocal -> Series
encodeTicketLocal h (TicketLocal id_ context replies participants team events)
= "id" .= l2f h id_
<> "context" .= l2f h context
<> "replies" .= l2f h replies
<> (frg <> "participants") .= l2f h participants
<> (frg <> "team") .= l2f h team
<> (frg <> "events") .= l2f h events
= "id" .= l2f h id_
<> "context" .= l2f h context
<> "replies" .= l2f h replies
<> "participants" .= l2f h participants
<> "team" .= l2f h team
<> "history" .= l2f h events
data Ticket = Ticket
{ ticketLocal :: Maybe (Text, TicketLocal)
@ -701,7 +625,7 @@ data Ticket = Ticket
instance ActivityPub Ticket where
jsonldContext _ = ContextAS2
jsonldContext _ = [as2Context, forgeContext, extContext]
parseObject o = do
typ <- o .: "type"
unless (typ == ("Ticket" :: Text)) $
@ -728,10 +652,10 @@ instance ActivityPub Ticket where
<*> (TextHtml . sanitizeBalance <$> o .: "summary")
<*> (TextHtml . sanitizeBalance <$> o .: "content")
<*> source .: "content"
<*> o .:? (frg <> "assignedTo")
<*> o .: (frg <> "isResolved")
<*> o .:? (frg <> "dependsOn") .!= []
<*> o .:? (frg <> "dependedBy") .!= []
<*> o .:? "assignedTo"
<*> o .: "isResolved"
<*> o .:? "dependsOn" .!= []
<*> o .:? "dependedBy" .!= []
toSeries host
(Ticket local attributedTo published updated name summary content
@ -750,10 +674,10 @@ instance ActivityPub Ticket where
[ "content" .= source
, "mediaType" .= ("text/markdown; variant=Pandoc" :: Text)
<> (frg <> "assignedTo") .=? assignedTo
<> (frg <> "isResolved") .= isResolved
<> (frg <> "dependsOn") .=% dependsOn
<> (frg <> "dependedBy") .=% dependedBy
<> "assignedTo" .=? assignedTo
<> "isResolved" .= isResolved
<> "dependsOn" .=% dependsOn
<> "dependedBy" .=% dependedBy
data Accept = Accept
{ acceptObject :: FedURI
@ -774,12 +698,6 @@ parseCreate o h luActor = do
note <- withHost h $ parseObject =<< o .: "object"
unless (luActor == noteAttrib note) $ fail "Create actor != Note attrib"
return $ Create note
withHost h a = do
(h', v) <- a
if h == h'
then return v
else fail "URI host mismatch"
encodeCreate :: Text -> LocalURI -> Create -> Series
encodeCreate host actor (Create obj) =
@ -794,12 +712,12 @@ parseFollow :: Object -> Parser Follow
parseFollow o =
<$> o .: "object"
<*> o .: (frg <> "hide")
<*> o .: "hide"
encodeFollow :: Follow -> Series
encodeFollow (Follow obj hide)
= "object" .= obj
<> (frg <> "hide") .= hide
= "object" .= obj
<> "hide" .= hide
data Offer = Offer
{ offerObject :: Ticket
@ -850,7 +768,7 @@ data Activity = Activity
instance ActivityPub Activity where
jsonldContext _ = ContextAS2
jsonldContext _ = [as2Context, forgeContext, extContext]
parseObject o = do
(h, id_) <- f2l <$> o .: "id"
actor <- withHost h $ f2l <$> o .: "actor"