Fork 0
mirror of https://code.sup39.dev/repos/Wqawg synced 2025-01-27 11:57:49 +09:00

C2S: offerTicketC re-enabled and supporting looms and remote origin repo

What's missing:

- Match patch VCS, origin repo VCS and target repo VCS
- Hook into postPersonInboxR
- If only origin is provided, generate patches / otherwise somehow remember the
  commits proposed
This commit is contained in:
fr33domlover 2022-09-21 12:50:26 +00:00
parent 0b10056cc3
commit de2e29d505
16 changed files with 725 additions and 415 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
number Int Maybe
created UTCTime
title Text
source Text
description HTML
status Text
discuss DiscussionId
followers FollowerSetId
accept OutboxItemId
-- UniqueTicket project number
UniqueTicketDiscuss discuss
UniqueTicketFollowers followers
UniqueTicketAccept accept

View file

@ -118,4 +118,4 @@ getEntityE
, PersistRecordBackend record backend
=> Key record -> e -> ExceptT e (ReaderT backend m) (Entity record)
getEntityE key msg = (Entity key) <$> getE key msg
getEntityE key msg = Entity key <$> getE key msg

View file

@ -41,15 +41,18 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Align
import Data.Barbie
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bifoldable
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.These
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Traversable
import Database.Persist hiding (deleteBy)
@ -60,6 +63,7 @@ import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text
import Yesod.Core hiding (logError, logWarn, logInfo, logDebug)
import Yesod.Persist.Core
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
@ -67,6 +71,7 @@ import Database.Persist.JSON
import Development.PatchMediaType
import Network.FedURI
import Web.ActivityPub hiding (Patch, Ticket, Follow, Repo (..), ActorLocal (..), ActorDetail (..), Actor (..))
import Web.Text
import Yesod.ActivityPub
import Yesod.FedURI
import Yesod.Hashids
@ -86,6 +91,7 @@ import Vervis.ActivityPub
import Vervis.Cloth
import Vervis.Data.Actor
import Vervis.Data.Collab
import Vervis.Data.Ticket
import Vervis.Delivery
import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Foundation
@ -133,7 +139,7 @@ verifyRemoteAddressed remoteRecips u =
:: Entity Person
-> Actor
-> Maybe TextHtml
-> Maybe HTML
-> Audience URIMode
-> Accept URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler OutboxItemId
@ -373,7 +379,7 @@ acceptC (Entity senderPersonID senderPerson) senderActor summary audience accept
:: Entity Person
-> Maybe TextHtml
-> Maybe HTML
-> Audience URIMode
-> NonEmpty (AP.Patch URIMode)
-> FedURI
@ -572,7 +578,7 @@ addBundleC (Entity pidUser personUser) summary audience patches uTarget = do
:: Entity Person
-> Maybe TextHtml
-> Maybe HTML
-> Audience URIMode
-> Maybe (ObjURI URIMode)
-> Apply URIMode
@ -1012,7 +1018,7 @@ noteC eperson@(Entity personID person) note = do
personHash <- encodeKeyHashid personID
let username = personUsername person
summary <-
TextHtml . TL.toStrict . renderHtml <$>
renderHTML <$>
@ -1030,7 +1036,7 @@ noteC eperson@(Entity personID person) note = do
-- error message if the Note is rejected, otherwise the new 'LocalMessageId'.
:: Entity Person
-> Maybe TextHtml
-> Maybe HTML
-> Audience URIMode
-> Note URIMode
-> Maybe FedURI
@ -1260,28 +1266,10 @@ checkFederation remoteRecips = do
unless (federation || null remoteRecips) $
throwE "Federation disabled, but remote recipients found"
verifyProjectRecip (Right _) _ = return ()
verifyProjectRecip (Left (WITProject shr prj)) localRecips =
fromMaybeE verify "Local context project isn't listed as a recipient"
verify = do
sharerSet <- lookup shr localRecips
projectSet <- lookup prj $ localRecipProjectRelated sharerSet
guard $ localRecipProject $ localRecipProjectDirect projectSet
verifyProjectRecip (Left (WITRepo shr rp _ _ _)) localRecips =
fromMaybeE verify "Local context repo isn't listed as a recipient"
verify = do
sharerSet <- lookup shr localRecips
repoSet <- lookup rp $ localRecipRepoRelated sharerSet
guard $ localRecipRepo $ localRecipRepoDirect repoSet
:: Entity Person
-> Actor
-> Maybe TextHtml
-> Maybe HTML
-> Audience URIMode
-> AP.ActorDetail
-> NonEmpty FedURI
@ -1551,7 +1539,7 @@ createPatchTrackerC (Entity pidUser personUser) senderActor summary audience det
:: Entity Person
-> Actor
-> Maybe TextHtml
-> Maybe HTML
-> Audience URIMode
-> AP.ActorDetail
-> VersionControlSystem
@ -1815,7 +1803,7 @@ createRepositoryC (Entity pidUser personUser) senderActor summary audience detai
:: Entity Person
-> Actor
-> Maybe TextHtml
-> Maybe HTML
-> Audience URIMode
-> AP.ActorDetail
-> Maybe (Host, AP.ActorLocal URIMode)
@ -2067,7 +2055,7 @@ data Followee
:: Entity Person
-> Maybe TextHtml
-> Maybe HTML
-> Audience URIMode
-> AP.Follow URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler OutboxItemId
@ -2197,7 +2185,7 @@ followC (Entity pidSender personSender) summary audience follow@(AP.Follow uObje
insertAcceptToOutbox senderHash luFollow actorRecip obidRecip = do
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
summary <-
TextHtml . TL.toStrict . renderHtml <$>
renderHTML <$>
@ -2256,7 +2244,7 @@ inviteC
:: Entity Person
-> Actor
-> Maybe FedURI
-> Maybe TextHtml
-> Maybe HTML
-> Audience URIMode
-> Invite URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler OutboxItemId
@ -2504,387 +2492,393 @@ inviteC (Entity senderPersonID senderPerson) senderActor muCap summary audience
:: Entity Person
-> Maybe TextHtml
-> Actor
-> Maybe HTML
-> Audience URIMode
-> AP.Ticket URIMode
-> FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler OutboxItemId
offerTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) summary audience ticket uTarget = do
error "offerTicketC temporarily disabled"
offerTicketC (Entity senderPersonID senderPerson) senderActor summary audience ticket uTarget = do
senderHash <- encodeKeyHashid pidUser
(target, title, desc, source) <- checkOfferTicket shrUser ticket uTarget
-- Check input
(title, desc, source, tam) <- do
hostLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
WorkItemOffer {..} <- checkOfferTicket hostLocal ticket uTarget
unless (wioAuthor == Left senderPersonID) $
throwE "Offering a Ticket attributed to someone else"
return (wioTitle, wioDesc, wioSource, wioRest)
ParsedAudience localRecips remoteRecips blinded fwdHosts <- do
mrecips <- parseAudience audience
fromMaybeE mrecips "Offer Ticket with no recipients"
federation <- asksSite $ appFederation . appSettings
unless (federation || null remoteRecips) $
throwE "Federation disabled, but remote recipients specified"
verifyProjectRecip target localRecips
checkFederation remoteRecips
-- Verify that the target tracker is addressed by the Offer
case tam of
TAM_Task deckID -> do
deckHash <- encodeKeyHashid deckID
unless (actorIsAddressed localRecips $ LocalActorDeck deckHash) $
throwE "Local target deck not addressed by the Offer"
TAM_Merge loomID _ -> do
loomHash <- encodeKeyHashid loomID
unless (actorIsAddressed localRecips $ LocalActorLoom loomHash) $
throwE "Local target loom not addressed by the Offer"
TAM_Remote uTracker _ -> verifyRemoteAddressed remoteRecips uTracker
senderHash <- encodeKeyHashid senderPersonID
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
(obiidOffer, docOffer, remotesHttpOffer, maybeAccept) <- runDBExcept $ do
mproject <-
case target of
Left (WITProject shr prj) -> Just . Left <$> do
mproj <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
Entity sid s <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueSharer shr
ej@(Entity _ j) <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueProject prj sid
a <- lift $ getJust $ projectActor j
return (s, ej, a)
fromMaybeE mproj "Offer target no such local project in DB"
Left (WITRepo shr rp mb typ diffs) -> Just . Right <$> do
mproj <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
Entity sid s <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueSharer shr
er <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueRepo rp sid
return (s, er)
(s, er@(Entity _ r)) <- fromMaybeE mproj "Offer target no such local repo in DB"
unless (repoVcs r == patchMediaTypeVCS typ) $
throwE "Patch type and repo VCS mismatch"
return (s, er, mb, typ, diffs)
Right _ -> return Nothing
(obiid, doc, luOffer) <- lift $ insertOfferToOutbox shrUser now (personOutbox personUser) blinded
remotesHttpOffer <- do
let sieve =
case target of
Left (WITProject shr prj) ->
[ LocalActorProject shr prj
[ LocalPersonCollectionSharerFollowers shrUser
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shr prj
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectFollowers shr prj
Left (WITRepo shr rp _ _ _) ->
[ LocalActorRepo shr rp
[ LocalPersonCollectionSharerFollowers shrUser
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoTeam shr rp
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoFollowers shr rp
Right _ ->
[LocalPersonCollectionSharerFollowers shrUser]
-- If tracker is a local loom, and a remote origin repo is specified, fetch
-- that repo's AP object via HTTP and remember in DB
maybeLocalTracker <-
case tam of
TAM_Task deckID -> pure $ Just $ Left deckID
TAM_Merge loomID (Merge maybeOriginTip maybeBundle targetTip) -> do
maybeOrigin <- for maybeOriginTip $ \case
TipLocalRepo repoID -> pure $ Left (repoID, Nothing)
TipLocalBranch repoID branch -> pure $ Left (repoID, Just branch)
TipRemote uOrigin -> Right <$> do
(vcs, raid, mb) <- withExceptT (T.pack . show) $ httpGetRemoteTip uOrigin
return (vcs, raid, first Just <$> mb)
TipRemoteBranch uRepo branch -> Right <$> do
(vcs, raid) <- withExceptT (T.pack . show) $ httpGetRemoteRepo uRepo
return (vcs, raid, Just (Nothing, branch))
originOrBundle <-
(align maybeOrigin maybeBundle)
"MR provides neither origin nor patches"
(targetRepoID, maybeTargetBranch) <-
case targetTip of
TipLocalRepo repoID -> pure (repoID, Nothing)
TipLocalBranch repoID branch -> pure (repoID, Just branch)
_ -> throwE "Offer target is a local loom but MR target is a remote repo (Looms serve only local repos)"
return $ Just $ Right (loomID, originOrBundle, targetRepoID, maybeTargetBranch)
TAM_Remote _ _ -> pure Nothing
(offerID, deliverHttpOffer, maybeDeliverHttpAccept) <- runDBExcept $ do
-- If target tracker is local, find it in our DB
-- If that tracker is a loom, find and check the MR too
maybeLocalTrackerDB <- for maybeLocalTracker $ bitraverse
(\ deckID -> do
deck <- getE deckID "Offer local target no such deck in DB"
return (deckID, deckActor deck)
(\ (loomID, originOrBundle, targetRepoID, maybeTargetBranch) -> do
loom <- getE loomID "Offer local target no such loom in DB"
unless (targetRepoID == loomRepo loom) $
throwE "MR target repo isn't the one served by the Offer target loom"
targetRepo <- getE targetRepoID "MR target local repo not found in DB"
unless (repoLoom targetRepo == Just loomID) $
throwE "Offer target loom doesn't have repo's consent to serve it"
originOrBundle' <-
(\ (repoID, maybeBranch) -> do
repo <- getE repoID "MR origin local repo not found in DB"
return (repoID, repoVcs repo, maybeBranch)
return (loomID, loomActor loom, originOrBundle', targetRepoID, maybeTargetBranch)
-- Insert Offer to sender's outbox
offerID <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem (actorOutbox senderActor) now
docOffer <- lift $ insertOfferToOutbox senderHash blinded offerID
-- Deliver the Offer activity to local recipients, and schedule
-- delivery for unavailable remote recipients
remoteRecipsHttpOffer <- do
hashRepo <- getEncodeKeyHashid
let tipRepo tip =
case tip of
TipLocalRepo repoID -> Just $ hashRepo repoID
TipLocalBranch repoID _ -> Just $ hashRepo repoID
_ -> Nothing
hashDeck <- getEncodeKeyHashid
hashLoom <- getEncodeKeyHashid
let (tracker, target, origin) =
case tam of
TAM_Task deckID ->
( Just $ Left $ hashDeck deckID
, Nothing
, Nothing
TAM_Merge loomID (Merge maybeOriginTip _ targetTip) ->
( Just $ Right $ hashLoom loomID
, tipRepo targetTip
, tipRepo =<< maybeOriginTip
TAM_Remote _ maybeMerge ->
( Nothing
, tipRepo . mergeTarget =<< maybeMerge
, tipRepo =<< mergeOrigin =<< maybeMerge
sieveActors = catMaybes
[ tracker <&> \case
Left deckHash -> LocalActorDeck deckHash
Right loomHash -> LocalActorLoom loomHash
, LocalActorRepo <$> target
, LocalActorRepo <$> origin
sieveStages = catMaybes
[ tracker <&> \case
Left deckHash -> LocalStageDeckFollowers deckHash
Right loomHash -> LocalStageLoomFollowers loomHash
, LocalStageRepoFollowers <$> target
, LocalStageRepoFollowers <$> origin
, Just $ LocalStagePersonFollowers senderHash
sieve = makeRecipientSet sieveActors sieveStages
moreRemoteRecips <-
lift $
(LocalActorSharer shrUser)
(personInbox personUser)
(localRecipSieve sieve False localRecips)
unless (federation || null moreRemoteRecips) $
throwE "Federation disabled, but recipient collection remote members found"
lift $ deliverRemoteDB'' fwdHosts obiid remoteRecips moreRemoteRecips
maccept <- lift $ for mproject $ \ project -> do
let obid =
case project of
Left (_, _, a) -> actorOutbox a
Right (_, Entity _ r, _, _, _) -> repoOutbox r
obiidAccept <- insertEmptyOutboxItem obid now
let insertTXL =
case project of
Left (_, Entity jid _, _) ->
\ tclid -> insert_ $ TicketProjectLocal tclid jid
Right (_, Entity rid _, mb, _, _) ->
\ tclid -> insert_ $ TicketRepoLocal tclid rid mb
(tid, ltid) <- insertTicket pidUser now title desc source insertTXL obiid obiidAccept
case project of
Left _ -> return ()
Right (_, _, _, typ, diffs) -> do
bnid <- insert $ Bundle tid
insertMany_ $ NE.toList $ NE.map (Patch bnid now typ) diffs
(docAccept, localRecipsAccept) <- insertAccept shrUser luOffer project obiidAccept ltid
let (actor, ibid) =
case project of
Left (s, Entity _ j, a) ->
( LocalActorProject (sharerIdent s) (projectIdent j)
, actorInbox a
Right (s, Entity _ r, _, _, _) ->
( LocalActorRepo (sharerIdent s) (repoIdent r)
, repoInbox r
knownRemoteRecipsAccept <-
deliverLocal' False actor ibid obiidAccept localRecipsAccept
(obiidAccept,docAccept,) <$> deliverRemoteDB'' [] obiidAccept [] knownRemoteRecipsAccept
return (obiid, doc, remotesHttpOffer, maccept)
lift $ deliverLocal' True (LocalActorPerson senderHash) (personActor senderPerson) offerID $
localRecipSieve sieve False localRecips
checkFederation moreRemoteRecips
lift $ deliverRemoteDB'' fwdHosts offerID remoteRecips moreRemoteRecips
-- If Offer target is a local deck/loom, verify that it has received
-- the Offer, insert a new Ticket to DB, and publish Accept
maybeDeliverHttpAccept <- for maybeLocalTrackerDB $ \ tracker -> do
-- Verify that tracker received the Offer
let trackerActorID =
case tracker of
Left (_, actorID) -> actorID
Right (_, actorID, _, _, _) -> actorID
verifyActorHasItem trackerActorID offerID "Local tracker didn't receive the Offer"
-- Insert ticket/MR to DB
acceptID <- lift $ do
trackerActor <- getJust trackerActorID
insertEmptyOutboxItem (actorOutbox trackerActor) now
ticketRoute <- lift $ do
ticketID <- insertTicket now title desc source offerID acceptID
case tracker of
Left (deckID, _) -> insertTask deckID ticketID
Right (loomID, _, originOrBundle, _, maybeTargetBranch) ->
insertMerge now loomID ticketID maybeTargetBranch originOrBundle
-- Insert an Accept activity to tracker's outbox
hashDeck <- getEncodeKeyHashid
hashLoom <- getEncodeKeyHashid
let acceptRecipActors = [LocalActorPerson senderHash]
acceptRecipStages =
[ case tracker of
Left (deckID, _) ->
LocalStageDeckFollowers $ hashDeck deckID
Right (loomID, _, _, _, _) ->
LocalStageLoomFollowers $ hashLoom loomID
, LocalStagePersonFollowers senderHash
docAccept <-
lift $ insertAcceptToOutbox senderHash tracker ticketRoute offerID acceptID acceptRecipActors acceptRecipStages
-- Deliver the Accept activity to local recipients, and schedule
-- delivery for unavailable remote recipients
remoteRecipsHttpAccept <- do
let trackerLocalActor =
case tracker of
Left (deckID, _) ->
LocalActorDeck $ hashDeck deckID
Right (loomID, _, _, _, _) ->
LocalActorLoom $ hashLoom loomID
remoteRecips <-
lift $ deliverLocal' True trackerLocalActor trackerActorID acceptID $
makeRecipientSet acceptRecipActors acceptRecipStages
checkFederation remoteRecips
lift $ deliverRemoteDB'' [] acceptID [] remoteRecips
-- Return instructions for HTTP delivery to remote recipients
return $
deliverRemoteHttp' [] acceptID docAccept remoteRecipsHttpAccept
-- Return instructions for HTTP delivery to remote recipients
( offerID
, deliverRemoteHttp' fwdHosts offerID docOffer remoteRecipsHttpOffer
, maybeDeliverHttpAccept
-- Launch asynchronous HTTP delivery of Offer and Accept
lift $ do
forkWorker "offerTicketC: async HTTP Offer delivery" $ deliverRemoteHttp' fwdHosts obiidOffer docOffer remotesHttpOffer
for_ maybeAccept $ \ (obiidAccept, docAccept, remotesHttpAccept) ->
forkWorker "offerTicketC: async HTTP Accept delivery" $ deliverRemoteHttp' [] obiidAccept docAccept remotesHttpAccept
return obiidOffer
forkWorker "offerTicketC: async HTTP Offer delivery" deliverHttpOffer
for_ maybeDeliverHttpAccept $
forkWorker "offerTicketC: async HTTP Accept delivery"
return offerID
--unless (repoVcs r == patchMediaTypeVCS typ) $
-- throwE "Patch type and repo VCS mismatch"
fetchRepoE h lu = do
manager <- asksSite getHttpManager
let apRepoId = AP.actorId . AP.actorLocal . AP.repoActor
ExceptT $ first (maybe ResultIdMismatch ResultGetError) <$>
fetchAPID' manager apRepoId h lu
insertRemoteActor h lu (AP.Actor local detail) = do
iid <- either entityKey id <$> insertBy' (Instance h)
roid <- either entityKey id <$> insertBy' (RemoteObject iid lu)
let ra = RemoteActor
{ remoteActorIdent = roid
, remoteActorName =
AP.actorName detail <|> AP.actorUsername detail
, remoteActorInbox = AP.actorInbox local
, remoteActorFollowers = AP.actorFollowers local
, remoteActorErrorSince = Nothing
either entityKey id <$> insertBy' ra
:: ShrIdent
-> AP.Ticket URIMode
-> FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler
( Either WorkItemTarget (Host, LocalURI, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, PatchMediaType, NonEmpty Text))
, TextHtml
, TextHtml
, TextPandocMarkdown
:: FedURI
-> ExceptT Result Handler
( VersionControlSystem
, RemoteActorId
, Maybe (LocalURI, Text)
checkOfferTicket shrUser??? ticket uTarget = do
target <- parseTarget uTarget
(muContext, summary, content, source, mmr) <- checkTicket shrUser ticket
for_ muContext $
\ u -> unless (u == uTarget) $ throwE "Offer target != ticket context"
target' <- matchTargetAndMR target mmr
return (target', summary, content, source)
httpGetRemoteTip (ObjURI host localURI) = do
repoOrBranch <- fetchTipE host localURI
case repoOrBranch of
Left repo -> do
remoteActorID <-
lift $ runSiteDB $
insertRemoteActor host localURI $ AP.repoActor repo
return (AP.repoVcs repo, remoteActorID, Nothing)
Right (AP.Branch name _ luRepo) -> do
repo <- fetchRepoE host luRepo
remoteActorID <-
lift $ runSiteDB $
insertRemoteActor host luRepo $ AP.repoActor repo
return (AP.repoVcs repo, remoteActorID, Just (localURI, name))
parseTarget u@(ObjURI h lu) = do
hl <- hostIsLocal h
if hl
then Left <$> do
route <- fromMaybeE (decodeRouteLocal lu) "Offer target is local but not a valid route"
case route of
DeckR d t -> return $ Left (d, t)
LoomR l c -> return $ Right (l, c)
_ -> throwE "Offer target is local but isn't a deck/loom route"
else return $ Right u
fetchTipE h lu = do
manager <- asksSite getHttpManager
ExceptT $ first (maybe ResultIdMismatch ResultGetError) <$>
fetchTip manager h lu
:: FedURI -> ExceptT Result Handler (VersionControlSystem, RemoteActorId)
httpGetRemoteRepo (ObjURI host localURI) = do
repo <- fetchRepoE host localURI
remoteActorID <-
lift $ runSiteDB $
insertRemoteActor host localURI $ AP.repoActor repo
return (AP.repoVcs repo, remoteActorID)
(AP.Ticket mlocal attrib mpublished mupdated muContext summary
content source muAssigned mresolved mmr) = do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Ticket with 'id'"
shrAttrib <- do
route <- fromMaybeE (decodeRouteLocal attrib) "Ticket attrib not a valid route"
case route of
SharerR shr -> return shr
_ -> throwE "Ticket attrib not a sharer route"
unless (shrAttrib == shrUser) $
throwE "Ticket attibuted to someone else"
verifyNothingE mpublished "Ticket with 'published'"
verifyNothingE mupdated "Ticket with 'updated'"
verifyNothingE muAssigned "Ticket has 'assignedTo'"
when (isJust mresolved) $ throwE "Ticket is resolved"
mmr' <- traverse (uncurry checkMR) mmr
return (muContext, summary, content, source, mmr')
checkMR h (MergeRequest muOrigin luTarget ebundle) = do
verifyNothingE muOrigin "MR with 'origin'"
branch <- checkBranch h luTarget
(typ, diffs) <-
case ebundle of
Left _ -> throwE "MR bundle specified as a URI"
Right (hBundle, bundle) -> checkBundle hBundle bundle
case (typ, diffs) of
(PatchMediaTypeDarcs, _ :| _ : _) ->
throwE "More than one Darcs patch bundle provided"
_ -> return ()
return (branch, typ, diffs)
checkBranch h lu = do
hl <- hostIsLocal h
if hl
then Left <$> do
route <-
(decodeRouteLocal lu)
"MR target is local but isn't a valid route"
case route of
RepoR shr rp -> return (shr, rp, Nothing)
RepoBranchR shr rp b -> return (shr, rp, Just b)
_ ->
"MR target is a valid local route, but isn't a \
\repo or branch route"
else return $ Right $ ObjURI h lu
checkBundle _ (AP.BundleHosted _ _) =
throwE "Patches specified as URIs"
checkBundle h (AP.BundleOffer mlocal patches) = do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Bundle has 'id'"
(typ:|typs, diffs) <- NE.unzip <$> traverse (checkPatch h) patches
unless (all (== typ) typs) $ throwE "Different patch types"
return (typ, diffs)
checkPatch h (AP.Patch mlocal attrib mpub typ content) = do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Patch with 'id'"
hl <- hostIsLocal h
shrAttrib <- do
route <- fromMaybeE (decodeRouteLocal attrib) "Patch attrib not a valid route"
case route of
SharerR shr -> return shr
_ -> throwE "Patch attrib not a sharer route"
unless (hl && shrAttrib == shrUser) $
throwE "Ticket and Patch attrib mismatch"
verifyNothingE mpub "Patch has 'published'"
return (typ, content)
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Left (shr, prj))) Nothing = return $ Left $ WITProject shr prj
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Left (shr, prj))) (Just _) = throwE "Patch offered to project"
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Right (shr, rp))) Nothing = throwE "Issue offered to repo"
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Right (shr, rp))) (Just (branch, typ, diffs)) = do
branch' <-
case branch of
Left (shr', rp', mb) | shr == shr' && rp == rp' -> return mb
_ -> throwE "MR target repo/branch and Offer target repo mismatch"
case patchMediaTypeVCS typ of
VCSDarcs ->
unless (isNothing branch') $
throwE "Darcs MR specifies a branch"
VCSGit ->
unless (isJust branch') $
throwE "Git MR doesn't specify the branch"
return $ Left $ WITRepo shr rp branch' typ diffs
matchTargetAndMR (Right (ObjURI h lu)) Nothing = return $ Right (h, lu, Nothing)
matchTargetAndMR (Right (ObjURI h lu)) (Just (branch, typ, diffs)) = do
luBranch <-
case branch of
Right (ObjURI h' lu') | h == h' -> return lu
_ -> throwE "MR target repo/branch and Offer target repo mismatch"
let bundle =
( if lu == luBranch then Nothing else Just luBranch
, typ
, diffs
return $ Right (h, lu, Just bundle)
insertOfferToOutbox shrUser now obid blinded = do
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obiid <- insertEmptyOutboxItem obid now
insertOfferToOutbox senderHash blinded offerID = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
obikhid <- encodeKeyHashid obiid
let luAct = encodeRouteLocal $ SharerOutboxItemR shrUser obikhid
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId = Just luAct
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ SharerR shrUser
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
offerHash <- encodeKeyHashid offerID
let doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $
PersonOutboxItemR senderHash offerHash
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ PersonR senderHash
, activityCapability = Nothing
, activitySummary = summary
, activityAudience = blinded
, activitySpecific =
, activitySummary = summary
, activityAudience = blinded
, activityFulfills = []
, activitySpecific =
OfferActivity $ Offer (OfferTicket ticket) uTarget
update obiid [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (obiid, doc, luAct)
insertTicket pidAuthor now title desc source insertTXL obiid obiidAccept = do
update offerID [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return doc
insertTicket now title desc source offerID acceptID = do
did <- insert Discussion
fsid <- insert FollowerSet
tid <- insert Ticket
{ ticketNumber = Nothing
, ticketCreated = now
, ticketTitle = unTextHtml title
, ticketSource = unTextPandocMarkdown source
, ticketDescription = unTextHtml desc
, ticketAssignee = Nothing
, ticketTitle = title
, ticketSource = source
, ticketDescription = desc
, ticketStatus = TSNew
, ticketDiscuss = did
, ticketFollowers = fsid
, ticketAccept = acceptID
ltid <- insert LocalTicket
{ localTicketTicket = tid
, localTicketDiscuss = did
, localTicketFollowers = fsid
insert_ TicketAuthorLocal
{ ticketAuthorLocalTicket = tid
, ticketAuthorLocalAuthor = senderPersonID
, ticketAuthorLocalOpen = offerID
tclid <- insert TicketContextLocal
{ ticketContextLocalTicket = tid
, ticketContextLocalAccept = obiidAccept
insertTXL tclid
talid <- insert TicketAuthorLocal
{ ticketAuthorLocalTicket = ltid
, ticketAuthorLocalAuthor = pidAuthor
, ticketAuthorLocalOpen = obiid
insert_ TicketUnderProject
{ ticketUnderProjectProject = tclid
, ticketUnderProjectAuthor = talid
return (tid, ltid)
insertAccept shrUser luOffer project obiidAccept ltid = do
let (collections, outboxItemRoute, projectRoute, ticketRoute) =
case project of
Left (s, Entity _ j, _) ->
let shr = sharerIdent s
prj = projectIdent j
in ( [ LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shr prj
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectFollowers shr prj
, ProjectOutboxItemR shr prj
, ProjectR shr prj
, ProjectTicketR shr prj
Right (s, Entity _ r, _, _, _) ->
let shr = sharerIdent s
rp = repoIdent r
in ( [ LocalPersonCollectionRepoTeam shr rp
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoFollowers shr rp
, RepoOutboxItemR shr rp
, RepoR shr rp
, RepoProposalR shr rp
return tid
insertTask deckID ticketID = do
ticketDeckID <- insert $ TicketDeck ticketID deckID
TicketR <$> encodeKeyHashid deckID <*> encodeKeyHashid ticketDeckID
:: UTCTime
-> LoomId
-> TicketId
-> Maybe Text
-> These
(RepoId, VersionControlSystem, Maybe Text)
(VersionControlSystem, RemoteActorId, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, Text))
-> AppDB (Route App)
insertMerge now loomID ticketID maybeBranch originOrBundle = do
clothID <- insert $ TicketLoom ticketID loomID maybeBranch
for_ (justHere originOrBundle) $ \case
Left (repoID, _, maybeOriginBranch) ->
insert_ $ MergeOriginLocal clothID repoID maybeOriginBranch
Right (_, remoteActorID, maybeOriginBranch) -> do
originID <- insert $ MergeOriginRemote clothID remoteActorID
for_ maybeOriginBranch $ \ (mlu, b) ->
insert_ $ MergeOriginRemoteBranch originID mlu b
for_ (justThere originOrBundle) $ \ (Material typ diffs) -> do
bundleID <- insert $ Bundle clothID
insertMany_ $ NE.toList $ NE.reverse $
NE.map (Patch bundleID now typ) diffs
ClothR <$> encodeKeyHashid loomID <*> encodeKeyHashid clothID
insertAcceptToOutbox personHash tracker ticketRoute offerID acceptID actors stages = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
tracker' <-
(\ (deckID, _) -> encodeKeyHashid deckID)
(\ (loomID, _, _, _, _) -> encodeKeyHashid loomID)
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obikhidAccept <- encodeKeyHashid obiidAccept
ltkhid <- encodeKeyHashid ltid
let actors = [LocalActorSharer shrUser]
recips =
offerHash <- encodeKeyHashid offerID
acceptHash <- encodeKeyHashid acceptID
let recips =
map encodeRouteHome $
map renderLocalActor actors ++
map renderLocalPersonCollection collections
map renderLocalActor actors ++
map renderLocalStage stages
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ outboxItemRoute obikhidAccept
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal projectRoute
{ activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $
case tracker' of
Left deckHash -> DeckOutboxItemR deckHash acceptHash
Right loomHash -> LoomOutboxItemR loomHash acceptHash
, activityActor =
encodeRouteLocal $ either DeckR LoomR tracker'
, activityCapability = Nothing
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject = ObjURI hLocal luOffer
, acceptResult =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ ticketRoute ltkhid
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activityFulfills = []
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject =
encodeRouteHome $
PersonOutboxItemR personHash offerHash
, acceptResult = Just $ encodeRouteLocal ticketRoute
update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (doc, makeRecipientSet actors collections)
update acceptID [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return doc
verifyHosterRecip _ _ (Right _) = return ()
@ -2949,7 +2943,7 @@ actorOutboxItem (LocalActorLoom l) = LoomOutboxItemR l
:: Entity Person
-> Maybe TextHtml
-> Maybe HTML
-> Audience URIMode
-> TicketDependency URIMode
-> FedURI
@ -3211,7 +3205,7 @@ insertAcceptOnTicketStatus shrUser wi (WorkItemDetail _ ctx author) obiidResolve
:: Entity Person
-> Maybe TextHtml
-> Maybe HTML
-> Audience URIMode
-> Resolve URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler OutboxItemId
@ -3329,7 +3323,7 @@ resolveC (Entity pidUser personUser) summary audience (Resolve uObject) = do
:: Entity Person
-> Maybe TextHtml
-> Maybe HTML
-> Audience URIMode
-> Undo URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler OutboxItemId
@ -3527,7 +3521,7 @@ pushCommitsC eperson summary push shrRepo rpRepo = do
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ SharerR shrUser
, activityCapability = Nothing
, activitySummary =
Just $ TextHtml $ TL.toStrict $ renderHtml summary
Just $ renderHTML summary
, activityAudience = Audience aud [] [] [] [] []
, activitySpecific = PushActivity push

View file

@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Development.PatchMediaType
import Network.FedURI
import Web.ActivityPub hiding (Follow, Ticket, Project (..), Repo, ActorLocal (..))
import Web.Text
import Yesod.ActivityPub
import Yesod.FedURI
import Yesod.Hashids
@ -603,7 +604,7 @@ createDeck
=> KeyHashid Person
-> Text
-> Text
-> m (Maybe TextHtml, Audience URIMode, AP.ActorDetail)
-> m (Maybe HTML, Audience URIMode, AP.ActorDetail)
createDeck senderHash name desc = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
@ -629,7 +630,7 @@ createLoom
-> Text
-> Text
-> KeyHashid Repo
-> m (Maybe TextHtml, Audience URIMode, AP.ActorDetail, NonEmpty FedURI)
-> m (Maybe HTML, Audience URIMode, AP.ActorDetail, NonEmpty FedURI)
createLoom senderHash name desc repoHash = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
@ -659,7 +660,7 @@ createRepo
=> KeyHashid Person
-> Text
-> Text
-> m (Maybe TextHtml, Audience URIMode, AP.ActorDetail)
-> m (Maybe HTML, Audience URIMode, AP.ActorDetail)
createRepo senderHash name desc = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome

src/Vervis/Data/Ticket.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2022 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
module Vervis.Data.Ticket
( Tip (..)
, Material (..)
, Merge (..)
, TrackerAndMerge (..)
, WorkItemOffer (..)
, checkOfferTicket
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Traversable
import Development.PatchMediaType
import Network.FedURI
import Web.Text
import Yesod.ActivityPub
import Yesod.FedURI
import Yesod.Hashids
import qualified Web.ActivityPub as AP
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except.Local
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Model
data Tip
= TipLocalRepo RepoId
| TipLocalBranch RepoId Text
| TipRemote FedURI
| TipRemoteBranch FedURI Text
data Material = Material
{ materialType :: PatchMediaType
, materialPatches :: NonEmpty Text
data Merge = Merge
{ mergeOrigin :: Maybe Tip
, mergeMaterial :: Maybe Material
, mergeTarget :: Tip
data Tracker = TrackerDeck DeckId | TrackerLoom LoomId | TrackerRemote FedURI
deriving Eq
data TrackerAndMerge =
TAM_Task DeckId | TAM_Merge LoomId Merge | TAM_Remote FedURI (Maybe Merge)
data WorkItemOffer = WorkItemOffer
{ wioAuthor :: Either PersonId FedURI
, wioTitle :: Text
, wioDesc :: HTML
, wioSource :: PandocMarkdown
, wioRest :: TrackerAndMerge
checkAuthor :: FedURI -> ExceptT Text Handler (Either PersonId FedURI)
checkAuthor u@(ObjURI h lu) = do
hl <- hostIsLocal h
if hl
then do
route <- fromMaybeE (decodeRouteLocal lu) "Local author not a valid route"
case route of
PersonR personHash -> Left <$> decodeKeyHashidE personHash "Local author invalid person hash"
_ -> throwE "Local author not a person route"
else pure $ Right u
checkPatch :: Host -> AP.Patch URIMode -> ExceptT Text Handler (Either PersonId FedURI, PatchMediaType, Text)
checkPatch h (AP.Patch mlocal attrib mpub typ content) = do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Patch has 'id'"
author <- checkAuthor $ ObjURI h attrib
verifyNothingE mpub "Patch has 'published'"
return (author, typ, content)
checkBundle :: Host -> AP.Bundle URIMode -> ExceptT Text Handler (Either PersonId FedURI, Material)
checkBundle _ (AP.BundleHosted _ _) = throwE "Patches specified as URIs"
checkBundle h (AP.BundleOffer mlocal patches) = do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Bundle has 'id'"
(author, typ, content) :| rest <- traverse (checkPatch h) patches
let authors = map (\ (a, _, _) -> a) rest
typs = map (\ (_, t, _) -> t) rest
contents = map (\ (_, _, c) -> c) rest
unless (all (== author) authors) $ throwE "Different patch authors"
unless (all (== typ) typs) $ throwE "Different patch types"
return (author, Material typ (content :| contents))
checkTipURI :: FedURI -> ExceptT Text Handler (Either RepoId FedURI)
checkTipURI u@(ObjURI h lu) = do
hl <- hostIsLocal h
if hl
then Left <$> do
route <- fromMaybeE (decodeRouteLocal lu) "URI is local but isn't a valid route"
case route of
RepoR repoHash -> decodeKeyHashidE repoHash "URI is local repo route but repo hash is invalid"
_ -> throwE "URI is local route but not a repo route"
else pure $ Right u
checkBranch :: Host -> AP.Branch URIMode -> ExceptT Text Handler (Either RepoId FedURI, Text)
checkBranch h (AP.Branch name _ luRepo) =
(,name) <$> nameExceptT "Branch repo" (checkTipURI $ ObjURI h luRepo)
checkTip :: Either FedURI (Host, AP.Branch URIMode) -> ExceptT Text Handler Tip
checkTip (Left u) = either TipLocalRepo TipRemote <$> checkTipURI u
checkTip (Right (h, b)) = uncurry ($) . first (either TipLocalBranch TipRemoteBranch) <$> checkBranch h b
:: Host
-> AP.MergeRequest URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler
(Maybe Tip, Maybe (Either PersonId FedURI, Material), Tip)
checkMR h (AP.MergeRequest muOrigin target mbundle) =
<$> traverse checkTip muOrigin
<*> (for mbundle $ \ bundle ->
case bundle of
Left _ -> throwE "MR bundle specified as a URI"
Right (h, b) -> checkBundle h b
<*> checkTip (bimap (ObjURI h) (h,) target)
checkTracker :: FedURI -> ExceptT Text Handler Tracker
checkTracker u@(ObjURI h lu) = do
hl <- hostIsLocal h
if hl
then do
route <- fromMaybeE (decodeRouteLocal lu) "Local tracker not a valid route"
case route of
DeckR deckHash -> TrackerDeck <$> decodeKeyHashidE deckHash "Local tracker invalid deck hash"
LoomR loomHash -> TrackerLoom <$> decodeKeyHashidE loomHash "Local tracker invalid loom hash"
_ -> throwE "Local tracker not a deck/loom route"
else pure $ TrackerRemote u
:: Host
-> AP.Ticket URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler
( Either PersonId FedURI
, Text, HTML, PandocMarkdown
, Maybe Tracker
, Maybe Merge
checkTicket h (AP.Ticket mlocal attrib mpublished mupdated muContext summary content source muAssigned mresolved mmr) = do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Ticket with 'id'"
author <- checkAuthor $ ObjURI h attrib
verifyNothingE mpublished "Ticket with 'published'"
verifyNothingE mupdated "Ticket with 'updated'"
maybeTracker <- traverse checkTracker muContext
verifyNothingE muAssigned "Ticket has 'assignedTo'"
verifyNothingE mresolved "Ticket is resolved"
maybeMerge <- for mmr $ \ (h, mr) -> do
(maybeOriginTip, maybeAuthorAndBundle, targetTip) <- checkMR h mr
maybeBundle <- for maybeAuthorAndBundle $ \ (author', bundle) -> do
unless (author == author') $
throwE "Ticket author and patch(es) author are different"
return bundle
return $ Merge maybeOriginTip maybeBundle targetTip
return (author, decodeEntities summary, content, source, maybeTracker, maybeMerge)
checkTrackerAndMerge :: Tracker -> Maybe Merge -> ExceptT Text Handler TrackerAndMerge
checkTrackerAndMerge (TrackerDeck deckID) Nothing = pure $ TAM_Task deckID
checkTrackerAndMerge (TrackerDeck _) (Just _) = throwE "Deck & MR"
checkTrackerAndMerge (TrackerLoom _) Nothing = throwE "Loom & no MR"
checkTrackerAndMerge (TrackerLoom loomID) (Just merge) = pure $ TAM_Merge loomID merge
checkTrackerAndMerge (TrackerRemote uTracker) maybeMerge = pure $ TAM_Remote uTracker maybeMerge
checkOfferTicket :: Host -> AP.Ticket URIMode -> FedURI -> ExceptT Text Handler WorkItemOffer
checkOfferTicket host ticket uTarget = do
target <- checkTracker uTarget
(author, title, desc, source, maybeTracker, maybeBundle) <- checkTicket host ticket
for_ maybeTracker $ \ tracker ->
unless (tracker == target) $ throwE "Offer target != ticket context"
tam <- checkTrackerAndMerge target maybeBundle
return $ WorkItemOffer author title desc source tam

View file

@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ import Data.MediaType
import Development.PatchMediaType
import Network.FedURI
import Web.ActivityPub hiding (Ticket (..), Patch (..), Bundle (..), Repo (..), ActorDetail (..))
import Web.Text
import Yesod.ActivityPub
import Yesod.FedURI
import Yesod.Hashids
@ -247,9 +248,9 @@ getClothR loomHash clothHash = do
, AP.ticketUpdated = Nothing
, AP.ticketContext = Just $ encodeRouteHome $ LoomR loomHash
-- , AP.ticketName = Just $ "#" <> T.pack (show num)
, AP.ticketSummary = TextHtml $ ticketTitle ticket
, AP.ticketContent = TextHtml $ ticketDescription ticket
, AP.ticketSource = TextPandocMarkdown $ ticketSource ticket
, AP.ticketSummary = encodeEntities $ ticketTitle ticket
, AP.ticketContent = ticketDescription ticket
, AP.ticketSource = ticketSource ticket
, AP.ticketAssignedTo = Nothing
, AP.ticketResolved =
let u (Left (actor, obiid)) =
@ -305,7 +306,7 @@ getClothR loomHash clothHash = do
(justHere proposal)
hashMessageKey <- handlerToWidget getEncodeKeyHashid
let desc :: Widget
desc = toWidget $ preEscapedToMarkup $ ticketDescription ticket
desc = toWidget $ markupHTML $ ticketDescription ticket
discuss =
(return $ ticketDiscuss ticket)

View file

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ import Data.Time.Format (formatTime, defaultTimeLocale)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Database.Persist
import Network.HTTP.Types (StdMethod (DELETE, POST))
import Text.Blaze.Html (Html, toHtml, preEscapedToHtml)
import Text.Blaze.Html (Html, toHtml)
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text
import Text.HTML.SanitizeXSS
import Yesod.Auth (requireAuthId, maybeAuthId)
@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty.ToEncoding
import Data.MediaType
import Network.FedURI
import Web.ActivityPub hiding (Ticket (..), Project, TicketDependency)
import Web.Text
import Yesod.ActivityPub
import Yesod.Auth.Unverified
import Yesod.FedURI
@ -230,9 +231,9 @@ getTicketR deckHash ticketHash = do
, AP.ticketUpdated = Nothing
, AP.ticketContext = Just $ encodeRouteHome $ DeckR deckHash
-- , AP.ticketName = Just $ "#" <> T.pack (show num)
, AP.ticketSummary = TextHtml $ ticketTitle ticket
, AP.ticketContent = TextHtml $ ticketDescription ticket
, AP.ticketSource = TextPandocMarkdown $ ticketSource ticket
, AP.ticketSummary = encodeEntities $ ticketTitle ticket
, AP.ticketContent = ticketDescription ticket
, AP.ticketSource = ticketSource ticket
, AP.ticketAssignedTo = Nothing
, AP.ticketResolved =
let u (Left (actor, obiid)) =
@ -269,7 +270,7 @@ getTicketR deckHash ticketHash = do
<*> getTicketClasses ticketID --wid
hashMessageKey <- handlerToWidget getEncodeKeyHashid
let desc :: Widget
desc = toWidget $ preEscapedToMarkup $ ticketDescription ticket
desc = toWidget $ markupHTML $ ticketDescription ticket
discuss =
(return $ ticketDiscuss ticket)
@ -1085,9 +1086,9 @@ getSharerTicketR shr talkhid = do
ProjectR (sharerIdent s) (projectIdent j)
Right (i, ro) ->
ObjURI (instanceHost i) (remoteObjectIdent ro)
, AP.ticketSummary = TextHtml $ ticketTitle ticket
, AP.ticketContent = TextHtml $ ticketDescription ticket
, AP.ticketSource = TextPandocMarkdown $ ticketSource ticket
, AP.ticketSummary = encodeEntities $ ticketTitle ticket
, AP.ticketContent = ticketDescription ticket
, AP.ticketSource = ticketSource ticket
, AP.ticketAssignedTo =
encodeRouteHome . SharerR . sharerIdent <$> massignee
, AP.ticketResolved =

View file

@ -62,7 +62,9 @@ import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
import qualified HTMLEntities.Decoder as HED
import qualified Database.Persist.Schema as S
import qualified Database.Persist.Schema.Types as ST
@ -2690,6 +2692,14 @@ changes hLocal ctx =
, addFieldRefOptional "Repo" Nothing "loom" "Loom"
-- 494
, addEntities model_494_mr_origin
-- 495
, unchecked $ lift $ do
tickets <- selectList [] []
for_ tickets $ \ (Entity ticketID ticket) -> do
let plain =
TL.toStrict . TLB.toLazyText . HED.htmlEncodedText $
ticket495Title ticket
update ticketID [Ticket495Title =. plain]

View file

@ -296,6 +296,7 @@ import Database.Persist.Schema.SQL ()
import Database.Persist.Schema.TH (makeEntitiesMigration)
import Database.Persist.Sql (SqlBackend)
import Text.Email.Validate (EmailAddress)
import Web.Text (HTML, PandocMarkdown)
import Development.PatchMediaType
import Development.PatchMediaType.Persist
@ -665,3 +666,6 @@ makeEntitiesMigration "486"
model_494_mr_origin :: [Entity SqlBackend]
model_494_mr_origin = $(schema "494_2022-09-17_mr_origin")
makeEntitiesMigration "495"
$(modelFile "migrations/495_2022-09-21_ticket_title.model")

View file

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import Development.PatchMediaType
import Development.PatchMediaType.Persist
import Network.FedURI
import Web.ActivityPub (Doc, Activity)
import Web.Text (HTML, PandocMarkdown)
import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Model.Group

View file

@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ module Web.ActivityPub
-- * Content objects
, Note (..)
, TicketDependency (..)
, TextHtml (..)
, TextPandocMarkdown (..)
, PatchLocal (..)
, Patch (..)
, BundleLocal (..)
@ -100,6 +98,7 @@ module Web.ActivityPub
, fetchAP
, fetchAPID
, fetchAPID'
, fetchTip
, fetchRecipient
, fetchResource
, keyListedByActor
@ -161,6 +160,7 @@ import Development.PatchMediaType
import Development.PatchMediaType.JSON
import Network.FedURI
import Network.HTTP.Digest
import Web.Text
import Data.Aeson.Local
@ -902,16 +902,6 @@ instance ActivityPub TicketDependency where
, relationshipUpdated = ticketDepUpdated td
newtype TextHtml = TextHtml
{ unTextHtml :: Text
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON)
newtype TextPandocMarkdown = TextPandocMarkdown
{ unTextPandocMarkdown :: Text
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON)
data PatchLocal = PatchLocal
{ patchId :: LocalURI
, patchContext :: LocalURI
@ -1149,9 +1139,9 @@ data Ticket u = Ticket
, ticketUpdated :: Maybe UTCTime
, ticketContext :: Maybe (ObjURI u)
-- , ticketName :: Maybe Text
, ticketSummary :: TextHtml
, ticketContent :: TextHtml
, ticketSource :: TextPandocMarkdown
, ticketSummary :: Escaped
, ticketContent :: HTML
, ticketSource :: PandocMarkdown
, ticketAssignedTo :: Maybe (ObjURI u)
, ticketResolved :: Maybe (Maybe (ObjURI u), Maybe UTCTime)
, ticketAttachment :: Maybe (Authority u, MergeRequest u)
@ -1195,8 +1185,8 @@ instance ActivityPub Ticket where
<*> o .:? "updated"
<*> o .:? "context"
-- <*> o .:? "name"
<*> (TextHtml . sanitizeBalance <$> o .: "summary")
<*> (TextHtml . sanitizeBalance <$> o .: "content")
<*> o .: "summary"
<*> o .: "content"
<*> source .: "content"
<*> o .:? "assignedTo"
<*> pure mresolved
@ -1687,7 +1677,7 @@ data Activity u = Activity
{ activityId :: Maybe LocalURI
, activityActor :: LocalURI
, activityCapability :: Maybe (ObjURI u)
, activitySummary :: Maybe TextHtml
, activitySummary :: Maybe HTML
, activityAudience :: Audience u
, activityFulfills :: [ObjURI u]
, activitySpecific :: SpecificActivity u
@ -1702,7 +1692,7 @@ instance ActivityPub Activity where
<$> withAuthorityMaybeO a (o .:? "id")
<*> pure actor
<*> o .:? "capability"
<*> (fmap (TextHtml . sanitizeBalance) <$> o .:? "summary")
<*> o .:? "summary"
<*> parseAudience o
<*> o .:? "fulfills" .!= []
<*> do
@ -1961,6 +1951,18 @@ fetchAPID' m getId h lu = runExceptT $ do
then return v
else throwE Nothing
fetchTip :: (MonadIO m, UriMode u) => Manager -> Authority u -> LocalURI -> m (Either (Maybe APGetError) (Either (Repo u) (Branch u)))
fetchTip m h lu = runExceptT $ do
tip <- fmap toEither $ withExceptT Just $ fetchAP' m $ Left $ ObjURI h lu
(\ (Doc h' repo) ->
if h == h' && actorId (actorLocal $ repoActor repo) == lu
then return repo
else throwE Nothing
(\ (Doc _ branch) -> pure branch)
fetchRecipient :: (MonadIO m, UriMode u) => Manager -> Authority u -> LocalURI -> m (Either (Maybe APGetError) (Recipient u))
fetchRecipient m = fetchAPID' m getId

src/Web/Text.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2022 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
module Web.Text
( HTML ()
, PandocMarkdown ()
, Escaped ()
, renderHTML
, markupHTML
, encodeEntities
, decodeEntities
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sql
import HTMLEntities.Decoder
import Text.Blaze (preEscapedText)
import Text.Blaze.Html (Html)
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text
import Text.HTML.SanitizeXSS
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
import qualified HTMLEntities.Text as HET
newtype HTML = HTML { unHTML :: Text }
deriving (ToJSON, PersistField, PersistFieldSql)
instance FromJSON HTML where
parseJSON = fmap (HTML . sanitizeBalance) . parseJSON
newtype PandocMarkdown = PandocMarkdown { _unPandocMarkdown :: Text }
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON, PersistField, PersistFieldSql)
newtype Escaped = Escaped { unEscaped :: Text }
deriving (ToJSON, PersistField, PersistFieldSql)
escape :: Text -> Text
escape = HET.text
unescape :: Text -> Text
unescape = TL.toStrict . TLB.toLazyText . htmlEncodedText
instance FromJSON Escaped where
parseJSON =
withText "Escaped" $ \ t ->
let decoded = unescape t
in if escape decoded == t
then return $ Escaped t
else fail "HTML contains more than just HTML-escaped plain text"
renderHTML :: Html -> HTML
renderHTML = HTML . TL.toStrict . renderHtml
markupHTML :: HTML -> Html
markupHTML = preEscapedText . unHTML
encodeEntities :: Text -> Escaped
encodeEntities = Escaped . escape
decodeEntities :: Escaped -> Text
decodeEntities = unescape . unEscaped

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ $# You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
$# with this software. If not, see
$# <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
<h2>#{preEscapedToHtml $ ticketTitle ticket}
<h2>#{ticketTitle ticket}
Created on #{showDate $ ticketCreated ticket} by

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ $# You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
$# with this software. If not, see
$# <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
<h2>#{preEscapedToHtml $ ticketTitle ticket}
<h2>#{ticketTitle ticket}
Created on #{showDate $ ticketCreated ticket} by

View file

@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ TicketParamClass
number Int Maybe
created UTCTime
title Text -- HTML
source Text -- Pandoc Markdown
description Text -- HTML
title Text
source PandocMarkdown
description HTML
status TicketStatus
discuss DiscussionId
followers FollowerSetId

View file

@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ library
-- Web.Capability
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ library
@ -256,6 +258,7 @@ library
build-depends: aeson
-- For activity JSOn display in /inbox test page
@ -324,6 +327,7 @@ library
-- for source file highlighting
, highlighter2
, http-client-signature
, html-entities
, http-signature
, git
, hit-graph