{- This file is part of Vervis. - - Written in 2016, 2019 by fr33domlover . - - ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share. - - The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring - rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is - distributed without any warranty. - - You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along - with this software. If not, see - . -} module Vervis.Handler.Discussion ( getDiscussion , getDiscussionMessage , getTopReply , postTopReply , getReply , postReply ) where import Prelude import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Data.Maybe import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime) import Database.Persist import Database.Persist.Sql import Data.Traversable import Text.Blaze.Html (Html) import Data.Text (Text) import Yesod.Auth import Yesod.Core import Yesod.Core.Handler import Yesod.Form.Functions (runFormPost) import Yesod.Form.Types (FormResult (..)) import Yesod.Persist.Core (runDB, get404, getBy404) import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty.ToEncoding import Database.Persist.JSON import Network.FedURI import Web.ActivityPub import Yesod.Auth.Unverified import Yesod.FedURI import Yesod.Hashids import Database.Persist.Local import Yesod.Persist.Local import Vervis.Discussion import Vervis.Form.Discussion import Vervis.Federation import Vervis.Foundation import Vervis.Model import Vervis.Model.Ident import Vervis.Settings import Vervis.Widget.Discussion getDiscussion :: (MessageId -> Route App) -> Route App -> AppDB DiscussionId -> Handler Html getDiscussion reply topic getdid = defaultLayout $ discussionW getdid topic reply getNode :: AppDB DiscussionId -> MessageId -> AppDB MessageTreeNode getNode getdid mid = do did <- getdid m <- get404 mid unless (messageRoot m == did) notFound mlocal <- getBy $ UniqueLocalMessage mid mremote <- getBy $ UniqueRemoteMessage mid author <- case (mlocal, mremote) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> fail "Message with no author" (Just _, Just _) -> fail "Message used as both local and remote" (Just (Entity lmid lm), Nothing) -> do p <- getJust $ localMessageAuthor lm s <- getJust $ personIdent p return $ MessageTreeNodeLocal lmid s (Nothing, Just (Entity _rmid rm)) -> do rs <- getJust $ remoteMessageAuthor rm i <- getJust $ remoteActorInstance rs return $ MessageTreeNodeRemote (instanceHost i) (remoteMessageIdent rm) (remoteActorIdent rs) (remoteActorName rs) return $ MessageTreeNode mid m author {- getNodeL :: AppDB DiscussionId -> LocalMessageId -> AppDB MessageTreeNode getNodeL getdid lmid = do did <- getdid lm <- get404 lmid let mid = localMessageRest lm m <- getJust mid unless (messageRoot m == did) notFound p <- getJust $ localMessageAuthor lm s <- getJust $ personIdent p return $ MessageTreeNode mid m $ MessageTreeNodeLocal lmid s -} getDiscussionMessage :: ShrIdent -> LocalMessageId -> Handler TypedContent getDiscussionMessage shr lmid = do doc <- runDB $ do sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shr pid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniquePersonIdent sid lm <- get404 lmid unless (localMessageAuthor lm == pid) notFound m <- getJust $ localMessageRest lm route2fed <- getEncodeRouteHome uContext <- do let did = messageRoot m mt <- getValBy $ UniqueTicketDiscussion did mrd <- getValBy $ UniqueRemoteDiscussion did case (mt, mrd) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> fail $ "DiscussionId #" ++ show did ++ " has no context" (Just _, Just _) -> fail $ "DiscussionId #" ++ show did ++ " has both ticket and remote contexts" (Just t, Nothing) -> do j <- getJust $ ticketProject t s <- getJust $ projectSharer j let shr = sharerIdent s prj = projectIdent j return $ route2fed $ TicketR shr prj $ ticketNumber t (Nothing, Just rd) -> do i <- getJust $ remoteDiscussionInstance rd return $ l2f (instanceHost i) (remoteDiscussionIdent rd) muParent <- for (messageParent m) $ \ midParent -> do mlocal <- getBy $ UniqueLocalMessage midParent mremote <- getValBy $ UniqueRemoteMessage midParent case (mlocal, mremote) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> fail "Message with no author" (Just _, Just _) -> fail "Message used as both local and remote" (Just (Entity lmidParent lmParent), Nothing) -> do p <- getJust $ localMessageAuthor lmParent s <- getJust $ personIdent p lmhidParent <- encodeKeyHashid lmidParent return $ route2fed $ MessageR (sharerIdent s) lmhidParent (Nothing, Just rmParent) -> do rs <- getJust $ remoteMessageAuthor rmParent i <- getJust $ remoteActorInstance rs return $ l2f (instanceHost i) (remoteActorIdent rs) ob <- getJust $ localMessageCreate lm let activity = docValue $ persistJSONValue $ outboxItemActivity ob host <- getsYesod $ appInstanceHost . appSettings route2local <- getEncodeRouteLocal lmhid <- encodeKeyHashid lmid return $ Doc host Note { noteId = Just $ route2local $ MessageR shr lmhid , noteAttrib = route2local $ SharerR shr , noteAudience = case activitySpecific activity of CreateActivity (Create note) -> noteAudience note _ -> error $ "lmid#" ++ show (fromSqlKey lmid) ++ "'s create isn't a Create activity!" , noteReplyTo = Just $ fromMaybe uContext muParent , noteContext = Just uContext , notePublished = Just $ messageCreated m , noteContent = messageContent m } selectRep $ do provideAP $ pure doc provideRep $ defaultLayout [whamlet|
#{encodePrettyToLazyText doc}

getTopReply :: Route App -> Handler Html
getTopReply replyP = do
    ((_result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost newMessageForm
    defaultLayout $(widgetFile "discussion/top-reply")

    :: Text
    -> [Route App]
    -> [Route App]
    -> Route App
    -> Route App
    -> (LocalMessageId -> Route App)
    -> Handler Html
postTopReply hDest recipsA recipsC context replyP after = do
    ((result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost newMessageForm
    elmid <- runExceptT $ do
        msg <- case result of
            FormMissing -> throwE "Field(s) missing."
            FormFailure _l -> throwE "Message submission failed, see errors below."
            FormSuccess nm -> return $ nmContent nm
        encodeRouteFed <- getEncodeRouteHome
        encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
        let encodeRecipRoute = l2f hDest . encodeRouteLocal
        shrAuthor <- do
            Entity _ p <- requireVerifiedAuth
            lift $ runDB $ sharerIdent <$> get404 (personIdent p)
        let (hLocal, luAuthor) = f2l $ encodeRouteFed $ SharerR shrAuthor
            uContext = encodeRecipRoute context
            recips = recipsA ++ recipsC
            note = Note
                { noteId        = Nothing
                , noteAttrib    = luAuthor
                , noteAudience  = Audience
                    { audienceTo        = map encodeRecipRoute recips
                    , audienceBto       = []
                    , audienceCc        = []
                    , audienceBcc       = []
                    , audienceGeneral   = []
                    , audienceNonActors = map encodeRecipRoute recipsC
                , noteReplyTo   = Just uContext
                , noteContext   = Just uContext
                , notePublished = Nothing
                , noteContent   = msg
        ExceptT $ handleOutboxNote hLocal note
    case elmid of
        Left e -> do
            setMessage $ toHtml e
            defaultLayout $(widgetFile "discussion/top-reply")
        Right lmid -> do
            setMessage "Message submitted."
            redirect $ after lmid

    :: (MessageId -> Route App)
    -> (MessageId -> Route App)
    -> AppDB DiscussionId
    -> MessageId
    -> Handler Html
getReply replyG replyP getdid midParent = do
    mtn <- runDB $ getNode getdid midParent
    now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
    ((_result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost newMessageForm
    defaultLayout $(widgetFile "discussion/reply")

    :: Text
    -> [Route App]
    -> [Route App]
    -> Route App
    -> (MessageId -> Route App)
    -> (MessageId -> Route App)
    -> (LocalMessageId -> Route App)
    -> AppDB DiscussionId
    -> MessageId
    -> Handler Html
postReply hDest recipsA recipsC context replyG replyP after getdid midParent = do
    ((result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost newMessageForm
    elmid <- runExceptT $ do
        msg <- case result of
            FormMissing -> throwE "Field(s) missing."
            FormFailure _l -> throwE "Message submission failed, see errors below."
            FormSuccess nm -> return $ nmContent nm
        encodeRouteFed <- getEncodeRouteHome
        encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
        let encodeRecipRoute = l2f hDest . encodeRouteLocal
        (shrAuthor, uParent) <- do
            Entity _ p <- requireVerifiedAuth
            lift $ runDB $ do
                _m <- get404 midParent
                shr <- sharerIdent <$> get404 (personIdent p)
                mlocal <- getBy $ UniqueLocalMessage midParent
                mremote <- getValBy $ UniqueRemoteMessage midParent
                parent <- case (mlocal, mremote) of
                    (Nothing, Nothing) -> error "Message with no author"
                    (Just _, Just _) -> error "Message used as both local and remote"
                    (Just (Entity lmidParent lm), Nothing) -> do
                        p <- getJust $ localMessageAuthor lm
                        s <- getJust $ personIdent p
                        lmkhid <- encodeKeyHashid lmidParent
                        return $ encodeRouteFed $ MessageR (sharerIdent s) lmkhid
                    (Nothing, Just rm) -> do
                        i <- getJust $ remoteMessageInstance rm
                        return $ l2f (instanceHost i) (remoteMessageIdent rm)
                return (shr, parent)
        let (hLocal, luAuthor) = f2l $ encodeRouteFed $ SharerR shrAuthor
            uContext = encodeRecipRoute context
            recips = recipsA ++ recipsC
            note = Note
                { noteId        = Nothing
                , noteAttrib    = luAuthor
                , noteAudience  = Audience
                    { audienceTo        = map encodeRecipRoute recips
                    , audienceBto       = []
                    , audienceCc        = []
                    , audienceBcc       = []
                    , audienceGeneral   = []
                    , audienceNonActors = map encodeRecipRoute recipsC
                , noteReplyTo   = Just uParent
                , noteContext   = Just uContext
                , notePublished = Nothing
                , noteContent   = msg
        ExceptT $ handleOutboxNote hLocal note
    case elmid of
        Left e -> do
            setMessage $ toHtml e
            mtn <- runDB $ getNode getdid midParent
            now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
            defaultLayout $(widgetFile "discussion/reply")
        Right lmid -> do
            setMessage "Message submitted."
            redirect $ after lmid