$# This file is part of Vervis. $# $# Written in 2016, 2018, 2019 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>. $# $# ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share. $# $# The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring $# rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is $# distributed without any warranty. $# $# You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along $# with this software. If not, see $# <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>. <p> <a href=@{TicketEditR shar proj num}>Edit this ticket <p> ^{buttonW DELETE "Delete this ticket" (TicketR shar proj num)} <p> Depended by: <ul> $if null rdeps <li>(none) $else $forall Entity _ t <- rdeps <li> ^{ticketDepW shar proj t} <p> Depends on: <ul> $if null deps <li>(none) $else $forall Entity _ t <- deps <li> ^{ticketDepW shar proj t} <p> Created on #{showDate $ ticketCreated ticket} by ^{sharerLinkFedW author} $if ticketStatus ticket /= TSClosed <p> $maybe (assignee, me) <- massignee $if me Assigned to you. ^{buttonW POST "Unclaim this ticket" (TicketUnclaimR shar proj num)} $else Assigned to ^{sharerLinkW assignee}. ^{buttonW POST "Unassign this ticket" (TicketUnassignR shar proj num)} $nothing Not assigned. <a href=@{ClaimRequestNewR shar proj num}>Ask to have it assigned to you or ^{buttonW POST "Claim this ticket" (TicketClaimR shar proj num)} or <a href=@{TicketAssignR shar proj num}>Assign to someone else . <p> <a href=@{ClaimRequestsTicketR shar proj num}>Claim requests <p> <a href=@{TicketDepsR shar proj num}>Dependencies <p> <a href=@{TicketReverseDepsR shar proj num}>Dependants <p> Status: # $case ticketStatus ticket $of TSNew Open, new. ^{buttonW POST "Accept this ticket" (TicketAcceptR shar proj num)} ^{buttonW POST "Close this ticket" (TicketCloseR shar proj num)} $of TSTodo Open, to do. ^{buttonW POST "Close this ticket" (TicketCloseR shar proj num)} $of TSClosed Closed on #{showDate $ ticketClosed ticket} $maybe closer <- mcloser by ^{sharerLinkW closer}. ^{buttonW POST "Reopen this ticket" (TicketOpenR shar proj num)} <h2>#{ticketTitle ticket} ^{desc} <h3>Custom fields <ul> $forall TicketTextParam field mvalue <- tparams <li .#{relevant $ wfsFilter field}> <a href=@{WorkflowFieldR wshr wfl $ wfsIdent field}> #{wfsName field} : $maybe value <- mvalue #{ttpvVal value} $nothing $if wfsRequired field NO VALUE FOR REQUIRED FIELD $else (none) $forall TicketEnumParam field enum mvalue <- eparams <li .#{relevant $ wfsFilter field}> <a href=@{WorkflowFieldR wshr wfl $ wfsIdent field}> #{wfsName field} : $maybe value <- mvalue <a href=@{WorkflowEnumCtorsR wshr wfl $ wesIdent enum}> #{tepvName value} $nothing $if wfsRequired field NO VALUE FOR REQUIRED FIELD $else (none) <h3>Discussion ^{discuss}