Fork 0
mirror of https://code.sup39.dev/repos/Wqawg synced 2025-03-20 04:46:22 +09:00

2031 lines
93 KiB

{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2019, 2020 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
module Vervis.Federation.Ticket
( sharerOfferTicketF
, projectOfferTicketF
, repoOfferTicketF
, sharerCreateTicketF
, projectCreateTicketF
, repoCreateTicketF
, sharerOfferDepF
, projectOfferDepF
, repoOfferDepF
, sharerResolveF
, projectResolveF
, repoResolveF
import Control.Exception hiding (Handler)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Logger.CallStack
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Either
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Function
import Data.List (nub, union)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Traversable
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sql
import Text.Blaze.Html (preEscapedToHtml)
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text
import Yesod.Core hiding (logError, logWarn, logInfo, logDebug)
import Yesod.Core.Handler
import Yesod.Persist.Core
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.List.Ordered as LO
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Database.Persist.JSON
import Network.FedURI
import Web.ActivityPub hiding (Patch, Ticket (..))
import Yesod.ActivityPub
import Yesod.FedURI
import Yesod.Hashids
import Yesod.MonadSite
import qualified Web.ActivityPub as AP
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except.Local
import Data.Tuple.Local
import Database.Persist.Local
import Yesod.Persist.Local
import Vervis.ActivityPub
import Vervis.ActivityPub.Recipient
import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Federation.Auth
import Vervis.Federation.Util
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Model.Ident
import Vervis.Model.Repo
import Vervis.Model.Ticket
import Vervis.Patch
import Vervis.Ticket
import Vervis.WorkItem
:: RemoteAuthor
-> AP.Ticket URIMode
-> FedURI
-> ExceptT
( Either WorkItemTarget (Host, LocalURI, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, PatchType, Text))
, TextHtml
, TextHtml
, TextPandocMarkdown
checkOfferTicket author ticket uTarget = do
target <- parseTarget uTarget
(muContext, summary, content, source, mmr) <- checkTicket ticket
for_ muContext $
\ u -> unless (u == uTarget) $ throwE "Offer target != Ticket context"
target' <- matchTargetAndMR target mmr
return (target', summary, content, source)
parseTarget u@(ObjURI h lu) = do
hl <- hostIsLocal h
if hl
then Left <$> do
route <-
(decodeRouteLocal lu)
"Offer target is local but isn't a valid route"
case route of
ProjectR shr prj -> return $ Left (shr, prj)
RepoR shr rp -> return $ Right (shr, rp)
_ ->
"Offer target is a valid local route, but isn't a \
\project or repo route"
else return $ Right u
checkTicket (AP.Ticket mlocal attrib mpublished mupdated muContext summary
content source muAssigned mresolved mmr) = do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Ticket with 'id'"
unless (attrib == objUriLocal (remoteAuthorURI author)) $
throwE "Author created ticket attibuted to someone else"
verifyNothingE mpublished "Ticket has 'published'"
verifyNothingE mupdated "Ticket has 'updated'"
verifyNothingE muAssigned "Ticket has 'assignedTo'"
when (isJust mresolved) $ throwE "Ticket is resolved"
mmr' <- traverse (uncurry checkMR) mmr
return (muContext, summary, content, source, mmr')
checkMR h (MergeRequest muOrigin luTarget epatch) = do
verifyNothingE muOrigin "MR with 'origin'"
branch <- checkBranch h luTarget
(typ, content) <-
case epatch of
Left _ -> throwE "MR patch specified as a URI"
Right (hPatch, patch) -> checkPatch hPatch patch
return (branch, typ, content)
checkBranch h lu = do
hl <- hostIsLocal h
if hl
then Left <$> do
route <-
(decodeRouteLocal lu)
"MR target is local but isn't a valid route"
case route of
RepoR shr rp -> return (shr, rp, Nothing)
RepoBranchR shr rp b -> return (shr, rp, Just b)
_ ->
"MR target is a valid local route, but isn't a \
\repo or branch route"
else return $ Right $ ObjURI h lu
checkPatch h (AP.Patch mlocal attrib mpub typ content) = do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Patch with 'id'"
unless (ObjURI h attrib == remoteAuthorURI author) $
throwE "Ticket and Patch attrib mismatch"
verifyNothingE mpub "Patch has 'published'"
return (typ, content)
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Left (shr, prj))) Nothing = return $ Left $ WTTProject shr prj
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Left (shr, prj))) (Just _) = throwE "Patch offered to project"
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Right (shr, rp))) Nothing = throwE "Issue offered to repo"
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Right (shr, rp))) (Just (branch, typ, content)) = do
branch' <-
case branch of
Left (shr', rp', mb) | shr == shr' && rp == rp' -> return mb
_ -> throwE "MR target repo/branch and Offer target repo mismatch"
let vcs = typ2vcs typ
case vcs of
VCSDarcs ->
unless (isNothing branch') $
throwE "Darcs MR specifies a branch"
VCSGit ->
unless (isJust branch') $
throwE "Git MR doesn't specify the branch"
return $ Left $ WTTRepo shr rp branch' vcs content
typ2vcs PatchTypeDarcs = VCSDarcs
matchTargetAndMR (Right (ObjURI h lu)) Nothing = return $ Right (h, lu, Nothing)
matchTargetAndMR (Right (ObjURI h lu)) (Just (branch, typ, content)) = do
luBranch <-
case branch of
Right (ObjURI h' lu') | h == h' -> return lu
_ -> throwE "MR target repo/branch and Offer target repo mismatch"
let patch =
( if lu == luBranch then Nothing else Just luBranch
, typ
, content
return $ Right (h, lu, Just patch)
:: UTCTime
-> ShrIdent
-> RemoteAuthor
-> ActivityBody
-> Maybe (LocalRecipientSet, ByteString)
-> LocalURI
-> AP.Ticket URIMode
-> FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler Text
sharerOfferTicketF now shrRecip author body mfwd luOffer ticket uTarget = do
(target, _, _, _) <- checkOfferTicket author ticket uTarget
mractid <- runDBExcept $ do
ibidRecip <- lift $ do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
personInbox <$> getValBy404 (UniquePersonIdent sid)
case target of
Left (WTTProject shr prj) -> do
mjid <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueProject prj sid
void $ fromMaybeE mjid "Offer target: No such local project"
Left (WTTRepo shr rp _ _ _) -> do
mrid <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueRepo rp sid
void $ fromMaybeE mrid "Offer target: No such local repo"
Right _ -> return ()
lift $ insertToInbox now author body ibidRecip luOffer True
return $
case mractid of
Nothing -> "Activity already exists in my inbox"
Just _ -> "Activity inserted to my inbox"
insertLocalTicket now author txl summary content source ractidOffer obiidAccept = do
did <- insert Discussion
fsid <- insert FollowerSet
tid <- insert Ticket
{ ticketNumber = Nothing
, ticketCreated = now
, ticketTitle = unTextHtml summary
, ticketSource = unTextPandocMarkdown source
, ticketDescription = unTextHtml content
, ticketAssignee = Nothing
, ticketStatus = TSNew
ltid <- insert LocalTicket
{ localTicketTicket = tid
, localTicketDiscuss = did
, localTicketFollowers = fsid
tclid <- insert TicketContextLocal
{ ticketContextLocalTicket = tid
, ticketContextLocalAccept = obiidAccept
insert_ $ txl tclid
insert_ TicketAuthorRemote
{ ticketAuthorRemoteTicket = tclid
, ticketAuthorRemoteAuthor = remoteAuthorId author
, ticketAuthorRemoteOpen = ractidOffer
return (tid, ltid)
:: UTCTime
-> ShrIdent
-> PrjIdent
-> RemoteAuthor
-> ActivityBody
-> Maybe (LocalRecipientSet, ByteString)
-> LocalURI
-> AP.Ticket URIMode
-> FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler Text
projectOfferTicketF now shrRecip prjRecip author body mfwd luOffer ticket uTarget = do
(target, summary, content, source) <- checkOfferTicket author ticket uTarget
mmhttp <- for (targetRelevance target) $ \ () -> lift $ runDB $ do
Entity jid j <- do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
getBy404 $ UniqueProject prjRecip sid
mractid <- insertToInbox now author body (projectInbox j) luOffer False
for mractid $ \ ractid -> do
mremotesHttpFwd <- for mfwd $ \ (localRecips, sig) -> do
let sieve =
[ LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shrRecip prjRecip
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectFollowers shrRecip prjRecip
remoteRecips <-
False ractid $
sieve False False localRecips
(sig,) <$> deliverRemoteDB_J (actbBL body) ractid jid sig remoteRecips
(obiidAccept, docAccept, fwdHostsAccept, recipsAccept) <- do
obiidAccept <- insertEmptyOutboxItem (projectOutbox j) now
(_, ltid) <- insertLocalTicket now author (flip TicketProjectLocal jid) summary content source ractid obiidAccept
(docAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept) <-
insertAccept shrRecip prjRecip author luOffer ltid obiidAccept
knownRemoteRecipsAccept <-
(LocalActorProject shrRecip prjRecip)
(projectInbox j)
(obiidAccept,docAccept,fwdHostsAccept,) <$>
deliverRemoteDB'' fwdHostsAccept obiidAccept remoteRecipsAccept knownRemoteRecipsAccept
return (mremotesHttpFwd, obiidAccept, docAccept, fwdHostsAccept, recipsAccept)
case mmhttp of
Nothing -> return "Offer target isn't me, not using"
Just mhttp ->
case mhttp of
Nothing -> return "Activity already in my inbox, doing nothing"
Just (mremotesHttpFwd, obiid, doc, fwdHosts, remotes) -> do
for_ mremotesHttpFwd $ \ (sig, remotes) ->
forkWorker "projectOfferTicketF inbox-forwarding" $
deliverRemoteHTTP_J now shrRecip prjRecip (actbBL body) sig remotes
forkWorker "projectOfferTicketF Accept HTTP delivery" $
deliverRemoteHttp' fwdHosts obiid doc remotes
return $
case mremotesHttpFwd of
Nothing -> "Accepted new ticket, no inbox-forwarding to do"
Just _ -> "Accepted new ticket and ran inbox-forwarding of the Offer"
targetRelevance (Left (WTTProject shr prj))
| shr == shrRecip && prj == prjRecip = Just ()
targetRelevance _ = Nothing
insertAccept shr prj author luOffer ltid obiidAccept = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obikhidAccept <- encodeKeyHashid obiidAccept
ltkhid <- encodeKeyHashid ltid
ra <- getJust $ remoteAuthorId author
let ObjURI hAuthor luAuthor = remoteAuthorURI author
audAuthor =
AudRemote hAuthor [luAuthor] (maybeToList $ remoteActorFollowers ra)
audProject =
AudLocal []
[ LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shr prj
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectFollowers shr prj
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience [audAuthor, audProject]
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $
ProjectOutboxItemR shr prj obikhidAccept
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectR shr prj
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject = ObjURI hAuthor luOffer
, acceptResult =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectTicketR shr prj ltkhid
update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (doc, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
:: UTCTime
-> ShrIdent
-> RpIdent
-> RemoteAuthor
-> ActivityBody
-> Maybe (LocalRecipientSet, ByteString)
-> LocalURI
-> AP.Ticket URIMode
-> FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler Text
repoOfferTicketF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luOffer ticket uTarget = do
(target, summary, content, source) <- checkOfferTicket author ticket uTarget
mmhttp <- for (targetRelevance target) $ \ (mb, vcs, diff) -> runDBExcept $ do
Entity rid r <- lift $ do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
getBy404 $ UniqueRepo rpRecip sid
unless (repoVcs r == vcs) $ throwE "Patch type and repo VCS mismatch"
mractid <- lift $ insertToInbox now author body (repoInbox r) luOffer False
lift $ for mractid $ \ ractid -> do
mremotesHttpFwd <- for mfwd $ \ (localRecips, sig) -> do
let sieve =
[ LocalPersonCollectionRepoTeam shrRecip rpRecip
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoFollowers shrRecip rpRecip
remoteRecips <-
False ractid $
sieve False False localRecips
(sig,) <$> deliverRemoteDB_R (actbBL body) ractid rid sig remoteRecips
(obiidAccept, docAccept, fwdHostsAccept, recipsAccept) <- do
obiidAccept <- insertEmptyOutboxItem (repoOutbox r) now
let makeTRL tclid = TicketRepoLocal tclid rid mb
(tid, ltid) <- insertLocalTicket now author makeTRL summary content source ractid obiidAccept
insert_ $ Patch tid now diff
(docAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept) <-
insertAccept shrRecip rpRecip author luOffer ltid obiidAccept
knownRemoteRecipsAccept <-
(LocalActorRepo shrRecip rpRecip)
(repoInbox r)
(obiidAccept,docAccept,fwdHostsAccept,) <$>
deliverRemoteDB'' fwdHostsAccept obiidAccept remoteRecipsAccept knownRemoteRecipsAccept
return (mremotesHttpFwd, obiidAccept, docAccept, fwdHostsAccept, recipsAccept)
case mmhttp of
Nothing -> return "Offer target isn't me, not using"
Just mhttp ->
case mhttp of
Nothing -> return "Activity already in my inbox, doing nothing"
Just (mremotesHttpFwd, obiid, doc, fwdHosts, remotes) -> do
for_ mremotesHttpFwd $ \ (sig, remotes) ->
forkWorker "repoOfferTicketF inbox-forwarding" $
deliverRemoteHTTP_R now shrRecip rpRecip (actbBL body) sig remotes
forkWorker "repoOfferTicketF Accept HTTP delivery" $
deliverRemoteHttp' fwdHosts obiid doc remotes
return $
case mremotesHttpFwd of
Nothing -> "Accepted new patch, no inbox-forwarding to do"
Just _ -> "Accepted new patch and ran inbox-forwarding of the Offer"
targetRelevance (Left (WTTRepo shr rp mb vcs diff))
| shr == shrRecip && rp == rpRecip = Just (mb, vcs, diff)
targetRelevance _ = Nothing
insertAccept shr rp author luOffer ltid obiidAccept = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obikhidAccept <- encodeKeyHashid obiidAccept
ltkhid <- encodeKeyHashid ltid
ra <- getJust $ remoteAuthorId author
let ObjURI hAuthor luAuthor = remoteAuthorURI author
audAuthor =
AudRemote hAuthor [luAuthor] (maybeToList $ remoteActorFollowers ra)
audProject =
AudLocal []
[ LocalPersonCollectionRepoTeam shr rp
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoFollowers shr rp
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience [audAuthor, audProject]
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $
RepoOutboxItemR shr rp obikhidAccept
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ RepoR shr rp
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject = ObjURI hAuthor luOffer
, acceptResult =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ RepoPatchR shr rp ltkhid
update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (doc, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
data RemotePatch = RemotePatch
{ rpBranch :: Maybe LocalURI
, rpType :: PatchType
, rpContent :: Text
data RemoteWorkItem = RemoteWorkItem
{ rwiHost :: Host
, rwiTarget :: Maybe LocalURI
, rwiContext :: LocalURI
, rwiPatch :: Maybe RemotePatch
data RemoteWorkItem' = RemoteWorkItem'
{ rwiHost' :: Host
, rwiContext' :: LocalURI
, rwiPatch' :: Maybe RemotePatch
data ParsedCreateTicket = ParsedCreateTicket
{ pctItem :: Either (Bool, WorkItemTarget) RemoteWorkItem
, pctLocal :: TicketLocal
, pctPublished :: UTCTime
, pctTitle :: TextHtml
, pctDesc :: TextHtml
, pctSource :: TextPandocMarkdown
:: RemoteAuthor
-> AP.Ticket URIMode
-> Maybe FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler ParsedCreateTicket
checkCreateTicket author ticket muTarget = do
mtarget <- traverse (checkTracker "Create target") muTarget
(context, tlocal, published, summary, content, source) <-
checkTicket ticket
item <- checkTargetAndContext mtarget context
return $ ParsedCreateTicket item tlocal published summary content source
:: Text
-> FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler
(Either (ShrIdent, PrjIdent) (ShrIdent, RpIdent))
checkTracker name u@(ObjURI h lu) = do
hl <- hostIsLocal h
if hl
then Left <$> do
route <-
(decodeRouteLocal lu)
(name <> " is local but isn't a valid route")
case route of
ProjectR shr prj -> return $ Left (shr, prj)
RepoR shr rp -> return $ Right (shr, rp)
_ ->
throwE $
name <>
" is a valid local route, but isn't a \
\project/repo route"
else return $ Right u
:: AP.Ticket URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler
( Either WorkItemTarget (Host, LocalURI, Maybe RemotePatch)
, TicketLocal
, UTCTime
, TextHtml
, TextHtml
, TextPandocMarkdown
checkTicket (AP.Ticket mlocal attrib mpublished mupdated muContext summary
content source muAssigned mresolved mmr) = do
(hTicket, tlocal) <- fromMaybeE mlocal "Ticket without 'id'"
hl <- hostIsLocal hTicket
when hl $ throwE "Remote author claims to create local ticket"
unless (hTicket == objUriAuthority (remoteAuthorURI author)) $
throwE "Author created ticket hosted elsewhere"
unless (attrib == objUriLocal (remoteAuthorURI author)) $
throwE "Author created ticket attibuted to someone else"
uContext <- fromMaybeE muContext "Ticket without 'context'"
context <- checkTracker "Ticket context" uContext
pub <- fromMaybeE mpublished "Ticket without 'published'"
verifyNothingE mupdated "Ticket has 'updated'"
verifyNothingE muAssigned "Ticket has 'assignedTo'"
when (isJust mresolved) $ throwE "Ticket is resolved"
mmr' <- traverse (uncurry checkMR) mmr
context' <- matchTicketAndMR (AP.ticketId tlocal) pub context mmr'
return (context', tlocal, pub, summary, content, source)
:: Host
-> MergeRequest URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler
( Either (ShrIdent, RpIdent, Maybe Text) FedURI
, Maybe (LocalURI, LocalURI)
, Maybe UTCTime
, PatchType
, Text
checkMR h (MergeRequest muOrigin luTarget epatch) = do
verifyNothingE muOrigin "MR with 'origin'"
branch <- checkBranch h luTarget
(mlocal, mpub, typ, content) <-
case epatch of
Left _ -> throwE "MR patch specified as a URI"
Right (hPatch, patch) -> checkPatch hPatch patch
return (branch, mlocal, mpub, typ, content)
:: Host
-> LocalURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler
(Either (ShrIdent, RpIdent, Maybe Text) FedURI)
checkBranch h lu = do
hl <- hostIsLocal h
if hl
then Left <$> do
route <-
(decodeRouteLocal lu)
"MR target is local but isn't a valid route"
case route of
RepoR shr rp -> return (shr, rp, Nothing)
RepoBranchR shr rp b -> return (shr, rp, Just b)
_ ->
"MR target is a valid local route, but isn't a \
\repo or branch route"
else return $ Right $ ObjURI h lu
:: Host
-> AP.Patch URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler
( Maybe (LocalURI, LocalURI)
, Maybe UTCTime
, PatchType
, Text
checkPatch h (AP.Patch mlocal attrib mpub typ content) = do
mlocal' <-
for mlocal $
\ (h', PatchLocal luId luContext versions mcurr) -> do
unless (h == h') $
throwE "Patch & its author on different hosts"
unless (null versions) $
throwE "Patch has versions"
unless (isNothing mcurr) $
throwE "Patch has 'currentVersion'"
return (luId, luContext)
unless (ObjURI h attrib == remoteAuthorURI author) $
throwE "Ticket & Patch attrib mismatch"
return (mlocal', mpub, typ, content)
:: LocalURI
-> UTCTime
-> Either
(Either (ShrIdent, PrjIdent) (ShrIdent, RpIdent))
-> Maybe
( Either (ShrIdent, RpIdent, Maybe Text) FedURI
, Maybe (LocalURI, LocalURI)
, Maybe UTCTime
, PatchType
, Text
-> ExceptT Text Handler (Either WorkItemTarget (Host, LocalURI, Maybe RemotePatch))
matchTicketAndMR _ _ (Left (Left (shr, prj))) Nothing = return $ Left $ WTTProject shr prj
matchTicketAndMR _ _ (Left (Left (shr, prj))) (Just _) = throwE "Patch offered to project"
matchTicketAndMR _ _ (Left (Right (shr, rp))) Nothing = throwE "Issue offered to repo"
matchTicketAndMR luTicket pub (Left (Right (shr, rp))) (Just (branch, mlocal, mpub, typ, content)) = do
branch' <-
case branch of
Left (shr', rp', mb) | shr == shr' && rp == rp' -> return mb
_ -> throwE "MR target repo/branch and Offer target repo mismatch"
_mluPatch <- for mlocal $ \ (luPatch, luPatchContext) -> do
unless (luPatchContext == luTicket) $
throwE "Patch 'context' != Ticket 'id'"
return luPatch
for_ mpub $ \ pub' ->
unless (pub == pub') $
throwE "Ticket & Patch 'published' differ"
let vcs = typ2vcs typ
case vcs of
VCSDarcs ->
unless (isNothing branch') $
throwE "Darcs MR specifies a branch"
VCSGit ->
unless (isJust branch') $
throwE "Git MR doesn't specify the branch"
return $ Left $ WTTRepo shr rp branch' vcs content
typ2vcs PatchTypeDarcs = VCSDarcs
matchTicketAndMR _ _ (Right (ObjURI h lu)) Nothing = return $ Right (h, lu, Nothing)
matchTicketAndMR luTicket pub (Right (ObjURI h lu)) (Just (branch, mlocal, mpub, typ, content)) = do
luBranch <-
case branch of
Right (ObjURI h' lu') | h == h' -> return lu
_ -> throwE "MR target repo/branch and Offer target repo mismatch"
_mluPatch <- for mlocal $ \ (luPatch, luPatchContext) -> do
unless (luPatchContext == luTicket) $
throwE "Patch 'context' != Ticket 'id'"
return luPatch
for_ mpub $ \ pub' ->
unless (pub == pub') $
throwE "Ticket & Patch 'published' differ"
let patch =
(if lu == luBranch then Nothing else Just luBranch)
return $ Right (h, lu, Just patch)
:: Maybe
( Either
(Either (ShrIdent, PrjIdent) (ShrIdent, RpIdent))
-> Either WorkItemTarget (Host, LocalURI, Maybe RemotePatch)
-> ExceptT Text Handler (Either (Bool, WorkItemTarget) RemoteWorkItem)
checkTargetAndContext Nothing context =
return $
case context of
Left wit -> Left (False, wit)
Right (h, luCtx, mpatch) -> Right $ RemoteWorkItem h Nothing luCtx mpatch
checkTargetAndContext (Just target) context =
case (target, context) of
(Left _, Right _) ->
throwE "Create target is local but ticket context is remote"
(Right _, Left _) ->
throwE "Create target is remote but ticket context is local"
(Right (ObjURI hTarget luTarget), Right (hContext, luContext, mpatch)) ->
if hTarget == hContext
then return $ Right $ RemoteWorkItem hTarget (Just luTarget) luContext mpatch
else throwE "Create target and ticket context on \
\different remote hosts"
(Left proj, Left wit) ->
case (proj, wit) of
(Left (shr, prj), WTTProject shr' prj')
| shr == shr' && prj == prj' ->
return $ Left (True, wit)
(Right (shr, rp), WTTRepo shr' rp' _ _ _)
| shr == shr' && rp == rp' ->
return $ Left (True, wit)
_ -> throwE
"Create target and ticket context are \
\different local projects"
:: UTCTime
-> ShrIdent
-> RemoteAuthor
-> ActivityBody
-> Maybe (LocalRecipientSet, ByteString)
-> LocalURI
-> AP.Ticket URIMode
-> Maybe FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler Text
sharerCreateTicketF now shrRecip author body mfwd luCreate ticket muTarget = do
targetAndContext <- pctItem <$> checkCreateTicket author ticket muTarget
mractid <- runDBExcept $ do
ibidRecip <- lift $ do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
personInbox <$> getValBy404 (UniquePersonIdent sid)
checkTargetAndContextDB targetAndContext
lift $ insertToInbox now author body ibidRecip luCreate True
return $
case mractid of
Nothing -> "Activity already exists in my inbox"
Just _ -> "Activity inserted to my inbox"
checkTargetAndContextDB (Left (_, WTTProject shr prj)) = do
mj <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueProject prj sid
unless (isJust mj) $ throwE "Local context: No such project"
checkTargetAndContextDB (Left (_, WTTRepo shr rp _ _ _)) = do
mr <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueRepo rp sid
unless (isJust mr) $ throwE "Local context: No such repo"
checkTargetAndContextDB (Right _) = return ()
:: (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend txl SqlBackend)
=> (TicketContextLocalId -> txl)
-> RemoteAuthor
-> LocalURI
-> UTCTime
-> TextHtml
-> TextHtml
-> TextPandocMarkdown
-> RemoteActivityId
-> OutboxItemId
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m (Either Bool TicketId)
insertRemoteTicket mktxl author luTicket published summary content source ractidCreate obiidAccept = do
tid <- insert Ticket
{ ticketNumber = Nothing
, ticketCreated = published
, ticketTitle = unTextHtml summary
, ticketSource = unTextPandocMarkdown source
, ticketDescription = unTextHtml content
, ticketAssignee = Nothing
, ticketStatus = TSNew
tclid <- insert TicketContextLocal
{ ticketContextLocalTicket = tid
, ticketContextLocalAccept = obiidAccept
txlid <- insert $ mktxl tclid
mtarid <- insertUnique TicketAuthorRemote
{ ticketAuthorRemoteTicket = tclid
, ticketAuthorRemoteAuthor = remoteAuthorId author
, ticketAuthorRemoteOpen = ractidCreate
case mtarid of
Nothing -> do
delete txlid
delete tclid
delete tid
return $ Left False
Just tarid -> do
roid <- either entityKey id <$> insertBy' RemoteObject
{ remoteObjectInstance = remoteAuthorInstance author
, remoteObjectIdent = luTicket
did <- insert Discussion
(rdid, rdnew) <- idAndNew <$> insertBy' RemoteDiscussion
{ remoteDiscussionIdent = roid
, remoteDiscussionDiscuss = did
unless rdnew $ delete did
mrtid <- insertUnique RemoteTicket
{ remoteTicketTicket = tarid
, remoteTicketIdent = roid
, remoteTicketDiscuss = rdid
case mrtid of
Nothing -> do
delete tarid
delete txlid
delete tclid
delete tid
return $ Left True
Just _rtid -> return $ Right tid
insertAcceptOnCreate collections outboxItemRoute actorRoute author luCreate tlocal obiidAccept = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obikhidAccept <- encodeKeyHashid obiidAccept
ra <- getJust $ remoteAuthorId author
let ObjURI hAuthor luAuthor = remoteAuthorURI author
audAuthorAndTicket =
AudRemote hAuthor [luAuthor] $ catMaybes
[ remoteActorFollowers ra
, Just $ AP.ticketParticipants tlocal
audProject = AudLocal [] collections
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience [audAuthorAndTicket, audProject]
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ outboxItemRoute obikhidAccept
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal actorRoute
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject = ObjURI hAuthor luCreate
, acceptResult = Nothing
update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (doc, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
insertAcceptOnCreate_J shr prj =
[ LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shr prj
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectFollowers shr prj
(ProjectOutboxItemR shr prj)
(ProjectR shr prj)
insertAcceptOnCreate_R shr rp =
[ LocalPersonCollectionRepoTeam shr rp
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoFollowers shr rp
(RepoOutboxItemR shr rp)
(RepoR shr rp)
:: UTCTime
-> ShrIdent
-> PrjIdent
-> RemoteAuthor
-> ActivityBody
-> Maybe (LocalRecipientSet, ByteString)
-> LocalURI
-> AP.Ticket URIMode
-> Maybe FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler Text
projectCreateTicketF now shrRecip prjRecip author body mfwd luCreate ticket muTarget = do
ParsedCreateTicket targetAndContext tlocal published title desc src <-
checkCreateTicket author ticket muTarget
mmhttp <- for (targetRelevance targetAndContext) $ \ () -> lift $ runDB $ do
Entity jid j <- do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
getBy404 $ UniqueProject prjRecip sid
mractid <- insertToInbox now author body (projectInbox j) luCreate False
for mractid $ \ ractid -> do
obiidAccept <- insertEmptyOutboxItem (projectOutbox j) now
let makeTPL tclid = TicketProjectLocal tclid jid
result <- insertRemoteTicket makeTPL author (AP.ticketId tlocal) published title desc src ractid obiidAccept
unless (isRight result) $ delete obiidAccept
for result $ \ _tid -> do
mremotesHttpFwd <- for mfwd $ \ (localRecips, sig) -> do
let sieve =
[ LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shrRecip prjRecip
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectFollowers shrRecip prjRecip
remoteRecips <-
False ractid $
sieve False False localRecips
(sig,) <$> deliverRemoteDB_J (actbBL body) ractid jid sig remoteRecips
(docAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept) <-
insertAcceptOnCreate_J shrRecip prjRecip author luCreate tlocal obiidAccept
knownRemoteRecipsAccept <-
(LocalActorProject shrRecip prjRecip)
(projectInbox j)
(mremotesHttpFwd,obiidAccept,docAccept,fwdHostsAccept,) <$>
deliverRemoteDB'' fwdHostsAccept obiidAccept remoteRecipsAccept knownRemoteRecipsAccept
case mmhttp of
Nothing -> return "Create/Ticket against different project, not using"
Just mhttp ->
case mhttp of
Nothing -> return "Activity already in my inbox, doing nothing"
Just e ->
case e of
Left False -> return "Already have a ticket opened by this activity, ignoring"
Left True -> return "Already have this ticket, ignoring"
Right (mremotesHttpFwd, obiid, doc, fwdHosts, remotes) -> do
for_ mremotesHttpFwd $ \ (sig, remotes) ->
forkWorker "projectCreateTicketF inbox-forwarding" $
deliverRemoteHTTP_J now shrRecip prjRecip (actbBL body) sig remotes
forkWorker "projectCreateTicketF Accept HTTP delivery" $
deliverRemoteHttp' fwdHosts obiid doc remotes
return $
case mremotesHttpFwd of
Nothing -> "Accepted and listed ticket, no inbox-forwarding to do"
Just _ -> "Accepted and listed ticket and ran inbox-forwarding of the Create"
targetRelevance (Left (_, WTTProject shr prj))
| shr == shrRecip && prj == prjRecip = Just ()
targetRelevance _ = Nothing
:: UTCTime
-> ShrIdent
-> RpIdent
-> RemoteAuthor
-> ActivityBody
-> Maybe (LocalRecipientSet, ByteString)
-> LocalURI
-> AP.Ticket URIMode
-> Maybe FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler Text
repoCreateTicketF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luCreate ticket muTarget = do
ParsedCreateTicket targetAndContext tlocal published title desc src <-
checkCreateTicket author ticket muTarget
mmhttp <- for (targetRelevance targetAndContext) $ \ (mb, vcs, diff) -> runDBExcept $ do
Entity rid r <- lift $ do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
getBy404 $ UniqueRepo rpRecip sid
unless (repoVcs r == vcs) $ throwE "Patch type and repo VCS mismatch"
mractid <- lift $ insertToInbox now author body (repoInbox r) luCreate False
lift $ for mractid $ \ ractid -> do
obiidAccept <- insertEmptyOutboxItem (repoOutbox r) now
let mkTRL tclid = TicketRepoLocal tclid rid mb
result <- insertRemoteTicket mkTRL author (AP.ticketId tlocal) published title desc src ractid obiidAccept
unless (isRight result) $ delete obiidAccept
for result $ \ tid -> do
insert_ $ Patch tid published diff
mremotesHttpFwd <- for mfwd $ \ (localRecips, sig) -> do
let sieve =
[ LocalPersonCollectionRepoTeam shrRecip rpRecip
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoFollowers shrRecip rpRecip
remoteRecips <-
False ractid $
sieve False False localRecips
(sig,) <$> deliverRemoteDB_R (actbBL body) ractid rid sig remoteRecips
(docAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept) <-
insertAcceptOnCreate_R shrRecip rpRecip author luCreate tlocal obiidAccept
knownRemoteRecipsAccept <-
(LocalActorRepo shrRecip rpRecip)
(repoInbox r)
(mremotesHttpFwd,obiidAccept,docAccept,fwdHostsAccept,) <$>
deliverRemoteDB'' fwdHostsAccept obiidAccept remoteRecipsAccept knownRemoteRecipsAccept
case mmhttp of
Nothing -> return "Create/MR against different repo, not using"
Just mhttp ->
case mhttp of
Nothing -> return "Activity already in my inbox, doing nothing"
Just e ->
case e of
Left False -> return "Already have a MR opened by this activity, ignoring"
Left True -> return "Already have this MR, ignoring"
Right (mremotesHttpFwd, obiid, doc, fwdHosts, remotes) -> do
for_ mremotesHttpFwd $ \ (sig, remotes) ->
forkWorker "repoCreateTicketF inbox-forwarding" $
deliverRemoteHTTP_R now shrRecip rpRecip (actbBL body) sig remotes
forkWorker "repoCreateTicketF Accept HTTP delivery" $
deliverRemoteHttp' fwdHosts obiid doc remotes
return $
case mremotesHttpFwd of
Nothing -> "Accepted and listed MR, no inbox-forwarding to do"
Just _ -> "Accepted and listed MR and ran inbox-forwarding of the Create"
targetRelevance (Left (_, WTTRepo shr rp mb vcs diff))
| shr == shrRecip && rp == rpRecip = Just (mb, vcs, diff)
targetRelevance _ = Nothing
:: UTCTime
-> ShrIdent
-> RemoteAuthor
-> ActivityBody
-> Maybe (LocalRecipientSet, ByteString)
-> LocalURI
-> AP.TicketDependency URIMode
-> FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler (Text, Maybe (ExceptT Text Worker Text))
sharerOfferDepF now shrRecip author body mfwd luOffer dep uTarget = do
(parent, child) <- checkDepAndTarget dep uTarget
personRecip <- lift $ runDB $ do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
getValBy404 $ UniquePersonIdent sid
return $ (,) "Ran initial checks, doing the rest asynchronously" $ Just $ do
manager <- asksSite appHttpManager
relevantParent <-
for (ticketRelevance shrRecip parent) $ \ (talid, patch) -> do
(parentLtid, parentCtx) <- runSiteDBExcept $ do
let getTcr tcr = do
let getRoid roid = do
ro <- getJust roid
i <- getJust $ remoteObjectInstance ro
return $ mkuri (i, ro)
roidT <- remoteActorIdent <$> getJust (ticketProjectRemoteTracker tcr)
let mroidJ = ticketProjectRemoteProject tcr
(,) <$> getRoid roidT <*> traverse getRoid mroidJ
if patch
then do
(_, Entity ltid _, _, context, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerPatch shrRecip talid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Parent" <> ": No such sharer-patch"
context' <-
lift $
(\ (_, Entity _ trl) -> do
r <- getJust $ ticketRepoLocalRepo trl
s <- getJust $ repoSharer r
return $ Right (sharerIdent s, repoIdent r)
(\ (Entity _ tcr, _) -> getTcr tcr)
return (ltid, context')
else do
(_, Entity ltid _, _, context) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerTicket shrRecip talid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Parent" <> ": No such sharer-ticket"
context' <-
lift $
(\ (_, Entity _ tpl) -> do
j <- getJust $ ticketProjectLocalProject tpl
s <- getJust $ projectSharer j
return $ Left (sharerIdent s, projectIdent j)
(\ (Entity _ tcr, _) -> getTcr tcr)
return (ltid, context')
parentCtx' <- bifor parentCtx pure $ \ (uTracker, muProject) -> do
let uProject = fromMaybe uTracker muProject
obj <- withExceptT T.pack $ AP.fetchAP manager $ Left uProject
unless (objId obj == uProject) $
throwE "Project 'id' differs from the URI we fetched"
(uTracker, objUriAuthority uProject, objFollowers obj, objTeam obj)
childDetail <- getWorkItemDetail "Child" child
return (talid, patch, parentLtid, parentCtx', childDetail)
mhttp <- runSiteDBExcept $ do
mractid <- lift $ insertToInbox' now author body (personInbox personRecip) luOffer True
for mractid $ \ (ractid, ibiid) -> do
insertDepOffer ibiid parent child
mremotesHttpFwd <- lift $ for mfwd $ \ (localRecips, sig) -> do
relevantFollowers <- askRelevantFollowers
let sieve =
makeRecipientSet [] $ catMaybes
[ relevantFollowers shrRecip parent
, relevantFollowers shrRecip child
remoteRecips <-
False ractid $
sieve False False localRecips
(sig,) <$> deliverRemoteDB_S (actbBL body) ractid (personIdent personRecip) sig remoteRecips
mremotesHttpAccept <- lift $ for relevantParent $ \ ticketData@(_, _, parentLtid, _, childDetail) -> do
obiidAccept <- insertEmptyOutboxItem (personOutbox personRecip) now
tdid <- insertDep now author ractid parentLtid (widIdent childDetail) obiidAccept
(docAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept) <-
insertAccept luOffer obiidAccept tdid ticketData
knownRemoteRecipsAccept <-
(LocalActorSharer shrRecip)
(personInbox personRecip)
(obiidAccept,docAccept,fwdHostsAccept,) <$> deliverRemoteDB'' fwdHostsAccept obiidAccept remoteRecipsAccept knownRemoteRecipsAccept
return (mremotesHttpFwd, mremotesHttpAccept)
case mhttp of
Nothing -> return "I already have this activity in my inbox, doing nothing"
Just (mremotesHttpFwd, mremotesHttpAccept) -> do
for_ mremotesHttpFwd $ \ (sig, remotes) ->
forkWorker "sharerOfferDepF inbox-forwarding" $
deliverRemoteHTTP_S now shrRecip (actbBL body) sig remotes
for_ mremotesHttpAccept $ \ (obiid, doc, fwdHosts, remotes) ->
forkWorker "sharerOfferDepF Accept HTTP delivery" $
deliverRemoteHttp' fwdHosts obiid doc remotes
return $
case (mremotesHttpAccept, mremotesHttpFwd) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> "Parent not mine, just stored in inbox and no inbox-forwarding to do"
(Nothing, Just _) -> "Parent not mine, just stored in inbox and ran inbox-forwarding"
(Just _, Nothing) -> "Accepted new ticket dep, no inbox-forwarding to do"
(Just _, Just _) -> "Accepted new ticket dep and ran inbox-forwarding of the Offer"
ticketRelevance shr (Left (WorkItemSharerTicket shr' talid patch))
| shr == shr' = Just (talid, patch)
ticketRelevance _ _ = Nothing
insertDepOffer _ (Left _) _ = return ()
insertDepOffer ibiidOffer (Right _) child =
for_ (ticketRelevance shrRecip child) $ \ (talid, patch) -> do
ltid <-
if patch
then do
(_, Entity ltid _, _, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerPatch shrRecip talid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Child" <> ": No such sharer-patch"
return ltid
else do
(_, Entity ltid _, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerTicket shrRecip talid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Child" <> ": No such sharer-ticket"
return ltid
lift $ insert_ TicketDependencyOffer
{ ticketDependencyOfferOffer = ibiidOffer
, ticketDependencyOfferChild = ltid
askRelevantFollowers = do
hashTALID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
return $ \ shr wi -> followers hashTALID <$> ticketRelevance shr wi
followers hashTALID (talid, patch) =
let coll =
if patch
then LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchFollowers
else LocalPersonCollectionSharerTicketFollowers
in coll shrRecip (hashTALID talid)
insertAccept luOffer obiidAccept tdid (talid, patch, _, parentCtx, WorkItemDetail childId childCtx childAuthor) = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
followers <- askFollowers
workItemFollowers <- askWorkItemFollowers
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obikhidAccept <- encodeKeyHashid obiidAccept
tdkhid <- encodeKeyHashid tdid
ra <- getJust $ remoteAuthorId author
let ObjURI hAuthor luAuthor = remoteAuthorURI author
audAuthor =
AudRemote hAuthor [luAuthor] (maybeToList $ remoteActorFollowers ra)
audParentContext = contextAudience parentCtx
audChildContext = contextAudience childCtx
audParent = AudLocal [LocalActorSharer shrRecip] [followers talid patch]
audChildAuthor =
case childAuthor of
Left shr -> AudLocal [LocalActorSharer shr] []
Right (ObjURI h lu) -> AudRemote h [lu] []
audChildFollowers =
case childId of
Left (wi, _ltid) -> AudLocal [] [workItemFollowers wi]
Right (ObjURI h _, luFollowers) -> AudRemote h [] [luFollowers]
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience $
audAuthor :
audParent :
audChildAuthor :
audChildFollowers :
audParentContext ++ audChildContext
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $
SharerOutboxItemR shrRecip obikhidAccept
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ SharerR shrRecip
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject = ObjURI hAuthor luOffer
, acceptResult =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ TicketDepR tdkhid
update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (doc, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
askFollowers = do
hashTALID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
return $ \ talid patch ->
let coll =
if patch
then LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchFollowers
else LocalPersonCollectionSharerTicketFollowers
in coll shrRecip (hashTALID talid)
mkuri (i, ro) = ObjURI (instanceHost i) (remoteObjectIdent ro)
:: MonadIO m
=> UTCTime
-> RemoteAuthor
-> RemoteActivityId
-> LocalTicketId
-> Either (WorkItem, LocalTicketId) (FedURI, LocalURI)
-> OutboxItemId
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m LocalTicketDependencyId
insertDep now author ractidOffer ltidParent child obiidAccept = do
tdid <- insert LocalTicketDependency
{ localTicketDependencyParent = ltidParent
, localTicketDependencyCreated = now
, localTicketDependencyAccept = obiidAccept
case child of
Left (_wi, ltid) -> insert_ TicketDependencyChildLocal
{ ticketDependencyChildLocalDep = tdid
, ticketDependencyChildLocalChild = ltid
Right (ObjURI h lu, _luFollowers) -> do
iid <- either entityKey id <$> insertBy' (Instance h)
roid <- either entityKey id <$> insertBy' (RemoteObject iid lu)
insert_ TicketDependencyChildRemote
{ ticketDependencyChildRemoteDep = tdid
, ticketDependencyChildRemoteChild = roid
insert_ TicketDependencyAuthorRemote
{ ticketDependencyAuthorRemoteDep = tdid
, ticketDependencyAuthorRemoteAuthor = remoteAuthorId author
, ticketDependencyAuthorRemoteOpen = ractidOffer
return tdid
:: UTCTime
-> ShrIdent
-> PrjIdent
-> RemoteAuthor
-> ActivityBody
-> Maybe (LocalRecipientSet, ByteString)
-> LocalURI
-> AP.TicketDependency URIMode
-> FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler (Text, Maybe (ExceptT Text Worker Text))
projectOfferDepF now shrRecip prjRecip author body mfwd luOffer dep uTarget = do
(parent, child) <- checkDepAndTarget dep uTarget
Entity jidRecip projectRecip <- lift $ runDB $ do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
getBy404 $ UniqueProject prjRecip sid
return $ (,) "Ran initial checks, doing the rest asynchronously" $ Just $ do
relevantParent <-
for (ticketRelevance shrRecip prjRecip parent) $ \ parentLtid -> do
parentAuthor <- runSiteDBExcept $ do
(_, _, _, _, _, _, author) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getProjectTicket shrRecip prjRecip parentLtid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Parent" <> ": No such project-ticket"
lift $ getWorkItemAuthorDetail author
childDetail <- getWorkItemDetail "Child" child
return (parentLtid, parentAuthor, childDetail)
mhttp <- runSiteDBExcept $ do
mractid <- lift $ insertToInbox' now author body (projectInbox projectRecip) luOffer False
for mractid $ \ (ractid, ibiid) -> do
insertDepOffer ibiid parent child
mremotesHttpFwd <- lift $ for mfwd $ \ (localRecips, sig) -> do
relevantFollowers <- askRelevantFollowers
let rf = relevantFollowers shrRecip prjRecip
sieve =
makeRecipientSet [] $ catMaybes
[ rf parent
, rf child
remoteRecips <-
False ractid $
sieve False False localRecips
(sig,) <$> deliverRemoteDB_J (actbBL body) ractid jidRecip sig remoteRecips
mremotesHttpAccept <- lift $ for relevantParent $ \ (parentLtid, parentAuthor, childDetail) -> do
obiidAccept <- insertEmptyOutboxItem (projectOutbox projectRecip) now
tdid <- insertDep now author ractid parentLtid (widIdent childDetail) obiidAccept
(docAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept) <-
insertAccept luOffer obiidAccept tdid parentLtid parentAuthor childDetail
knownRemoteRecipsAccept <-
(LocalActorProject shrRecip prjRecip)
(projectInbox projectRecip)
(obiidAccept,docAccept,fwdHostsAccept,) <$> deliverRemoteDB'' fwdHostsAccept obiidAccept remoteRecipsAccept knownRemoteRecipsAccept
return (mremotesHttpFwd, mremotesHttpAccept)
case mhttp of
Nothing -> return "I already have this activity in my inbox, doing nothing"
Just (mremotesHttpFwd, mremotesHttpAccept) -> do
for_ mremotesHttpFwd $ \ (sig, remotes) ->
forkWorker "projectOfferDepF inbox-forwarding" $
deliverRemoteHTTP_J now shrRecip prjRecip (actbBL body) sig remotes
for_ mremotesHttpAccept $ \ (obiid, doc, fwdHosts, remotes) ->
forkWorker "projectOfferDepF Accept HTTP delivery" $
deliverRemoteHttp' fwdHosts obiid doc remotes
return $
case (mremotesHttpAccept, mremotesHttpFwd) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> "Parent not mine, just stored in inbox and no inbox-forwarding to do"
(Nothing, Just _) -> "Parent not mine, just stored in inbox and ran inbox-forwarding"
(Just _, Nothing) -> "Accepted new ticket dep, no inbox-forwarding to do"
(Just _, Just _) -> "Accepted new ticket dep and ran inbox-forwarding of the Offer"
ticketRelevance shr prj (Left (WorkItemProjectTicket shr' prj' ltid))
| shr == shr' && prj == prj' = Just ltid
ticketRelevance _ _ _ = Nothing
insertDepOffer _ (Left _) _ = return ()
insertDepOffer ibiidOffer (Right _) child =
for_ (ticketRelevance shrRecip prjRecip child) $ \ ltid -> do
_ <- do
mticket <- lift $ getProjectTicket shrRecip prjRecip ltid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Child" <> ": No such project-ticket"
lift $ insert_ TicketDependencyOffer
{ ticketDependencyOfferOffer = ibiidOffer
, ticketDependencyOfferChild = ltid
askRelevantFollowers = do
hashLTID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
return $
\ shr prj wi -> followers hashLTID <$> ticketRelevance shr prj wi
followers hashLTID ltid =
shrRecip prjRecip (hashLTID ltid)
insertAccept luOffer obiidAccept tdid ltid parentAuthor (WorkItemDetail childId childCtx childAuthor) = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
followers <- askFollowers
workItemFollowers <- askWorkItemFollowers
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obikhidAccept <- encodeKeyHashid obiidAccept
tdkhid <- encodeKeyHashid tdid
ra <- getJust $ remoteAuthorId author
let ObjURI hAuthor luAuthor = remoteAuthorURI author
audAuthor =
AudRemote hAuthor [luAuthor] (maybeToList $ remoteActorFollowers ra)
audParentContext =
[ LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shrRecip prjRecip
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectFollowers shrRecip prjRecip
audChildContext = contextAudience childCtx
audParentFollowers = AudLocal [] [followers ltid]
audParentAuthor =
case parentAuthor of
Left shr -> AudLocal [LocalActorSharer shr] []
Right (i, ro) ->
AudRemote (instanceHost i) [remoteObjectIdent ro] []
audChildAuthor =
case childAuthor of
Left shr -> AudLocal [LocalActorSharer shr] []
Right (ObjURI h lu) -> AudRemote h [lu] []
audChildFollowers =
case childId of
Left (wi, _ltid) -> AudLocal [] [workItemFollowers wi]
Right (ObjURI h _, luFollowers) -> AudRemote h [] [luFollowers]
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience $
audAuthor :
audParentAuthor : audParentFollowers :
audChildAuthor : audChildFollowers :
audParentContext : audChildContext
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $
ProjectOutboxItemR shrRecip prjRecip obikhidAccept
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectR shrRecip prjRecip
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject = ObjURI hAuthor luOffer
, acceptResult =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ TicketDepR tdkhid
update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (doc, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
askFollowers = do
hashLTID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
return $
\ ltid ->
shrRecip prjRecip (hashLTID ltid)
:: UTCTime
-> ShrIdent
-> RpIdent
-> RemoteAuthor
-> ActivityBody
-> Maybe (LocalRecipientSet, ByteString)
-> LocalURI
-> AP.TicketDependency URIMode
-> FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler (Text, Maybe (ExceptT Text Worker Text))
repoOfferDepF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luOffer dep uTarget = do
(parent, child) <- checkDepAndTarget dep uTarget
Entity ridRecip repoRecip <- lift $ runDB $ do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
getBy404 $ UniqueRepo rpRecip sid
return $ (,) "Ran initial checks, doing the rest asynchronously" $ Just $ do
relevantParent <-
for (ticketRelevance shrRecip rpRecip parent) $ \ parentLtid -> do
parentAuthor <- runSiteDBExcept $ do
(_, _, _, _, _, _, author, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getRepoPatch shrRecip rpRecip parentLtid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Parent" <> ": No such repo-patch"
lift $ getWorkItemAuthorDetail author
childDetail <- getWorkItemDetail "Child" child
return (parentLtid, parentAuthor, childDetail)
mhttp <- runSiteDBExcept $ do
mractid <- lift $ insertToInbox' now author body (repoInbox repoRecip) luOffer False
for mractid $ \ (ractid, ibiid) -> do
insertDepOffer ibiid parent child
mremotesHttpFwd <- lift $ for mfwd $ \ (localRecips, sig) -> do
relevantFollowers <- askRelevantFollowers
let rf = relevantFollowers shrRecip rpRecip
sieve =
makeRecipientSet [] $ catMaybes
[ rf parent
, rf child
remoteRecips <-
False ractid $
sieve False False localRecips
(sig,) <$> deliverRemoteDB_R (actbBL body) ractid ridRecip sig remoteRecips
mremotesHttpAccept <- lift $ for relevantParent $ \ (parentLtid, parentAuthor, childDetail) -> do
obiidAccept <- insertEmptyOutboxItem (repoOutbox repoRecip) now
tdid <- insertDep now author ractid parentLtid (widIdent childDetail) obiidAccept
(docAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept) <-
insertAccept luOffer obiidAccept tdid parentLtid parentAuthor childDetail
knownRemoteRecipsAccept <-
(LocalActorRepo shrRecip rpRecip)
(repoInbox repoRecip)
(obiidAccept,docAccept,fwdHostsAccept,) <$> deliverRemoteDB'' fwdHostsAccept obiidAccept remoteRecipsAccept knownRemoteRecipsAccept
return (mremotesHttpFwd, mremotesHttpAccept)
case mhttp of
Nothing -> return "I already have this activity in my inbox, doing nothing"
Just (mremotesHttpFwd, mremotesHttpAccept) -> do
for_ mremotesHttpFwd $ \ (sig, remotes) ->
forkWorker "repoOfferDepF inbox-forwarding" $
deliverRemoteHTTP_R now shrRecip rpRecip (actbBL body) sig remotes
for_ mremotesHttpAccept $ \ (obiid, doc, fwdHosts, remotes) ->
forkWorker "repoOfferDepF Accept HTTP delivery" $
deliverRemoteHttp' fwdHosts obiid doc remotes
return $
case (mremotesHttpAccept, mremotesHttpFwd) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> "Parent not mine, just stored in inbox and no inbox-forwarding to do"
(Nothing, Just _) -> "Parent not mine, just stored in inbox and ran inbox-forwarding"
(Just _, Nothing) -> "Accepted new ticket dep, no inbox-forwarding to do"
(Just _, Just _) -> "Accepted new ticket dep and ran inbox-forwarding of the Offer"
ticketRelevance shr rp (Left (WorkItemRepoPatch shr' rp' ltid))
| shr == shr' && rp == rp' = Just ltid
ticketRelevance _ _ _ = Nothing
insertDepOffer _ (Left _) _ = return ()
insertDepOffer ibiidOffer (Right _) child =
for_ (ticketRelevance shrRecip rpRecip child) $ \ ltid -> do
_ <- do
mticket <- lift $ getRepoPatch shrRecip rpRecip ltid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Child" <> ": No such repo-patch"
lift $ insert_ TicketDependencyOffer
{ ticketDependencyOfferOffer = ibiidOffer
, ticketDependencyOfferChild = ltid
askRelevantFollowers = do
hashLTID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
return $
\ shr rp wi -> followers hashLTID <$> ticketRelevance shr rp wi
followers hashLTID ltid =
shrRecip rpRecip (hashLTID ltid)
insertAccept luOffer obiidAccept tdid ltid parentAuthor (WorkItemDetail childId childCtx childAuthor) = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
followers <- askFollowers
workItemFollowers <- askWorkItemFollowers
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obikhidAccept <- encodeKeyHashid obiidAccept
tdkhid <- encodeKeyHashid tdid
ra <- getJust $ remoteAuthorId author
let ObjURI hAuthor luAuthor = remoteAuthorURI author
audAuthor =
AudRemote hAuthor [luAuthor] (maybeToList $ remoteActorFollowers ra)
audParentContext =
[ LocalPersonCollectionRepoTeam shrRecip rpRecip
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoFollowers shrRecip rpRecip
audChildContext = contextAudience childCtx
audParentFollowers = AudLocal [] [followers ltid]
audParentAuthor =
case parentAuthor of
Left shr -> AudLocal [LocalActorSharer shr] []
Right (i, ro) ->
AudRemote (instanceHost i) [remoteObjectIdent ro] []
audChildAuthor =
case childAuthor of
Left shr -> AudLocal [LocalActorSharer shr] []
Right (ObjURI h lu) -> AudRemote h [lu] []
audChildFollowers =
case childId of
Left (wi, _ltid) -> AudLocal [] [workItemFollowers wi]
Right (ObjURI h _, luFollowers) -> AudRemote h [] [luFollowers]
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience $
audAuthor :
audParentAuthor : audParentFollowers :
audChildAuthor : audChildFollowers :
audParentContext : audChildContext
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $
RepoOutboxItemR shrRecip rpRecip obikhidAccept
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ RepoR shrRecip rpRecip
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject = ObjURI hAuthor luOffer
, acceptResult =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ TicketDepR tdkhid
update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (doc, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
askFollowers = do
hashLTID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
return $
\ ltid ->
shrRecip rpRecip (hashLTID ltid)
verifyWorkItemExists (WorkItemSharerTicket shr talid False) = do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerTicket shr talid
verifyNothingE mticket $ "Object" <> ": No such sharer-ticket"
verifyWorkItemExists (WorkItemSharerTicket shr talid True) = do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerPatch shr talid
verifyNothingE mticket $ "Object" <> ": No such sharer-patch"
verifyWorkItemExists (WorkItemProjectTicket shr prj ltid) = do
mticket <- lift $ getProjectTicket shr prj ltid
verifyNothingE mticket $ "Object" <> ": No such project-ticket"
verifyWorkItemExists (WorkItemRepoPatch shr rp ltid) = do
mticket <- lift $ getRepoPatch shr rp ltid
verifyNothingE mticket $ "Object" <> ": No such repo-patch"
insertResolve author ltid ractid obiidAccept = do
mtrid <- insertUnique TicketResolve
{ ticketResolveTicket = ltid
, ticketResolveAccept = obiidAccept
for mtrid $ \ trid ->
insertUnique TicketResolveRemote
{ ticketResolveRemoteTicket = trid
, ticketResolveRemoteActivity = ractid
, ticketResolveRemoteActor = remoteAuthorId author
:: UTCTime
-> ShrIdent
-> RemoteAuthor
-> ActivityBody
-> Maybe (LocalRecipientSet, ByteString)
-> LocalURI
-> Resolve URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler Text
sharerResolveF now shrRecip author body mfwd luResolve (Resolve uObject) = do
object <- parseWorkItem "Resolve object" uObject
mmmmhttp <- runDBExcept $ do
personRecip <- lift $ do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
getValBy404 $ UniquePersonIdent sid
mltid <-
case relevantObject object of
Nothing -> do
case object of
Left wi -> verifyWorkItemExists wi
Right _ -> return ()
return Nothing
Just (talid, patch) ->
Just . (talid,patch,) <$> getObjectLtid talid patch
mractid <- lift $ insertToInbox now author body (personInbox personRecip) luResolve True
lift $ for mractid $ \ ractid -> for mltid $ \ (talid, patch, (ltid, tid)) -> do
mremotesHttpFwd <- for mfwd $ \ (localRecips, sig) -> do
hashTALID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
let followers =
let collection =
if patch
then LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchFollowers
else LocalPersonCollectionSharerTicketFollowers
in collection shrRecip $ hashTALID talid
sieve =
[ followers
, LocalPersonCollectionSharerFollowers shrRecip
remoteRecips <-
False ractid $
sieve False False localRecips
(sig,) <$> deliverRemoteDB_S (actbBL body) ractid (personIdent personRecip) sig remoteRecips
obiidAccept <- insertEmptyOutboxItem (personOutbox personRecip) now
mmtrrid <- insertResolve author ltid ractid obiidAccept
case mmtrrid of
Just (Just _) -> update tid [TicketStatus =. TSClosed]
_ -> delete obiidAccept
for mmtrrid $ \ mtrrid -> for mtrrid $ \ trrid -> do
(docAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept) <-
insertAccept luResolve talid patch obiidAccept
knownRemoteRecipsAccept <-
(LocalActorSharer shrRecip)
(personInbox personRecip)
(mremotesHttpFwd,obiidAccept,docAccept,fwdHostsAccept,) <$>
deliverRemoteDB'' fwdHostsAccept obiidAccept remoteRecipsAccept knownRemoteRecipsAccept
case mmmmhttp of
Nothing -> return "I already have this activity in my inbox, doing nothing"
Just mmmhttp ->
case mmmhttp of
Nothing -> return "Object not mine, just stored in inbox"
Just mmhttp ->
case mmhttp of
Nothing -> return "Ticket already resolved"
Just mhttp ->
case mhttp of
Nothing -> return "Activity already resolved a ticket"
Just (mremotesHttpFwd, obiid, doc, fwdHosts, recips) -> do
for_ mremotesHttpFwd $ \ (sig, remotes) ->
forkWorker "sharerResolveF inbox-forwarding" $
deliverRemoteHTTP_S now shrRecip (actbBL body) sig remotes
forkWorker "sharerResolveF Accept HTTP delivery" $
deliverRemoteHttp' fwdHosts obiid doc recips
return $
if isJust mremotesHttpFwd
then "Ticket is mine, now resolved, did inbox-forwarding"
else "Ticket is mine, now resolved, no inbox-forwarding to do"
relevantObject (Left (WorkItemSharerTicket shr talid patch))
| shr == shrRecip = Just (talid, patch)
relevantObject _ = Nothing
getObjectLtid talid True = do
(_, Entity ltid _, Entity tid _, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerPatch shrRecip talid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Object" <> ": No such sharer-patch"
return (ltid, tid)
getObjectLtid talid False = do
(_, Entity ltid _, Entity tid _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerTicket shrRecip talid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Object" <> ": No such sharer-ticket"
return (ltid, tid)
insertAccept luResolve talid patch obiidAccept = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obikhidAccept <- encodeKeyHashid obiidAccept
talkhid <- encodeKeyHashid talid
ra <- getJust $ remoteAuthorId author
let ObjURI hAuthor luAuthor = remoteAuthorURI author
audAuthor =
AudRemote hAuthor [luAuthor] (maybeToList $ remoteActorFollowers ra)
audTicket =
let followers =
if patch
then LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchFollowers
else LocalPersonCollectionSharerTicketFollowers
in AudLocal [] [followers shrRecip talkhid]
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience [audAuthor, audTicket]
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $
SharerOutboxItemR shrRecip obikhidAccept
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ SharerR shrRecip
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject = ObjURI hAuthor luResolve
, acceptResult = Nothing
update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (doc, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
:: UTCTime
-> ShrIdent
-> PrjIdent
-> RemoteAuthor
-> ActivityBody
-> Maybe (LocalRecipientSet, ByteString)
-> LocalURI
-> Resolve URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler Text
projectResolveF now shrRecip prjRecip author body mfwd luResolve (Resolve uObject) = do
object <- parseWorkItem "Resolve object" uObject
mmmmhttp <- runDBExcept $ do
Entity jidRecip projectRecip <- lift $ do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
getBy404 $ UniqueProject prjRecip sid
mltid <-
case relevantObject object of
Nothing -> do
case object of
Left wi -> verifyWorkItemExists wi
Right _ -> return ()
return Nothing
Just ltid -> Just . (ltid,) <$> getObjectLtid ltid
mractid <- lift $ insertToInbox now author body (projectInbox projectRecip) luResolve False
lift $ for mractid $ \ ractid -> for mltid $ \ (ltid, tid) -> do
mremotesHttpFwd <- for mfwd $ \ (localRecips, sig) -> do
ltkhid <- encodeKeyHashid ltid
let sieve =
[ LocalPersonCollectionProjectTicketFollowers shrRecip prjRecip ltkhid
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shrRecip prjRecip
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectFollowers shrRecip prjRecip
remoteRecips <-
False ractid $
sieve False False localRecips
(sig,) <$> deliverRemoteDB_J (actbBL body) ractid jidRecip sig remoteRecips
obiidAccept <- insertEmptyOutboxItem (projectOutbox projectRecip) now
mmtrrid <- insertResolve author ltid ractid obiidAccept
case mmtrrid of
Just (Just _) -> update tid [TicketStatus =. TSClosed]
_ -> delete obiidAccept
for mmtrrid $ \ mtrrid -> for mtrrid $ \ trrid -> do
(docAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept) <-
insertAccept luResolve ltid obiidAccept
knownRemoteRecipsAccept <-
(LocalActorProject shrRecip prjRecip)
(projectInbox projectRecip)
(mremotesHttpFwd,obiidAccept,docAccept,fwdHostsAccept,) <$>
deliverRemoteDB'' fwdHostsAccept obiidAccept remoteRecipsAccept knownRemoteRecipsAccept
case mmmmhttp of
Nothing -> return "I already have this activity in my inbox, doing nothing"
Just mmmhttp ->
case mmmhttp of
Nothing -> return "Object not mine, just stored in inbox"
Just mmhttp ->
case mmhttp of
Nothing -> return "Ticket already resolved"
Just mhttp ->
case mhttp of
Nothing -> return "Activity already resolved a ticket"
Just (mremotesHttpFwd, obiid, doc, fwdHosts, recips) -> do
for_ mremotesHttpFwd $ \ (sig, remotes) ->
forkWorker "projectResolveF inbox-forwarding" $
deliverRemoteHTTP_J now shrRecip prjRecip (actbBL body) sig remotes
forkWorker "projectResolveF Accept HTTP delivery" $
deliverRemoteHttp' fwdHosts obiid doc recips
return $
if isJust mremotesHttpFwd
then "Ticket is mine, now resolved, did inbox-forwarding"
else "Ticket is mine, now resolved, no inbox-forwarding to do"
relevantObject (Left (WorkItemProjectTicket shr prj ltid))
| shr == shrRecip && prj == prjRecip = Just ltid
relevantObject _ = Nothing
getObjectLtid ltid = do
(_, _, Entity tid _, _, _, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getProjectTicket shrRecip prjRecip ltid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Object" <> ": No such project-ticket"
return tid
insertAccept luResolve ltid obiidAccept = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obikhidAccept <- encodeKeyHashid obiidAccept
ltkhid <- encodeKeyHashid ltid
ra <- getJust $ remoteAuthorId author
let ObjURI hAuthor luAuthor = remoteAuthorURI author
audAuthor =
AudRemote hAuthor [luAuthor] (maybeToList $ remoteActorFollowers ra)
audTicket =
[ LocalPersonCollectionProjectTicketFollowers shrRecip prjRecip ltkhid
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shrRecip prjRecip
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectFollowers shrRecip prjRecip
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience [audAuthor, audTicket]
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $
ProjectOutboxItemR shrRecip prjRecip obikhidAccept
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectR shrRecip prjRecip
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject = ObjURI hAuthor luResolve
, acceptResult = Nothing
update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (doc, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
:: UTCTime
-> ShrIdent
-> RpIdent
-> RemoteAuthor
-> ActivityBody
-> Maybe (LocalRecipientSet, ByteString)
-> LocalURI
-> Resolve URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler Text
repoResolveF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luResolve (Resolve uObject) = do
object <- parseWorkItem "Resolve object" uObject
mmmmhttp <- runDBExcept $ do
Entity ridRecip repoRecip <- lift $ do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
getBy404 $ UniqueRepo rpRecip sid
mltid <-
case relevantObject object of
Nothing -> do
case object of
Left wi -> verifyWorkItemExists wi
Right _ -> return ()
return Nothing
Just ltid -> Just . (ltid,) <$> getObjectLtid ltid
mractid <- lift $ insertToInbox now author body (repoInbox repoRecip) luResolve False
lift $ for mractid $ \ ractid -> for mltid $ \ (ltid, tid) -> do
mremotesHttpFwd <- for mfwd $ \ (localRecips, sig) -> do
ltkhid <- encodeKeyHashid ltid
let sieve =
[ LocalPersonCollectionRepoPatchFollowers shrRecip rpRecip ltkhid
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoTeam shrRecip rpRecip
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoFollowers shrRecip rpRecip
remoteRecips <-
False ractid $
sieve False False localRecips
(sig,) <$> deliverRemoteDB_R (actbBL body) ractid ridRecip sig remoteRecips
obiidAccept <- insertEmptyOutboxItem (repoOutbox repoRecip) now
mmtrrid <- insertResolve author ltid ractid obiidAccept
case mmtrrid of
Just (Just _) -> update tid [TicketStatus =. TSClosed]
_ -> delete obiidAccept
for mmtrrid $ \ mtrrid -> for mtrrid $ \ trrid -> do
(docAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept) <-
insertAccept luResolve ltid obiidAccept
knownRemoteRecipsAccept <-
(LocalActorRepo shrRecip rpRecip)
(repoInbox repoRecip)
(mremotesHttpFwd,obiidAccept,docAccept,fwdHostsAccept,) <$>
deliverRemoteDB'' fwdHostsAccept obiidAccept remoteRecipsAccept knownRemoteRecipsAccept
case mmmmhttp of
Nothing -> return "I already have this activity in my inbox, doing nothing"
Just mmmhttp ->
case mmmhttp of
Nothing -> return "Object not mine, just stored in inbox"
Just mmhttp ->
case mmhttp of
Nothing -> return "Ticket already resolved"
Just mhttp ->
case mhttp of
Nothing -> return "Activity already resolved a ticket"
Just (mremotesHttpFwd, obiid, doc, fwdHosts, recips) -> do
for_ mremotesHttpFwd $ \ (sig, remotes) ->
forkWorker "repoResolveF inbox-forwarding" $
deliverRemoteHTTP_R now shrRecip rpRecip (actbBL body) sig remotes
forkWorker "repoResolveF Accept HTTP delivery" $
deliverRemoteHttp' fwdHosts obiid doc recips
return $
if isJust mremotesHttpFwd
then "Ticket is mine, now resolved, did inbox-forwarding"
else "Ticket is mine, now resolved, no inbox-forwarding to do"
relevantObject (Left (WorkItemRepoPatch shr rp ltid))
| shr == shrRecip && rp == rpRecip = Just ltid
relevantObject _ = Nothing
getObjectLtid ltid = do
(_, _, Entity tid _, _, _, _, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getRepoPatch shrRecip rpRecip ltid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Object" <> ": No such repo-patch"
return tid
insertAccept luResolve ltid obiidAccept = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obikhidAccept <- encodeKeyHashid obiidAccept
ltkhid <- encodeKeyHashid ltid
ra <- getJust $ remoteAuthorId author
let ObjURI hAuthor luAuthor = remoteAuthorURI author
audAuthor =
AudRemote hAuthor [luAuthor] (maybeToList $ remoteActorFollowers ra)
audTicket =
[ LocalPersonCollectionRepoPatchFollowers shrRecip rpRecip ltkhid
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoTeam shrRecip rpRecip
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoFollowers shrRecip rpRecip
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience [audAuthor, audTicket]
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $
RepoOutboxItemR shrRecip rpRecip obikhidAccept
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ RepoR shrRecip rpRecip
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject = ObjURI hAuthor luResolve
, acceptResult = Nothing
update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (doc, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)