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mirror of https://code.sup39.dev/repos/Wqawg synced 2025-03-20 04:46:22 +09:00
2016-05-17 20:34:22 +00:00

345 lines
9.6 KiB

{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2016 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
-- We use the ByteString based Attoparsec and not the Text based one because we
-- need to create a hash of the patch info. If we use the Text one, Attoparsec
-- decodes the text, hopefully as UTF-8, and then we need to encode again to
-- ByteString for the hashing. This is dangerous because if the encoding
-- doesn't result with the exact original text, we'll have the wrong hash. To
-- make sure it's exactly the right content, we use ByteString first and then
-- later decode to Text.
module Darcs.Local.Inventory.Parser
( latestInventoryPristineP
, latestInventorySizeP
, latestInventoryPrevSizeP
, latestInventoryPageP
, latestInventoryAllP
, earlyInventorySizeP
, earlyInventoryPrevSizeP
, earlyInventoryPageP
, earlyInventoryAllP
import Prelude hiding (take, takeWhile)
import Control.Applicative (many, optional, liftA2)
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad (replicateM_)
import Crypto.Hash
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
import Data.ByteArray (convert)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Time.Calendar (fromGregorianValid)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (..), secondsToDiffTime)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lex.Integral as BX
import Control.Applicative.Local
import Darcs.Local.Hash.Types
import Darcs.Local.Inventory.Types
import Darcs.Local.Patch
import Darcs.Local.Patch.Types
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Local
import Data.ByteString.Local (stripPrefix)
import Data.Text.UTF8.Local (decodeStrict)
lf :: Word8
lf = 10
space :: Word8
space = 32
star :: Word8
star = 42
dash :: Word8
dash = 45
zero :: Word8
zero = 48
nine :: Word8
nine = 57
sqrOpen :: Word8
sqrOpen = 91
--sqrClose :: Word8
--sqrClose = 93
digit :: Parser Word8
digit = satisfy $ \ w -> zero <= w && w <= nine
digitP :: Num a => Parser a
digitP = fmap (\ c -> fromIntegral $ c - zero) digit
decimal2P :: Num a => Parser a
decimal2P =
(\ h l -> 10 * h + l) <$>
digitP <*>
decimal4P :: Num a => Parser a
decimal4P =
(\ hh h l ll -> 10 * (10 * (10 * hh + h) + l) + ll) <$>
digitP <*>
digitP <*>
digitP <*>
patchTimeP :: Parser UTCTime
patchTimeP = do
year <- decimal4P
month <- decimal2P
day <- decimal2P
hours <- decimal2P
minutes <- decimal2P
seconds <- decimal2P
case fromGregorianValid year month day of
Nothing -> fail "Invalid patch date"
Just uday -> return UTCTime
{ utctDay = uday
, utctDayTime =
secondsToDiffTime $ 3600 * hours + 60 * minutes + seconds
line :: Parser ByteString
line = restOfLine
restOfLine :: Parser ByteString
restOfLine = takeWhile (/= lf)
eol :: Parser ()
eol = skip (== lf)
skipLine :: Parser ()
skipLine = skipWhile (/= lf)
skipRestOfLine :: Parser ()
skipRestOfLine = skipLine
skipPatchP :: Parser ()
skipPatchP =
-- title
skipLine *> eol *>
-- author, inverted, time
skipLine *> eol *>
-- ignore, description
(skipMany $ skip (== space) *> skipRestOfLine *> eol) *>
-- end of info
(string "] \n") *>
-- hash
sha256P :: Parser ByteString
sha256P = do
bs <- take 64
case second B.null $ B16.decode bs of
(h, True) -> return h
_ -> fail "SHA256 decoding from hex failed"
sizeP :: Parser Int
sizeP = do
bs <- take 10
case second B.null <$> BX.readDecimal bs of
Just (n, True) -> return n
_ -> fail "sizeP failed"
sizeSha256P :: Parser (Int, ByteString)
sizeSha256P = liftA2 (,) sizeP (skip (== dash) *> sha256P)
pristineP :: Parser PristineHash
pristineP = string "pristine:" *> (PristineHash <$> sha256P)
prevInvP :: Parser InventoryHash
prevInvP =
string "Starting with inventory" *> eol *>
(uncurry InventoryHash <$> sizeSha256P)
patchInfoRawP :: Parser PatchInfoRaw
patchInfoRawP = do
word8 sqrOpen
title <- takeWhile1 (/= lf)
author <- takeWhile1 (/= star)
word8 star
inverted <- (/= star) <$> (satisfy $ \ c -> c == star || c == dash)
(timeRaw, time) <- match patchTimeP
word8 space
junkp <- string "Ignore-this: "
junkc <- takeWhile1 (/= lf)
lines <- many $ word8 space *> takeWhile (/= lf) <* eol
string "] \nhash: "
hash <- sizeSha256P
return PatchInfoRaw
{ pirAuthor = author
, pirHash = hash
, pirTitle = title
, pirDescription = lines
, pirJunkPrefix = junkp
, pirJunkContent = junkc
, pirTime = (timeRaw, time)
, pirInverted = inverted
-- * Finish DarcsRev code, make it build
-- * Update darcs change view code to work correctly in the case of previous
-- inventories, test vervis against libravatar for that
-- | Parse patch metadata and compute the metadata's hash, which can be used as
-- a patch identifier for lookup and matching.
patchInfoP :: Parser (PatchInfo, PatchHash)
patchInfoP = do
pir <- patchInfoRawP
return (refinePatchInfo pir, PatchHash $ convert $ hashPatchInfo SHA1 pir)
tagInfoP :: Parser (TagInfo, PatchHash)
tagInfoP = do
(pi, ph) <- patchInfoP
case patchToTag pi of
Nothing -> fail "Expected a tag, got a patch that isn't a tag"
Just ti -> return (ti, ph)
-- Latest inventory
latestInventoryPristineP :: Parser PristineHash
latestInventoryPristineP = pristineP
latestInventorySizeP :: Parser Int
latestInventorySizeP =
-- pristine hash
skipLine *>
-- previous inventory
( eol *> string "Starting" *> skipRestOfLine *>
eol *> skipLine
) *>
-- patch info
(length <$> many (eol *> skipPatchP)) <*
latestInventoryPrevSizeP :: Parser (Maybe InventoryHash, Int)
latestInventoryPrevSizeP =
liftA2 (,)
( -- pristine hash
skipLine *>
-- previous inventory
optional (eol *> prevInvP)
( -- patch info
(length <$> many (eol *> skipPatchP)) <*
:: Int -> Int -> Parser (Maybe InventoryHash, [(PatchInfo, PatchHash)])
latestInventoryPageP off lim =
let f mPrevTag pis =
case mPrevTag of
Nothing -> (Nothing, pis)
Just (ih, pi) -> (Just ih, pi : pis)
in liftA2 f
-- pristine
( skipLine *>
-- previous inventory and clean tag
optional (liftA2 (,) (eol *> prevInvP) (eol *> patchInfoP)) <*
-- skip offset
replicateM_ off (eol *> skipPatchP)
-- take limit
(atMost lim $ eol *> patchInfoP)
latestInventoryAllP :: Parser LatestInventory
latestInventoryAllP = LatestInventory
<$> pristineP
<*> optional (liftA2 (,) (eol *> prevInvP) (eol *> tagInfoP))
<*> many (eol *> patchInfoP)
<* eol
-- Early inventory
earlyInventorySizeP :: Parser Int
earlyInventorySizeP =
-- previous inventory
( string "Starting" *> skipRestOfLine *>
eol *> skipLine
) *>
-- patch info
(length <$> many (eol *> skipPatchP)) <*
earlyInventoryPrevSizeP :: Parser (Maybe InventoryHash, Int)
earlyInventoryPrevSizeP =
liftA2 (,)
-- previous inventory
(optional $ prevInvP <* eol)
-- patch info
(length <$> many (skipPatchP *> eol))
:: Int -> Int -> Parser (Maybe InventoryHash, [(PatchInfo, PatchHash)])
earlyInventoryPageP off lim =
let f mPrevTag pis =
case mPrevTag of
Nothing -> (Nothing, pis)
Just (ih, pi) -> (Just ih, pi : pis)
in liftA2 f
-- previous inventory and clean tag
( optional (liftA2 (,) (prevInvP <* eol) (patchInfoP <* eol)) <*
-- skip offset
replicateM_ off (skipPatchP *> eol)
-- take limit
(atMost lim $ patchInfoP <* eol)
earlyInventoryAllP :: Parser (Either EarliestInventory MiddleInventory)
earlyInventoryAllP =
let f Nothing pis = Left $ EarliestInventory pis
f (Just (prev, ti)) pis = Right $ MiddleInventory prev ti pis
in liftA2 f
(optional $ liftA2 (,) (prevInvP <* eol) (tagInfoP <* eol))
(many (patchInfoP <* eol))
patchInfosOffsetP :: Int -> Parser PatchSeq
patchInfosOffsetP off = PatchSeq
<$> pristineP
<*> optional (eol *> prevInvP)
<*> ( replicateM_ off (eol *> skipPatchP) *>
many (eol *> patchInfoP)
<* eol
patchInfosLimitP :: Int -> Parser PatchSeq
patchInfosLimitP lim = PatchSeq
<$> pristineP
<*> optional (eol *> prevInvP)
<*> atMost lim (eol *> patchInfoP)