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{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2016 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
-- | SQL schema backend specifying SQL statements for manipulating a SQL
-- database's table schema.
module Database.Persist.Schema.Sql
( TableName (..)
, ColumnName (..)
, ConstraintName (..)
, Column (..)
, SchemaBackend (..)
import Prelude
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ask)
import Data.Char (isUpper, toLower)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.Persist.Sql (Sql, SqlBackend, rawExecute)
import Database.Persist.Types (SqlType)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Database.Persist.Schema
newtype TableName = TableName { unTableName :: Text }
newtype ColumnName = ColumnName { unColumnName :: Text }
newtype ConstraintName = ConstraintName { unConstraintName :: Text }
data Column = Column
{ colName :: ColumnName
, colType :: SqlType
, colNull :: MaybeNull
exec :: MonadIO m => Sql -> SchemaT SqlBackend m ()
exec t = lift $ rawExecute t []
camelWords :: Text -> [Text]
camelWords ident =
let low = toLower
slow = T.singleton . toLower
go c t l =
let (x, y) = T.break isUpper t
in case (T.null x, T.uncons y) of
(True, Nothing) -> slow c : l
(True, Just (d, r)) -> go d r $ slow c : l
(False, Nothing) -> (low c `T.cons` x) : l
(False, Just (d, r)) -> go d r $ (low c `T.cons` x) : l
(a, b) = T.break isUpper ident
in reverse $ case (T.null a, T.uncons b) of
(True, Nothing) -> []
(True, Just (c, r)) -> go c r []
(False, Nothing) -> [a]
(False, Just (c, r)) -> go c r [a]
dbname :: Text -> Text
dbname = T.intercalate (T.singleton '_') . camelWords
entity2table :: EntityName -> TableName
entity2table (EntityName t) = TableName $ dbname t
field2column :: FieldName -> ColumnName
field2column (FieldName t) = ColumnName $ dbname t
unique2constraint :: UniqueName -> ConstraintName
unique2constraint (UniqueName t) = ConstraintName $ dbname t
type2sql :: SchemaBackend SqlBackend -> FieldType -> SqlType
type2sql _ (FTPrim t) = t
type2sql ssb FTRef = ssbRefType ssb
mkcolumn :: SchemaBackend SqlBackend -> Field -> Column
mkcolumn ssb (Field name typ mnull) = Column
{ colName = field2column name
, colType = type2sql ssb typ
, colNull = mnull
instance PersistSchema SqlBackend where
data SchemaBackend SqlBackend = SqlSchemaBackend
{ ssbRefType :: SqlType
, ssbCreateTable :: TableName -> [Column] -> Sql
, ssbRenameTable :: TableName -> TableName -> Sql
, ssbDropTable :: TableName -> Sql
, ssbAddColumn :: TableName -> Column -> Maybe Text -> Sql
, ssbRenameColumn :: TableName -> ColumnName -> ColumnName -> Sql
, ssbRetypeColumn :: TableName -> ColumnName -> SqlType -> Sql
, ssbRenullColumn :: TableName -> ColumnName -> MaybeNull -> Sql
, ssbUnnullColumn :: TableName -> ColumnName -> Text -> Sql
, ssbDefColumn :: TableName -> ColumnName -> Text -> Sql
, ssbUndefColumn :: TableName -> ColumnName -> Sql
, ssbDropColumn :: TableName -> ColumnName -> Sql
, ssbAddUnique
:: TableName -> ConstraintName -> [ColumnName] -> Sql
, ssbAddForeignKey
:: TableName -> ConstraintName -> ColumnName -> TableName -> Sql
, ssbRenameConstraint
:: TableName -> ConstraintName -> ConstraintName -> Sql
, ssbDropConstraint :: TableName -> ConstraintName -> Sql
addEntity (Entity name fields uniques) = do
ssb <- ask
exec $
ssbCreateTable ssb (entity2table name) (map (mkcolumn ssb) fields)
traverse_ (addUnique name) uniques
removeEntity name = do
ssb <- ask
exec $ ssbDropTable ssb $ entity2table name
addField ent (Field name typ mnull) mdef = do
ssb <- ask
exec $
ssbAddColumn ssb
(entity2table ent)
(Column (field2column name) (type2sql ssb typ) mnull)
when (isJust mdef) $
exec $
ssbUndefColumn ssb (entity2table ent) (field2column name)
renameField entity old new = do
ssb <- ask
exec $
ssbRenameColumn ssb
(entity2table entity)
(field2column old)
(field2column new)
removeField entity field = do
ssb <- ask
exec $ ssbDropColumn ssb (entity2table entity) (field2column field)
addUnique entity (Unique name fields) = do
ssb <- ask
exec $
ssbAddUnique ssb
(entity2table entity)
(unique2constraint name)
(map field2column fields)
renameUnique entity old new = do
ssb <- ask
exec $
ssbRenameConstraint ssb
(entity2table entity)
(unique2constraint old)
(unique2constraint new)
removeUnique entity name = do
ssb <- ask
exec $
ssbDropConstraint ssb
(entity2table entity)
(unique2constraint name)