sup39 created pull request sup39/firefish#13 2024-01-23 12:01:05 +09:00
refactor: move misc/count-same-renotes.ts to backend-rs
sup39 created branch refactor/rs/count-same-renotes in sup39/firefish 2024-01-23 11:57:05 +09:00
sup39 pushed to refactor/rs/count-same-renotes at sup39/firefish 2024-01-23 11:57:05 +09:00
07b5e90887 refactor: move misc/count-same-renotes.ts to backend-rs
sup39 pushed to refactor/rs/fetch-meta at sup39/firefish 2024-01-23 09:54:13 +09:00
145cba9ae5 refactor: update meta cache only on update
sup39 created pull request sup39/firefish#12 2024-01-23 09:31:48 +09:00
refactor: move misc/fetch-meta.ts to backend-rs (partially)
sup39 deleted branch playground from sup39/firefish 2024-01-23 09:28:59 +09:00
sup39 created branch refactor/rs/fetch-meta in sup39/firefish 2024-01-23 09:28:40 +09:00
sup39 pushed to refactor/rs/fetch-meta at sup39/firefish 2024-01-23 09:28:40 +09:00
58791e6e55 refactor: move misc/fetch-meta.ts to backend-rs (partially)
sup39 created pull request sup39/firefish#11 2024-01-23 07:30:06 +09:00
feat: auto load MkCode syntax highlight
sup39 created branch feat/autoload-prism-lang in sup39/firefish 2024-01-23 07:19:38 +09:00
sup39 pushed to feat/autoload-prism-lang at sup39/firefish 2024-01-23 07:19:38 +09:00
7d48607d74 feat: auto load MkCode syntax highlight
sup39 deleted branch refactor/rename-meta-columns from sup39/firefish 2024-01-23 05:18:54 +09:00
sup39 merged pull request sup39/firefish#10 2024-01-23 05:17:59 +09:00
refactor: rename meta columns
sup39 pushed to main at sup39/firefish 2024-01-23 05:17:51 +09:00
1fca25a8b2 refactor: rename meta columns
sup39 created pull request sup39/firefish#10 2024-01-23 05:17:30 +09:00
refactor: rename meta columns
sup39 opened issue sup39/firefish#9 2024-01-23 04:03:44 +09:00
sup39 pushed to refactor/rename-meta-columns at sup39/firefish 2024-01-23 03:54:10 +09:00
543b15f856 refactor: rename meta columns
sup39 pushed to main at sup39/firefish 2024-01-23 03:42:20 +09:00
e98b8fc2eb chore: stop formatting neko/index.js
e70a056f67 chore: upgrade pnpm
c035c368c7 refactor: stop importing stuff from firefish-js/built
f1e1f9e5b0 refactor: stop importing stuff from backend-rs/built
631a1d1d8e dev: build backend-rs and firefish-js at first
Compare 33 commits »
sup39 created branch refactor/rename-meta-columns in sup39/firefish 2024-01-23 03:41:39 +09:00
sup39 pushed to refactor/rename-meta-columns at sup39/firefish 2024-01-23 03:41:39 +09:00
22ca9a1146 refactor: rename meta columns
e98b8fc2eb chore: stop formatting neko/index.js
e70a056f67 chore: upgrade pnpm
c035c368c7 refactor: stop importing stuff from firefish-js/built
f1e1f9e5b0 refactor: stop importing stuff from backend-rs/built
Compare 10 commits »