/* eslint-disable react/prop-types */ import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import './RoomViewFloating.scss'; import initMatrix from '../../../client/initMatrix'; import cons from '../../../client/state/cons'; import Text from '../../atoms/text/Text'; import Button from '../../atoms/button/Button'; import IconButton from '../../atoms/button/IconButton'; import ChevronBottomIC from '../../../../public/res/ic/outlined/chevron-bottom.svg'; import CrossIC from '../../../../public/res/ic/outlined/cross.svg'; import { getUsersActionJsx } from './common'; function useJumpToEvent(roomTimeline) { const [eventId, setEventId] = useState(null); const jumpToEvent = () => { roomTimeline.loadEventTimeline(eventId); setEventId(null); }; const cancelJumpToEvent = () => { setEventId(null); roomTimeline.markAsRead(); }; // TODO: if user reaches the unread messages with other ways // like by paginating, or loading timeline for that event by other ways ex: clicking on reply. // then setEventId(null); useEffect(() => { const readEventId = roomTimeline.getReadUpToEventId(); // we only show "Jump to unread" btn only if the event is not in live timeline. // if event is in live timeline // we will automatically open the timeline from that event if (!roomTimeline.hasEventInLiveTimeline(readEventId)) { setEventId(readEventId); } return () => { setEventId(null); }; }, [roomTimeline]); return [!!eventId, jumpToEvent, cancelJumpToEvent]; } function useTypingMembers(roomTimeline) { const [typingMembers, setTypingMembers] = useState(new Set()); const updateTyping = (members) => { const mx = initMatrix.matrixClient; members.delete(mx.getUserId()); setTypingMembers(members); }; useEffect(() => { setTypingMembers(new Set()); roomTimeline.on(cons.events.roomTimeline.TYPING_MEMBERS_UPDATED, updateTyping); return () => { roomTimeline?.removeListener(cons.events.roomTimeline.TYPING_MEMBERS_UPDATED, updateTyping); }; }, [roomTimeline]); return [typingMembers]; } function useScrollToBottom(roomId, viewEvent) { const [isAtBottom, setIsAtBottom] = useState(true); const handleAtBottom = (atBottom) => setIsAtBottom(atBottom); useEffect(() => { setIsAtBottom(true); viewEvent.on('at-bottom', handleAtBottom); return () => viewEvent.removeListener('at-bottom', handleAtBottom); }, [roomId]); return [isAtBottom, setIsAtBottom]; } function RoomViewFloating({ roomId, roomTimeline, viewEvent, }) { const [isJumpToEvent, jumpToEvent, cancelJumpToEvent] = useJumpToEvent(roomTimeline, viewEvent); const [typingMembers] = useTypingMembers(roomTimeline); const [isAtBottom, setIsAtBottom] = useScrollToBottom(roomId, viewEvent); const handleScrollToBottom = () => { viewEvent.emit('scroll-to-live'); setIsAtBottom(true); }; return ( <>