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A WebSocket client API library to access memory of emulated games in Dolphin.
This library is meant to be used with supDolphinWS-server
Installation (for Browser)
Add the following line to your HTML file
<script src="https://cdn.sup39.dev/js/supDolphinWS@0.1.0/index.min.js"></script>
async function main() {
* Connect to supDolphinWS server
* You can also specify the URL to the supDolphinWS server
* The default URL is 'ws://localhost:35353'
* Example:
* > const dolphin = await Dolphin('ws://localhost:35354');
const dolphin = await Dolphin();
// expose it as global variable for debug purpose
window.dolphin = dolphin;
// symbol map // TODO check version + load from csv
const S = {
gpMarioOriginal: 0x8040A378,
gpMarDirector: 0x8040A2A8,
// expose it as global variable for debug purpose
window.S = S;
* Read memory
* > readRAM(addr: number|number[], size: number): Promise<DataView>
* The `addr` argument can be a number array to represent pointer+offsets
* The value of the returned Promise is a DataView object of the content in RAM
* The DataView will have size 0 if the address is not valid
// read the pointer to Mario's instance
const dvMario = await dolphin.readRAM(S.gpMarioOriginal, 4);
console.log('gpMarioOriginal:', dvMario.getUint32(0).toString(16).toUpperCase());
// read Mario's position (x, y, z)
const dvMPos = await dolphin.readRAM([S.gpMarioOriginal, 0x10], 12);
if (dvMPos.byteLength > 0) {
const x = dvMPos.getFloat32(0);
const y = dvMPos.getFloat32(4);
const z = dvMPos.getFloat32(8);
console.log(`Mario's position: ${x} ${y} ${z}`);
} else {
console.log(`Cannot get Mario's position`);
* Write memory
* > writeRAM(addr: number|number[], value: string|ArrayBufferLike): Promise<DataView>
* The `addr` argument can be a number array to represent pointer+offsets
* The `value` argument can be a hex string or an ArrayBufferLike (including Uint8Array etc.)
* The value of the returned Promise is a DataView object of the written 32-bit address
* The DataView will have size 0 if the address is not valid
// read current global QF
const dvGlobalQF = await dolphin.readRAM([S.gpMarDirector, 0x5C], 4);
// write current global QF to QFT freeze time
await dolphin.writeRAM(0x817F00B8, dvGlobalQF.buffer);
// set QFT freeze duration to 45 frame
const dvFreezeDur = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(4));
dvFreezeDur.setUint32(0, 45); // setUint32(offset, value)
await dolphin.writeRAM(0x817F00BC, dvFreezeDur.buffer);
// You can also pass hex string as `value` argument
// await dolphin.write(0x817F00BC, '0000002D');
* Hook Dolphin
* > hook()
* If you restart Dolphin, you will need to call this function to reinitialize the shared memory of Dolphin
* You can also simply just ask your user to refresh the page though
await dolphin.hook();